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Godsdienst en levensovertuiging In dit forum kan je discussiëren over diverse godsdiensten en levensovertuigingen.

Oud 25 juli 2004, 23:55   #1
Geregistreerd: 18 november 2003
Berichten: 214
Standaard Israel in het supergroot

Een uitgebreide invalshoek over het overleven in "muslim-infested lands".

Is it just me...?
MiSTa SCienTiST is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 26 juli 2004, 00:44   #2
Geregistreerd: 18 november 2003
Berichten: 214

India and Israel - Destined for true friendship

There is perhaps no other pair of nations on earth, which share such similar dangers, concerns, hopes and aspirations for the future of their people, as do India and Israel. There is an incredible amount that these two countries have in common, when one goes beyond the superficial differences. Just as today, the Hindus of India are fighting for their survival in the very land of their origin and forefathers, so too are the Jews of Israel confronting the very same threats to the nation that is theirs by historical and religious birthright. Hindus and Jews both face exactly the same danger; Islam. And it is at this very point where so many of the similarities between the Indian nation and the Israeli nation converge in an incredibly reflective manner.

Islam is not a new threat to either the Hindus or the Jews. The most amazing aspect of all is that it was these very two religions that were sought to be exterminated by the founder of Islam; Prophet Mohammed, over 1300 years ago. The history of Arabia is littered with the blood of the Jews and Pagan Pre-Islamic Arabs, who were none other than Hindus. For every Jewish Medinah, there was a Hindu Mecca, and both of them in their own turns were decimated and desecrated by Mohammed's followers. These were the two belief systems that Mohammed stole all his religious concepts from, and then proceeded to distort so thoroughly, that all elements became entirely unrecognizable. It is his legacy that the Muslims of the present day plan to live out in its minutest bloody details. The millennia old legacy of hatred and violence against Jews and Hindus, is very much alive and kicking in the heart of thousands of committed Mujahideen, willing to martyr themselves anyday, with a suicide bomb or two.

The similarities between the present and past situations of these two countries in reference to Islam, is too striking to overlook or dismiss as mere coincidence. Let us look at a few examples.

It has become increasingly evident over the years, that the Pre-Islamic Pagans who were massacred by Mohammed were none other than Hindus. Islam began with the genocide of these Hindus. They were exterminated thoroughly along with every possible trace of Vedic culture in Arabia. The "Idolaters" , "Unbelievers", or "Kafirs" as Muslims fondly refer to Hindus, had to bear the brunt of the vociferous amounts of violence unleashed by the prophet Mohammed in his bid to attain complete power over Arabia and beyond. If there is one word that spells Anathema to the devout Muslim, it is the word "Hindu". The incomparable hatred and hostility that Allah's followers bear for Hindus, find their source in the wellspring of intolerance; the Quran:

Quran 9:5
"Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

Quran 47:4
When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens.

Quran 73:12
We have in store for the unbelievers heavy fetters and a blazing fire, choking food and harrowing torment: on the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains, and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand.

Quran 22:19-22:23
Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Sclading water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: 'Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'

The Islamic viewpoint of the Jewish faith is just as sharply antagonistic and decisively hostile. Prophet Mohammed originally was inspired by many of the concepts of the Jewish faith. However, being an illiterate person, he completely distorted the meaning of those concepts and presented them in a twisted way that suited his own needs at the time. When it became clear to him that the Jews of Arabia were wealthy, he tried extortion and persuasion to win influence over them; but when it became obvious that Jews are incredibly committed to their faith and willing to protect it with their lives, the Prophet was enraged. The Jews were apparently a rather large thorn in the flesh, in view of Mohammed's imperialistic ambitions of bringing Arabia to his feet through religion. Thus, Quranic injunctions that directly exhorted Muslims to kill Jews and treat them as born enemies, became the order of the day. Every Jewish settlement in Arabia was raided, and thousands of Jews massacred in cold blood. Some examples of Quranic verses that speak of the volumes of hatred, held against Jews by Muslims, are provided below:

Quran 5:51
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one of them. Lo allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

Quran 5:64
"The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up". Be their hands tied up and be they Accursed for the blasphemy that they utter. Nay, Both his hands (Allah's) are widely outstretched: He giveth and Spendeth as he Pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to Thee (Mohammed) from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed Enmity and Hatred till the day of Judgement. Every time they kindle the fire of War, Allah doth extinguish it; But they ever strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not people who do mischief."

