View Full Version : CFR : Al Qaeda is fantastisch en verbetert de moraal, Jihad = Discipline

9 augustus 2012, 14:23
Dit soort zaken zou men vroeger en zelfs nu nog bestempelen als een samenzweringstheorie van een bende gekken.

Maar nee...

Het CFR (Councel on Foreign Relations) is klaar en duidelijk; Al Qaeda is fantastisch en Jihad is discipline.

Jawel Dames en Heren,

Conspiracy-theories speeltijd is voorbij.

Ze zeggen het nu klaar en duidelijk.

U zal dit niet geloven, ik nodig U uit A.U.B. de oorsprong van dit bericht na te zien, dit is 100% legitiem !!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O

Lees zelf de C/P en bezoek de site van deze uiterst belangrijke Westerse organisatie. (CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome & Trilateral Commission)

Indien U deze organisaties niet kent is Google Uw vriend.

Lees en huiver... dit is 100% NOT FAKE, de bronvermelding is de site van het CFR zelf.

*** MUST SEE ***
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria
CFR.org - Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria (http://www.cfr.org/syria/al-qaedas-specter-syria/p28782)
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria

The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks. By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West,:roll: rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime's superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now.

In Syria, al-Qaeda's foot soldiers call themselves Jabhat al-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Front for the Protection of the Levantine People). The group's strength and acceptance by the FSA are demonstrated by their increasing activity on the ground (BBC)--from seven attacks in March to sixty-six "operations" in June. In particular, the Jabhat has helped take the fight to Syria's two largest cities: the capital of Damascus, where 54 percent of its activities have been, and Aleppo. Indeed, al-Qaeda could become the most effective fighting force in Syria if defections from the FSA to the Jabhat persist and the ranks of foreign fighters (Guardian) continue to swell.

Al-Qaeda is not sacrificing its "martyrs" in Syria merely to overthrow Assad. Liberation of the Syrian people is a bonus, but the main aim is to create an Islamist state in all or part of the country. Failing that, they hope to at least establish a strategic base for the organization's remnants across the border in Iraq, and create a regional headquarters where mujahideen can enjoy a safe haven. If al-Qaeda continues to play an increasingly important role in the rebellion, then a post-Assad government will be indebted to the tribes and regions allied to the Jabhat. Failing to honor the Jabhat's future requests, assuming Assad falls, could see a continuation of conflict in Syria.

Thus far, Washington seems reluctant to weigh heavily into this issue. In May 2012, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta publicly accepted al-Qaeda's presence in Syria (Guardian). And in July, the State Department's counterterrorism chief, Daniel Benjamin, rather incredulously suggested that the United States will simply ask the FSA to reject al-Qaeda. :lol: The unspoken political calculation among policymakers is to get rid of Assad first—weakening Iran's position in the region—and then deal with al-Qaeda later. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But the planning to minimize al-Qaeda's likely hold over Syrian tribes and fighters must begin now as the Obama administration ramps up its support to rebel groups (Reuters). Of course, these preparations should also include efforts to locate and control Assad's chemical weapons. The months ahead will not be easy.

Buiten alle belangrijke gegevens, merk A.U.B. op dat de oorlog terug naar Irak komt. Dit is een gegeven dat ik reeds van verschillende loslippigen en analysten heb gehoord. Dit is vanwege het conflict met de Sunni's die door AQ en het Westen gesteund worden.

Als men dit goed verstaat, beseft men dat vanaf Libanon tot Iran, Irak heel dit gebied gaat ontvlammen. Dit blijkt onvermijdelijk en heeft zelf niets meer te maken met gekke samenzweringstheorieen. Deze zaak loopt gewoonweg onvermijdelijk uit de hand. Dit wordt een tot heden toe ongeziene ramp.

De religieuse strijd zal oncontroleerbaar zijn.



Jawel U hebt het goed begrepen ! Het Westen steunt zeer euforisch Al Qaeda.

11 September 2012 is vergeven. Nu zijn ze vriendjes.

Maar opgepast, in de VS zegt men dat vroeg of laat de Tea Party zich zal aansluiten bij Al Qaeda... jawel :lol: Een Islamofobe Al Qaeda dus. Right. :roll:

Zoals ik steeds gezegd heb, men had het regime van Assad gerust moeten laten. Hij was de minst slechte. Dit loopt niet goed af. Rampzalig.

