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Oud 21 maart 2012, 10:48   #3
Lokaal Raadslid
Geregistreerd: 12 november 2011
Berichten: 381

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tomm Bekijk bericht
Het Britse parlement heeft vandaag de Britse koningin, die al 60 jaar het staatshoofd is van het Britse rijk, geëerd.

Nochtans werden onder het bestuur van koningin elizabeth grove oorlogsmisdaden begaan, zoals bvb. in Kenya in de jaren 50.

De Britten hebben 10000'en Kenyaanse burgers afgeslacht, concentratiekampen ingericht, hele streken ontvolkt en nog meer van dat.

Terwijl men daar in Groot-Brittannië, nochtans altijd bij de eerste om andere landen de les te lezen, in alle toonaarden over zwijgt.

Niet alleen in Kenya, ook in andere delen van het Britse rijk werden grove mensenrechtenschendingen en oorlogsmisdaden begaan, waar het staatshoofd uiteindelijk de ultieme verantwoordelijkheid voor draagt.

In early April 2011, four elderly Kenyansi—three men and one woman—appeared in the High Court in London, accusing England of systematic torture during their siege of the so-called Mau Maus and demanding reparations for their treatment. One of the men was castrated by the British colonial government in Kenya. Handcuffed and pinned to the ground with his legs pulled apart, his genitals were sliced off by the white officers. He was then left for days without medical attention until he was liberated by Kenyan rebels. The one woman claimant was subjected to sexual torture. White soldiers repeatedly inserted bottles of boiling hot water into her vagina. In addition to these cases, thousands of Kenyans were maimed, lynched and brutally murdered by the British during the last century. Thousands of others were subjected to rape, forced labor, and gross abuse and torture in detention camps. It was part of a deliberate policy of the colonial British government to break a civilian population cast as “baboons,” “barbarians,” and “terrorists” and who were seen as a threat to the colonial order in east Africa.

According to the Kenya Human Rights Commission, by the time the colonial government ended the state of emergency, over 90,000 Kenyans were executed, maimed, or tortured, while 160,000 were held in detention camps. Others have argued that the numbers were higher. What is well documented is how colonial agents were unrivaled in their barbarity. They castrated and sexually abused, starved, and maimed detainees in order to force the alleged oath takers to confess. They used electric shock, cigarettes and fire, broken bottles, gun barrels, knives, snakes, vermin, and hot eggs were thrust up men’s rectums and women’s vaginas. The assault only came to an end when the Gikuyu population was almost physically decimated and psychologically broken.

If not for the legal case brought against the British government by four surviving Kenyans, we would not know about the trove of secret colonial files documenting the systematic nature of their torture of Africans. The generation of Africans who fought against colonialism is dying without recognition of their fight or their suffering at the hands of racist colonialism. In the current context where Africans, through organizations such as the ICC, are constructed and targeted as the greatest purveyors of “crimes against humanity,” it is well worth remembering the venal work of Europeans in Africa. The demands for reparations may begin with four elderly Kenyans traveling to the old center of the British empire, but the colonial archive surely documents crimes against the Herero, the Congolese, and many other victims of European colonialism. We should not forget their struggles.


Tussenhaakjes: de jaren 50, dat was na de Stalin periode, waarover al hele Britse bibiliotheken zijn vol geschreven. Wat betreft de eigen misdaden blijft het oorverdovend stil.
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