View Full Version : Teheran, NAM summit : De Beweging van Niet-Gebonden Landen vs. VN & VS

31 augustus 2012, 00:26
De Beweging van Niet-Gebonden Landen komen voor de 16de maal bij elkaar.
Ze vergaderen van 26 tot 31 augustus in Iran, Teheran.

Leden van de Organisatie van Niet-gebonden Landen (blauw), observerende leden in het lichtblauw

Ook Ban Ki-Moon en de nieuwe president van Egypte zijn aanwezig.

rense - The Non-Aligned Grand Chessboard (http://rense.com/general95/nonalignd.html)
By Adrian Salbuchi


From 26th to 31st August, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement will hold its 16th Summit in Tehran, Iran, which many observers feel will be particularly important considering the grave convulsions triggered by the “Arab Spring” * veritable civil war-engineering by the Western Powers * throughout the Islamic World.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are welcoming over forty heads of state and national and international leaders, including president Mohamed Morsi from Egypt (who will hand over the Movement’s rotating presidency to Iran), UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon (ferociously criticized by the US for his decision to attend the Summit), and the presidents of India, Monmahar Singh and Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari who will take this opportunity to have bilateral meetings seeking to peacefully resolve on-going tensions between the two nuclear powers.

Formed in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia over half a century ago, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement had as its main ideologues true statesmen of the time as Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, Yogoslavia’s Josef Broz Tito and Sukarno, the first president of Indonesia after it gained independence from the Netherlands.

In the midst of the Cold War, these countries understood the urgent need to find a middle path free from the pressures of the two superpowers of those times: the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies. One of the fundamental ideological premises of the Non-aligned Movement was that it rejected both European materialistic worldviews - liberal Capitalism and collectivist Marxism - alike.

Non-alignment as a Political necessity had been brewing for more than a decade in countries like Nehru’s India and Juan Domingo Perón’s Argentina. Perón had taken the initial steps rights after the Cold War began in the late forties when he introduced the “Third Position” as his country’s foreign policy, which maintained the ideological imperatives of the two superpowers at arm’s length.


As the years went by, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement saw its ideological and Political fundamentals dragged hither and dither, and distorted. This was often reflected by new members joining and others leaving.

Nevertheless, periodic summits continued to be held every three years, the last one held in 2009 in Egypt presided by Hosni Mubarak, hardly a leader classifying as “non-aligned” considering his betrayal of Nasser’s teachings as he accommodated to Egypt’s true adversaries, the US, EU and Israel. Anyway, the Global Power Masters let go of his hand and now he’s in jail: clearly, Rome does not pay traitors.

Also attending are other “non-aligned” countries which are however quite aligned. Examples: Kim Yong Nam, president of the People’s Assembly of North Korea, a country clearly aligned with old Chinese Marxism; or Hamid Karzai, president & CEO of Afghanistan, former consultant to UNOCAL * Union Oil Company of California, now Chevron * a man very much aligned to the US, the UK (Queen Elizabeth II knighted him) and the New York Council on Foreign Relations; or the foreign minister of “liberated“ Libya (Muhamar Kaddafi too maintained a “Third Position” along the lines of Perón… and look what happened to him!) .

Anyway, this Summit takes place at a crucial time for the world in general and for the Middle East in particular. Today, it’s no longer a question of opting between “Yankees or Marxists”, because after the fall of the Berlin Wall in today’s Uni-polar world, the enemy of peoples everywhere is no longer to be found to the left or to the right, because that Enemy is now above all nations.

In the West, the Global Power Masters reign supreme above all nations and governments - even over giants like to the US, the UK, the EU and their allies - having embedded themselves deep into their public and private power structures.

So, it’s no coincidence that these nations condemn the Tehran Summit, just as it’s no coincidence that both Russia and China are sending observers (historical modesty does not yet allow them to openly seek full membership).

In the mid-twentieth century, Indian president Nehru proposed five guiding principles which should govern the Non-aligned Countries Movement which are as valid today as then:

Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
Mutual non-aggression
Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs
Equality and mutual benefit
Peaceful co-existence

More than half a century later, how much better the world would be if powerful nations as the US, UK, EU and Israel were to abide by these five principles in their relations with Libya, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Panama, Honduras, Iraq, Venezuela, Bolivia, Egypt, Ecuador, Mexico, North Korea, Argentina, Sudan, Chile, Colombia, Somalia, Puerto Rico…

Imagine if the US were to demand governance amongst their multinational corporations and megabanks based on these very same principles?


31 augustus 2012, 00:38
Wereldleiders kronkelen vanwege groeiende spanning tijdens de bijeenkomst : Ban Ki-Moon en Morsi leveren uiterst felle kritiek...

AFP - Iran summit stumbles on nuclear, Syria criticism (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/world/14713705/world-leaders-squirm-as-iran-summit-turns-tense/)


TEHRAN (AFP) - A showpiece summit hosted by Iran stumbled as soon as it opened on Thursday when the head of the UN pressed Tehran on its nuclear stand, and Egypt's new leader publicly sided with Syria's opposition.

The double challenge, before the leaders and delegates of the 120-member Non-Aligned Movement, upset Iran's plans to portray the two-day gathering as a diplomatic triumph over Western efforts to isolate it.

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei opened the summit with a speech blasting the United States as a hegemonic meddler and Israel as a regime of "Zionist wolves."

He also said Iran "is never seeking nuclear weapons" and accused the UN Security Council, under US influence, of exerting an "overt dictatorship" over the world.

UN chief Ban Ki-moon, who looked irritated at Khamenei's remarks, shot back that Iran should boost global confidence in its nuclear activities by "fully complying with the relevant Security Council resolutions and thoroughly cooperating with the IAEA," the UN's nuclear watchdog.

Ban warned about bellicose rhetoric from Israel and Iran, saying "a war of words can quickly spiral into a war of violence."

President Mohamed Morsi -- making the first visit to Iran by an Egyptian head of state since the 1979 Islamic revolution -- in turn embarrassed his hosts by voicing support for the Syrian opposition, which is fighting the Damascus regime unwaveringly backed by Iran.

"The revolution in Egypt is the cornerstone for the Arab Spring, which started days after Tunisia and then it was followed by Libya and Yemen and now the revolution in Syria against its oppressive regime," Morsi said.

That contradicted the line put out by Damascus and Tehran, which assert that the Syrian uprising is a "terrorist" plot masterminded by the United States and regional countries.

Morsi's address sparked a walkout by the Damascus delegation and drew a sharp response from Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who accused him of inciting further bloodshed in Syria.

Iran's state media failed to mention the contentious parts of the speeches by Ban and Morsi in their coverage, but did later report Khamenei as rejecting "all foreign intervention in Syria."

Khamenei was reported at saying at a meeting with Lebanon's President Michel Sleiman that "the only way to solve the Syrian question is to stop sending weapons to irresponsible groups" in the country.

Tehran accuses certain Western states plus Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey of supplying the Syrian rebels with arms.

Morsi reportedly had a short one-on-one with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad before leaving Tehran, at which they discussed Syria and the possibility of reviving ties.

--- Iran nuclear activity under UN scrutiny ---


The summit to-and-fro over Iran's nuclear ambitions had its roots in an unusually frank meeting Ban held with Khamenei and Ahmadinejad after arriving on Wednesday.

He told them Iran needed to provide "concrete" steps to ease the international showdown which has raised the spectre of air strikes on nuclear facilities, threatened by both Israel and the United States.

Tensions have been raised by the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, unveiling a new Iran "task force" to scrutinise Tehran's nuclear programme and its compliance with UN resolutions.

The latest IAEA report on Iran circulated to IAEA members and seen by AFP but not yet published said Tehran has doubled its capacity at a tough-to-bomb Fordo nuclear facility to 2,000 uranium-enrichment centrifuges from 1,000 in May.

It also said that its ability to inspect the Parchin military base, outside Tehran, where it suspects nuclear weapons research took place had been "significantly hampered" by a suspected clean-up.

The IAEA said it was still "unable to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities."

Washington warned Tehran its window for opening serious talks is limited.

"The window of opportunity to resolve this remains open... but it will not remain open indefinitely," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Ban, whose presence at the summit has been criticised by the United States and Israel, also took Iran's leaders to task for recent comments calling Israel a "cancerous tumour" that should be cut out of the Middle East.

He urged both Iran and Israel to cool the bellicose language.

"I strongly reject any threat by any (UN) member state to destroy another, or outrageous comments to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust," Ban said in his summit speech.
"I urge all the parties to stop provocative and inflammatory threats. A war of words can quickly spiral into war of violence. Bluster can so easily become bloodshed. Now is the time for all the leaders to use their voices to lower, not raise, tensions."

31 augustus 2012, 01:03
De top van de niet-gebonden landen laat het Westen en hun media hartstikke koud...