9 augustus 2012, 14:41
Maar opgepast, in de VS zegt men dat vroeg of laat de Tea Party zich zal aansluiten bij Al Qaeda... jawel Een Islamofobe Al Qaeda dus. Right.


Tea Party America’s Al-Qaeda?
By Steve Ybarra

It came to me in an epiphany that the Tea “Party” is simply America’s Al-Qaeda. Let’s look at this movement. The Tea Party, like Al-Qeada, has no head but rather is run by many small groups (cells). It, like Al-Qeada, is ultra-conservative with each group deciding what essential documents (like the Qur’an) mean. For example, the Tea “Party” picks which parts of the Constitution are really “American”.

The Tea “Party”, like Al-Qeada, advocates killing leaders with whom they disagree (see Nevada). The Tea “Party”, like Al-Qeada, hates homosexuals and women who think outside of their “family values”.
The Tea “Party”, like Al-Qaeda, is willing to use hate and lies and half truths to make its points. The Tea “Party” leaders use the media to show how successful they are by publishing false pictures of their gatherings (thanks Glenn Beck). The Tea “Party” has no purpose except like Al-Qaeda to overthrow the US Government and assure the failure of the present US President and our Country.

My conclusion – the Tea “Party” is America’s Al-Qaeda!

So it is time to treat them like we do Al-Qaeda

■First, ignore them. That is what Republicans did with Al-Qaeda for years, saying that they had no place in the American discussion of world politics.
■Second, negotiate with them. That is what the Republicans did with Al-Qeada when Bush Senior was in office.
■Finally, finance them. That is what is what Bush and Raygun did when they were in office.
These successful tactics helped assure that Al-Qaeda went the way of the dinosaur! Of course I am being facetious.

So here is the question of the day: When will the Democratic Party and its allies step forth and fight the Tea Party terrorists?

IWe know we can’t ignore them; they will only grow stronger. We can’t negotiate with tTerrorists. We can’t persuade them to change their minds. Moreover, they are raising hundreds of millions of dollars on the Internet.

Come on, America. Regardless of what real Political Party you are a member, we have to come together to protect our American rights and our future.

But I know that the Al-Qaeda Tea party is safe. Why? Because Democratic voters and true American voters will do nothing. They won’t walk precincts . They won’t call their friends and other voters to urge them to vote against the insanity of the Tea Party.

They wont work in this election. Because, after all, who needs health care — only the illegals are going to benefit? Who needs education — only the illegals, and who needs jobs — there aren’t any because the illegals have them all?

I agree with Steven Colbert that the only way to fight illegal aliens is to stop eating fruits and vegetables and stop all work in America!

This way we will be, well, dead.

So, America, don’t join the labor walks tomorrow. Don’t vote for any Democratic candidates — after all, they are nothing but people who don’t believe in the Al-Qarda version of the Constitution, I mean Tea Party.

PS The epiphany came from the wife.

Steven J. Ybarra

9 augustus 2012, 15:04
Inderdaad @Micele. Bedankt voor de aanvulling. Dit kan men dagelijks in allerlei kranten lezen heden.

Te gek voor woorden.

Tea Party gevaarlijk en net zoals AQ.

Desalniettemin is Al Qaeda fantastisch (CFR)

Wie nu nog in zever gelooft en de genormaliseerde 9/11-versie is 100% stapelgek.

AQ is fijn.

AQ 11 September 2001 zeer fijn.


De grootste fout was Assad lastig vallen en nu spoedig een Balkanisering van Syrie...

Een viraal geweld dat niemand nog zal kunnen stoppen. :-(

9 augustus 2012, 15:12

9 augustus 2012, 15:16
* correctie en toevoeging post #1 *

11 September 2001 is vergeven. Nu zijn ze vriendjes, het kan keren.

Maar opgepast, in de VS zegt men dat vroeg of laat de Tea Party zich zal aansluiten bij Al Qaeda... jawel :lol: Een Islamofobe Al Qaeda dus. Right. :roll:

9 augustus 2012, 15:36

Al Qaeda = Tea Party :roll:

CNN - Right-wing extremist terrorism as deadly a threat as al Qaeda? (http://edition.cnn.com/2012/08/07/opinion/bergen-terrorism-wisconsin/index.html)
Editor's note: Peter Bergen, CNN's national security analyst, is a director at the New America Foundation (*), a Washington-based think tank that seeks innovative solutions across the ideological spectrum, and the author of the new book "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden -- From 9/11 to Abbottabad." Jennifer Rowland is a program associate at the New America Foundation.

