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Oud 1 oktober 2010, 15:57   #1
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.319
Standaard Nederland naar 130 kmh, UK volgt wslk.


België dreigt 'traag eiland' te worden tussen onze buurlanden

Nederlanders mogen 130 km per uur

vrijdag 01 oktober 2010
Auteur: Koen Baumers

De nieuwe Nederlandse regering wil de maximumsnelheid op snelwegen verhogen tot 130km per uur. In België loopt het zo'n vaart niet. Integendeel.

Erg concreet is een beleidsnota nooit, maar de formulering in Nederland laat weinig onduidelijkheid bestaan. 'De maximumsnelheid op autosnelwegen gaat omhoog naar 130 km per uur', zo staat er onomwonden. 'Ook op andere wegen wordt de maximumsnelheid herbeoordeeld. Indien nodig voor de luchtkwaliteit, geluidsbelasting of verkeersveiligheid geldt een lagere maximumsnelheid', schrijven de kersverse regeringsleden in hun beleidsnota. Om die reden willen ze ook het aantal dynamische verkeersborden verhogen.

130 is al de maximumsnelheid bij onze zuiderburen in Frankrijk, en in Duitsland mag je op veel plaatsen zelfs nog sneller. Als Nederland de maximumsnelheid verhoogt, is België als een eiland dat de beperking tot 120 km per uur handhaaft. En tenzij de regeringsonderhandelaars er anders over beslissen, blijft dat voorlopig zo.

'Drive at 80mph on motorways'

by DAVID WILLIAMS, Evening Standard

Motorway speed limits could be raised from 70 to 80mph under radical plans being studied by ministers.

But drivers on congested sections of Britain's expressways could be forced to slow to 50mph under an official review of speed limits by the Department of Transport which is being considered by Transport Minister John Spellar.

Officials believe that the higher limit - rigidly enforced - would restore drivers' respect for all speed limits after surveys repeatedly showed that more than half of all drivers regularly exceed 70mph on motorways because it is "too slow".

The move would help mend relations with Britain's 30 million motorists after bruising encounters over the proliferation of "spy" cameras and the fuel tax protests more than a year ago. The higher limit would bring Britain closer into line with *other European countries where 80mph is the norm*.

Motorways are Britain's safest roads with drivers eight times less likely to have an accident than on a road in a built-up area, and motoring organisations have long demanded a more "realistic" limit that would enable drivers to complete long journeys in a shorter time.

Experts also point out that even a modest modern car is easily capable of travelling well above 70mph in safety. By setting a more realistic limit, officials believe, motorists would be more likely to obey lower limits elsewhere.

By demonstrating that ministers have conducted a thorough review of limits it would be easier to introduce 50mph thresholds on highly congested sections of motorway and more 20mph zones outside schools.

Officials within the Department of Transport are divided over the 80mph plan but are keen to implement 50mph limits in selected areas, claiming it cuts congestion by smoothing out the flow of traffic on heavily-used sections.
Roads likely to get lower limits include the north and north-west section of the M25; parts of the M4 and two motorways near Birmingham, the heavily-used M6 and M42. Already the speed limit on the western section of the M25 is frequently set at 50mph by variable overhead electronic signs.

The RAC Foundation said it would welcome an 80mph limit, saying it was a "perfectly safe" speed in good conditions when motorists left a safe gap between themselves and the vehicle in front.
"There is no doubt that ministers are keen to placate motorists after problems over petrol prices and speed cameras," said the foundation's executive director, Edmund King, describing the plan as "a sweetener".
According to the foundation a higher limit would have to be effectively enforced, however, to prevent motorists believing it was acceptable to cruise at 90 or 100mph.

Earlier this year the Tories called for an 80mph limit on motorways, attacking the 70mph limit as " discredited and ignored". They said 80mph was "normal and safe in the right conditions".

As part of the Government's review of speed limits officials on the DoT's select committee are probing if there is a clear link between speed and accidents. Mr Spellar will make a final decision on speed limits in the spring.
*het snelweg-max-gemiddelde is ondertussen naar bijna 135 kmh gestegen in de EU-27, ttz in 24 EU-landen die snelwegen hebben.*

Wat gaat "Absurdistan" nu doen ?
Euhm... verder hun snelwegen verwaarlozen zodat de 120 kmh gerechtvaardigd lijkt ?

In het verleden waren er al voorstellen om 130 kmh in te voeren van Waalse zijde.

Zou elk Gewest zijn limiet op de snelweg mogen bepalen ?
(wat men taalgrenskronkelende snelwegen ? (E40...))

Vergeet niet dat algemene limieten ook in de beste omstandigheden en op de beste snelwegen gelden en 24/24h en 7d op 7.

Ik heb dus liever niet dat men afkomt: " Maar op de Antwerpse "snelweg"-ring overdag tussen x-uur en x-uur kan je toch maar meestal maximum 100 kmh..."
Stadsnelwegen of pseudo-snelwegstukjes zijn geen referentie voor bijna 1800km snelwegen in Be, en dit 24/24h 7d op 7.
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 1 oktober 2010 om 16:18.
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