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Vanguard 16 september 2014 00:45

Actualiteit, interessante nieuwsberichten omtrent Rechts en rechtse thema's
Post hier (links naar) interessante nieuwsberichten, actualiteit en evt interessante artikels ivm Rechts, rechtse thema's, cultureel/etnisch (en ander) nationalisme, reactionair gedachtengoed, Nieuw Rechts, monarchisme, traditionalisme, future traditionalism edm.

Indien mogelijk voorzien van een korte inleiding waarover het gaat.

Vanguard 16 september 2014 01:10

rechtste Sweden Democrats wordt derde partij in Zweden
Het (extreem) rechtste Sweden Democrats wordt derde partij in Zweden na recente nationale verkiezingen en verdubbelt haar stemmen tot 12.9%.

Daarmee wordt de trend in Europa verdergezet: rechtse partijen tegen immigratie, tegen de EU blijven fors aan stemmen winnen.


The anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats have become the third largest party in a country famous for its egalitarian ideals.

"The Sweden Democrats are not just about cutting immigration, they represent this wider resistance to the post-modern world and so they attract people that hark back to a different kind of Sweden."

Sweden currently has one of the world's most generous refugee policies. Around 2,000 people seek asylum here every week and the country grants automatic residency to all refugees fleeing the Syria conflict.

The Sweden Democrats want a radical overhaul of these laws, arguing money should instead be spent on social welfare and humanitarian aid to cap the numbers arriving in the first place.

None of the other main parties in Sweden have spoken out in favour of cutting immigration

Bron: The Local, Sweden

Vanguard 16 september 2014 01:28

Negationisme nu ook strafbaar in Griekenland
Zopas werd een nieuwe anti-racisme wet goedgekeurd in Griekenland. Gouden Dageraad moet met alle middelen gestopt worden.

Wat minder aandacht krijgt in de mainstream pers (maar wel in joodse media), is dat negationisme nu ook in Griekenland strafbaar wordt gemaakt.


Criminalising opinion signals a static and debate-phobic society, where what is right and wrong has supposedly been settled once and for all and where historical events are seen as the business of judges and state bureaucrats rather than wider society.

Vanguard 16 september 2014 01:45

Duitse Politie telt ''te veel blanken, te weinig diversiteit''
Duitse politie is te blank, moet meer vertegenwoordigers van andere ethniciteiten in haar rangen opnemen.

Blijkbaar is niet de beste kandidaat wat telt, wel quota's. :roll:


Vanguard 16 september 2014 01:52

Mugabe: ''Blanken ga terug naar Engeland''!!
Na de landonteigeningen van afgelopen jaren verzoekt Mugabe nu blanken het land te verlaten.


Vanguard 16 september 2014 02:13

Gabor Vona (leider Jobbik): grote bewonderaar van Julius Evola
Gabor Vona schreef de inleiding van een recente collectie over Julius Evola's werk: Jobboldali fiatalok kézikönyve (Handboek voor Nationalistische Jeugd, 2012). In 2010 schreef Gabor Vona reeds:


My idea of society and people was formed and developed by such great thinkers as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Mircea Eliade, Rüdiger Safranski, Konrad Lorenz or the all time favourite, Master Eckhart. But If I had to define the category to which my thinking and my perception belong to it would have to be the following: traditionalist. Here I should emphasize Béla Hamvas, Julius Evola and René Guenon.

Vanguard 16 september 2014 11:21

Het Rotherham schandaal en angst voor racisme-label
Het Rotherham schandaal: angst voor racisme-label leidt tot 16 jaar lang sexueel misbruik van kinderen op grote schaal (meer dan 1400 kinderen misbruikt).

The Rotherham Pathology


The authorities knew about it but did not act because of fear of being labeled “racists”:

By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.


Our heartless society put fear of being branded racist above sexual abuse of youngsters : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news...#ixzz3DTLoVd9Y

Vanguard 16 september 2014 22:22

Jewish World Congress dicteert Europeanen op wie ze niet moeten stemmen
Ronald Lauder, amerikaan en president van het JWC, naar aanleiding van de recente electorale winst van (extreem) rechtse partijen in Europa.


European voters risk giving their countries a bad name by electing far-right politicians, the leader of the World Jewish Congress warned Saturday ahead of a major rally against anti-Semitism.

Bron: Times of Israel

Democratie is dus goed zolang men maar niet stemt op de verkeerde.

Ondertussen zijn de organisatoren ook niet tevereden over de bijzonder lage opkomst op genoemde betoging tegen antisemitisme in Berlijn:

It is a clear signal - 6,000 people have gathered in Berlin to protest against anti-Semitism. Only 6,000. No more.