Washington (CNN) -- The word "terrorism" in the United States usually brings to mind plots linked in some way to al Qaeda, while the danger posed to the public by white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists and other right-wing militants is often overlooked.

Militants linked to al Qaeda or inspired by jihadist ideology have carried out four terrorist attacks in the United States since September 11, which have resulted in 17 deaths. Thirteen of them were in a shooting incident at Fort Hood, Texas, in November 2009.

By contrast, right-wing extremists have committed at least eight lethal terrorist attacks in the United States that have resulted in the deaths of nine people since 9/11, according to data compiled by the New America Foundation. (*)

And if, after investigation, Sunday's attack on the Sikh temple in Wisconsin is included in this count, the death toll from right-wing terrorism in the U.S. over the past decade rises to 15.

The shooting suspect, Wade Michael Page, posed with a Nazi flag on his Facebook page and has played a prominent role in "white power" music groups. The FBI is investigating the case as a "domestic terrorist-type incident."

A particular concern for law enforcement is the Sovereign Citizens movement, whose adherents reject all U.S. laws as well as taxation and American currency. An FBI report published in 2011 said "lone-offender sovereign-citizen extremists have killed six law enforcement officers" since 2000.

The numbers in the New America Foundation database may well understate the toll of violence from right-wing extremists. Another FBI study reported that between January 1, 2007, and October 31, 2009, white supremacists were involved in 53 acts of violence, 40 of which were assaults directed primarily at African-Americans, seven of which were murders and the rest of which were threats, arson and intimidation. Most of these were treated as racially motivated crimes rather than political acts of violence, i.e. terrorism.

In the past year, the FBI has concluded investigations into a number of right-wing extremists, in some cases securing lengthy sentences for violent plots. In December, Kevin Harpham of Spokane, Washington, was sentenced to 32 years for planting a bomb at the site of a Martin Luther King Jr. parade. City workers found the bag containing the bomb an hour before the streets filled with parade-goers.

After 9/11, there was great concern that al Qaeda or an allied group would launch a terrorist attack involving chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) weapons. But in the past decade, there is no evidence that jihadist extremists in the United States have acquired or attempted to acquire material to construct CBRN weapons.

By contrast, 11 right-wing and left-wing extremists have managed to acquire CBRN material that they planned to use against the public, government employees or both.

Not included in those numbers were four elderly Georgia men who were arrested in November, accused of plotting to produce the deadly toxin ricin, which they wanted to throw out of a car window as they drove along a highways in the eastern and southern United States. The government says that one of the men, Frederick Thomas, was recorded by an informant as saying, "There is no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that's highly, highly illegal: murder."

Right-wing extremist individuals over the past decade in the United States were as likely to use violence as a means to express their political or social beliefs as those motivated by Osama bin Laden's ideology. Even more worryingly, during the same time period, right-wing and left-wing extremist groups and individuals have been far more likely to acquire toxins and to assemble the makings of radiological weapons than al Qaeda sympathizers.

De elite is duidelijk uiterst bezorgd. Conservatives, tea party & Libertarians zijn hun grootste bedreiging (politiek). Dus Tea Party = AQ.

Very bright.

Voor de normale mens wordt het dan ook hoog tijd zich grote zorgen te maken over de linkse groeperingen, het loop´t de spuigaten uit.

White supremacists = AQ = nuts !

Tevens kan men met deze gegevens een beter idee vormen over de relatie AQ/VS.

11 September, inside job, natuurlijk.

De enige manier trouwens om de 9/11 op te lossen is oa. volgende heerschappen een uitnodiging voor de rechtbank te verzenden.


Zij weten wel hoe het zit. Snel, voor ze doodvallen van het lachen. Cheney is trouwens al aan zijn hart nr. xxx bezig.


9 augustus 2012, 15:46
New American Foundation (*) is een globalistische zionistische/CFR-denktank.

Hier meer... (+VIDEO's) (http://www.infowars.com/think-tank-elitists-downplay-bilderbergcfr-conspiracy-to-which-they-belong/)