Quran 33:26
"And those of the People of the Book (Jews) who Aided Them (Meccans) - Allah did take them from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts, so that Some Ye Slew and Some Ye made Prisoners. And he made you heirs of their Lands, their Houses, and their Goods. And of a Land, which Ye had not frequented before (Khaybar) and Allah has Power over all things."

Quran 59:2-5
"He it is who hath caused those of the People of the Scripture (Jews) who disbelieved to go forth from their homes unto the first exile. You deemed not that they would go forth, while they deemed that their strongholds would protect them from Allah. But Allah reached them from a place whereof they recked not and cast terror in their hearts so that they ruined their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So learn a lesson, O you who have eyes!

In addition there are also verses in the Quran that clearly indicate that Jews and Hindus deserve the same murderous treatment. Perhaps no other evidence is more compelling or stronger than this to establish the basis for the shared experiences and victimization of the Hindus of India and the Jews of Israel.

Quran 98:1-8
The unbelievers among the People of the Book (Jews) and the pagans (Hindus) shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.

Quran 9:73
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers (Hindus) and the hypocrites (Jews) and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their Home: an evil fate.

Apart from each having suffered the shared history of Islamic genocide, Hinduism and Judaism are clearly the two ancient most religions surviving on earth today. Millennia before Christanity or Islam were born, Israel was the land of Judaism and India the land of Hinduism. In contemporary times as well, the histories of both Israel and India run closely paralell. Both were the victims of Islamic occupation for centuries together. And just as thousands of Hindu wonders such as Taj Mahal were plundered and rechristened by the Muslims in India, so too were scores of Jewish structures such as the beautiful Temple on the Mount, plundered and grabbed by the marauding hordes of Islam. What stands out about the history of these two peoples however, is the fact that all along they have stubbornly clung to their roots and painstakingly maintained their pride in their ancient languages, customs, traditions and spiritual practices. In spite of all odds, the greatest disasters have always somehow strengthened the Jewish people's faith in themselves. Hinduism, which has suffered the longest record of inhumane crimes and genocide against it, by the Muslim invaders, still brims over with the unalterable confidence of its believers. The unshakeable foundations of both of these massive spiritual traditions have braved many earthquakes and landslides, but never caved in. Trees which are entrenched as deeply in the soils of India as Hinduism and Judaism in Israel, simply cannot be uprooted.

In more recent times it was the British that ruled and determined the boundaries of both nations. It was also the British who gifted India permanently with the Kashmir problem and Israel with the Palestine problem. In the present day, it has become increasingly clear to both India and Israel that there is a concerted, deliberate, and sinister plan by Islamists to usurp these two territories. Of late, it has also become increasingly clear, that these insidious plans are surreptitiously supported and to some extent consciously or unconsciously, even aided by the United Nations and the powers that be in UK and the USA.
The Wye Agreement which was signed by Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu, on October 23rd, 1998, is a clear indication of the direction in which the situation is going to unfold. Thousands of Israelis were outraged at the agreement which required compromising with the very same PLO which was declared a terrorist organization by no lesser authority than the US itself. The inner conflict that is wrenching the Israeli nation is amazingly similar to the situation of the Hindus in India. "Secularism" is the new religion that is being used to beat the Hindus and Jews back down to their "extremist" trenches. Any expression of pride in the tradition and historical connection between Judaism and the land of Israel is now clearly construed as "extremism" and "right wing fundamentalism" by the increasingly secular Israeli Media. And it is exactly the same situation in India, any open expression of pride in the Hindu religion is immediately interpreted as a "fascist" action of intolerance. These days, reams of Newspaper in India and Israel are dedicated to openly denouncing and falsifying any expression of assertiveness or pride by the Hindus or Jews respectively. In both countries, there is a deliberate campaign to falsify history and sever the historical connection that these two great spiritual traditions have with the lands where they were born.

