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Oud 29 december 2019, 17:55   #1
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
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Standaard Bedrog OPCW doodgezwegen

De media houden informatie achter over het bedrog van de Organizatie Voor Het Verbod Op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) in verband met de chemische aanval in Douma die aanleiding was voor een westers bombardement op Syrië waarbij doden vielen.

Ik laat het Johnstone uitleggen. Die doet dat met feitenmateriaal.

Media’s Deafening Silence On Latest WikiLeaks Drops Is Its Own Scandal
by Caitlin Johnstone
This is getting really, really, really weird.

WikiLeaks has published yet another set of leaked internal documents from within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) adding even more material to the mountain of evidence that we've been lied to about an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year which resulted in airstrikes upon that nation from the US, UK and France.

This new WikiLeaks drop includes an email from the OPCW Chief of Cabinet Sebastien Braha (who is reportedly so detested by organisation inspectors that they code named him "Voldemort") throwing a fit over the Ian Henderson Engineering Assessment which found that the Douma incident was likely a staged event. Braha is seen ordering OPCW staff to "remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever" from the organisation's secure registry.

Minutes from an OPCW meeting with toxicologists specialized in chemical weapons: “the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was
no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure”.https://t.co/j5Jgjiz8UY pic.twitter.com/vgPaTtsdQN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) December 27, 2019

The drop also includes the minutes from an OPCW toxicology meeting with “three Toxicologists/Clinical pharmacologists, one bioanalytical and toxicological chemist”, all four of whom are specialists in chemical weapons analysis.

“With respect to the consistency of the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to chlorine gas or similar, the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure,” the document reads.

According to the leaked minutes from the toxicology meeting, the chief expert offered "the possibility of the event being a propaganda exercise" as one potential explanation for the Douma incident. The other OPCW experts agreed that the key “take-away message” from the meeting was “that the symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified”.

Like all the other many, many, many, many different leaks which have been hemorrhaging from the OPCW about the Douma incident, none of the important information contained in these publications was included in any of the OPCW's public reports on the matter. According to the OPCW's Final Report published in March 2019, the investigative team found “reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon took place. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”

We now know that these "reasonable grounds" contain more holes than a spaghetti strainer executed by firing squad. This is extremely important information about an unsolved war crime which resulted in dozens of civilian deaths and led to an act of war which cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and had many far-reaching geopolitical consequences.

Yet the mass media, freakishly, has had absolutely nothing to say about this extremely newsworthy story.

As of this writing, a Google News search for this story brings up an article by RT, Al-Masdar News, and some entries by alternative outlets you've almost certainly never heard of like UrduPoint News and People's Pundit Daily.

Make no mistake about it: this is insane. The fact that an extremely important news story of immense geopolitical consequence is not getting any mainstream news media coverage, at all, is absolutely stark raving insane.

Up until the OPCW leaks, WikiLeaks drops always made mainstream news headlines. Everyone remembers how the 2016 news cycle was largely dominated by leaked Democratic Party emails emerging from the outlet. Even the relatively minor recent ICE agents publication by WikiLeaks containing information that was already public garnered headlines from top US outlets like The Washington Post , Newsweek, and USA Today. Now, on this exponentially more important story, zero coverage.

The mass media's stone-dead silence on the OPCW scandal is becoming its own scandal, of equal or perhaps even greater significance than the OPCW scandal itself. It opens up a whole litany of questions which have tremendous importance for every citizen of the western world; questions like, how are people supposed to participate in democracy if all the outlets they normally turn to to make informed voting decisions adamantly refuse to tell them about the existence of massive news stories like the OPCW scandal? How are people meant to address such conspiracies of silence when there is no mechanism in place to hold the entire mass media to account for its complicity in it? And by what mechanism are all these outlets unifying in that conspiracy of silence?

We can at least gain some insight into that last question with the internal Newsweek emails which were published by journalist Tareq Haddad two weeks ago. The emails feature multiple Newsweek editors telling Haddad that they would not publish a word about the OPCW leaks for two reasons: (1) because no other outlets were reporting on them, and (2) because the US government-funded narrative management firm Bellingcat had published a laughably bogus article explaining why the leaks weren't newsworthy. Haddad has since resigned from Newsweek.