De Wereld Morgen -
Top niet-gebonden landen in Teheran symbolisch: Iran niet geïsoleerd (http://www.dewereldmorgen.be/tags/beweging-niet-gebonden-landen)
donderdag 30 augustus 2012
door Lode Vanoost

Top niet-gebonden landen in Teheran symbolisch: Iran niet geïsoleerd
Dat 137 van de 193 VN-lidstaten deelnemen aan de top van niet-gebonden landen in de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran, is een teken aan de wand. Wat de massamedia hier ook mogen beweren, de 'internationale gemeenschap' blijft Iran als een legitiem gesprekspartner zien. De VS en zijn westerse bondgenoten slagen er niet meer in om hun wil aan de rest van de wereld op te leggen.

De westerse massamedia hebben het om de haverklap over 'de internationale gemeenschap', dit en dat. Meestal bedoelen ze daar de westerse landen mee, 'those that matter'. Dat de wereldgemeenschap het meermaals niet eens is met de westerse agenda, zal je niet geweten hebben; (donkerblauw = lidstaten van de beweging van niet-gebonden landen, lichtblauw = landen met waarnemerstatus)


Europa is niet geïnteresseerd

Notoire afwezigen in dit forum waren uiteraard de twee grootmachten en China, maar ook alle lidstaten van de Europese Unie. Malta en Cyprus verlieten de organisatie toen ze lid werden van de Europese Unie. Na de ontbinding van oprichtend land Joegoslavië, waren de nieuwe balkanstaten niet meer geïnteresseerd, hoewel een aantal nu terug deelneemt aan de activiteiten als 'waarnemend lid'.

Het statuut van 'waarnemend' lid bestaat in heel wat internationale organisaties. Het is een typisch diplomatiek truukje om de tegenstanders van lidmaatschap aan het lijntje te houden. In de praktijk betekent het alleen dat het betrokken land geen 'stemrecht' heeft. Vermits de meeste internationale organisaties consensus nastreven, betekent 'waarnemer' zijn hetzelfde als de facto lidmaatschap.

In de jaren '80 en '90 kende de beweging een sluimerend bestaan. De organisatie had heel wat interne tegenstellingen te verwerken; oa. India en Pakistan vochten een aantal oorlogen uit. De bezetting van Afghanistan door de Sovjet-Unie in 1979 verdeelde de organisatie in die mate, dat ze bijna ophield te bestaan. Het einde van de Koude Oorlog maakte de beweging grotendeels irrelevant.


Een nieuw elan na de Koude Oorlog

De laatste jaren is ze echter aan een herleving toe en profileert de beweging zich meer en meer als criticus van het buitenlands beleid van de VS en van de Amerikaanse dominantie over de VN. De beweging is ook groot voorstander van de hervorming van de structuren van de VN, vooral dan van de Veiligheidsraad van de VN.

Sinds 2009 was Egypte voorzitter, aanvankelijk onder president Mubarak, nu onder de huidige president Morsi. Van 26 tot 31 augustus 2012 gaat de zestiende top van niet-gebonden landen door in Teheran, hoofdstad van Iran. Daar werd het voorzitterschap doorgegeven aan Iran, meer bepaald aan president Ahmadinejad.

137 lidstaten? Niet belangrijk genoeg voor onze media

Deze beweging werd door de westerse media altijd al scheef bekeken, meestal genegeerd of weggelachen. Ook vandaag kan de top in Teheran op weinig belangstelling rekenen van de massamedia in de Westerse wereld, de Europese Unie inbegrepen.

Achter de schermen weten de tegenstanders van de beweging wel beter. Vooral de VS heeft hemel en aarde bewogen om te verhinderen dat Iran zou worden gekozen als nieuwe voorzitter voor de komende vier jaar. De overmacht van de VS, Groot-Brittannië, de NAVO en de Europese Unie is echter niet meer wat het ooit geweest is.

De westerse diplomatieke nederlaag is enorm

De 120 lidstaten van de beweging en 17 staten met een status als waarnemend lid, samen 137 op een totaal 193 lidstaten van de VN, hebben daarmee neen gezegd tegen de oproep van de Westerse mogendheden om Iran diplomatiek, politiek en economisch te isoleren.

Zij aanvaarden evenmin dat Iran voor het ogenblik aan kernwapens zou werken, wat trouwens bevestigd wordt door alle technische rapporten van het Internationaal Atoom Energie Agentschap (IAEA), door de Israelische inlichtingendienst Mossad en door de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst CIA. Zij zeggen daarmee ook nee tegen de westere media die de beweerde nucleaire dreiging van Iran als een 'feit' blijven voorstellen.

Dé internationale gemeenschap?

Bovendien ontmaskert de top in Teheran nog een andere mythe van de westerse wereld. Wanneer kranten, tv, radio het hier hebben over de 'internationale gemeenschap' bedoelen ze eigenlijk alleen de regeringen van de westerse wereld (niet eens de bevolking van de westerse wereld). Wie zich alleen op de westerse media baseert voor zijn informatie, gaat dus uit van een veronderstelde consensus die er helemaal niet is.

Integendeel,de westerse wereld, met de VS als voortrekker en Israël en de Europese Unie in zijn zog, vertegenwoordigt op wereldvlak met zijn oproep tot isolering van Iran, een minderheidsstandpunt. Dat is altijd al zo geweest. Het verschil is dat de VS en zijn kompanen er nu niet meer in slagen dat minderheidsstandpunt op te leggen als de norm.

Westerse selectieve verontwaardiging

Maakt dat van Iran dan ineens een perfecte democratie? Verre van; het blijft een theocratische dictatuur. En dan? In vergelijking met het gruwelijk middeleeuws regime in Saoedi-Arabië is de repressie in Iran maar slappe kost. Dan heb ik het nog niet over alle andere dictaturen in Afrika en Azië, die zonder problemen westerse bondgenoten zijn.

Ik noem maar één voorbeeld: Uzbekistan. De medeplichtige stilzwijgendheid van de westerse regeringen en de westerse media, over wat daar scheef loopt op gebied van mensenrechten, spreekt boekdelen.

De beweging van niet-gebonden landen is niet bepaald een club van perfecte democratieën. Dat verandert echter niets aan de essentie van de boodschap van de zestiende top in Teheran aan de 'internationale gemeenschap'.

Bovendien is de Amerikaanse regering er zelfs niet in geslaagd om VN-secretaris-generaal Ban Ki-Moon van de top in Teheran weg te houden. Iran blijft voor minstens 137 van de 193 lidstaten van de VN een legitieme gesprekspartner. Al wordt de top grotendeels doodgezwegen of in een betuttelende/denigrerende context geplaats door onze massamedia, het is en blijft een slag in het gezicht van de westerse campagne om Iran te isoleren (en dat voor een campagne die toch al zeven jaar bezig is).

Noord-Korea, nietwaar

De media hier zullen wel benadrukken dat bij die 137 staten ook Noord-Korea is, maar zouden dan ook moeten uitleggen hoe ze de aanwezigheid van president Karzai van Afghanistan kunnen verklaren. Een raar clubje, die niet-gebonden landen, inderdaad.

Zelfs de vice-minister van buitenlandse zaken van Saoedi-Arabië is aanwezig, maw. zelfs de meest getrouwe bondgenoot van het westen in de Arabische wereld ziet de zogenaamde dreiging van Iran niet; zelfs dat land legt de oproep van de VS en de westerse wereld om de top in Teheran te boycotten, naast zich neer.

Zelfs al bereikt deze top voor het overige geen gemeenschappelijke standpunten, dan nog is de symboliek onmiskenbaar. Dit is nogmaals een bewijs dat de diplomatie van de VS en zijn bondgenoten de facto niet meer ernstig wordt genomen door de rest van de wereld.
Splijtzwam Syrië

Ondertussen betekent dat niet dat deze top een toonbeeld van eensgezindheid is. De splijtzwam is Syrië. Dat de top doorgaat in Iran, de grootste bondgenoot van Syrië, zal daar niet veel aan veranderen.

Dat verandeert niets aan de essentie. De VS en zijn westerse bondgenoten staan na zeven jaar intensieve campagne 'geïsoleerd' in hun pogingen om Iran te isoleren. De 'internationale gemeenschap' deelt hun bezorgdheid over de beweerde nucleaire dreiging niet.

Wordt vervolgd.

Lees meer via de doorverwijzing

31 augustus 2012, 01:19
Iran = de Ayatollah's = sjiieten = Perzen
Saoudi-Arabië = Huis van Saud = Mekka en Medina (niet-moslim = niet-welkom)
Israel = Joden (niet-jood = niet-welkom)
Egypte = Morsi (heeft in de bak gezeten) = Moslim Broeders
Turkije = neo-Ottomaanse dromen

Morsi vliegt er op dit ogenblik zwaar in.

