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Bach 28 mei 2022 08:40

Biden regime foreign policy speech mbt China
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Essentiële dissectie van de racistische Anti China speech van het Biden regime bij monde van Blinken door Berletec. Berletec is ex marine van de VS en mijns inziens een van de helderste geopolitieke analisten nog niet weg gecensureerd van YouTube:


cato 28 mei 2022 15:21


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach (Bericht 9967599)
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Essentiële dissectie van de racistische Anti China speech van het Biden regime bij monde van Blinken door Berletec. Berletec is ex marine van de VS en mijns inziens een van de helderste geopolitieke analisten nog niet weg gecensureerd van YouTube:


Misschien niet zo handig , maar Biden meent wat hij zegt.
Amerika zal niet tolereren dan China Taiwan gaat bezetten, zoals Rusland met Oekraïne doet

Trump was met zijn "Amerika first "al begonnen met een drastische verandering in de China politiek van de VS.
In eerste instantie wilde Europa niet zo maar daarin meegaan.
Na de oorlog van Poetin en het onder een hoedje spelen van China met Rusland,
zal het hele Westen de koers van Amerika gaan volgen.
Het Westen is met de feiten op de neus gedrukt en weet nu hoe afhankelijk ze zijn van schurkenstaten.
Daarom zal de nieuwe eenheid van de NAVO en van de EU ook leiden tot een grotere economische onafhankelijkheid en op den duur tot energie onafhankelijkheid.

Bach 28 mei 2022 15:42


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door cato (Bericht 9967811)
Misschien niet zo handig , maar Biden meent wat hij zegt.
Amerika zal niet tolereren dan China Taiwan gaat bezetten, zoals Rusland met Oekraïne doet

Trump was met zijn "Amerika first "al begonnen met een drastische verandering in de China politiek van de VS.
In eerste instantie wilde Europa niet zo maar daarin meegaan.
Na de oorlog van Poetin en het onder een hoedje spelen van China met Rusland,
zal het hele Westen de koers van Amerika gaan volgen.
Het Westen is met de feiten op de neus gedrukt en weet nu hoe afhankelijk ze zijn van schurkenstaten.
Daarom zal de nieuwe eenheid van de NAVO en van de EU ook leiden tot een grotere economische onafhankelijkheid en op den duur tot energie onafhankelijkheid.

Het is een Blinken speech. Niet Biden.

De VS voert steeds een America first politiek. Moest Europa dat ook wat meer gedaan hebben zou Oekraïne waarschijnlijk nog heel geweest zijn, want Europa zou het belang van de neutraliteit van Oekraïne hebben ingezien zoals dat voor 2014 bestond. Nu is de controle van de VS over Europa zowat compleet en dat wordt nog op gejuich onthaald ook verdwaasd dat de Europeanen zijn door de Russische invasie in Oekraïne en de massale propaganda daar rond.

Dit alles kan niet anders dan tot gevolg hebben een verdere afname van de politieke en economische macht van Europa. We kunnen voortbestaan als subimperium dat in opdracht van de VS Afrika wat gaat onderdrukken voor controle over grondstoffen. Daar heeft Europa ervaring in.

Zoals Berletec terecht analyseert staat de Blinken speech vol van de facto 'white' (ik prefereer te zeggen 'westers') racisme ten aanzien van China. Naast een grote dosis hypocrisie en leugens. Maar het is wel de eerste keer dat de China politiek zo duidelijk gesteld wordt. In feite is het een oorlogsverklaring gebaseerd op leugens en suprematie gedachten.

China noemde de speech 'smear'.

