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30 oktober 2011, 12:20
Uit de New York Times.
U.S. Is Planning Buildup in Gulf After Iraq Exit. (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/world/middleeast/united-states-plans-post-iraq-troop-increase-in-persian-gulf.html)
Published: October 29, 2011

MacDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — The Obama administration plans to bolster the American military presence in the Persian Gulf after it withdraws the remaining troops from Iraq this year, according to officials and diplomats. That repositioning could include new combat forces in Kuwait able to respond to a collapse of security in Iraq or a military confrontation with Iran.

In de Golf is er buiten Saudi Arabië en de Emiraten idd vooral Iran.

The United States is already at war with Iran; but for the time being the battle is being fought through surrogates.
July 21, 2006

Die weten dus wat hen te wachten staat: van koude naar hete oorlog.
Wij weten het ook: NATO-deelname, hogere prijzen, economische ramp hier.

30 oktober 2011, 22:25
Waarom zijn de alQaëda (niet merknaam van de media) jihadi's ontstaan? Door die aanwezigheid van militaire basis daar.

Iran + revolutie/intifada's + democratie brengt islamisten aan de macht = meer druk op Golfstaten en US moet het tegenwerken.

19 februari 2012, 20:11
VS sturen in Brussel aan op conflict met Iran (http://www.knack.be/vs-sturen-in-brussel-aan-op-conflict-met-iran/article-4000044813093.htm#)
16 feb 2012
(...) De Verenigde Staten leggen druk op België om SWIFT, de internationale organisatie met hoofdkwartier in Terhulpen die zo’n 80 tot 90 procent van het internationale financiëleberichtenverkeer regelt, te verplichten de verbindingen met Iran door te knippen.

Machtige lobbygroep

In de Verenigde Staten heeft de bankcommissie van de senaat onlangs een amendement aangenomen dat SWIFT wil verplichten de transacties en communicatie met Iran stop te zetten. De senatoren keurden het amendement goed onder druk van de machtige lobbygroep United against nuclear Iran, gefinancierd vanuit de VS en Israël. Alle SWIFT-bestuurders en de gouverneurs van Europese centrale banken kregen een brief van de drukkingsgroep waarin wordt gedreigd met juridische stappen indien Iran met nucleaire wapens zou uitpakken.

Met het doorknippen van de verbindingen tussen SWIFT en Iran willen de Verenigde Staten een einde maken aan het Iraanse nucleaire programma, waarvan in het Westen wordt aangenomen dat het zal leiden tot de aanmaak van atoomwapen.

Om te voorkomen dat SWIFT, met internationaal hoofdkwartier in Terhulpen nabij Brussel, deze maatregel naast zich neer zou leggen zet de Amerikaanse diplomatie nu zware druk op België en op de Europese Unie om SWIFT te verplichten de banden met Iran door te knippen. Ruim 40 Iraanse banken maken gebruik van het SWIFT-netwerk. Die banken isoleren kan een fatale klap toebrengen aan het financiële verkeer in Iran.


In 2006 raakte bekend dat de Amerikaanse schatkist en de inlichtingendienst CIA inzage hadden in alle SWIFT-transacties.

Een Jood aan de Amerikaanse Schatkist, net als onderstaande lijst:

Geither: Secretary of the Treasury
Wolin: Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Patterson: Chief of Staff to Secretary of the Treasury
Kabaker: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Counselor to the Secretary
Sachs: Counselor to the Secretary
Sperling: Counselor to the Secretary
Alexander: Counselor to the Secretary
Siewert, Jr.: Counselor to the Secretary
Goldstein: Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Barr: Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutitions
Miller: Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets
Massad: Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability
Gregg: Fiscal Assistant Secretary
Krueger: Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
Brainard: Under Secretary for International Affairs
Cohen: US Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence
Ireland: Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
Glaser: Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

Of the twenty-six(26) U.S. Treasury Department senior officials, eighteen(18) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 69%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the U.S. Treasury Department senior officials by a factor of 34.5 times times(3,450 percent).
bron (http://thezog.wordpress.com/who-controls-the-treasury-department/)
De Amerikaanse Schatkist is in handen van Joden.
De voorganger van Cohen op die positie was Levey (jul 2004 - jan 2011). Tweemaal raden: een Jood. Voor Levey bestond die post zelfs niet. Een post dus 100% voor en door Joden.