31 augustus 2012, 01:19
NOS Nieuws bericht WEL over de top

NOS - Iran vijzelt imago op met top + Video (http://nos.nl/artikel/412591-iran-vijzelt-imago-op-met-top.html)

Vol trots ontvangen de Iraanse leiders vandaag en morgen tientallen presidenten, premiers en andere hoge gasten. Voor het eerst in dertig jaar is er in Teheran een grote internationale conferentie, van de Beweging van Nietgebonden Landen. De nieuwe voorzitter Iran ziet het als een uitgelezen kans om te laten zien dat het ondanks de westerse sancties helemaal niet zo geïsoleerd is.

Vooral de komst van VN-secretaris-generaal Ban Ki-moon is een opsteker voor Iran, omdat de Verenigde Staten en Israël zijn trip openlijk hebben geprobeerd te voorkomen.


NOS - 'Top is succesje voor Iran' -VIDEO-Een gesprek met correspondent Thomas Erdbrink. Hij is op de top van de Groep van Niet-Gebonden landen in Iran. (http://nos.nl/video/412574-top-is-succesje-voor-iran.html)

31 augustus 2012, 01:32
Iran = de Ayatollah's = sjiieten = Perzen
Saoudi-Arabië = Huis van Saud = Mekka en Medina (waar niet-moslim = niet-welkom)
Israel = Joden (waar niet-jood = niet-welkom)
Egypte = Morsi (heeft jaren in de bak gezeten) = Moslim Broeders
Turkije = neo-Ottomaanse dromen

Morsi vliegt er op dit ogenblik zwaar in.

Mijn inziens is tot nu toe het belangrijkste besluit van deze top het feit dat Iran absoluut niet geïsoleerd is zoals het Westen steeds tracht te doen uitschijnen en dat Iran de komende jaren voorzitter van de Beweging van Nietgebonden Landen mag zijn.

Ook is het bezoek van Ban Ki-Moon aan deze top de VS en Israel in het verkeerde keelgat geschoten, ze hebben getracht dit ten alle kosten te vermijden...

31 augustus 2012, 01:36
NOS - Iran vijzelt imago op met top + Video (http://nos.nl/artikel/412591-iran-vijzelt-imago-op-met-top.html)
Uit dat artikel:
De Iraanse geestelijk leider Khamenei zei dat Iran "nooit kernwapens zal willen maken" en dat de Amerikanen via de Veiligheidsraad op bazige manier de wereld hun wil kunnen opleggen. "De VN-Veiligheidsraad heeft een irrationele, onrechtvaardige en zeer ondemocratische structuur", aldus ayatollah Khamenei, "en is eigenlijk een bedekte dictatuur."
De VN-Veiligheidsraad, permanente leden, met vetorecht:

Verenigde Staten
Verenigd koninkrijk

Sinds de val van de Berlijnse Muur (1989) werd dat vetorecht bijna niet meer gebruikt.

31 augustus 2012, 01:42
Mijn inziens is tot nu toe het belangrijkste besluit van deze top het feit dat Iran absoluut niet geïsoleerd is zoals het Westen steeds tracht te doen uitschijnen en dat Iran de komende jaren voorzitter van de Beweging van Nietgebonden Landen mag zijn.

Ook is het bezoek van Ban Ki-Moon aan deze top de VS en Israel in het verkeerde keelgat geschoten, ze hebben getracht dit ten alle kosten te vermijden...
Morsi laat zich wel vangen in z'n positie tegenover Syrië.
Seculiere regimes liggen bij dat soort duidelijk zwaar op de maag.

31 augustus 2012, 01:44
De verkiezingsbelofte tijdens z'n campagne om met miljoenen op Jeruzalem te marcheren is voorlopig afgeserveerd.
Maar of dat nog lang gaat duren is onduidelijk.
90% van de kiezers van Morsi wil actie zien wat Israel betreft.

31 augustus 2012, 01:57
Ondanks zijn aanwezigheid... Ban Ki-Moon, Nr. 1 marionet van het Westen

Global Research - NAM Summit: Ban Ki-Moon in disgraceful show of US puppetry (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32578)

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (C), Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (R) and Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi at the opening ceremony of the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran on August 30, 2012.

Seated alongside Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the day that Iran took over presidency of the NAM of 120 nations, the presence of Ban could be seen as a blow to the diplomatic machinations of the United States and its Western allies, including Israel.

But, rather than making a forthright statement of support for Iran, the veteran South Korean diplomat showed his true colours as a servile puppet of American imperialism.

In the weeks leading up to the 16th summit of the NAM, Washington had been calling on the UN top official to decline attending the conference in Tehran. When Ban announced last week that he was going ahead, the US government was evidently peeved, calling his decision “a bit strange”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was predictably more strident, denouncing Ban’s visit to Iran as “a big mistake”. In typical vulgar and provocative language, Netanyahu subsequently attacked the NAM summit as “a stain on humanity”.

What the United States and its Western allies feared most from the NAM summit was a global display of goodwill and solidarity towards Iran. For more than three decades now, Washington has invested huge political capital in a global campaign of vilification against Iran, denouncing the Islamic Republic as a “rogue state”, a sponsor of “international terrorism” and, over the last 10 years, as “a threat to world peace” from alleged nuclear weapons development.

The Western powers of the US, Britain and France in particular continually arrogate the mantle of “international community” to browbeat Iran, claiming that the nation is in “breach of its obligations”.

In attempting to portray Iran as a “pariah state” these powers, along with Israel, have partly succeeded in turning reality on its head and to assume the outrageous right to threaten Iran with pre-emptive military strikes and enforce crippling economic sanctions.

However, the attendance of some 120 nations in Tehran this week - two-thirds of the UN General Assembly - is a clear statement by the international community that resoundingly rejects this Western campaign of vilification.

Clearly, the majority of the world’s people do not see Iran as a rogue state or a threat to world peace. Indeed, the endorsement of Iran’s presidency of the NAM for the next three years is vindication of the country’s right to develop on its own terms, including the pursuit of peaceful nuclear technology.

In one fell swoop, the NAM summit liquidated Washington’s political capital for denigrating and isolating Iran as worthless. Seated at the top of the summit’s gathering in Tehran, the mere presence of the UN General Secretary to witness the appointment of Iran as the new leader of the Non-Aligned Movement was partially a symbolic vote of confidence.

But then, in his speech on this historic day, Ban engaged in a disgraceful diplomatic offensive. He pointedly denounced those who “deny the [Nazi] holocaust” and who call for the Zionist state’s destruction. Ban championed “Israel’s right to exist” without a word of condemnation of Israel’s decades-long crimes against humanity on the Palestinian people and its violation of countless UN resolutions. In that way, the UN chief was peddling the spurious Western propaganda that seeks to besmirch Iran’s principled opposition to the Zionist state’s record of criminality.

Ban went on to cast bankrupt Western aspersions on Iran’s nuclear rights. He said that Iran needed to use its presidency of the NAM to demonstrate peaceful intent, allay fears that it was developing nuclear weapons and to engage positively with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Western-dominated P5+1 group - the group that has used every step in bad faith to hobble and hamper a negotiated agreement with Iran.

The question is: what planet has Ban Ki-Moon been living on? The fact is that Iran has done everything to comply with the IAEA and its obligations to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran has consistently demonstrated its peaceful nuclear ambitions and its responsibility to the NPT - unlike the Western powers and their illegal nuclear-powered Zionist rogue state. Just this week, Iran even invited the member states of the NAM to visit its nuclear facility at Natanz - an unprecedented show of openness.

For Ban to reiterate such unfounded, scurrilous suspicions against Iran on the day that it assumes the presidency of the NAM is a reflection more of his abject servility to Western powers - and it underscores the urgent need for a total structural reformation of the UN to make it more democratically accountable.

What was even more telling was what Ban omitted to say in his speech at the NAM summit. Unlike his pointed jibes at Iran, he only used the vaguest language to condemn the violence raging in Syria whenever the evidence is glaring that the US, Britain, France and their Turkish, Israeli and Persian Gulf Arab allies are now openly flouting international law by fuelling a covert war of aggression in that country.

Just this week, a US Congressional report revealed that the United States is responsible for nearly 80 per cent of all global arms sales in 2011 - some $66 billion worth - a figure that has tripled on previous years. Half of this trade in weapons and death has been plied by the US to the Persian Gulf monarchies who are in turn laundering the arms to Syria. No words of condemnation from Ban on that.

Nor did the UN chief speak out to condemn the illegal economic sanctions that Washington and its coterie of imperialist allies have slapped on Iran - sanctions that are, in effect, an act of war and are viciously imposing hardship on Iranian civilians, including thousands of infirmed people in need of vital medicines.

Nor did Ban condemn the Western powers’ covert war of sabotage and assassination of Iranian scientists, some of whose bereaved families were attending the NAM summit as he spoke.

