View Full Version : Waarom zouden Moslims iets tegen Joden hebben

1 december 2007, 21:01
Dankzij hun zijn ze Spanje binnengekomen:

March 712

In Toledo, while Christians were praying for deliverance from the Moslems on Palm Sunday, the Jews opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik. This marked the end of the Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of one hundred and fifty years of peace. Thus began a golden age in which for the most part Jews were able to study what they wanted. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture, while it was at the same time being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.

http://www.wzo.org.il/en/resources/view.asp?id=268 (http://www.wzo.org.il/en/resources/view.asp?id=268)