In 1992, over one million Germans held candle-light vigils in cities, villages and communities across the country to speak out against racism. That was at a time when right-wing hate was countered with demonstrative and imposing force.

But this time, 6,000 people have spoken out. That includes Germany's entire political elite. The president. The chancellor. Ministers. Unionists. The Protestant and Catholic churches. They all gathered on Sunday to make a clear statement against anti-Semitism - upon invitation from the Central Council of Jews in Germany,
since no initiative came from within society, from within Germany itself. That is quite disgraceful, as is the small number of participants.

Bron: Deutsche Welle

Vanguard 20 september 2014 19:16

Gouden Dageraad geelimineerd, ISIS creeert cellen in Griekenland.

Gouden Dageraad geelimineerd, ISIS creeert cellen in Griekenland.

De veiligheidsdiensten in Griekenland zijn gealarmeerd en volgen een 100-tal personen die banden hebben met ISIS.

De recente vervolging van Gouden Dageraad, de nieuwe antiracisme wet in Griekenland en plan van de regering om meer moskees te laten bouwen in Griekenland maakt het natuurlijk nog makkelijker voor zulke ISIS groepen om zich te organiseren en groeperen.


For years Golden Dawn has warned through a plurality of articles that Greece’s role as a point of illegal entry and exit from Europe and the Middle East was a public safety and geopolitical timebomb.

These unfortunate predictions have come to fruition, with Greek news reporting that the infamous Sunni extremist murderers of ISIS, known for kidnapping and beheading Westerners, have affiliates operating within Greek borders!

The secret services of Greece have become alarmed and are reported to have between 80 to 100 people under surveillance associated with the organization, allegedly recruiting for Jihad in Europe.

Thus far, only three individuals have been arrested in Greece for these associations. One of them was returning from Syria, after fighting alongside the U.S., Turkish, and Israeli backed terrorists against Assad, another one was caught in Evros driving a truck full of war supplies destined for the same rebels.

The agreement of the “conservatives” of Greece with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to build numerous Mosques throughout Greece is relevant to this equation. The new “anti-racist bill” voted in on behalf of international moneyed interests is expected to create fertile conditions for Sunni Islamist violence that has been found to include numerous “Europeans” leading or partaking in the massacres in the Middle East.

Jihadist Sunni organizations are known to canvass Mosques for recruitment into terrorist cells. The anti-racist bill provides immunity to these psychotic recruiters, ringleaders and affiliates looking to spread their message in a country that is not even their own.

While the persons who have been arrested were destined to travel to Iraq to wage war there, the thought of an ISIS nucleus operating within Greece or anywhere in Europe should be disturbing to everyone. In conjunction with domestic Marxist terrorism, Greek citizens are subjected to more horror and terror by the minute, all ordered by the puppet Samaras!

Vanguard 20 september 2014 19:30

Racisme en segregatie: enkel toegestaan in Israel
Racisme en segregatie: enkel toegestaan in Israel

Contradicting its own ruling, Israel’s Supreme Court legalizes segregated communities


March 8, 2000 marked a unique moment in Israeli history. In a major decision, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that the town of Katzir, which was established on state land by the Jewish Agency, could not deny the right of the Arab Ka’adan family to live in the town simply on the basis that they were not Jewish. This was the first time that Palestinian citizens of Israel successfully challenged the legality of “Jewish-only” communities in the state, generating cautious optimism that it could set an important precedent for Palestinian rights in land and housing.

Fifteen years later, on September 17, 2014, these hopes came to an abrupt end. In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court dismissed various petitions filed by human rights groups against the Admissions Committees Law, enacted by the Knesset in 2011. The law allows admissions committees in 434 communities in the Negev and the Galilee (about 43 percent of all towns in Israel) to reject housing applicants based on their “social suitability” and the communities’ “social and cultural fabric.” In effect, these committees are now legally permitted to refuse residency based on any “undesired” identity, including Palestinian, Sephardic, African, gay, religious, secular and others.

Vanguard 20 september 2014 19:40

25% van de Amerikanen wenst afsplitsing van de VSA

25% van de Amerikanen wenst afsplitsing van de VSA

One in four Americans want their state to secede from the U.S.


Secession got more support from Republicans than Democrats, more from right- than left-leaning independents, more from younger than older people, more from lower- than higher-income brackets, more from high school than college grads. But there was a surprising amount of support in every group and region, especially the Rocky Mountain states, the Southwest and the old Confederacy, but also in places like Illinois and Kansas. And of the people who said they identified with the Tea Party, supporters of secession were actually in the majority, with 53 percent.

