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Wetenschap & Technologie Van grondstoffen tot afgewerkt product, oude en nieuwe ontdekkingen, ... + de relatie tot de mens, macht, ...

Oud 23 oktober 2021, 21:04   #1
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.681
Talking Technologie piramiden facebook discussie (aliens?)

Technologie piramiden facebook discussie (aliens?)

facebook discussies zijn zwaar gecensureerd en diverse postings van mij zijn al hier verwijderd door de moderators, daarom ga ik een backup maken van mijn postings in deze group over deze thema's onder, piramiden gebouwd door aliens of door gewone mensen met simpele stenen en koperen werktuigen en veel MANPOWER, doordouwen dag en nacht he. Discussie of dit technisch kan he, techneuten maken berekeningen, heel deskundig ok.

Taal: Engels, maar je mag hier wel in het ABN Nederlands reageren.

---------------- begin kopie discusssie facebook group

Groep van Ancient history and Mystery
Ancient history and Mystery
Groep (Openbaar)
314,4 d. leden

onderwerp flyer topic
probleem van snijden van de grote massief granieten blokken, met welke technology, is het gegoten, mbv gesmolten graniet?? Hoe konden zij dit presteren met simpele werktuigen, kenden geen staal en hadden zeker geen diamand slijpen.
hele discussie nu dat er Aliens waren gekomen, Annunaki, Reptilians en die bouwden de piramiden ea oude megalitische bouwwerken tot 50.000 jaar geleden en ouder.

Mijn reacties onder account waldo wieroe phagalwa, doe ook mee, kom evt ook op facebook kijken in deze groep of post je visies hier.


Márcia Manhiq
Ggti1t0st9pmereni oogmr 12:0l0cd ·
????Group: Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations

Waldo Wieroe Phagalwa
One thing: why would aliens come to Earth to mine some gold?? The could easily knock one proton out of lead atoms to maken billions of tons of pure gold in gigantic nuclear collison reactors in deep space, in some kind of Micro Gold Star Reactor, en the pure gold can be ejected out into deep space to be collected by Robots that can withstand the high radiation. // The Russians tried this and it worked in there laboratories, but they could not mass produce gold, due to the high energy production costs. // Aliens with advanced Technology could easily put some kind of (Gigantic Micro Gold Star Reactor in an orbit around their sun to mass produce pure gold out of simple lead atoms, to start with one million tons of pure lead.

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· 1 min

Declan Purcell
An angle grinder cutting disk is very week, but yet it cuts steel. Because its embedded with a hard abrasive grit. The Egyptians used the same principle but with long thin lengths of copper and lose grit between it and the stone.

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· 23 u

Jersey George
Declan Purcell ok and where are the thin lenghts of. copper? Or any other tool?

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· 22 u

Declan Purcell
Jersey George
These tools were rare, out of the millions of chisels how many were found? The copper saws would eventually wear and what was left most likely recycled. I'm sure there is one buried somewhere waiting to be found, but it's not the kind of thing people would bring to their tomb.

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Robert Van Tuijl
Declan Purcell I saw something once which lead me to believe the stones were worked with 30 foot cutting wheels. I suppose it was diamond but with those aliens you never know. I suppose some space rock might be harder than diamond

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· 21 u

Declan Purcell
Robert Van Tuijl
Having a 30 foot (9m) diameter copper cutting wheel rotating at low RPM and powered by hand cranks on a wooden shaft with copper/bronze bushings is not exactly advanced technology, yet it is capable of precision cutting large blocks of granite.

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· 19 u

Robert Van Tuijl
Declan Purcell
Some memory of someththing I saw. They showed me a picture of a piece of granite with a small arc cut into it. They asked me how it was made. An image came to mind of a thirty foot radial saw with half above ground and half below the… Meer weergeven

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· 18 u

Declan Purcell
Robert Van Tuijl
Drill perpendicular holes through each end of the shaft, and insert 2 foot long wooden handles. Have 10 sets of 6 handles on each end. 2 men are assigned to each set of handles. These are used to rotate the shaft at an approx speed of 30 RPM. The angular velocity at the cutting edge of a 30 foot disk would be the circumstances of the disk x rpm ÷ 60 = 2 x Pi x r x rpm ÷ 60 = 47 feet per second (14 m/s) if each man exerted 100 Watts of power, the saw would have a total power of 4 kW (5.3 HP). The men could be changed every 4 hours thereby maintaining the saw working for long periods. The cutting speed would be slow, but I would expect 1 inch per hour for small blocks and 1 inch per day for massive blocks. A 30 foot copper cutting disk is extremely large but not impossible, a 10 foot disk would be much simpler to make and set up.

