Discussie: Onrust in Syrië
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Oud 25 mei 2016, 21:43   #10773
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 15 april 2012
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IS test chemische wapens op gevangenen en Christenen.
Isil carrying out chemical experiments on its prisoners as it moves labs into residential neighbourhoods

Islamic State has moved its chemical weapons operation to densely populated residential areas and is testing homemade chlorine and mustard gas on its prisoners, residents of the Iraqi city of Mosul have claimed.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) is reported to have set up laboratories in built-up neighbourhoods in the heart of its so-called caliphate to avoid being targeted by coalition air strikes.

The terror group is known to harbour chemical and nuclear ambitions, and is trying to manufacture weapons not only for attacks within Iraq and Syria but also the West.

It has a special unit for chemical weapons research made up of Iraqi scientists who worked on weapons programmes under Saddam Hussein, as well as foreign experts.

The head of the unit, Sleiman Daoud al-Afari, was captured during a raid by US special forces outside Mosul in March and is now sharing intelligence on Isil’s chemical operation.


Residents of al-Mohandseen - which had been a wealthy Christian neighbourhood until Isil seized the city - said several houses had been taken over by Isil officials in the last few weeks. A number of large unmarked trucks have been parked outside and more recently they reported seeing dozens of dead dogs and rabbits in nearby rubbish containers.

An Isil insider confirmed to the journalists, who shared the information with the Telegraph, that they had been dumped there after they were used for chemical testing.

The report also claimed Isil has been carrying out experiments on prisoners they are holding at a secret jail in al-Andalus, in the Nineveh governorate of Mosul, exposing them to chlorine and mustard gas to test the toxicity.

Residents near the prison have reported breathing difficulties and children developing severe rashes - some of the side effects of exposure to such substances.
Jeetje, en dat terwijl IS zich al die tijd zo positief profileerde.

Blijken ze toch boefjes te zijn.
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