Vanguard 20 september 2014 21:42

Amerikaanse joden verkiezen moslims boven christelijke zionisten
Goed om weten:

Amerikaanse joden verkiezen moslims boven christelijke zionisten

Uit een peiling georganiseerd door het Public Religion Research Institute blijkt dat amerikaanse joden zéér wantrouwig staan tov christelijke zionisten, evangelisten en christelijk rechts.

Dat is uiterst merkwaardig gezien dat christelijke zionisten traditioneel de grootste sympathisanten zijn van Israel (ook zeer duidelijk zichtbaar op dit forum). De liefde is dus helemaal niet wederzijds, maar dat wisten sommigen onder ons al lang.

Maar er is meer: blijkt dat amerikaanse joden moslims 2x liever hebben dan hun bondgenoten, de christelijke zionisten.


The survey, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and published April 3, asked Jewish respondents to rate the favorability of several religious groups. Mormons received a 47% favorability rating, Muslims 41.4%; the group described as “Christian Right” was viewed in favorable terms by only 20.9% of Jewish Americans.

“Most liberal Jews view the Christian right as wanting to impose a Christian America on them,” said Marshall Breger, professor at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and leading voice on inter-religious relations. “To the extent to which the bulk of Jews are liberal, both politically and culturally, they’ll have negative views of the Christian right.”

Bron: Jewish Forward
Eens te meer blijkt dus dat christelijke zionisten zich dik belachelijk maken. Eens te meer, met de jaarlijkse miljardensteun van de VS aan Israel, het sycofantisme van de christelijke zionisten baat niet veel.

Vanguard 21 september 2014 21:50

Zweden: Rechtse websteks 7 X populairder dan websteks mainstream partijen
Zweden: Uiterst Rechtse websteks 7 X populairder dan websteks PC partijen

Extreme-right sites beat political party pages


The seven most popular far-right websites attract a total of 145,000 unique visitors a day, according to the report, which was prepared by the government-run Swedish Media Council and handed to the government on Tuesday.

"I'm surprised to find out that (the sites) have seven times more visitors than the total of all parties in parliament," Ulf Dahlquist, the council's research director, told Sveriges Radio (SR).

Three sites have more visitors each than all parliamentary parties combined, including realisten.se, run by the Neo-Nazi Party of the Swedes.

It noted that the extreme left did not enjoy a similar level of popularity, with the two top sites attracting a total of just 3,620 unique visitors a day.
Bron: The Local, Sweden

Vanguard 24 september 2014 19:22

Frankrijk: méér dan 1/3 van alle nieuwgeborenen zijn niet-blank.
Frankrijk: méér dan 1/3 van alle nieuwgeborenen zijn niet-blank.

Regardless of the exact non-White percentage among the screened newborns, the fact that the proportion screened has increased a whopping 7 points – an over 25% increase in just 6 years – suggests an exponential increase in the non-White share of births

Admittedly, it is very hard to get a handle on the rate of demographic change in France given the lack of official ethnic statistics ...........Fdesouche gets around the lack of ethnic data by using medical data on the screening of sickle-cell disease among newborns from the French High Authority for Health (HAS).

Are really one third of French births non-White, overwhelmingly African and/or Muslim? This would not actually be out of line with what we see in the rest of the West. In the U.S., Whites already make up a minority of births. In England and Wales as early as 2005, less than two-thirds of newborn babies were reported as “White British.”


Vanguard 25 september 2014 21:52

David Duke video over de macht der zionisten gaat mainstream
David Duke video over de macht en invloed van het internationaal zionisme gaat mainstream en viraal, maar niet zonder slag of stoot.

Video: CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix


Viewers of the CNN Goldman Sachs Video award it some of the highest positive ratings of almost any political video on YouTube — An astounding 96.5 percent positive rating. The fascinating aspect of this is that the video CNN, Goldman Sachs and the Zio Matrix is attacked by the Zio controlled press as a radical video that people would not agree with, but the reality is that the video has over 740,000 views on Dr. Duke’s channels and there are hundreds of copies of the video all over the internet]

De video werd zelfs gebruikt en verspreid door vooraanstaande medische wetenschappers ter sensibilisering van de recente acties van Israel in Gaza.

Het gezaghebbende medische magazine Lancet, bij monde van editor Dr. Richard Horton, weigerde een ''open brief aan Gaza'' van medische wetenschappers te verwijderen uit Lancet omdat bepaalde ondertekenende artsen de Duke-video hielpen verspreiden.


