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Oud 7 juni 2011, 13:09   #35
Macchiavelli's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 29 april 2011
Locatie: Lommel
Berichten: 3.848

Apropos het misdadige Syrische régime:

Washington DC, June 5, 2011. The Reform Party of Syria has learned today, from intelligence sources close to the Assad regime in Lebanon, that Syrians storming through the Golan Height next to the Quneitra crossing are Syrian farmers who have migrated in recent years from the drought-stricken northeast Syria to the south. Estimates put the number at 250,000 impoverished migrants.

Information received cite the regime has paid hundreds of these farmers $1,000 each to show-up and $10,000 to their families should any of them succumb to Israeli fire. In Syria, an average salary is about $200 a month and to these impoverished farmers, such a one-time sum can keep them economically afloat for six months.

Such tactic was used in the past by another defunct Ba'ath Party in Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, to pay Intifada-driven Palestinians the sum of $25,000 to their next-of-kin should they die throwing stones. That measure had a worldwide impact and it seems the Assad regime is using the same play from a twin playbook.

Met deze ronduit smerige taktieken snijdt het mes voor Assad & Co aan twee kanten. Enerzijds wordt de aandacht enigzins afgeleid van de eigen wandaden en anderzijds krijgt men hierdoor de steun en sympathie van moslims en anderen die niets liever willen dan Israël van de kaart vegen en Israël van allerlei misdaden betichten.
"Ognuno vede quello che tu pari, pochi sentono quello che tu se."
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