Gipsy 28 mei 2022 17:05


Bach 30 mei 2022 16:52

RT bespreekt de Blinken China speech

30 mei 2022


‘Strategic ambiguity’ or sheer incompetence? Blinken’s China speech shows the US is outmatched in competition with Beijing
May 30, 2022
Washington’s top diplomat was supposed to clarify its China policy but instead face-planted, highlighting incompetence in the US government
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined his government’s China policy on May 26 in a long-winded speech that can only be described as underwhelming and unconvincing. The speech was slated to take place earlier in the month but was pushed back, thanks to Blinken coming down with Covid-19, and the administration of President Joe Biden stressed to reporters beforehand that it would not contain any major announcements.?*
Some believed that there would be more clarity on certain issues, especially on the question of Taiwan, after Biden’s “gaffe” about a “commitment” to “defend” Taiwan against an attack from the mainland took all of the attention from his first Asia trip as president. That was not the case. Blinken served up the usual rhetoric and platitudes while ignoring the proverbial elephant in the room.?*
Other than that, the secretary of state assured the world that relations between the world’s two most important and influential countries would remain fraught with contradictions. And on the “competition” Washington so desperately seeks with Beijing, Blinken offered few details. One wonders whether deliberate “strategic ambiguity” on China policy has become just sheer incompetence.
The entirety of Blinken’s speech framed the United States as the defender of the existing international order and China as the one tearing it down. Reality tells us a different story, however. The United States has been at war for 228 years out of its nearly 246 years in existence; meanwhile, China is rarely at war.?*
Even when the US essentially controlled the global security infrastructure during the unilateral moment, wars of aggression have been continual and unending. The US has killed and displaced millions of people in its global conquest and ushered in an era of immeasurable misery. The agreed-upon international order following WWII, found in the Charter of the United Nations, has been totally ignored by Washington and its allies since its creation.?*
On the contrary, China follows international law and adheres to customary diplomatic standards. China actually benefits immensely from the existing world order and has used it to its advantage, leading the largest anti-poverty campaign in human history. In early 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced victory in a war his country did launch: the eradication of poverty in China.?*
READ MORE: US clarifies policy on Taiwan
Blinken accused Beijing of unfair trade practices and the US Congress, including representatives from both major political parties, agrees with this since they continually pass protectionist legislation designed to undercut China. However, the foremost multilateral institution tasked with litigating these issues, the World Trade Organization (WTO), does not agree.
In fact, just one day after the US House of Representatives introduced its version of the anti-China “America competes” act, the WTO issued a decision that will allow China to impose duties on $645 million worth of US imports annually because of its Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) abuse. This isn’t even to discuss the illegal unilateral sanctions that Washington applies to its political adversaries, but are worth at least mentioning.?*
Blinken assured us that Washington does not seek a “new Cold War” against China – but policies by his government suggest the exact opposite. Objectively, actions by Washington are at least attempting to or raising the likelihood of bifurcating the world once again.?*
For example, the creation of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) was clearly meant to undercut China by providing incentives for Asian countries to decouple from Beijing and isolate China from Indo-Pacific supply chains. The problem is that the IPEF is not a trade deal, probably because the Biden administration would never be able to pass it through Congress, and does not provide tariff reductions or market access.?*
The US is also trying to get a foothold with countries from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), having just hosted an ASEAN Summit in Washington earlier this month. During that summit, the US pledged $150 million for development in Southeast Asia, which is notably a region the US military bombed to oblivion half a century ago.?*
This may seem like a lot of money but when compared to the fact that the US is sending about $100 million to Ukraine per day, it is insignificant. It shows that the US government doesn’t have the resources (or political will perhaps) to meaningfully engage with the region in terms they desire. ASEAN leaders understandably aren’t comfortable with pressure put on them to choose sides.
Speaking of coercion, Blinken said that Asia should remain a region “where countries are free to make their own sovereign decisions.” Meanwhile, the US and Australia are panicking after China and the Solomon Islands signed a security pact, and US fingerprints are all over the ouster of pro-China Pakistani PM Imran Khan. The US apparently believes in the freedom of choice, as long as you pick them.?*
Blinken’s speech – wherein he said things that were just completely false or hypocritical –?*could be viewed as a reiteration of US “strategic autonomy,” as it has been a mainstay of the US’ China policy for some time. Likewise, Biden’s remarks on Taiwan could also be interpreted as this. But it’s hard to discern any strategic thinking at play.?*
The United States is simply not playing with a full deck when it comes to China. Its diplomats are outmatched. Its political system is too slow and obsolete to maneuver as quickly as its adversaries. Political deadlock is keeping any meaningful legislation from seeing the light of day. And the president himself is a babbling fool – and no, I am not taking a pot shot at his advanced age because he was famous for his “gaffes” for a long time.?*
In het artikel staan verschillende links maar niet allen bereikbaar in het westen.