Cohen was de assistent van Levey.
Swift's board of directors is comprised of executives from some of the world's most important banks. This week, activist group United Against Nuclear Iran wrote to board members arguing that they are acting outside U.S. law by allowing designated Iranian banks to use Swift's services. They argued that Swift's guidelines mandate that its cut ties to Iran.” (The Wall Street Journal. "Banking Hub Adds to Pressure on Iran (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203889904577201330206741436.html?m od=googlenews_wsj)," 2/4/12)
bron (http://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/company/society-worldwide-interbank-financial-telecommunication-swift)
Uit dat artikel in 'The Wall Street Journal':
Current and former U.S. officials said that if the Belgium-based organization, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or Swift, bans sanctioned Iranian entities from using its network, Tehran could find itself virtually incapable of conducting electronic financial transactions.

"This would be the knockout blow," said Avi Jorisch, a former U.S. Treasury Department official who has worked on Swift.
Over 'United Against Nuclear Iran':
Basically, the same people who lied to you about WMDs in Iraq have started lying about Iran's nuclear program.
bron (http://www.iranaffairs.com/iran_affairs/2008/09/lying-about-irans-nuclear-program.html)
Dat artikel in The Wall Street Journal wordt ondertekend door Jay Solomon en Adam Entous.

Tweemaal raden: twee Joden.
Op de anti-terrorisme wetgeving in de VS hebben zich de zionisten geworpen.

Zij gebruiken daarvoor mantelorganisaties in de VS zelf. Bijvoorbeeld: Red Cell Intelligence Group (http://www.redcellig.com/)

In deze pdf (http://redcellig.com/media/Irans_Dirty_Banking.pdf) vind je een rapport van Avi Jorisch (VS-mantelorganisatie: Red Cell Intelligence Group). Daar staat zoveel op SWIFT-codes gebaseerde informatie in dat het niet anders kan dan dat deze organisatie, via de CIA, alle data uit Terhulpen (Brussel) kon raadplegen. Het willen kunnen bouwen van een simpele raketlanceerder wordt in deze rapporten al omschreven als "terrorisme".

Enkele namen om te onthouden:
Coalition Against Terrorist Media (CATM) is a US based organization and branch of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD). FDD has deep roots in the Zionst-Israeli establishment in the US.
(fig.: Avi Jorisch, de zionist achter Red Cell Intelligence Group)
FDD's Iran Energy Project is led by Mark Dubowitz and Jonathan Schanzer.
bron (http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Foundation_for_the_Defense_of_Democracies)
En ja hoor, u kan het tweemaal raden: twee Joden.
Nog over 'United Against Nuclear Iran':
Ambassadors Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross were the original co-founders and co-chairman of the organization before being appointed to positions in the Obama administration.
bron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holbrooke)
Richard Holbrooke en Dennis Ross. Geloof het of niet: twee Joden.

24 februari 2012, 13:53
The United States is already at war with Iran; but for the time being the battle is being fought through surrogates.
July 21, 2006

Die weten dus wat hen te wachten staat: van koude naar hete oorlog.
Wij weten het ook: NATO-deelname, hogere prijzen, economische ramp hier.

Met dank aan uw Israelische vriendjes en lobbygroepen, die gij niet wilt vermelden.

Bespaar ons dus uw hypocriete houding.


12 maart 2012, 05:58
Am. vliegdekschip (CVN-65) op weg naar de Perzische Golf.

12 maart 2012, 06:00
Reeds aanwezig in of nabij de Perzische Golf: CVN-72.

12 maart 2012, 06:02
Eveneens reeds aanwezig in of nabij de Perzische Golf: CVN-70.

20 maart 2012, 04:56
VS sturen in Brussel aan op conflict met Iran (http://www.knack.be/vs-sturen-in-brussel-aan-op-conflict-met-iran/article-4000044813093.htm#)
16 feb 2012
(...) De Verenigde Staten leggen druk op België om SWIFT, de internationale organisatie met hoofdkwartier in Terhulpen die zo’n 80 tot 90 procent van het internationale financiëleberichtenverkeer regelt, te verplichten de verbindingen met Iran door te knippen.