In a further reprehensible omission, the UN General Secretary lauded the Arab Spring pro-democracy movements. He mentioned several countries by name, but significantly did not include Bahrain even though the people of that country are being butchered and incarcerated daily since their uprising in February 2011. The Western powers and their corporate media do not mention the depredations of their despotic ally in Bahrain against women and children. And neither does Ban Ki-Moon.

No, he would rather engage in pejorative, baseless innuendoes against Iran, while disgracefully covering up Western crimes of aggression in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and the ongoing slaughter of innocents with US drones in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

NAM stands for solidarity against imperial aggression. In his address to the NAM, Ban Ki-Moon was acting like an ambassadorial puppet for his Western masters. Maybe in reforming the UN, the Non-Aligned Movement should from now on seek to ensure that any future head of the United Nations be truly representative of the concerns and anguish of the world’s majority, and not a diplomatic salesman for imperialist powers.

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. Many of his recent articles appear on the renowned Canadian-based news website Globalresearch. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He specialises in Middle East and East Africa issues and has also given several American radio interviews as well as TV interviews on Press TV and Russia Today.


Global Research Articles by Finian Cunningham

31 augustus 2012, 02:11
Uit dat artikel:
De Iraanse geestelijk leider Khamenei zei dat Iran "nooit kernwapens zal willen maken" en dat de Amerikanen via de Veiligheidsraad op bazige manier de wereld hun wil kunnen opleggen. "De VN-Veiligheidsraad heeft een irrationele, onrechtvaardige en zeer ondemocratische structuur", aldus ayatollah Khamenei, "en is eigenlijk een bedekte dictatuur."
De VN-Veiligheidsraad, permanente leden, met vetorecht:

Verenigde Staten
Verenigd koninkrijk

Sinds de val van de Berlijnse Muur (1989) werd dat vetorecht bijna niet meer gebruikt.

Als aanloop naar een rechtvaardigere VN : Waarom het NAM (voorzitterschap) niet opnemen in de VN-Veiligheidsraad, als permanent lid, met vetorecht ?

't zou een mooie geste van fair play en een begin van democratie binnen de VN zijn dacht ik...

31 augustus 2012, 02:14
De verkiezingsbelofte tijdens z'n campagne om met miljoenen op Jeruzalem te marcheren is voorlopig afgeserveerd.
Maar of dat nog lang gaat duren is onduidelijk.
90% van de kiezers van Morsi wil actie zien wat Israel betreft.

NASA Morsi zal dat niet toestaan, politiekers beloven veel maar...

31 augustus 2012, 08:09
PRESSTV - NAM ministers finalize 8-point draft document (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2012/08/30/258921/nam-ministers-finalize-draft-statement/)
Ministers from the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states have finalized a draft document after two days of deliberations in the Iranian capital Tehran.


31 augustus 2012, 08:23
Een van de 8 belangrijke punten zou een "Midden-Oosten vrij van nucleaire wapens" betreffen. Later meer...

Volg ook via : Wikipedia - 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_Summit_of_the_Non-Aligned_Movement)
16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement

The 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement is being held between 26 to 31 August 2012 in Tehran, Iran. The summit is being attended by leaders of 120 countries,[3] including 24 presidents, 3 kings, 8 prime ministers and 50 foreign ministers. [4]
The summit's framework was the "Final Document" adopted during the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau which was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 7–10 May.[5] The Foreign Ministry also said that the agenda would primarily consist of issues pertaining to nuclear disarmament, human rights and regional issues. Iran also intended to draw up a new peace resolution aiming to resolve the Syrian civil war.[6]
The summit consists of two preceding events: a "Senior Officials Meeting" on 26 and 27 August 2012, a "Ministerial Meeting" on 28 and 29 August. The leaders summit will take place on 30 and 31 August.[7][5] Egyptian President, Mohammad Morsi, officially handed the presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to Iran President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during the inaugural ceremony of the 16th NAM.[8] Iran will hold the NAM presidency for three years until the 17th summit in Venezuela in 2015.


Attendance of Ban ki-Moon
While it is usual for the UN Secretary General to attend NAM Summits, the presence of Ban Ki-moon was opposed by the United States and Israel. Haaretz reported that Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu had personally appealed to the secretary-general not to attend this summit and described Iran as "a regime that represents the greatest danger to world peace".[94] In addition, according to Maariv, the Israeli Foreign Ministry ordered Israel's embassies to encourage their host countries not to attend or to send only lower-level representatives to the summit.[95]
The government of the United States also publicly expressed displeasure over world leaders attending the summit. U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said: "We think that this is a strange place and an inappropriate place for this meeting. We have made that point to participating countries. We've also made that point to [the UN] Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. If he does choose to go, we hope he will make the strongest points of concern."[96] Haaretz reported that both the United States and Israel believed that such a visit would break their efforts to isolate Iran from the international community by giving the country a "renewed international legitimacy."[97]


31 augustus 2012, 08:47
Wie zijn de niet-gealigneerden op dit forum?

31 augustus 2012, 09:52
Israel = Joden (niet-jood = niet-welkom)

Fout. De Christenen in Israel zijn vrijer dan in alle moslimlanden samen, en de Israelische Arabieren hebben een mooier leven in Israel dan in wel Arabisch land ook. Ze willen in geen geval ruilen met een ander land om te gaan wonen.

Maar goed. Uw haat is zo blind dat u zoiets nooit kunt zien.

31 augustus 2012, 10:04
Morsi spreekt, Syrie doet een "walk out"...

Video RT - 'US plots to isolate Iran fail as 120 nations attend NAM summit' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgN1A16sYU&feature=youtube_gdata)
Published on 30 Aug 2012 by RussiaToday

The Syrian delegation has walked out on a session of the Non-Aligned movement in Tehran after Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi called the Syrian regime "oppressive".

In his speech, Morsi added that Assad's government had lost its legitimacy, and urged attending nations to support the rebels.

Anti-war activist Sara Flounders says Morsi is trying to do America's bidding, who didn't want to see the meeting go ahead.

31 augustus 2012, 10:28
Zoals den Achma al zei: het is tijd voor een nieuwe wereldorde!

31 augustus 2012, 10:37
Naar aanleiding van deze draad heb ik een draad geopend in Suggesties & Mededelingen:

Graag jullie mening / reactie in deze draad, want nu er is alleen wat getroll door Eno2.

31 augustus 2012, 17:52
De top van de niet-gebonden landen laat het Westen en hun media hartstikke koud...

8O kijk eens op de redactie.be dan, de kritiek van Morsi en Ban Ki Moon kan hier bvb zien...

1 september 2012, 22:59
Morsi spreekt, Syrie doet een "walk out"...

Video RT - 'US plots to isolate Iran fail as 120 nations attend NAM summit' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgN1A16sYU&feature=youtube_gdata)
Published on 30 Aug 2012 by RussiaToday

The Syrian delegation has walked out on a session of the Non-Aligned movement in Tehran after Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi called the Syrian regime "oppressive".

In his speech, Morsi added that Assad's government had lost its legitimacy, and urged attending nations to support the rebels.

Anti-war activist Sara Flounders says Morsi is trying to do America's bidding, who didn't want to see the meeting go ahead.
Sara Flounders
Een stukje van deze auteur vind je hier:
Sara Flounders
De reden waarom men aanstuurt op een regimewissel in Damascus? Syrië is één van de enige Arabische landen die geen relatie heeft met Israël. En Syrië is een nauwe bondgenoot van Iran en Hezbollah in Libanon. Syrië is een seculiere staat waar geen enkele religieuze groepering de andere domineert. Grote industrieën en bronnen werden genationaliseerd in de jaren 1960 en 1970. Gezondheidszorg, een goede levensstandaard en onderwijs werden gegarandeerd.

bron (http://mediawerkgroepsyrie.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/amerikaanse-steun-aan-de-syrische-oppositie-al-jaren-gaande/)
Een authentieke Amerikaanse. Op het eerste zicht geen banden met de joods/zionistische lobby. Redelijk belangrijk om dat te achterhalen.

1 september 2012, 23:06
Morsi spreekt, Syrie doet een "walk out"...

Video RT - 'US plots to isolate Iran fail as 120 nations attend NAM summit' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgN1A16sYU&feature=youtube_gdata)
Published on 30 Aug 2012 by RussiaToday

The Syrian delegation has walked out on a session of the Non-Aligned movement in Tehran after Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi called the Syrian regime "oppressive".

In his speech, Morsi added that Assad's government had lost its legitimacy, and urged attending nations to support the rebels.

Anti-war activist Sara Flounders says Morsi is trying to do America's bidding, who didn't want to see the meeting go ahead.
Overduidelijk een gift van Morsi.
Egypte ontvangt nog altijd jaarlijks drie miljard dollar aan militaire steun van Washington.
Maar het was niet tegen de goesting van Morsi hoor.
Seculiere regimes liggen bij dat soort zwaar op de maag.