Bach 13 juni 2022 07:25

China waarschuwt de VS face to face in niet mis te verstaan bewoordingen:


"If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost,”

~ Chinese Minister of National Defense General Wei Fenghe (?*???)
At the defense summit in Singapore, the defense chiefs of China and the United States held face-to-face talks in Singapore on June 10.

Chinese Minister of National Defense General Wei Fenghe stressed that if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military has no choice but to fight at all costs and take all necessary measures to crush any attempt by "Taiwan separatists" to split Taiwan from the motherland.

The Chinese military will resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity

Bach 13 juni 2022 08:23

In verband met dezelfde unieke ontmoeting tussen de Chinese en Amerikaanse ministers van defensie.


Powder keg Taiwan
USA provokes China
The good news first: not only are threats being made, people are talking to each other. US and Chinese defence ministers Lloyd Austin and Wei Fenghe met for their first face-to-face talks on Friday, on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, which some classify as the Asian equivalent of the Munich Security Conference. The two exchanged views for almost an hour, twice as long as planned. Whether one can draw hope from this? Well, doubts are in order.

For it is not only the verbal threats with which Washington and Beijing are hurling at each other that are increasing, but also the threatening activities they are unleashing. They revolve not only, but increasingly, around Taiwan. The United States is arming the island with all its might, now even preparing for steady cooperation between its National Guard and Taipei's armed forces - a move usually aimed at optimising its ability to cooperate with the US military. The People's Republic is responding by intensifying war exercises in relative proximity to Taiwan. After all, when the US operates there, it is less than 200 kilometres from the Chinese mainland.

Perhaps even more dangerous: Washington is sending more and more politicians to Taipei, advocating the island's upgrading in international bodies, and in the process deliberately promoting those forces on Taiwan that have their sights set on official secession from China in the long term. This is so dangerous because in this case, and only in this case, Beijing is considering the military seizure of Taiwan. So the United States is setting fire to a war. And even if a narrow majority of the US population is now in favour of sending in US troops in this case, some hardliners in Washington may be hoping that China would weaken itself with an armed conflict just as Russia did with the war in Ukraine. At any rate, this is indicated by the fact that US politicians in Taipei are pushing for the Taiwanese armed forces to be trained in asymmetrical warfare, perhaps even guerrilla warfare.

Does it have to come to that? No - and at least Austin and Wei, who threatened each other fiercely in front of the global public at the Shangri-La Dialogue at the weekend, are still talking to each other. It should also be noted that the percentage of the Taiwanese population that wants a quick secession from China is just six percent; it has never exceeded eight percent. The vast majority of Taiwanese want to maintain the status quo. And: the Guomindang, currently the largest opposition party in Taipei, adheres to the one-China principle, just like the People's Republic. Anyone who plays with a secession of Taiwan is therefore opposing strong forces in Taiwanese politics and, above all, the majority of the population. However, this has never prevented the West from doing anything.

De vraag is of de VS niet net wil een Chinese invasie uit lokken door de Chinese rode lijnen mbt Taiwan te overtreden. Het lijkt er sterk op dat dit de wijze is waarop de VS hoopt China en Rusland af te hakken van de wereldeconomie. Liever oorlog dan wereldheerschappij opgeven? Liever een loterij met mensenlevens in plaats van vreedzame coöperatie?

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