Machtige lobbygroep

In de Verenigde Staten heeft de bankcommissie van de senaat onlangs een amendement aangenomen dat SWIFT wil verplichten de transacties en communicatie met Iran stop te zetten. De senatoren keurden het amendement goed onder druk van de machtige lobbygroep United against nuclear Iran, gefinancierd vanuit de VS en Israël. Alle SWIFT-bestuurders en de gouverneurs van Europese centrale banken kregen een brief van de drukkingsgroep waarin wordt gedreigd met juridische stappen indien Iran met nucleaire wapens zou uitpakken.

Met het doorknippen van de verbindingen tussen SWIFT en Iran willen de Verenigde Staten een einde maken aan het Iraanse nucleaire programma, waarvan in het Westen wordt aangenomen dat het zal leiden tot de aanmaak van atoomwapen.

Om te voorkomen dat SWIFT, met internationaal hoofdkwartier in Terhulpen nabij Brussel, deze maatregel naast zich neer zou leggen zet de Amerikaanse diplomatie nu zware druk op België en op de Europese Unie om SWIFT te verplichten de banden met Iran door te knippen. Ruim 40 Iraanse banken maken gebruik van het SWIFT-netwerk. Die banken isoleren kan een fatale klap toebrengen aan het financiële verkeer in Iran.


In 2006 raakte bekend dat de Amerikaanse schatkist en de inlichtingendienst CIA inzage hadden in alle SWIFT-transacties.

Een Jood aan de Amerikaanse Schatkist, net als onderstaande lijst:

Geither: Secretary of the Treasury
Wolin: Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Patterson: Chief of Staff to Secretary of the Treasury
Kabaker: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Counselor to the Secretary
Sachs: Counselor to the Secretary
Sperling: Counselor to the Secretary
Alexander: Counselor to the Secretary
Siewert, Jr.: Counselor to the Secretary
Goldstein: Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Barr: Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutitions
Miller: Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets
Massad: Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability
Gregg: Fiscal Assistant Secretary
Krueger: Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
Brainard: Under Secretary for International Affairs
Cohen: US Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence
Ireland: Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
Glaser: Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

Of the twenty-six(26) U.S. Treasury Department senior officials, eighteen(18) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 69%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the U.S. Treasury Department senior officials by a factor of 34.5 times times(3,450 percent).
bron (http://thezog.wordpress.com/who-controls-the-treasury-department/)
De Amerikaanse Schatkist is in handen van Joden.
De voorganger van Cohen op die positie was Levey (jul 2004 - jan 2011). Tweemaal raden: een Jood. Voor Levey bestond die post zelfs niet. Een post dus 100% voor en door Joden.

Cohen was de assistent van Levey.
Swift's board of directors is comprised of executives from some of the world's most important banks. This week, activist group United Against Nuclear Iran wrote to board members arguing that they are acting outside U.S. law by allowing designated Iranian banks to use Swift's services. They argued that Swift's guidelines mandate that its cut ties to Iran.” (The Wall Street Journal. "Banking Hub Adds to Pressure on Iran (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203889904577201330206741436.html?m od=googlenews_wsj)," 2/4/12)
bron (http://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/company/society-worldwide-interbank-financial-telecommunication-swift)
Uit dat artikel in 'The Wall Street Journal':
Current and former U.S. officials said that if the Belgium-based organization, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or Swift, bans sanctioned Iranian entities from using its network, Tehran could find itself virtually incapable of conducting electronic financial transactions.

"This would be the knockout blow," said Avi Jorisch, a former U.S. Treasury Department official who has worked on Swift.
Over 'United Against Nuclear Iran':
Basically, the same people who lied to you about WMDs in Iraq have started lying about Iran's nuclear program.
bron (http://www.iranaffairs.com/iran_affairs/2008/09/lying-about-irans-nuclear-program.html)
Dat artikel in The Wall Street Journal wordt ondertekend door Jay Solomon en Adam Entous.

Tweemaal raden: twee Joden.
Op de anti-terrorisme wetgeving in de VS hebben zich de zionisten geworpen.