2 september 2012, 00:06
Laat ons niet vergeten dat België ook zo'n seculier regime kent.
Ideologisch gezien zou België (in theorie) aan de zijde van Syrië kunnen staan.
In Mollahbeek worden wijkagenten aangevallen.
In Syrië worden wijkagenten de keel overgesneden.
Noteer de gelijkenis. De daders bevinden zich in gelijkaardige milieu's.
Wat Syrië ons leert is dat ook wij, net als Syrië, kwetsbaar zijn voor infiltratie van buitenaf.

Johan Bollen
2 september 2012, 20:54
Overduidelijk een gift van Morsi.
Egypte ontvangt nog altijd jaarlijks drie miljard dollar aan militaire steun van Washington.
Maar het was niet tegen de goesting van Morsi hoor.Morsi ontvangt het geld en gaat dan naar China op zijn eerste staatsbezoek. Ook het loutere feit dat hij naar Teheran trok is veelzeggend (terwijl Turkije zichzelf langs de kant zette). Egypte heeft duidelijk terug wat maar onafhankelijkheid verworven. Verwar zijn positie ivm Syrië niet met dat van VS schoothondje/dictator/folteraar Mubarak. Ook Saoudi Arabië is niet gerust in de toenadering tussen Iran en Egypte.

2 september 2012, 21:05
Morsi ontvangt het geld en gaat dan naar China op zijn eerste staatsbezoek. Ook het loutere feit dat hij naar Teheran trok is veelzeggend (terwijl Turkije zichzelf langs de kant zette). Egypte heeft duidelijk terug wat maar onafhankelijkheid verworven. Verwar zijn positie ivm Syrië niet met dat van VS schoothondje/dictator/folteraar Mubarak. Ook Saoudi Arabië is niet gerust in de toenadering tussen Iran en Egypte.

rare toenadering als je het mij vraagt om Iran's beste maatjes Syrië zo met de vinger te wijzen :-D

Johan Bollen
2 september 2012, 21:25
Those were the (long gone) days - over three decades ago - when Tehran broke relations with Cairo over Egypt's signing of the Camp David accords. Morsi's attendance of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran may not yet signal the return of full diplomatic relations, as Morsi spokesman Yasser Ali has been spinning. But it's an earth-shattering diplomatic coup.

2 september 2012, 21:28
Morsi ontvangt het geld en gaat dan naar China op zijn eerste staatsbezoek. Ook het loutere feit dat hij naar Teheran trok is veelzeggend (terwijl Turkije zichzelf langs de kant zette). Egypte heeft duidelijk terug wat maar onafhankelijkheid verworven. Verwar zijn positie ivm Syrië niet met dat van VS schoothondje/dictator/folteraar Mubarak. Ook Saoudi Arabië is niet gerust in de toenadering tussen Iran en Egypte.
De lidstaten van de NAM zijn de volgende: in donkerblauw de permanente leden, in lichter blauw de landen met observerende status.

2 september 2012, 21:40
Those were the (long gone) days - over three decades ago - when Tehran broke relations with Cairo over Egypt's signing of the Camp David accords. Morsi's attendance of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran may not yet signal the return of full diplomatic relations, as Morsi spokesman Yasser Ali has been spinning. But it's an earth-shattering diplomatic coup.
Dertig jaar geleden, op 17 september 1978, tekende Egypte de Camp David akkoorden.
De Egyptische president Anwar Sadat schreef geschiedenis toen hij in november 1977 het Israëlische parlement (de Knesset) toesprak, om deze tot vrede te bewegen. Op 17 september 1978 tekenden Israël en Egypte het Camp David-akkoord. De vertegenwoordiger voor Egypte was president Sadat, en Israël stuurde zijn Likoed-premier Menachem Begin. De akkoorden zijn genoemd naar de plaats waar ze gesloten zijn: Camp David, het buitenverblijf van de Amerikaanse president. Bij het Camp Davidakkoord erkende Egypte het bestaansrecht van Israël. Als tegenprestatie kreeg Egypte de Sinaïwoestijn terug, die Israël sinds 1967 bezet had. Het Camp Davidakkoord voorzag in autonomie (een vorm van zelfbestuur) voor de Palestijnen. Sadats daad werd hem door de andere Arabische landen niet in dank afgenomen; Egypte werd uit de Arabische Liga verstoten en Sadat moest de erkenning van Israël in 1981 bekopen met zijn leven. Ook de Palestijnen verwierpen het akkoord. In plaats van 'autonomie' wilden zij een zelfstandige Palestijnse staat.

wikipedia (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Davidakkoorden)

Johan Bollen
2 september 2012, 21:43
rare toenadering als je het mij vraagt om Iran's beste maatjes Syrië zo met de vinger te wijzen :-DMisschien verduidelijkt volgend citaat een en ander voor u.

For years the U.S. government has meticulously tried to isolate Iran in the region. It recently called on Egypt not to restore its diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic but to join a tacit regional alliance against it. American allies in the Arab world led by Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. have surreptitiously conditioned their economic aid to Egypt on maintaining a hostile or cold attitude towards Iran. Despite all these pressures, President Morsi recently extended an extremely warm welcome to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when the two met last week during the Islamic Conference in Saudi Arabia. He subsequently announced a visit to China and Iran at the end of August despite the U.S. public displeasure over the visit.

Subsequently Morsi also announced that the only sensible way to address the crisis in Syria was not through the U.N. or NATO involvement, but through negotiations overseen by Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, a bold move that combined the most important players in the region while ignoring all outsiders. On Aug. 23, theNew York Times reported that the U.S. and Israel were extremely concerned about such overtures between Tehran and Cairo and that such concerns will be at the top of the agenda when Morsi visits Washington at the end of September.

Johan Bollen
2 september 2012, 21:52
Dertig jaar geleden, op 17 september 1978, tekende Egypte de Camp David akkoorden.Volgens wat ik lees is meer dan 90 % van de Egyptenaren tegen de Camp David akoorden. De kans bestaat dus dat Morsi die zal willen herzien.

2 september 2012, 21:59
Volgens wat ik lees is meer dan 90 % van de Egyptenaren tegen de Camp David akoorden. De kans bestaat dus dat Morsi die zal willen herzien.
Absoluut. De druk op Morsi om dat te doen is immens.

3 september 2012, 01:23
Misschien verduidelijkt volgend citaat een en ander voor u.

nope de uitspraken van Morsi waren duidelijk genoeg :-D

Johan Bollen
3 september 2012, 10:42
nope de uitspraken van Morsi waren duidelijk genoeg :-DMorsi zegt tegen NATO interventie te zijn in Syrië. Blijkbaar heb je het citaat niet eens gelezen.

3 september 2012, 11:17
Wat ik zo tussen de regels lees hier is dat Morsi het (ook internationaal) heel slim speelt, daar gaan we nog van horen.

(hoe Morsi zich nationaal doorzette:
http://sargasso.nl/archief/2012/08/14/egyptische-president-morsi-vervangt-legertop-en-eigent-zich-de-volledige-uitvoerende-macht-toe/ )

3 september 2012, 11:33
Wat ik zo tussen de regels lees hier is dat Morsi het (ook internationaal) heel slim speelt, daar gaan we nog van horen.

(hoe Morsi zich nationaal doorzette:
http://sargasso.nl/archief/2012/08/14/egyptische-president-morsi-vervangt-legertop-en-eigent-zich-de-volledige-uitvoerende-macht-toe/ )

Klopt. Hij wint krediet bij de Syrische oppositie door zijn aanval op het regime en weet tegelijkertijd toch de discussielijnen met Iran open te houden door zich duidelijk tegen mililitaire interventie van NAVO & Co. uit te spreken (wat sowieso ook totaal irrealistisch is gezien de Russische en Chinese militaire aanwezigheid).

3 september 2012, 13:31
Misschien verduidelijkt volgend citaat een en ander voor u.
For years the U.S. government has meticulously tried to isolate Iran in the region. It recently called on Egypt not to restore its diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic but to join a tacit regional alliance against it. American allies in the Arab world led by Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. have surreptitiously conditioned their economic aid to Egypt on maintaining a hostile or cold attitude towards Iran. Despite all these pressures, President Morsi recently extended an extremely warm welcome to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when the two met last week during the Islamic Conference in Saudi Arabia. He subsequently announced a visit to China and Iran at the end of August despite the U.S. public displeasure over the visit.

Subsequently Morsi also announced that the only sensible way to address the crisis in Syria was not through the U.N. or NATO involvement, but through negotiations overseen by Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, a bold move that combined the most important players in the region while ignoring all outsiders. On Aug. 23, theNew York Times reported that the U.S. and Israel were extremely concerned about such overtures between Tehran and Cairo and that such concerns will be at the top of the agenda when Morsi visits Washington at the end of September.