We may be certain that this story is being killed in news rooms all around the world in similar fashion, and possibly using those very same excuses. As long as no other "respectable" (i.e. establishment) outlets are covering this story, it can be treated as a non-story, using a deceitful US government-funded narrative management operation as justification as needed. If one journalist threw his life into chaos and uncertainty by resigning and blowing the whistle on this conspiracy of silence, we may be certain that the same is happening to countless others who don't have to courage and/or ability to do the same.

Our fearless media watchdogs still maintaining complete blackout on @OPCW whistleblower leaks debunking WMD attack in Douma. The leaks show that Trump—like Dubya— used fake WMDs to bomb Arab country—then strong-armed @OPCW to cover up the lies.https://t.co/bdbzf6py8p

— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) December 27, 2019

Many alternative media commentators are highlighting this news media blackout on social media today.

"Our fearless media watchdogs still maintaining complete blackout on OPCW whistleblower leaks debunking WMD attack in Douma. The leaks show that Trump—like Dubya— used fake WMDs to bomb Arab country—then strong-armed OPCW to cover up the lies," tweeted journalist Mark Ames.

"The US attacked Syria for a chemical attack by Assad last year. But official OPCW scientists who investigated the event didn’t find evidence the Syrian military used chemical weapons. The media has chosen to ignore this story and fire its own journalists who try to report on it," tweeted author and analyst Max Abrahms.

"This is the FOURTH leak showing how the OPCW fabricated a report on a supposed Syrian 'chemical' attack," tweeted journalist Ben Norton. "And mainstream Western corporate media outlets are still silent, showing how authoritarian these 'democracies' are and how tightly they control info."

"Media silence on this story is its own scandal," tweeted journalist Aaron Maté.

But this spin machine is twirling off its axis trying to normalize this silence.

Surprise, surprise, Wikileaks didn't leak the next email in this chain from the OPCW questioning why Ian Henderson was creating rogue reports.

This email also quite clearly contradicts "Alex's" claim that Henderson was in the FFM. pic.twitter.com/qcJkAyXe9W

— Nick Waters (@N_Waters89) December 27, 2019

Bellingcat narrative jockeys such as "senior investigator" Nick Waters are already scrambling to perception manage everyone into believing their own eyes are lying to them. Waters has a thread on Twitter that's being shared around by all the usual Syria spinmeisters claiming, based on no evidence whatsoever, that WikiLeaks is selectively publishing the documents it has to create a false impression of events in the OPCW. Waters falsely claims that an email by Sebastien "Voldemort" Braha proves that Ian Henderson was not a part of the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) in Douma, in contradiction to the claims made by the anonymous second OPCW whistleblower who goes by the pseudonym of "Alex".

As Waters is one hundred percent aware, Henderson absolutely was part of the Douma Fact-Finding Mission, and one of the FFM members who actually went to Douma no less. I've put together a Twitter thread refuting Waters' ridiculous claims which you can read by clicking here, but in short an arbitrary distinction seems to have been made between the FFM and the "FFM core team", or what is labeled the "FFM Alpha team" in a newly leaked email trying to marginalize Henderson's assessment. Henderson actually went to Douma as part of the FFM, unlike almost all members of the so-called "core team" who except for one paramedic operated solely in another nation (probably Turkey).

Of course, the distinction of whether Henderson was or was not "in the FFM" is also itself irrelevant and arbitrary, since we know for a fact that he is a longtime OPCW inspector who went to Douma and contributed an assessment which was hidden from the public by the OPCW.

So this narrative being spun by the US government-funded propagandists at Bellingcat is bogus from top to bottom, but what's infuriating is that we already know who editors in news rooms are going to listen to.

"We have this alternative media ecosystem that is driving a lot of disinformation. It is not understood by journalists or anyone really beyond a very small group of people who are really engaged with it," @EliotHiggins says https://t.co/RWi2Mqy8jV

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 27, 2019

It's absolutely amazing how tightly interlaced Bellingcat is with the upper echelons of mainstream news media and the public framing of what's going on in Syria. Mere hours after the latest WikiLeaks drop, CNN pundit Brian Stelter shared an article about Bellingcat founder and former Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Eliot Higgins, who warns of the dangers posed by alternative media reporters who cover underreported stories like the OPCW scandal.

