View Full Version : hevige censuur op het fantastische filmgenre in China

Scheet in een fles
14 april 2011, 15:11

New guidelines issued on March 31 discourages plot lines that contain elements of "fantasy, time-travel, random compilations of mythical stories, bizarre plots, absurd techniques, even propagating feudal superstitions, fatalism and reincarnation, ambiguous moral lessons, and a lack of positive thinking."

“The government says … TV dramas shouldn’t have characters that travel back in time and rewrite history. They say this goes against Chinese heritage,” reports CNN’s Eunice Yoon. “They also say that myth, superstitions and reincarnation are all questionable.”

The Chinese censors seem to be especially sensitive these days. But for the television and film industry, such strictures would seem to eliminate any Chinese version of “Star Trek,” “The X-Files,” “Quantum Leap” or “Dr. Who.” And does that mean rebroadcast of huge Hollywood moneymakers like “Back to the Future” and the “Terminator” series are now forbidden?

These guidelines will certainly add a creative challenge to Chinese writers, producers and directors.

Deed me een beetje denken aan de South Park film, waar de Amerikaanse regering de fantasiewereld wil platbombarderen.

14 april 2011, 15:19
De vraag is of de betrokken info op juistheid berust. Het is afkomstig uit de smeerpijp van de VS. Als u een Chinese bronbevestiging heeft, is het allicht wat anders. Maar geloof nooit direct wat Hollywood beweert.

Scheet in een fles
15 april 2011, 16:05
Deze blog gaat er dieper op in:

Originele bron is Chinees:

From QQ:

Now there’s an interesting trend in China’s film and television industry: more and more time-travel themed dramas are made and aired. In these time-travel based TV plays, usually the protagonist is from the modern time and for some reasons and via some means, travels through time and all the way back to the ancient China where he/she will constantly experience the "culture shock" but gradually get used to it and eventually develop a romance in that era. Though obviously the Chinese audience is found of this genre of shows, the country’s authority -General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television, to be exact, is not happy about this trend and calls a halt to the making of this type of drama.

From the end of last year, the time-travel themed drama is becoming more and more popular. Most of these time-travel dramas are based on real historical stories but with many newly added, and usually exaggerated elements to make it funny and more attractive. Nothing is off limits in this television genre. While some find it hilarious, others think the exaggeration and even ridiculous elements added into the story is a real source of annoyance and is a disrespectful for history.

The authority’s decision was made on the Television Director Committee Meeting on April 1st. – but obviously it’s not a prank to fans of the drama genre. The authority has a good reason to go against the genre. "The time-travel drama is becoming a hot theme for TV and films. But its content and the exaggerated performance style are questionable. Many stories are totally made-up and are made to strain for an effect of novelty. The producers and writers are treating the serious history in a frivolous way, which should by no means be encouraged anymore."

De regering lijkt zich specifiek te richten op tijdreizen in TV-feuilletons en films.

15 april 2011, 16:26
Het is verklaarbaar maar op zich dus wel een vorm van vrijheidsbeperking. Het politburo wil voorkomen dat oude beslissingen en maatregelen op die manier worden bekritiseerd.

In de VS gebeuren dergelijke dingen ook maar dan tegen hun (natuurlijke) vijanden zoals Japan. Dan duikt de massieve nucleaire carrier Nimitz ineens op in de actie tegen Pearl Harbor.

Datzelfde verhaal keert in een andere versie terug in Pearl Harbor.

De Chinese overheid wil op deze manier het pad afsluiten voor verhalen die de foutieve beslissingen van het verleden willen benadrukken.