Zij gebruiken daarvoor mantelorganisaties in de VS zelf. Bijvoorbeeld: Red Cell Intelligence Group (http://www.redcellig.com/)

In deze pdf (http://redcellig.com/media/Irans_Dirty_Banking.pdf) vind je een rapport van Avi Jorisch (VS-mantelorganisatie: Red Cell Intelligence Group). Daar staat zoveel op SWIFT-codes gebaseerde informatie in dat het niet anders kan dan dat deze organisatie, via de CIA, alle data uit Terhulpen (Brussel) kon raadplegen. Het willen kunnen bouwen van een simpele raketlanceerder wordt in deze rapporten al omschreven als "terrorisme".

Enkele namen om te onthouden:
Coalition Against Terrorist Media (CATM) is a US based organization and branch of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD). FDD has deep roots in the Zionst-Israeli establishment in the US.
(fig.: Avi Jorisch, de zionist achter Red Cell Intelligence Group)
FDD's Iran Energy Project is led by Mark Dubowitz and Jonathan Schanzer.
bron (http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Foundation_for_the_Defense_of_Democracies)
En ja hoor, u kan het tweemaal raden: twee Joden.
Nog over 'United Against Nuclear Iran':
Ambassadors Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross were the original co-founders and co-chairman of the organization before being appointed to positions in the Obama administration.
bron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holbrooke)
Richard Holbrooke en Dennis Ross. Geloof het of niet: twee Joden.
Iran wordt toegang ontzegd tot Swift-betalingssysteem (http://tweakers.net/nieuws/80703/iran-wordt-toegang-ontzegd-tot-swift-betalingssysteem.html)
15 mrt 2012
Swift, de organisatie die het internationale betalingsverkeer in goede banen moet leiden, heeft Iran van zijn netwerk afgesloten. (...)

De blokkade voor Iraanse banken tot het systeem voor internationaal elektronisch betalingsverkeer zal op zaterdag 17 maart om 17:00 uur actief worden. (...)
Iran, dat economisch sterk afhankelijk is van zijn olie-export, kan door de Swift-blokkade moeilijker zijn grondstoffen verhandelen op de wereldmarkt. Op het netwerk van Swift zijn meer dan achtduizend financiële instellingen uit meer dan tweehonderd landen aangesloten. Dagelijks worden gemiddeld 18 miljoen overschrijvingen tussen banken en andere financiële instellingen uitgevoerd. (...)
"This would be the knockout blow," said Avi Jorisch, a former U.S. Treasury Department official who has worked on Swift.
Een druk op de knop, achter het computerscherm.

20 maart 2012, 06:00
Waardevolle post beste @Nr.10.



20 maart 2012, 06:10
Waardevolle post beste @Nr.10.


Op welke datum ging Iran zijn olie in euro beginnen verhandelen? Weet jij dat nog?

20 maart 2012, 06:41
Op welke datum ging Iran zijn olie in euro beginnen verhandelen? Weet jij dat nog?

Normalerwijze vandaag.

Het einde van de petrodollar in nabij. 20 Maart 2012 !

"If the Washington/Tel Aviv-promoted hysteria is already at fever pitch, wait for March 20, when the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in other currencies apart from the US dollar, heralding the arrival of a new oil marker to be denominated in euro, yen, yuan, rupee or a basket of currencies.

That would suit Asian clients - from BRICS members India and China to US allies Japan and South Korea, not to mention NATO member Turkey. But that would also suit European clients, to pay for oil in their own currency. Tehran - as well as many key players in the developing world - does want to sink the petrodollar. That may be the straw to break the American camel's back." - Pepe Escobar, "US wants SWIFT war on Iran," February 17, 2012.

"Most of all, it was a war that probably brought about more long-term changes than any other in history. Nothing demonstrated more the central position of Persia as a world power. With this war we see the end of a succession of ancient empires in Iran that began with Cyrus. It was also the end of over a thousand years of a complex interaction with the west. Persian civilization was, of course, soon to demonstrate its resilience by emerging phoenix-like out of the ashes into the brilliance of medieval Islamic Iran. But that would be a changed new Persia and a changed interaction with the west: with the ending of the old Persia, the old world also ended." - Warwick Ball, "Towards One World: Ancient Persia and the West." 2010. East & West Publishing: London. Pg. 134 - 135. The quote is from the chapter, "Two Super-Powers: Recovery, Expansion and the War That Changed the World," about the century-long war between Rome and Persia in the sixth and seventh centuries A.D. Officially, the war began in 529 and ended in 629.