"We have this alternative media ecosystem that is driving a lot of disinformation. It is not understood by journalists or anyone really beyond a very small group of people who are really engaged with it," reads the ironic Higgins quote in the excerpt shared by Stelter.

We've been seeing a mad rush from mass media pundits to give this US government-funded narrative management operation unearned and undeserved legitimacy, churning out tweets like Stelter's and fawning puff pieces by The New York Times, The Guardian and The New Yorker. This unearned and undeserved legitimacy is then used by editors to justify looking to Bellingcat for instructions on how to think about important information on Syria rather than doing their own basic investigation and analysis. It's a self-validating feedback loop which just so happens to work out very conveniently for the government which funds Bellingcat.

It remains unknown exactly what's transpiring in news rooms around the world to maintain the conspiracy of silence on the OPCW scandal, but what is known is that by itself this scandalous silence is enough to fully discredit the mass media forever. WikiLeaks has exposed these outlets for the monolithic propaganda engine that they really are, and they did it just by publishing extremely newsworthy leak after extremely newsworthy leak.

Douma lijkt op de zoveelste valse vlag operatie van het imperium van dienst van over de oceaan. Het gedrag van de media versterkt enkel die indruk.
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Oud 29 december 2019, 18:43   #2
parcifal's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht
De media houden informatie achter over het bedrog van de Organizatie Voor Het Verbod Op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) in verband met de chemische aanval in Douma die aanleiding was voor een westers bombardement op Syrië waarbij doden vielen.
Oud nieuws dat vorige maand populair was in de Russische propaganda media en bij Poetin Knuffelaars.

Ontmanteling :


Although this letter appears to be at least superficially damaging to the OPCW, after reading the actual reports published by the OPCW it is clear that this letter is outdated and inapplicable to the final Douma report.

The letter refers to a “redacted report” that was either not published or was heavily updated before it became the final version of the report. The issues raised in the letter appear to have either been addressed with further work and research, or changed to reflect the concerns of the employee who wrote the letter.

The fact that the redacted report stated it was “likely” the cylinders were the source of the chlorine or reactive chlorine-containing chemical, while the final report said it was “possible that the cylinders were the source of the substances containing reactive chlorine” is significant. It demonstrates that the OPCW in fact downgraded their confidence in their conclusions in order to include the doubts raised by the author of the letter.

Based on this analysis, it is clear that WikiLeaks, the Daily Mail, La Repubblica, and Stundin have failed to understand the context of this letter and the final Douma report.

If the people covering this story had actually taken the time to read the letter and the FFM reports, they may well have chosen to publicize it in a very different manner.
Dit lijkt de 4de release te zijn van deze russische aanval op de OPCW, via hun Wikileaks handlangers, "nieuw" materiaal dus.
Even afwachten op de ontmanteling, deel 4 dus.

Dit is uiteraard politiek gestuurd, make no mistake.
Peskov heeft blijkbaar weinig vakantie dit jaar.

Laatst gewijzigd door parcifal : 29 december 2019 om 18:50.
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Oud 29 december 2019, 19:42   #3
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
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Propaganda outlet Bellingcat is het oud nieuws hier. Debunked in het artikel van Johnstone hierboven.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 29 december 2019 om 20:03.
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Oud 13 januari 2020, 19:11   #4
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
Geregistreerd: 10 december 2003
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht
Propaganda outlet Bellingcat is het oud nieuws hier. Debunked in het artikel van Johnstone hierboven.
Idd. Bellingcat gesponserd door o.a. Soros en the National Endownment for Democracy. I.e. de color revolutie guys.

Bellingcat wiens topjournalist geen arabisch spreekt en zijn analyses baseert op youtube video's...
Roman soldiers were paid a silver denarius per day. About the size of a silver dime. Job description: brutal hand to hand combat against barbarian hordes.
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Oud 13 januari 2020, 20:16   #5
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hoofdstraat's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 19 april 2017
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal Bekijk bericht
Oud nieuws dat vorige maand populair was in de Russische propaganda media en bij Poetin Knuffelaars.