The Zio-thought police have contacted the editor of the Lancet, claiming that the two letter writers are “linked to extremists” like Dr. Duke—and that therefore that journal should take down the “Open Letter to Gaza.”

Lancet editor Dr. Richard Horton dismissed the attempts to pressure him into withdrawing the article, called the claims about Dr. Duke were “utterly irrelevant” and “a smear campaign.”


Dr. Horton told the Telegraph newspaper that he does not “honestly see what all this has to do with the Gaza letter. I have no plans to retract the letter, and I would not retract the letter even if it [the claims about Dr. Duke’s video] was found to be substantiated.”
Bron: Leading Scientists Support for Dr. Duke’s CNN-Goldman Sachs Video Ignite Zio Rage

Vanguard 25 september 2014 22:46

Op hol geslagen westers liberalisme: ''Incest is een fundamenteel recht''
Op hol geslagen westers liberalisme: ''Incest is een fundamenteel recht''

German Ethics Council:


Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination.

“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”

Na het homohuwelijk, nu dit. En wellicht pedofilie binnen een paar jaar. Er staan geen remmen op de verdere afbrokkeling van moraliteit, maatschappij, gezin etc.

Vanguard 29 september 2014 20:29

De toekomst van Europa: Congress voor Nationalisten 3-5 Oktober 2014

De toekomst van Europa, Congress voor nationalisten en identitairen.

A Forum on the Future of Europe
Its Culture, People, and Civilization

Budapest 3-5 Oktober, 2014




The European Congress en The National Policy Institute


The European Congress holds that European peoples, cultures, and communities around the world compose a unique identity, one that we seek to guard, awaken, and renew.

Furthermore, we believe that our continued existence is under threat everywhere it exists by the failures of its political, cultural and economic institutions.

Our task is, first, to conserve those elements that originally gave rise to our civilization. But tradition—in the fullest sense of the word—is as much about the future as it is about the past. We thus seek to develop a forward-looking and dynamic European consciousness that will allow our people to thrive in the coming age.

Vanguard 3 oktober 2014 20:37

1 op 5 immigranten in Europa belandt in Zweden
1 op 5 vluchtelingen naar Europa belandt in Zweden


Eurostat, an organization that collects statistics on Europe, shows us that Sweden takes in a massive amount of 21.3% of all “refugees” in Europe

Overall, 24,015 “refugees” were granted residence in Sweden, making it the country that brought in the most illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Bron, met interessante grafiek die ook de belgische situatie weergeeft.

Bron 2

Vanguard 3 oktober 2014 21:05

Paus: Europa moet deuren openen voor immigratie
Paus Francis wil nog meer immigratie.

Pope tells Europe to “open doors” to illegal immigrants.


Pope Francis said Europe should open its borders to illegal immigrants when speaking on the anniversary of when a smuggler ship carrying illegal immigrants capsized near Lampedusa, Italy, last year.

“I ask all the men and women of Europe to open the doors of their hearts,” he said.

“I want to let you know I’m near you, I pray for you, and I pray that doors that are closed are opened.”

This is just the latest in the Pope’s anti-White speeches.

In June this year he called on European governments to help illegal immigrants reach Europe, calling for a “concerted effort …to encourage governments to facilitate the movement of migrants for the benefit of all”

Also, in February, he praised Sweden for its open border immigration policy and its assimilation of immigrants.

Bron: White Genocide Project

Vanguard 4 oktober 2014 20:29

Bekende en geliefde linkse superhacker ''Weev'' bekeert zich tot Nationaalsocialisme
Bekende en geliefde linkse superhacker ''Weev'' bekeert zich tot uiterst rechts en Nationaalsocialisme

Convicted Hacker and Darling of the Left 'Weev' Emerges From Prison a Neo-Nazi White Supremacist

Andrew Auernheimer, alias ''weev'', de lieveling van progressieven en linksen, - tevens veroordeelde superhacker en internet trol - veroorzaakt een schokgolf in linkse kringen vanwege zijn outing als nationaalsocialist, antisemiet en ''white nationalist''.


Andrew Auernheimer, a hacker and internet troll better known by his online pseudonym 'weev', has unveiled a swastika tattoo and declared himself an anti-semite and white supremacist


About Jews, he says: "They took control of our systems of finance and law. They hyperinflated our currency. They corrupted our daughters and demanded they subject themselves to sex work to feed their families. These are a people that have made themselves a problem in every nation they occupy, including ours. What’s saddest is that we are the enablers of this problem."
Bron en meer

Bron 2: Gawker

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