In Israel, the "secular" media maliciously seeks to portray that Israel was traditionally Arab land. Judea and Samaria are consistently referred to as "West Bank" in a deliberate attempt to distance the region from its Jewish past. Jewish protestors are consistently portrayed as "extremists who resort to violence", a term that is never used to describe the hordes of Palestinians constantly throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. International Media like the BBC exemplifies this on a consistent basis, where any story about clashes in Judea and Samaria is always accompanied by the same file photograph showing a Palestinian woman or child "victim". The tenor and tone of such articles clearly betray the inherent bias against the Jews. The State of Israel is touted as the realization of the "Zionist ideal." The "secular" elements are engrossed in systematically distorting and controlling the public media to serve the Pro-Palestinian cause.

The Indian media is much worse. Communal riots are never clearly referred to as clashes between Hindus and Muslims. Hindu society is portrayed to be responsible for all the evils in India. Incidents are specifically distorted to reflect a "Caste" angle which simply does not exist. Having observed that caste no longer works its magic in dividing the Hindus, the Indian Media is now turning to other time tested themes such as "Aryans versus Dravidians", "RSS versus BJP", "Gandhi versus Godse", etc etc. in order to keep their motivated game going. The demolition of the non-descript structure fondly referred to as "Babri Masjid" by the Muslims has become the hallmark of "extremism". Hindus are constantly supposed to be apologizing for this event. Minority interests are the order of the day, majority interests be hanged. The pathetic plight of Indian justice is evidenced from the fact that Muslims are treated differently by Indian law, than Hindus. India is a "secular" country with Muslim laws! The Indian state of Kashmiri is presented as "the land of the Great Islamic Sufi Tradition". Not a mention is made of the fact that Kashmir has been home to Hindus for over 5000 years. The Hindu sect of Kashmir Shaivism was exerting its beneficial influence all over India, millennia before Islam was even born! Hinduism is constanly referred to as an alien religion, brought to India by the conquering hordes of "White Skinned Aryans" wheras the Muslim invaders are referred to as the "harbringers of culture, arts and peace". The Mughal rule of India was the bloodiest and most wretched period of India's history. During this period millions of temples, idols, universities, libraries, etc were razed to the ground and billions massacred. Thousands of Hindu palaces and treasures like the Taj Mahal were captured, defaced and renamed with a Muslim name. And yet the Aryan Invasion Theory which has been thoroughly rescinded and rejected by the world, still holds hypnotic sway over the minds of India's Journalists.

However, this type of unfair portrayl has not gone unnoticed and added to both nations' experience of decades of unrest, rioting and murder by Muslim mobs . Consequently Jews and Hindus feel more and more threatened and frustrated in their own lands. As always, this direct attack on Judaism and Hinduism has only motivated their respective followers to reassert their individual and collective confidence in their ancient spiritual traditions. The desire to reassert what is their rightful pride in land, culture and religion has awakened in the heart of the common Israeli and Indian. The results are obvious, the unabashedly Jewish Likud Party was voted into power in Israel and the political party that represents the reemergence of Hinduism; the BJP, has been voted into power in India. These developments have of course caused untold heartburn and anger in Pro-Islamic circles. Therefore the media onslaught has begun in dire earnest. European, American and Islamic media have started unleashing their tide of anti-Jewish and anti-Hindu bombardments. What has really set the alarm bells ringing internationally however, is the emerging closeness between the two nations.

As events unfold, this close relationship between India and Israel is bound to deepen. The Islamic influence which threatens to undermine the tolerance and harmony of the world, is increasingly focusing on these two nations as targets. Considering the import of shared experiences, ideas and situations that links Indians and Israelis, it is about time that solid chains of friendship were forged. Although politics may slow down the process, if the people of both countries reach out , an invaluable friendship can be created and nurtured between India and Israel.

Note: [size=1]The Works: "The Glorious Quran" by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, "The Meaning of the Glorious Quran" by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, "Mohammed" by Maxime Rodinson, and "Muhammad" by Martin Lings have been used to compose this article.[/size]

Om maar 'iets' te noemen.

De delen van pre-islamic arabia zijn ook niet mis.

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