Ontmanteling :


Dit lijkt de 4de release te zijn van deze russische aanval op de OPCW, via hun Wikileaks handlangers, "nieuw" materiaal dus.
Even afwachten op de ontmanteling, deel 4 dus.

Dit is uiteraard politiek gestuurd, make no mistake.
Peskov heeft blijkbaar weinig vakantie dit jaar.
Dat is wel een heel zwakke ontmanteling, punt 6 bespreekt de omissie van rapporten die stelden dat de 'raketten' daar waarschijnlijk waren neergelegd want ze vertoonden niet de schade van een inslag en gasverdeling.

Dan over de onthulling (6) dat een rapport over de symptomen niet werd opgenomen, die zouden niet de symptomen van chemische slachtoffers zijn (wat erg duidelijk is voor iedereen). Het antwoord van bellingcat is dan dat er 4 toxicologen werden opgenomen, niet 3 zoals in de onthulling.

-> "The final report includes a discussion of symptoms, along with an Epidemiological Analysis addressing these issues"
"It is also notable that the final report consulted “four toxicologists and one toxicologist and medical doctor” (paragraph 8.87) rather than the three toxicologists mentioned in the letter."

Wat voor ontmanteling is dat nu weer?
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Oud 10 mei 2020, 07:51   #6
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
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De westerse oorlogspropagandisten (type Bellingcat bv) krijgen naar geen controle over het uitlekken van de waarheid over de vervalsing van een OPCW rapport om te pogen Syrië de schuld te geven van de gasaanval in Douma. Verschillende OPCW experten die effectie ter plaatse waren kwamen naar voren over hoe hun gegevens vervalst werden. De pogingen dit af te doen als Russische propaganda of karaktermoord op de wistle blower experten zijn onvoldoende gebleken.

Uiteindelijk is het toch niet zo uitzonderlijk dat de VS internationale instanties naar haar hand zet en mee trekt in haar "We lie, we steal, we cheat" manipulaties ten behoeve van haar Imperiale ambities.

Johnstone legt de huidige stand van zaken uit:

Syria Spinmeisters Fumble Attempts To Narrative Manage OPCW Leaks

Over hoe het OPCW loog toen het zei dat expert Henderson geen deel uit maakte van de fact finding. De Experten vonden dat de gascylinders manueel geplaatst werden (in jihadi gecontroleerd gebied) en niet uit vliegtuigen gedropt. Die laatste twist werd in de uiteindelijke versie van het rapport gedaan om de schuld bij Assad te leggen voor een gasaanval hoogstwaarschijnlijk door de jihidi rebellen zelf gedaan. Doel van de vervalsing op dat moment was o. a. Europese landen mee te trekken in een invasie in Syrië. Dat men tot vervalsing van oficiële documenten overgaat om dit te verwezenlijken doet ook de vraag stellen waar uiteindelijk de Douma gasaanval geconcipieerd werd. In Syrië of in Washington.

Omdat dit voorval zo duidelijk toont hoe er gemanipuleerd wordt om ons in oorlog te storten is het van belang Douma niet te vergeten. Leugens om leugens toe te dekken en de waarheid die steeds naar buiten glipt.
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Oud 10 mei 2020, 07:55   #7
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
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Juicy stuff. Veel leesgenot:
It's been over 72 hours since The Grayzone published new leaks further exposing how the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been lying about its investigation into an alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria two years ago.

These new documents make it abundantly clear that OPCW leadership were just plain lying when they claimed that a ballistics expert named Ian Henderson was not a part of the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) in Douma and played only a "minor supporting role" there. Henderson disagrees with the organisation's official findings implicating the Syrian government in a chlorine gas attack, finding instead that the gas cylinders on the scene were "manually placed", indicating that the crime scene was staged and the dozens of civilians killed were the victims of a still-unsolved mass murder.

The silence on these revelations from the OPCW and its usual narrative managers has been deafening.

