View Full Version : Economy, Banking, Credit Cards And Usury

10 januari 2008, 20:12
Economy, Banking, Credit Cards And Usury :

Modern world recognize and use two sciences: mathematic and economy.
Long time ago, Albert Einstein said:
"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
" For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.
Interpretation of Einstein law is very simple:
Unfortunately, one of our two sciences is guilty for the worst crimes ever committed.

In simple terms the new money comes into circulation through the banking system, issued as a debt to the banking system.
This money is created out of thin air and is backed by nothing.
There is a significant difference between a nominal value and printing costs of the money.
Here we are talking about enormous profit, also called seigniorage.
What's worse, with fractional reserve banking like in Euro area, we have the same money in 50 different places at the same time.
In the case of money lending like this one, generated interest on initial deposit becomes unbelievable number.

It's not finished yet: You have to repay public debt, interests, inflation, other hidden taxes, and who knows what else...
Finally, world is full of enemies so you have to fight them before they have a chance to attack you.
It's a war that you're losing for twenty centuries.
What is hidden behind the Central Banks independence and autonomy?
Privately owned corporations and lost of "democratic countries "monetary sovereignties?

Some Little-Known Facts

- All revolutions have one common thing: no one changed a monetary system.
- Existence of Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and similar organizations. - On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned
Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.
- On June 23, 2005, Former IRS CID Special Agent Joseph Banister has been acquitted of tax fraud and conspiracy. The government was unable to prove that US law requires income tax withholding or filing.
- On September 15, 2005, a Justice of the peace in the southern Italian town Lecce has decided that the Italian Central Bank's practice to retain the seignorage (signoraggio) on paper money for its own profit is illegal and that the money should be turned over to its rightful owners - the citizens of Italy.
- Existence of hundred of trillions invented values of financial derivatives.

Negative Effects Of Credit Card

The magnetic strip was introduced in 1970 and ushered in the information age and the credit card industry boom which has driven this economy now for decades.
Though we don't have a debtor's prison as in the days of Babylonia, nor is usury lawful (though a good argument might be presented that it is from time to time), we do seem to have come full circle.
Remember all those farmers back 3000 years ago who went to prison and could not grow thereby starving there countryman ?
Well, what do you suppose drives our economy ?
It's credit.
And what horrible condition continues to rise in epidemic proportions as a result ?
It's bankruptcy.

Per an article Can You Afford It ?
The national balance on credit cards, auto, and other non-mortgage loans rose to a new record figure in April 2001 at $1.58 trillion.
Delinquent credit card payments (30 days past due) has risen to new high of 5% delinquency.
There is a 17.5% increase in the already staggering number of bankruptcies filed.
The credit card has been the single major pivot in creating a boom in bankruptcies.
Do you suppose it might be possible to have enough consumers declare bankruptcy so that the entire economy might implode upon itself ?
It did with the farmers in early civilizations.
I would say it is very possible when your castle is built of plastic.

About the Author

Aljosa Duric represents Crom Alternative Money (http://cromalternativemoney.org) , a rare and concrete global solution which offering multi-currencies alternative payment system.
Crom is based on the concept that the value of money is created not by the one who issues the symbols but by the one who accepts them.
Free from usury, our objectives are quite opposite of debt-based money system consequences.

10 januari 2008, 20:14
Een vriend voor MIS.

12 januari 2008, 05:04
Adrian, wie weet ? Had je de oplossingen al, wachten daar nog steeds op en onderstaande ter begeleiding maar dat wisten we al natuurlijk. Je hebt het monopolyspel en je hebt diegenen die iets van economie begrijpen. Als je ze combineert, loopt het al eens uit de hand met verregaande gevolgen zoals je ook wel weet (mag ik hopen)

Many of the world's social problems can be blamed on the error of seeing the world in terms of winners. This is particularly the case with economic theory, which has no prescription for losers other than for them to join the winners. If they can't join the winners, they should go out of existence or become invisible. This prescription applies even if the economic competition is between two races of people. One of the races is expected to become invisible if it does not become the dominant economic player. Unfortunately, the losing race of people might not like to become invisible. They might object to going out of existence. Certainly the Palestinians did not take it lying down.

I believe that 'winners prejudice' is the principle mechanism for the recent troubles in the Middle East. After the formation of Israel, the two peoples had an uneasy cooperation until one got richer and the other got poorer. One of them won the economic contest. As is customary for winners, particularly for winners who play by the rules, the dominant Israeli side expected to take over the whole country as their prize. They were following orthodox economic theory in not caring what happened to the Palestinian losers, who were supposed to take their loss with good grace and go away.

Democracy has a similar problem to economics. With democracy, the winner of the electoral competition is theoretically permitted to exterminate the loser, or at the very least, to consign the loser to invisibility. Any brake that might act to prevent the winner from doing this can only be applied from outside the democratic system. For instance, the thing preventing the winning political party from exterminating the opposition might be a written constitution, the threat of international sanctions, or moral considerations. Whatever the brake is, it must lie outside the democratic system. And that is the only place it can lie in the case of economic theory too. Unfortunately, in economics we are increasingly moving towards having no brakes at all i.e., of letting economic losers die literally. Certainly, we are letting losing countries become invisible.