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Robert Van Tuijl
Carmen Clark Armstrong
Aw babe, they'da had you in the temple as a model building statues of your gorgeous figure

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Carmen Clark Armstrong
Robert Van Tuijl thank you. I’d probably be a slave doing laundry, or cooking in the kitchen, or tending to the chickens. ????

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Waldo Wieroe Phagalwa
Declan Purcell Yes very good calculation, but maybe they used horses to or donkeys to generate the rotation power?? A mobile construction on site could be builded. Or Hydro kinetic power, there were rivers with flowing water during that time and this is more realistic I guess, complety wooden water pipelines of Hollow bamboo, that are now totally vanished, to drive a hydro water powered wheel of wood of 5 to 10 meters in diameter, continuously.

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· 5 u

Declan Purcell
Waldo Wieroe Phagalwa
The problem with animals is that they can only exert a force in the horizontal direction. As a blade would cut in the vertical plane the power transfer system would need gearing. A small problem which they could easily have overcome, and animal power is much cheaper than manpower.
Under or overshot water wheels are also possible but locations for such would be limited, and would require transporting the stone to the mill just to be cut. To effort to transport stone is high. Bamboo would be adequate to transport low volumes of water, ie for drinking purposes, but not ideal for power generation, but it is possible. However, if there was an adequate water power source near a large construction project like at Giza, then it would be worth the effort to build a waterwheel stone cutting mill.

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Robert Van Tuijl
Thanks for the effort and info dude. You got me all walkin like an Egyptian with that on. I just wasn't clear on the number of workers to rotate the saw. I guess fourty.
So my next question is how did they cut eighty foot obelisks out of the ground

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Robert Van Tuijl
Cuz I was only ywo when I figured the thirty foot wheel. But I guessed they used hammerstones to get the obelisks. But even then I knew that wasnt right

------------------------------ end
Kritisch Podium Dewanand

dewanand is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 23 oktober 2021, 21:10   #2
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.681
Talking Klacht: de blanke mannenhaat die nu wereldwijd oprukt

mooie reacties zeg hoog kennisniveau he vd superieure blanken daar
daarom ga ik liever om met hogere, halfgoddelijke blanken ok. Helaas is het waar dat blanken een hoger ras zijn, ok wel zielig voor zwarte hindoe aapjes en negers. zieligheid v inferieur zijn.


Chris Diehl Cannon
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but your dead wrong. Example King Tuts dagger made of what they called star metal. If they could work star metal, what makes you think they didn't know about other hard metals? Just throwing it out there.

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· 1 d

Jon Morgret
Chris Diehl Cannon correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they use diamonds in golden jewelry too?

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Chris Diehl Cannon
Jon Morgret they also had the same surgical tool to remove cataracts that we still use today. Makes you stop and go huh, if they could perform cataract surgery which happens to be one of the most delicate parts of the body what else could they do.

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Mitchell Wildon
Jon Morgret no. Egypt doesnt have precious stones. Only semi-precious stones. No diamonds

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Jon Morgret
Mitchell Wildon ok ty

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Max Jek
Chris Diehl Cannon They used a hard ball type of rock. I think it was basalt as "hammers" to hack the obelisks out of their quarries. At least one unfinished, cracked obelisk remains there.

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Max Jek
Chris Diehl Cannon Alexander the Great's soldiers used that, ancient sledgehammers and wooden wedges soaked in vinegar hammered into big boulders to break them.

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· 22 u

Mitchell Wildon
Chris Diehl Cannon depends on when. Later on they made some sarcophogi out of silver (psusennes i)
But as for tools, they mainly used copper or copper alloy. If they used harder metals for tools we'd have evidence for it (again, could be in late period or so onwards, im not sure)

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Chris Diehl Cannon
Mitchell Wildon not trying to be rude here, but I gave an example of a harder metal that they obviously knew how to work/manipulate; King Tuts dagger.

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Max Jek
It has been shown in an experiment in modern times that obelisks can be pulled up and lowered into a big sand box type of structure. Then the sand was slowly removed. And the obelisk was pulled into place by ropes.

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Don Christiansen
Interesting fact

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Stephen Barnard
People really should try reading the research. How the Egyptians cut and worked granite is well understood.


Kritisch Podium Dewanand

dewanand is offline   Met citaat antwoorden

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