No reply yet from "OPCW public affairs, to my query about Greyzone allegations,m devastating if true both to official position of OPCW and to lapcat @Bellingcat. : https://t.co/aDYLiy7YQw

— Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah) May 8, 2020

Peter Hitchens, one of the only high-visibility journalists to cover the OPCW scandal, tweeted when the documents first emerged: "I have today formally requested OPCW public affairs to comment on these allegations, which call into question an important statement made by the organisation's chief and retailed by lapcat Bellingcat about the status of Inspector Ian Henderson."

"No reply yet from OPCW public affairs, to my query about Greyzone allegations, devastating if true both to official position of OPCW and to lapcat Bellingcat," Hitchens tweeted a day later.

This silence makes it clear that the OPCW, Bellingcat, and all the other empire-aligned propagandists responsible for managing the mainstream narrative about Syria have opted for the strategy of simply not responding to the damning leaks in order to avoid drawing attention to them. This is actually a very clever (albeit sociopathic) tactic, because western mass media have already clearly demonstrated a collective conspiracy of silence on the OPCW scandal, which is its own scandal in itself. They know they can keep these leaks out of mainstream attention, thereby nullifying their massive implications for western imperialism going forward, simply by ignoring them.

You can understand their frustration, then, when an immensely popular celebrity uses her giant platform to amplify this highly unauthorized news story.

“The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has made false and misleading statements about two veteran inspectors who challenged a cover-up of their investigation in Syria, leaked documents show.”https://t.co/k8ziZSPVVt via @TheGrayzoneNews @aaronjmate

— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) May 8, 2020

Actress Susan Sarandon has highlighted the latest revelations in the ever-mounting OPCW scandal on Twitter, and the frantic reaction from Syria spinmeisters makes a perfect illustration of the primacy of narrative control for western warmongers.

War reporter Janine di Giovanni, whose promotion of imperialist narratives and fawning puff pieces over the White Helmets propaganda operation have seen her showered with access and awards by establishment institutions, admonished Sarandon to "refrain from talking about Syria", making no other argument than the fact that the two have mutual celebrity acquaintances.

"Susan, you are one of my favorite actresses," said di Giovanni in a now-deleted tweet. "We have friends in common in France via Louis Malle. Please, please refrain from talking about Syria - those of us who worked on the ground documenting war crimes for years (NOT on the regime side) find it excruciatingly. Please stop."

Again, this is an award-winning professional reporter who frequently publishes in some of the most high-profile outlets in the world like The New York Times and The Guardian. The fact that someone so elevated and so esteemed would find it perfectly normal to publicly cite her friendship with celebrities as a reason for a Hollywood actress to be silent about western imperialism tells you everything you need to know about the state of journalism today, and the "authoritative sources" that are being amplified by Silicon Valley tech giants over voices which actually challenge power like The Grayzone.

When di Giovanni was called out for her freakish behavior, her response was to accuse every single one of her critics of being "Russian trolls" and delete her post.

"@TheGrayzoneNews @aaronjmate Susan, you are one of my favorite actresses. We have friends in common… https://t.co/9za8v926nY" -.@janinedigi pic.twitter.com/H2fWcrh6Wt

— For the blocked and For the record (@FTBandFTR) May 9, 2020

Di Giovanni babbled about Russian trolls and cited her friendship with mutual celebrity friends of Sarandon because she did not have any actual facts or arguments to cite against the information Sarandon was sharing. This is because such facts and arguments do not exist. There is no legitimate reason why people should not be publicly discussing and amplifying important authentic documents, so all they're left with is various iterations of "shut up".

And indeed if you look at what people are saying about Sarandon's post on Twitter right now, that is all you will find: mountains of vitriol and precisely zero facts or arguments. These people have no interest in truth, only in controlling the narrative about what's happening in a nation that has long been targeted for regime change by the US-centralized empire.

"I’m sorry it has come to this, Susan. But having explained to you many times why your conspiracy theories are wrong, dangerous, and hurtful, I can say without a shadow of doubt that you are an idiot without a conscience," said the despicable Idrees Ahmad, whose narrative management on Syria is so insanely aggressive that it has literally seen him threaten oppositional journalists with menacing phone calls in order to scare them away from reporting on Syria.

A quick glance through Ahmad's previous tweets to Sarandon reveals that the reasons he has been giving her for why her "conspiracy theories are wrong" are actually "reasons" which are debunked in the very article Sarandon just shared.