Zoals Morsi dat waarschijnlijk ziet: een "moslimbroeder" die de moslims wil verzamelen.
De kaarten liggen wel iets ingewikkelder dan dat.

Iran = de Ayatollah's = sjiieten = Perzen
Saoudi-Arabië = GCC waarin Saoudi-Arabië de hond aan de top = Huis van Saud = Mekka en Medina (niet-moslim = niet-welkom)
Israel = Joden (niet-jood = niet-welkom)
Egypte = Morsi = Moslim Broeders (waarvan er veel in de bak gezeten hebben)
Turkije = neo-Ottomaanse dromen

Dit zijn de vijf regionale betrokkenen,
maar zoals president Assad van Syrië het zegt,
het is meer dan een regionaal conflict in Syrië.
Het is een mondiaal conflict.

3 september 2012, 15:41
Morsi zegt tegen NATO interventie te zijn in Syrië.

maar hij is vooral tegen het REGIME daar, niet gezien dan :-D

3 september 2012, 16:43
Door standpunten in te nemen betreffende Syrië maakt Morsi het zichzelf makkelijk.
Morsi leidt de aandacht af van waar de achterban van die moslimbroeders echt wakker van ligt. Niet Syrië. Israel.
De akkoorden van Camp David.

3 september 2012, 17:34
Laat ons niet vergeten dat België ook zo'n seculier regime kent.
Ideologisch gezien zou België (in theorie) aan de zijde van Syrië kunnen staan.
In Mollahbeek worden wijkagenten aangevallen.
In Syrië worden wijkagenten de keel overgesneden.
Noteer de gelijkenis. De daders bevinden zich in gelijkaardige milieu's.
Wat Syrië ons leert is dat ook wij, net als Syrië, kwetsbaar zijn voor infiltratie van buitenaf.
Maar dat mogen we niet zeggen zeker.
Alvast niet tot de dag komt dat de kogels in het rond vliegen.

3 september 2012, 17:47
Tot die dag mogen we melken of Obama het nu haalt van Romney of omgekeerd.

9 september 2012, 23:17
² Volgens wat ik lees is meer dan 90 % van de Egyptenaren tegen de Camp David akoorden. De kans bestaat dus dat Morsi die zal willen herzien.
Jerusalem to Become Egypt's Capital Under Mursi's Rule Says Islamic Cleric (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLtHGrsVqmk)

Johan Bollen
10 september 2012, 19:08
Evaluatie van de NAM conferentie door Petras:

Iran’s Strategic Diplomatic Victory over the Washington-Israeli Axis: Its Larger Political Consequences (http://petras.lahaine.org/?p=1909)

Introduction: Iran chaired, hosted and led the recently rejuvenated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Teheran, attended by delegates from 120 countries, including 31 heads of state and 29 foreign secretaries of state. Even the United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, notorious mouthpiece of Washington, felt obligated to address, a forum attended by two-thirds of the member countries of the UN, despite State Department and Israeli objections.

Any objective evaluation of the meeting, its venue, the attendance, resolutions and political impact leads to one paramount conclusion: the NAM meeting was a strategic diplomatic victory for Iran and a major defeat for the US, Israel and the European Union. The entire US-Israeli-EU diplomatic and propaganda effort to isolate and stigmatize Iran, especially over the past decade, was shredded.

The Politics of Attendance

Attendance by representatives of 120 countries demonstrates that Iran is not a ‘pariah state’; it is an accepted member of the international community.The presence of 60 heads of state and foreign secretaries demonstrates that Iran is considered a noteworthy and significant political actor, not a “terrorist state” to be isolated and shunned. The proceedings, debates and discussions among and between the delegates and Iranian leaders convinced those attending that Teheran gives primacy to reasonable dialogue in resolving international conflicts.

Both in terms of form and content the NAM meeting highlighted the superiority of Iran’s diplomacy over and against Washington’s bellicose posturing and improvised diversionary tactics. The fact that the meeting took place in Teheran, that Iran was elected chair, that a major part of the NAM agenda and subsequent resolutions coincided with Iran’s democratic foreign policy, highlights Washington’s policy failures and its isolation on issues of major concern to the larger international community. Pandering to the domestic Zionist power configuration has a high cost in the sphere of international politics.

NAM Resolutions: Iran versus Washington - Israel

The centerpiece of US and Israeli strategic policy has been to claim that Iran’s nuclear program including the enrichment of uranium, are a threat to world peace and in particular to Israel and the Gulf states. The NAM meeting repudiated that position, affirming Iran’s right to develop a peaceful nuclear program including the enrichment of uranium. NAM rejected western sanctions against Iran and other countries. In fact many of the leading members, including India, brought delegations of business executives in pursuit of new economic contracts.

NAM declared its support for a nuclear free Middle East and called for an independent Palestinian state based on 1969 borders with Jerusalem as its capital, in total repudiation of Washington’s unconditional support of the nuclear armed Jewish state.

NAM rejected Egyptian Prime Minister Morsi’s proposal to support the Western backed armed mercenaries invading Syria, major blow to Washington’s effort to secure international support for regime change. NAM unanimously approved several resolutions which affirmed its anti-imperialist principles in direct opposition to US imperial positions: it rejected the US blockade of Cuba; it affirmed Argentine sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands (dubbed the ‘Falklands’ by Anglo-American pundits); it opposed the Paraguayan coup; it supported Ecuador in its dispute with Great Britain on asylum for Assange; it selected Venezuela as the site for the next NAM meeting; it rejected terrorism in all of its forms and modalities, including the state sponsored variant.

Western Propaganda Media: Self Serving Diversions

The resounding diplomatic successes of the Iranian hosts of the NAM meeting were countered by a mass media blitz directed at diverting attention to relatively marginal events. The Financial and New York Times, the BBC and the Washington Post featured a speech by Egyptian Prime Minister Morsi calling for NAM support for the Western backed armed mercenaries invading Syria. The media omitted mentioning that no delegation took up his proposal. NAM not only ignored Morsi but unanimously approved a resolution opposing western intervention and affirming the right of self-determination, clearly applicable to the case of Syria.

While NAM defended Iran’s right to develop its peaceful nuclear program, the mass media publicized a dubious “report” authored by US favorite, Yukiya Amano of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) questioning Iran’s compliance with his directives. Not surprisingly the report Amano carried no weight in the deliberations of the 130 delegates, given his notoriety as a front-man for Israeli and US pro-war propaganda.

Overall the mass media deliberately ignored or underplayed the resolutions, dialogue and democratic procedures of the NAM meeting in an effort to cover up the enormous political gulf between the US, Israel, the EU and the vast majority of the international community.

Political Impact of the NAM Conference

NAM seriously undermined the images of the Mid-East conflicts which US policymakers and their acolytes in the EU and Gulf States project: the political reality, which came out of the meetings emphasized that it is the US. Israel and the EU who are outside the mainstream international community. It is the US and EU who lack political allies in the pursuit of colonial wars. It is the Israeli occupation of Palestine and Washington’s policies of ‘regime change’ in Syria and Iran which lack allies. Its Iran’s peaceful nuclear program which has legitimacy not Israel’s nuclear arsenal. The Iranian leadership gained prestige via its openness to international dialogue. In contrast its regional Gulf adversaries, who rely on to multi-billion dollar US arms purchases and military bases were denigrated and discredited.

The Iranian proposals to reform the United Nations to make it more democratic and responsive to emerging countries and less a tool of US-EU policymakers resonated throughout the conference. The emphasis on free trade, was manifest in the large economic delegations who attended eager to sign agreements in defiance of US-Israel-EU sanctions.


Temporarily the NAM conference may have lessened the threat of a military attack against Iran, at least by the US and the EU – by demonstrating the political cost of alienating two thirds of the UN Assembly. Nevertheless by demonstrating Israel’s total isolation, (and truly pariah status in the international community), NAM may have heightened the pathological paranoia of the Israeli leadership and hastened its move toward a catastrophic war.

The follow-up of the NAM resolutions requires a permanent organization, a minimum coordinating secretariat to ensure compliance and rapid responses to crises. Otherwise the good intentions and positive moves toward peace via dialogue will be inconsequential.

The mobilization of the NAM members in the UN General Assembly is crucial to withstand the blackmail, bribes, threats and corruption which are used by the Western powers to secure majorities on crucial votes regarding US sanctions, coups and military intervention. Trade, investment and cultural boycotts of Israel should be promoted and enforced, until the Jewish State ends its occupation of Palestine. Clearly Iran, as the newly elected leader of NAM, has a major role to play in ensuring that the Tehran meeting of 2012 becomes the bases for a revitalization of the Movement. Iran can play a constructive leadership role providing it continues to promote a plural collective format based on common anti-imperialist principles.

Johan Bollen
10 september 2012, 19:10
Jerusalem to Become Egypt's Capital Under Mursi's Rule Says Islamic Cleric (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLtHGrsVqmk)Dat soort van opjutterij is niet goed te keuren mijns inziens. Israël heeft recht van bestaan.