From its very inception, Israel was created to be destroyed in a third world war against the forces of Islam, the result of which will be a one world order. It is a cruel and miserable fate for the Jews and the people of the Middle East.

BRON: The excavator


20 maart 2012, 06:49
March 20: Iranian Oil Bourse Will Start Trading Oil for Other Currencies than Dollar (http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/7004-march-20-iranian-oil-bourse-will-start-trading-oil-for-other-currencies-than-dollar)


- Ron Paul understands the issues very well. He understands that Iran's great crime is its very credible threat to U.S. dollar hegemony. The Iranian oil bourse has had a long and fitful history of rumored starts and expectations. But, in light of the unprecedented denial of access to the SWIFT transfer system, it's a "do or die" moment for Iran.

This is Iran's great crime. The issue is not the alleged pursuit of a nuclear weapon. It never has been. Just as so many of us established over four or five years, Saddam Hussein's great crime was that he intended to trade Iraqi oil in the then-viable Euro. -- MCR

20 maart 2012, 06:54
Lees ook: (aktueel) Iran presses ahead with dollar attack – oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20 (http://deadlinelive.info/2012/03/19/iran-presses-ahead-with-dollar-attack-oil-bourse-will-start-trading-oil-in-currencies-other-than-the-dollar-from-march-20/)

Last week, the Tehran Times noted that the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20. This long-planned move is part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s vision of economic war with the west.

20 maart 2012, 07:34
If the Washington/Tel Aviv-promoted hysteria is already at fever pitch, wait for March 20, when the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in other currencies apart from the US dollar, heralding the arrival of a new oil marker to be denominated in euro, yen, yuan, rupee or a basket of currencies.

bron (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/NB17Ak04.html)
17 feb 2012
20 maart is het einde van het kalenderjaar in Iran.
Vanaf het nieuwe kalenderjaar zou de Iraanse oliebeurs
de olie o.a. in euro's beginnen verhandelen.

20 maart 2012, 08:01
Benieuwd... Zou de Euro een opwaartse 'punch' krijgen ? Zullen de VS het zieltogend toestaan ? Of gaan we spoedig een 'false flag' zien ?

Spannend. 8O

21 maart 2012, 08:11
Iran’s financial sovereignty dealt a body blow

At the same time, the imperialists struck a body blow against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s financial sovereignty. On March 15, SWIFT, a powerful global bank consortium, expelled up to 30 Iranian banks, including Iran’s Central Bank. Iran had used the bank network to get payments for its oil exports and other exports. The bank consortium’s chief executive, Lázaro Campos, call the move “extraordinary and unprecedented,” as SWIFT had never before disconnected banks. This lockout disrupts Iran’s ability to do international business and isolates it from the world economy. Due to sanctions and threats to those who would trade with Iran, Iran’s currency, the rial, has lost 60 percent against the dollar in a year. Some businesses in Iran are dealing only in dollars.

The day before SWIFT’s action, U.S. President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron stood side by side at the White House while Obama threatened Iran: “The window for solving [the nuclear] issue diplomatically is shrinking.” (Washington Post, March 15)

Meanwhile, Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Dempsey said several times that the U.S. is prepared to attack Iran.

Intelligence agencies widely agree that Iran has no nuclear weapons. The nuclear threat in the Middle East comes from Israel, which has 300 nuclear warheads and has refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, which Iran has. Yet Western powers have issued no call for international sanctions against Israel. In fact, the Pentagon covertly armed Israel with its nuclear weapons.

Coinciding with a recent trip of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington, the corporate media have been full of speculation on whether Israel would stage a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities on its own. There might be discord between the U.S. and Israel on where to draw the line on Iran’s nuclear program, as the U.S. has geopolitical concerns that Israel does not have. But there is no fundamental difference between Israeli and U.S. policy.

The U.S. likes to play the role of having to “restrain” Israel, and the mainstream media gladly play along. This diverts attention from the fact that Israel does the U.S.’s bidding. But this is just role playing — Netanyahu’s role being to say, “Let’s bomb Iran now,” and Obama’s to say, ”Let sanctions take their toll first.” Israel is the only reliable U.S. ally in the Middle East. Washington sees Israel as an unsinkable aircraft in the Pentagon’s fleet, not a homeland for Jewish people.