We would do well to keep in mind this requirement for 'outside action' whenever we are tempted to think that economic theory or democracy can solve the world's problems.

Artikel 12 ... http://eigenket.com/ket9.htm

12 januari 2008, 05:12
Hier Adrian, moest het niet duidelijk zijn ... (art 11 zelfde pagina)

It's like an animal species evolving eyes so that they can see things and avoid dangerous objects. Then the economists of that species come along and decide that sight is bad. 'Only adherence to the principle that brought us here - the Principle of Blind Bumping - will keep us strong and fit for the future,' they solemnly intone. 'You must keep your eyes shut!'

En zo geschiedde ... een verkrachte economie werd als normaal beschouwd en er restte niet anders meer dan het reciteren van economische mantra's gedreven door monetaire winst, the human capital verloochenend.

12 januari 2008, 09:11
Many of the world's social problems can be blamed on the error of seeing the world in terms of winners. This is particularly the case with economic theory, which has no prescription for losers other than for them to join the winners.

Opmerkelijk hoeveel mensen luid hun mening verkondigen over zaken waar ze geen fluit van afweten.

12 januari 2008, 11:15
Heel juist Percalion, kom je tot inzicht misschien ?

Het wordt stilaan tijd, de wereld wacht op je. Ik noem je bericht een hilarische projectie vanuit je onbewuste, alsof je in een spiegel sprak en dat terwijl je nog steeds economie als een monopolyspel aanziet. Of heb je dat bericht niet goed begrepen misschien ?

Maar goed, je ging ons nog de oplossing geven. Daar wachten we nu nog steeds op, feel free.

12 januari 2008, 11:21
It's like an animal species evolving eyes so that they can see things and avoid dangerous objects. Then the economists of that species come along and decide that sight is bad. 'Only adherence to the principle that brought us here - the Principle of Blind Bumping - will keep us strong and fit for the future,' they solemnly intone. 'You must keep your eyes shut!'

Ben jij één van die economen die iedereen vraagt om de ogen te sluiten door mensen vanalles voor te spiegelen dat niets meer met economie te maken heeft ? Het lijkt er heel sterk op, wat denk je zelf ? Of heeft iemand anders jouw ogen gesloten misschien en dat je dat nu zelf niet meer ziet, dat kan ook altijd natuurlijk. Welke van de twee denk je ?

12 januari 2008, 12:12
Percalion, zou het bijna vergeten te melden, een klein detail in de menselijke geschiedenis, een voetnootje, zeg maar.

Heb vernomen dat Europa ongeveer 20 miljoen mensen gaat importeren om ergens een finacieel tekort op te vangen. Misschien kunnen we gewoon die kredietexpansie nog even zo laten, zou veel makkelijker zijn, denk je niet ?

Economen zeggen zoveel natuurlijk, ik denk persoonlijk dat het bovenstaande een grapje is. Althans, als ik het lees, heb ik moeilijkheden om het te geloven. Tenslotte zijn we toch al in de 21ste eeuw hé, bakstenen groeien op aarde, niet op Mars, begrijp je ?

ps : als ik te weten kom uit welke landen die 20 miljoen gaan komen, laat ik je wel een seintje. Kwestie van elementaire beleefdheid en menselijkheid. Alleen jonge mensen komen in aanmerking, anders heeft het geen zin natuurlijk, dat begrijp je ook wel.

12 januari 2008, 12:30
Some Little-Known Facts

- On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.Sommige "facts" zijn uiteraard met recht "little-known".

De neponderzoeker Jim Marrs heeft voor EO 11110 ooit een totaal uit de lucht gegrepen interpretatie en draagwijdte verzonnen, en sindsdien wordt dat door sommigen klakkeloos herhaald. :?

Neen, EO 11110 betekende niet het einde van de FED.

Hier (http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/3616/flaherty9.html) wat meer uitleg over dit vrij onbelangrijk (en saai) technisch EO.

12 januari 2008, 12:36
Inderdaad, kan saai zijn.

Kunnen ons beter op de toekomst richten, we moeten nog 20 miljoen mensen importeren om de vergrijzing op te vangen, nog werk genoeg. Iemand al een idee uit welke landen de beste cultrurele mix kan gehaald worden.

Het mag je eigen suggestie zijn, we hoeven niet steeds de pseudo economen te geloven natuurlijk, die denken dat iedereen dom is. Agnosie of zoiets noemt dat.

12 januari 2008, 12:43
ha ha haha ha ha

Heb je een bron voor die 20 miljoen slaven?
Hier zijn er al hoeven ze de overtocht niet te betalen!

12 januari 2008, 12:50
Ik vergeet nog iets; er zijn ook nog 300 bhutanezen,
325 Iraniers ong 70 Afghanen en een pak Nepalezen in de aanbieding.
Ze liggen vlak naast het Ministerie in hongerstaking.

12 januari 2008, 13:06
Babylonia, ik denk dat men aan een soort van timemanagement doet, we sturen ze nog naar huis met het vliegtuig om ze later terug te gaan ophalen ... zo gaat dat nu éénmaal