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Over koetjes en kalfjes... Op verzoek van de gebruikers van dit forum: een hoekje waarin je over vanalles en nog wat kan praten... De boog moet namelijk niet altijd gespannen staan hé.

Oud 8 maart 2003, 22:05   #1
Nitroke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 3 februari 2003
Locatie: Antwerpen
Berichten: 136

Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

"When I became the sun, I shone life into the man's hearts" - Sytem of a down, Toxicity
Nitroke is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 21:17   #2
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nitroke Bekijk bericht
Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

Eyjafjallajökull is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 21:17   #3
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nitroke Bekijk bericht
Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

Eyjafjallajökull is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 21:17   #4
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nitroke Bekijk bericht
Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

Eyjafjallajökull is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 21:18   #5
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nitroke Bekijk bericht
Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

Eyjafjallajökull is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 21:18   #6
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nitroke Bekijk bericht
Engels voor beginners 2

Deze keer een opdracht, schrijf een toneelstukje.. Een voorbeeld

Ann sits in the hook of the chamber. She is striking Burts brook. The radio stands on. Suddenly she hears lawight in the gang.
The door goes open.
There stud Burt.
Ann: Haha, ther are you! It is becans tide. From where come you, flierefloyter?
Burt: That goes you not on!
Ann is up her toe getrapped. She thinks she will fall from herself, so she goes lying longout on the sofa and begins to snick.
Burt: Stop, hold up off I shall give you a vige on your smool.
That is too much for Ann. She flies right from the sofa and balls her fist.
Ann: I can no longer stand you out! I will take another man.
Burt: Pfoe, that shall me not spite. I have raids another leaf. White lik a like Ann falls fourover on the tapite.
Burt wrives in his hands from joy. He does the door open and smites her after him too. In the room, Ann comes to herself.
She seat her very bad out and she thinks lout up: 'Ann: I will make myself from side'.
She goes in the kitchen, takes a mess from the schoyf, but when she
thinks of the blood and the pain, she has twayfels.
Ann: I make my not from cant for a type like Burt! I will leaver stay
an old vraister the rest of my life and will never merry again.
The public can see Ann go and sit on the stool and take her strikework
in her hands.
The lights go out and the gordines go too.

Eyjafjallajökull is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 22:00   #7
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Wapper's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 7 juni 2014
Locatie: 't Steen
Berichten: 15.456

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Eyjafjallajökull Bekijk bericht
Wapper is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 9 november 2017, 22:09   #8
Geregistreerd: 17 mei 2010
Berichten: 23.526

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Wapper Bekijk bericht
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Oud 10 november 2017, 07:04   #9
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Skobelev's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 14 maart 2013
Locatie: Kinshasa aan de Dender
Berichten: 37.003

Johny saw es proimen hanging
Oh ! As chicken eggs so groot
It seemed that Johny would go plucking
While his father 't him forboad.
He thinks: as I will be very clever
Then my father sees it not
On this tree so full of prumkes
He will not have it in the mot.
So Johny clautered in the prumetree
Stack his pockets full of fruit
But he mistrapped on a tackske
And fell down, flack on his snoot.
All the prumes were spice now
And the spice ran out of his brook
It dripped softly in his couses
Johny did not darf to look.
And again he was not lucky
Cause his father came there oan
And he gave him such a ramling
He could fourteen days not goan.
That is how end the silly story
Of little John, the proimenthief
Even, with een lot of goesting
he did it never more upnief
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Oud 10 november 2017, 09:14   #10
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Universalia's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 29 december 2012
Locatie: Nieverans Les Bains
Berichten: 43.904

Ik citeer Confucius: Als straffen niet op de juiste wijze worden opgelegd, weten de mensen niet waar ze aan toe zijn.
Ook citeer ik A. Einstein met graagte: Bidden verandert de wereld niet, maar bidden verandert de mens en de mens verandert de wereld.
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Oud 10 november 2017, 11:14   #11
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Wapper's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 7 juni 2014
Locatie: 't Steen
Berichten: 15.456

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Eyjafjallajökull Bekijk bericht
Wapper is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 10 november 2017, 12:01   #12
Het Verzet
Europees Commissaris
Het Verzet's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 maart 2010
Berichten: 7.689

Verdomme, nu moet ik weer naar Blackadder zien!
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Oud 10 november 2017, 12:28   #13
Europees Commissaris
IJsboer's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 juli 2009
Berichten: 7.306

You want some shit of mouse on your stutteke?
"We moeten ook eerlijk zijn; we hadden de ambitie om de grootste partij te worden in gans Vlaanderen. Daar zijn we niet in geslaagd. De grootste partij is de N-VA en ik feliciteer ook uitdrukkelijk Bart De Wever en alle N-VA militanten, zij verdienen ook een applaus." - Tom Van Grieken, 9 juni 2024
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