"Ian Henderson, a disgruntled OPCW employee, sent his speculative assessment to the 'Working Group'. But when the working group tried to establish his credentials, the OPCW confirmed that he was NOT part of the Fact Finding Mission," Ahmad tweeted at Sarandon when she shared an article of mine on the Henderson leak last year.

"Did you read the OPCW statement where it says the man who wrote it is not part of the fact finding mission? Which means he had no direct access to evidence or the site," Ahmad tweeted to Sarandon elsewhere.

Ian Henderson, a disgruntled OPCW employee, sent his speculative assessment to the "Working Group". But when the working group tried to establish his credentials, the OPCW confirmed that he was NOT part of the Fact Finding Mission. Which means, he had no direct access. pic.twitter.com/ArT6y8gh11

— Idrees Ahmad (@im_PULSE) May 18, 2019

Ahmad has no interest whatsoever in truth or facts, but only in trying to mitigate the damage done to the establishment narrative control agenda that Sarandon's tweet caused. Which will surprise no one who knows anything about him.

The only narrative manager who to my knowledge has made any attempt at all to even address the contents of the new OPCW leaks has been Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins, who took the somewhat bizarre approach of telling people that they cannot see the evidence that is directly in front of their faces.

"No, it doesn't show he was in the FFM, this issue is addressed in the OPCW report, he was asked to support the work of the FFM, but he wasn't part of the FFM," Higgins tweeted about Henderson under Sarandon's post.

This claim is of course directly refuted by the leaked mission personnel list in the Grayzone article Sarandon shared which very clearly and explicitly lists Ian Henderson as "FFM" under the column labeled "Title".

So it's been a very revealing ride. We were lied to about Syria, and the narrative managers responsible for manipulating public perception of that lie have been falling all over themselves trying to conceal this obvious fact. Here's hoping the truth keeps coming into the light, and that those with platforms large enough to punch through the propaganda matrix continue to do so.
Voor verdere links en bronnen zal u de originele link van het artikel in de vorige post best open doen.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 10 mei 2020 om 08:00.
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Oud 10 mei 2020, 16:48   #8
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hoofdstraat's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal Bekijk bericht
Oud nieuws dat vorige maand populair was in de Russische propaganda media en bij Poetin Knuffelaars.

Ontmanteling :


Dit lijkt de 4de release te zijn van deze russische aanval op de OPCW, via hun Wikileaks handlangers, "nieuw" materiaal dus.
Even afwachten op de ontmanteling, deel 4 dus.

Dit is uiteraard politiek gestuurd, make no mistake.
Peskov heeft blijkbaar weinig vakantie dit jaar.
Waarom zou OPCW die werkte vanuit Turkije niet politiek gestuurd zijn?

De meeste van hun bevindingen zijn niet gebaseerd op controles ter plaatse maar op basis van filmpjes van rebellen, dat is vragen om misbruikt te worden.
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Oud 10 mei 2020, 18:04   #9
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Erw's schermafbeelding
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De onderwerptitel zou beter wat minder afkorten dan "OPCW" dan weet je iets over de inhoud.
Dit zijn zo van die zaken waar je geen mening/conclusie uit kunt maken zonder zelf alles uit te gaan spitten. Op die manier het onderwerp beginnen zou nuttiger zijn.
De valse beloftes over NATO expansie van Westen aan Gorbachev. https://forum.politics.be/showthread.php?t=269743
Overheid: de bende deserteurs uit de economie.
Lees dit en besef: http://achterdesamenleving.nl/wp-con...jgeloof-11.pdf
Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand
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Oud 10 mei 2020, 19:50   #10
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hoofdstraat's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Erw Bekijk bericht
De onderwerptitel zou beter wat minder afkorten dan "OPCW" dan weet je iets over de inhoud.
Dit zijn zo van die zaken waar je geen mening/conclusie uit kunt maken zonder zelf alles uit te gaan spitten. Op die manier het onderwerp beginnen zou nuttiger zijn.
Ik heb dit al wat uitgespit maar dan via de filmpjes van de gas slachtoffers, die zijn zo fake als wat dus het OPCW is corrupt als de pest, makkelijk.
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