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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 21 september 2023, 13:19   #41
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
morte-vivante's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 13 december 2010
Berichten: 9.789

For fucks sake Bach
A screenshot showing a user-simulated scenario from an interactive electoral college map for the 2024 U.S. presidential election has been shared online as poll numbers falsely attributed to Reuters.

A post on social media said: “JUST IN: Reuters poll numbers STRIKE FEAR in the DNC.. 312 to 226.. America is WAKING UP…” The accompanying electoral college map shows U.S. President Joe Biden with 226 electoral votes and Donald Trump, former president and front-runner for the Republican nomination, with 312 votes.
The map includes the logo “270toWin,” a website that aggregates polls and election projections and allows users to simulate different scenarios for hypothetical election results.

Reuters did not publish the polling numbers circulating on social media and does not publish polling results broken down to the state or electoral college district level.

270toWin has a “Consensus Electoral Map” for the 2024 presidential election on its website, but this does not match the map shared on social media. As of July 28, it shows “Democrats” at 241 electoral votes and “Republicans” at 235 votes.
“That map (shared on social media) does not reflect the consensus map,” a 270toWin spokesperson said in an email. They said their logo would be visible on maps they distribute, but also on those edited and created by visitors to the website.

The map shared on social media can be recreated by modifying the Consensus Electoral Map on 270toWin’s site using the “Map Color Palette” near the map.

In this case, “Democrats” and “Republicans” were changed to “Biden” and “Trump.” The states listed as a “toss-up” (beige) were switched to “safe” red. States listed as “likely” or “lean” (lighter shades of red) were switched to “safe” red (darker red), apart from Alaska. Michigan, originally marked as “leaning” blue, was also switched to “safe” red – totaling 226 electoral votes for Biden and 312 votes for Trump.
The Consensus Electoral Map is a composite of forecasters’ ratings including from Cook Political Report, Inside Elections and Sabato’s Crystal Ball – but not from Reuters.

“We have no current relationship with Reuters,” the 270toWin spokesperson said in an email. “While anyone can create and share a map from 270toWin, it can't reflect Reuter's state-level polling numbers if those don't exist.”

Further, a Sept. 15 report on the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll also does not match the map shared on social media. The opinion poll, conducted in September among 4,413 U.S. adults nationwide, found Trump and Biden tied overall in a hypothetical 2024 election, and Trump with a narrow lead in seven states that were closest in the 2020 election.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."

Laatst gewijzigd door morte-vivante : 21 september 2023 om 13:23.
morte-vivante is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 22 september 2023, 04:02   #42
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
Geregistreerd: 10 december 2003
Berichten: 8.079

Ik heb niet echt een voorkeur voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen.

Ramaswamy lijkt me een fake kandidaat bedoelt om stemmen van Trump in de voorverkiezingen weg te zuigen. Zijn geschiedenis met Soros, Pharma en oorlogslust tov China vind ik ook maar niks.

Gebeurt vaak in de VS primaries. Stel dat kandidaat A dreigt te winnen maar je wil kandidaat C. Stuur kandidaat B en D in het veld met profielen met raakpunten met kandidaat A en je kan kandidaat C doen winnen.

I.e. stel beginsituatie: kandidaat A 60%, C 40%
na intro van kandidaat B en D
Kandidaat A 35% B 15% C 40% D 10%

Hoera Kandidaat C wint nu!

Trump: Waarom zou Trump 2 anders zijn dan Trump 1? Trump 1 was veel blabla over drain the swamp maar heel weinig boem-boem.

Wat ik wel niet begrijp is waarom mensen hem zo haten. Wat heeft hij concreet gedaan dat hem zo een onmens maakt?

Biden: geen idee wie er aan het roer van de VS staat maar dat het niet Joe Biden is is denk ik iedereen wel duidelijk. Waarom zou je in godsnaam voor een sterke dementerende kandidaat kiezen?

Michelle Obama of godbetert Hillary Clinton (namen die in de democratische coulissen circuleren). Van Michelle Obama weet ik absoluut niets mbt politieke standpunten en Barack was een enorme ontgoocheling. Clinton.. ugh please.

RFK Jr. Misschien nog de beste keuze maar het lijkt erop dat de facto het betekent dat Israel het beleid voert. Als ik Amerikaan was zou ik waarschijnlijk voor hem stemmen.
Roman soldiers were paid a silver denarius per day. About the size of a silver dime. Job description: brutal hand to hand combat against barbarian hordes.
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