13 september 2012, 22:29
Dat soort van opjutterij is niet goed te keuren mijns inziens. Israël heeft recht van bestaan.
Morsi was aanwezig op die verkiezingsmeeting, tonen de beelden in dat filmpje.

16 september 2012, 23:32
Dat soort van opjutterij is niet goed te keuren mijns inziens. Israël heeft recht van bestaan.
President Morsi op bezoek in Brussel:
"We beschouwen al wie onze profeet beledigt als een vijand"

17 september 2012, 03:36
President Morsi op bezoek in Brussel:
"We beschouwen al wie onze profeet beledigt als een vijand"

Op het beledigen van een dode persoon in casu een zekere Mohammed, die volgens de overlevering leefde in de 7de eeuw na Christus staat in de Islam de doodstraf.
Wat een belediging is wordt uitgemaakt door de oelema's, de godsdienstgeleerden. Bijvoorbeeld in deze film wordt getrouw het leven van Mohammed uitgebeeld zoals dit bekend is door de soenna en de hadieth. Qua inhoud valt hier niets op aan te merken wel integendeel. Dit leven van deze profeet is namelijk de levensleiddraad, die door elke 'vrome' moslim zo goed mogelijk in woord en daad gevolgd dient te worden.

Het moorden en verkrachten en de andere gewelddaden vormen in tegenstelling tot wat heel veel politieke correcten denken helemaal geen probleem, deze gebeurden immers uit noodzaak om het geloof te verspreiden.

Het weergeven of naspelen van het leven van deze profeet door een filmacteur is echter wel de steen des aanstoots. Dat is de echte belediging van de godsdienst en haar profeet. En daar staat nu eenmaal de doodstraf op.

Ook Morsi kan hier niets aan veranderen. Hij kan hier zelfs ook oraal geen afbreuk aan doen door het te bij voorbeeld te vergoeilijken. Immers dan wijkt hij in de praktijk af van de ware leer en kan hij als een afvallige of ketter beschouwd worden. En iemand die blijkt geeft van dergelijke foute opvattingen en dus afvalligheid verdient dan weer de doodstraf zoals voorzien in de sjariah.

Mocht de doodstraf niet voltrokken worden door de bevoegde overheid, dan mag iedere 'vrome' moslim de doodstraf zelf uitvoeren. Hij zal dan wel voor het gerecht komen maar gezien de verzachtende omstandigheden is de kans heel groot, dat hij vrijgesproken wordt.

17 september 2012, 08:18
Op het beledigen van een dode persoon in casu een zekere Mohammed, die volgens de overlevering leefde in de 7de eeuw na Christus staat in de Islam de doodstraf.
Wat een belediging is wordt uitgemaakt door de oelema's, de godsdienstgeleerden. Bijvoorbeeld in deze film wordt getrouw het leven van Mohammed uitgebeeld zoals dit bekend is door de soenna en de hadieth. Qua inhoud valt hier niets op aan te merken wel integendeel. Dit leven van deze profeet is namelijk de levensleiddraad, die door elke 'vrome' moslim zo goed mogelijk in woord en daad gevolgd dient te worden.

Het moorden en verkrachten en de andere gewelddaden vormen in tegenstelling tot wat heel veel politieke correcten denken helemaal geen probleem, deze gebeurden immers uit noodzaak om het geloof te verspreiden.

Het weergeven of naspelen van het leven van deze profeet door een filmacteur is echter wel de steen des aanstoots. Dat is de echte belediging van de godsdienst en haar profeet. En daar staat nu eenmaal de doodstraf op.

Ook Morsi kan hier niets aan veranderen. Hij kan hier zelfs ook oraal geen afbreuk aan doen door het te bij voorbeeld te vergoeilijken. Immers dan wijkt hij in de praktijk af van de ware leer en kan hij als een afvallige of ketter beschouwd worden. En iemand die blijkt geeft van dergelijke foute opvattingen en dus afvalligheid verdient dan weer de doodstraf zoals voorzien in de sjariah.

Mocht de doodstraf niet voltrokken worden door de bevoegde overheid, dan mag iedere 'vrome' moslim de doodstraf zelf uitvoeren. Hij zal dan wel voor het gerecht komen maar gezien de verzachtende omstandigheden is de kans heel groot, dat hij vrijgesproken wordt.

Heb je een quote voor die wet op het beledigen van de profeet? Waar staat het 'in de sharia'?

11 november 2012, 07:07
Adrian Salbuchi - Washington, London and Tel Aviv don’t tolerate True Democracy (http://www.asalbuchi.com.ar/2012/10/adrian-salbuchi-washington-london-and-tel-aviv-dont-tolerate-true-democracy/)

Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you raised an interesting point, that if people in the United States, France or Britain commit the mistake of choosing bad leaders, then they will not be the only ones affected by such a wrong electoral decision, but millions of people in other parts of the world will suffer from the consequences of that bad choice. What’s the reason in your view? What’s the source of such an enormous amount of power that enables the imperial powers to attack, invade, conquer and kill at will, without being held responsible?

Adrian Salbuchi: First and foremost, we need to understand that Real Power today does not just lie with Sovereign Nation-States but that, over and above, it has been usurped by a very small but extremely powerful and dangerous clique of Supra-National Global Private Power Masters that are deeply embedded into the public and private power structures of the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and just about every other State in the Western World.

These Global Power Masters operate from inside the US, UK and EU but are not of the US, UK and EU. They merely use and abuse these powerful nations to promote their own interests, objectives and agendas, notably their state-of-the-art war technologies, financial clout and military prowess to invade any country anywhere in the world they so desire. They do this not based on the real National Interest of the US, UK and EU, but on their own supranational interests. Within this global power structure Zionism is the key factor that, once understood, helps to explain most if not all of the dreadful things that are taking place in today’s bleak, dark world. Actually, the Global Power Masters love and honor no nation’s flag – whether of the US, UK, or the EU countries – except for one for which they permanently fight: the flag of Israel.

The source of that power is the combined ability of the Global Power Masters to use banking and finance as their key source of leverage; the media as their key instrument of psychological warfare; multinational corporations as their resource, industrial and technological platform; and all governments – notably the US, UK and EU – as their proxies for political, economic, financial, diplomatic and military intervention.

Kourosh Ziabari: You once quoted the book “Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace” as writing that “world peace is neither desirable nor in the best interests of society, because war not only serves important economic functions but also plays key social and cultural roles.” Who benefits from waging wars, military expedition on the weaker and poorer countries and plundering their resources? Why do some powers see their survival and empowerment in going into war with the other nations?

Adrian Salbuchi: The “Report from Iron Mountain” very candidly explains the motivations behind today’s New World Order even though it was written 45 years ago. Actually, the fact that it was written so long ago serves to prove how consistent their long-term planning really is.

The Global Power Masters have a hierarchical, pyramid-like power structure where things look different depending on the level of your vantage point on it.

Each “soldier” recruited (i.e., paid) to play their role for this New World Order operates on a “need to know basis” – as do intelligence agencies, for example. Since at the pinnacle of the power pyramid lie the Zionist and Jewish interests, they long-ago realized that they needed to implement a very sophisticated model and method of global domination. Otherwise, there would be no way that a tiny community of 16 million people (global Jewish population according to most official Jewish and Zionist sources) would be able to exert control over a planet with 7 billion people. Do the math: Jews barely represent 0.2% of global population; in other words 99.8% of Mankind is NOT Jewish and yet we not only live in countries where Zionist and Jewish influence is overwhelming – the US, UK, EU, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico… – but our whole world’s mental outlook, values and beliefs are becoming more Jewish day-by-day, thanks to their full control over three key global Psychological Warfare weapons in their hands:
(a) The global mainstream media,
(b) The education system in most countries (which they control by controlling governments), and
(c) The so-called entertainment industry, beginning with its flagship, Hollywood.

Kourosh Ziabari: The 16th summit of the heads of state of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in Iran almost two months ago. I saw that you wrote an article about it. What do you think about this movement and the role it can play in resisting and countering the threats posed by the global superpowers to the developing nations? Can this movement promote itself as an alternative to the undemocratic structure of the United Nations which is in the hands of a few veto-yielding powers?

Adrian Salbuchi: As an Argentine follower of the very lucid political doctrine and teachings of our former president Juan Domingo Perón, I can only hail all countries that support treading a non-aligned path. When Perón first came to power in 1946, in a world that was just splitting into two major power blocks – the US and its allies, and the former USSR and its allies – Perón was the first Statesman to come out with what he called the “Third Position”, i.e., Argentina would neither align with nor become subservient to the US nor the USSR.