There has also been media speculation that Israel doesn’t have the weapons to bomb Iran’s deep underground facility. Responding to this, Israeli President Shimon Peres said during a visit to New York that security cooperation between the U.S. and Israel was “the best we’ve ever had.” (thinkingprogress.org, March 2) Indicating the direction in which U.S. imperialism and Israel intend to go, right after Netanyahu left Washington Israel started bombing the Palestinian people of Gaza, using pilotless planes — drones. Washington and Tel Aviv’s goal has always been to destroy all manifestations of the Palestinian struggle. Any time the imperialists push for a power shift in the Middle East, the Palestinians are the first casualty and suffer the most.

bron (http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2012/03/21/u-s-plots-takeover-of-syria-and-iran-by-joyce-chediac/)

22 maart 2012, 01:19
De Amerikanen smeken Iran bijna: toe, kom, smijt die Straat van Hormuz dicht. AUB, doe het. AUB. AUB. AUB.
De Straat van Hormuz: op z'n smalste punt 54 kilometer.
Het scheepvaartverkeer op dat punt wordt in twee routes verdeeld van elk drie kilometer breed. De westwaartse route loopt door de territoriale wateren van Iran. Tussen de oost- en westwaartse route is een buffer van 3 kilometer om aanvaringen te voorkomen.
bron (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straat_van_Hormuz)

22 maart 2012, 01:40
Lees ook: (aktueel) Iran presses ahead with dollar attack – oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20 (http://deadlinelive.info/2012/03/19/iran-presses-ahead-with-dollar-attack-oil-bourse-will-start-trading-oil-in-currencies-other-than-the-dollar-from-march-20/)

Last week, the Tehran Times noted that the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20. This long-planned move is part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s vision of economic war with the west.Dat is een de facto oorlogsverklaring vanwege Iran, een vijandige daad tgo de VS.
Daarom wordt Iran dan ook uit Swift gesmeten door de E.U.

Foreign Exchange: Saddam Turns His Back on Greenbacks (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,998512,00.html) - TIME
13 Nov 2000 – Iraq says it will no longer accept dollars for oil because it does not want to deal "in the currency of the enemy." The switch to euros would cost...
Die dacht ook dat hij ermee weg kon geraken.

Nog één die dacht dat hij ermee weg kon geraken:

Qaddafi Ouster Revenge for Threatening USD and Euro Hegemony in (http://huffingtonpostunionofbloggers.org/2011/08/26/qaddafi-ouster-revenge-for-threatening-usd-and-euro-hegemony-in-oil-market/) ...
Gaddafi’s days are quickly ending, it’s time to take stock about the ... take down Saddam Hussein, the oil nation had made the move to accept euros instead of ... ...

22 maart 2012, 05:51
Dat is een de facto oorlogsverklaring vanwege Iran, een vijandige daad tgo de VS.
Daarom wordt Iran dan ook uit Swift gesmeten door de E.U.

Foreign Exchange: Saddam Turns His Back on Greenbacks (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,998512,00.html) - TIME
13 Nov 2000 – Iraq says it will no longer accept dollars for oil because it does not want to deal "in the currency of the enemy." The switch to euros would cost...
Die dacht ook dat hij ermee weg kon geraken.

Nog één die dacht dat hij ermee weg kon geraken:

Qaddafi Ouster Revenge for Threatening USD and Euro Hegemony in (http://huffingtonpostunionofbloggers.org/2011/08/26/qaddafi-ouster-revenge-for-threatening-usd-and-euro-hegemony-in-oil-market/) ...
Gaddafi’s days are quickly ending, it’s time to take stock about the ... take down Saddam Hussein, the oil nation had made the move to accept euros instead of ... ...


Dat 'gezever' om kernwapens is NU VOORBIJ. Iran werd overdreven economisch bedreigd, ze nemen een logische beslissing en doen hetzelfde... Maar het was 1 stap te ver want dat wordt als 'vuil spel' beschouwd.

Spoedig meer... :twisted:

15 augustus 2012, 09:55
Am. vliegdekschip (CVN-65) op weg naar de Perzische Golf.

How can you tell where its heading??????

Nice picture! Got more?