He kept to his guns; Argentina because the key power in the region; in 1951 Perón started a movement towards political (not just economic) union with Brazil and Chile (dubbed the ABC Movement), but the global and local Powers That Be promptly had him ousted by treacherous liberal pro-US military Argentine army and navy officers in September 1955. At the time, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Britain and is quoted to have said in Parliament that “the ouster of the Tyrant Perón is the most important event for Britain since we won World War II”.

Ever since then, Argentine has slumped into greater and greater decay and decadence down to our present horrific predicament under the Kirchner Government who call themselves “Peronists” but are, in fact, the complete opposite: they as Social Democrats.

Now the Non-Aligned Movement has had many internal changes and challenges. It has tried to adapt as best it could as the Cold War years went on and as governments in each member country changed. It has been a contradictory movement which was all but scrapped after the demise of the USSR, however now many countries are coming to realize that Non-Alignment’s new definition would be: “Non-Alignment with the Supra-National Power Masters and their Zionist Controllers”. There lies the key foreign policy decision that every country needs to make, and that includes the US and UK.

Thankfully, and for different reasons, two key global powers have chosen to put a brake on the global Western Hegemons: a reborn Russia and a streaming-forwards China.

We see this today in Syria and also in Iran. Thank God Vladimir Putin is still in power in Russia even if only for the purpose of maintaining this geopolitical balance of power.

The Non-Aligned Movement is not, however, the organization our countries really need. It can, however, serve as a transition so that the “flame won’t go out” of the Non-Alignment Movement, but we need to erect this in a much more forceful manner so that a new truly Independent Free Nations of the World Entity gradually sweeps away today’s totally useless United Nations.

Russia, China, Iran, India and Brazil are the key countries for such a new multinational organization, followed and supported by regional confederations of countries in Africa, Latin America, Central Europe and Asia.

Kourosh Ziabari: The Global War on Terror marked the commencement of a new era in the world’s political developments. As a result of this deadly campaign, thousands, if not millions, of people lost their lives, thousands of others were orphaned, displaced and forced to immigrate. Many political commentators see this War on Terror as a war on the developing nations and more particularly, a war on Islam and Muslims. What’s your assessment of the War on Terror, which seems to be underway thus far, its consequences and results?

Adrian Salbuchi: The only War on Terror I can understand is the war that free and peaceful nations today wage as we are all systematically attacked on the political, financial, PsyWar, diplomatic and military fronts by the US, UK, NATO and Israel. Israel is the foremost terrorist entity in the world.

A little bit of history: Israel was born out of terrorist organizations whose leaders then went on to become their political establishment.

Terrorist group “Irgun Zvai Leumi” led by Menahem Beguin bomb-attacked the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1947 killing almost a hundred people, marking the first such bomb attack on an occupied public building in modern history, that was later repeated countless times including the Israeli Embassy and AMIA Jewish Mutual bomb attacks in Argentina in 1992 and 1994, and the September 11 attacks in New York.

Terrorist “Stern” Group led by Itzakh Shamir assassinated UN Special Envoy Folke Bernadotte in 1948 because he wanted to ensure the Palestinians had their own Nation-State.

Terror militias “Hagganah” and “Lehi” killed, maimed and forcibly drove millions of Palestinians from their historical lands. These terror organizations merged in 1948 to become Israel’s Armed Forces, hypocritically dubbed “Defense Force”.

The Global Power Masters’ present War on Islam has two key components:

(1) Geopolitically, they need to grab Arab territory in Palestine to safeguard Israel; and in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to safeguard oil and – very importantly – they cannot tolerate a powerful Iran unmasking them permanently.

(2) Philosophically, Islam is a religion that places Divinity – Allah – at the center of man’s existence whilst the Global Power Masters impose Money and Gold at the center of man’s life. They have their own Demiurge which they call YHWH which is what most other people identify with Satan. Materialism in the West reigns supreme which means they cannot tolerate a culture like Islam where men’s consciences cannot be bought and sold for money.

Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you pointed to examples of different skyscrapers and tall towers in countries such as Russia, Venezuela and Spain taking fire and suffering considerable damages. You, however, mentioned that these towers did not collapse the way the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center broke apart as the hijacked planes of the American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into them one after the other on September 11, 2001. Do you want to conclude that the 9/11 events was a premeditated false flag operation? Do you share the viewpoints of people such as David Ray Griffin or Peter Dale Scott that the Israeli regime was also involved in the attacks?

Adrian Salbuchi: Oh, absolutely. The collapse of the World Trade Center – especially of Tower 7 that was not hit by any airplane and yet perfectly and neatly collapsed into its own fingerprint on that dreadful day – defies the laws of physics and basic common sense.

In the US, there are associations of architects, physicists, chemists, engineers, airplane pilots all demanding to know the truth about 9/11 because the “official government story” is totally absurd.

They accuse those of us who unmask the Global Power Masters and Zionism as “conspiracy theorists,” and yet they impose upon the world the “Number One Absurd Conspiracy Theory”: 19 allegedly “Muslim” suicide pilots who could hardly fly single-engine propeller Cessna’s, easily hijack 4 jetliners with plastic knives (!) over the most secure airspace in the world, ram 2 of those jets into the WTC and third one into the most guarded building in the world – the Pentagon – with uncanny precision and at high speed, whilst the fourth one “crashes” into a field but leaves no debris; and all of this masterminded and controlled by some nut hiding in a cave in Afghanistan; who is “captured” ten years later, killed and, ooops!! We dropped his body into the sea…!”

Can you imagine something more stupid than that? And yet that is what mainstream Americans believe – Homer Simpson is a good archetype of their class. This fairy tale allowed Bush and Obama more than a decade of war, destroying Afghanistan, Iraq, which Baby Bush himself admitted had nothing to do with 9/11, Libya and other free countries in the Muslim World. Also, every time an event like 9/11 occurs, there are two key questions we must ask:
(a) Who Benefits from the attack, and
(b) Follow the money trail…

Clearly the Muslim world has been the key victim of 9/11; Israel however got the US and NATO to fight its proxy wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now they’re aiming at Syria and Iran. No wonder the folks who prepared the “War on Terror” myth are the same ones who in the late nineties prepared strategy documents for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Paul Wolfowitz and others, and, more importantly, prepared PNAC (Project for a New American Century) which is a veritable blueprint for the conquest of the whole Muslim World adopted as official foreign policy Baby Bush as those same planners then became his key Pentagon and State Department officials.

Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint regarding the underground detention facilities which the United States set up after the 9/11 attacks in Guantanamo bay in Cuba and Abu Ghraib in Iraq? There have been several reports of inhumane torturing and abusing of the detainees who are being held there without legal proceedings and under false pretexts. What’s your viewpoint?

Adrian Salbuchi: This is typical of the double standards maintained by the US in just about everything they do. They speak about the “rule of law” but then kidnap, arrest and jail people without any legal framework whatsoever. They speak about “human rights” but then torture and water-board people to get them to “confess” just as the Inquisition did centuries ago. They speak about “democracy” but their own government is now clamping down violently on any American citizen that begins to wake and speak up against the fact they are now living in a police state.

Kourosh Ziabari: Countries such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria which have come under the fire of the United States’ psychological and economic warfare are paying the price for their independence and disobedience to the policies of the superpowers. Are these countries and other nations targeted by the America’s Total War, as you put it in one of your articles, the victims of their non-alignment with Washington and its allies?

Adrian Salbuchi: Yes. Washington, London and Tel Aviv do not tolerate any country that decides to live under a true Democracy (not the “Made in USA” Bush-Clinton-Obama version), and who want to live their own religious, cultural, moral and political values, which requires they reject all the poison, decay and perversion that Hollywood and the Western Media vomit on the entire world through decadent TV, movies and the press.

Baby Bush was honest about this when he said in October 2001 that every nation had a decision to make, “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.” The point is that US and its allies are the main platform from where the Global Power Masters make Total War on all of Mankind, including their own people.

Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint regarding the massive propaganda campaign against Iran over its nuclear program? The Western public sees Iran in the light of stereotypes and clichés which the mainstream media have created of Iran. They are simply unaware of Iran’s rich culture, history, civilization and traditions. What’s your take on that? How is it possible to acquaint the world with the concealed realities of Iran?

Adrian Salbuchi: That is a very tough problem because, as I say above, one of the Global Power Master’s greatest victories consists in the dumping-down of national populations the world over, especially in the US. Ignorance thus reigns supreme today amongst all populations, which means they can be easily duped into supporting wars against foreign countries they know absolutely nothing about. Of course, since they are maintained in a hypnotic state by the media they never actually realize this… Not yet, anyway.

That’s why the main counter-movement that we can all do from each and every country in the world – even from inside the US, Britain and Europe – is to show the other side of the coin, to make people listen to the other bell; to explain, educate, and show them evidence that the Truth lies elsewhere, and that they are being led by nose by these global Pied Pipers into a deep sea where they are being purposely drowned in ignorance.

One last point, if I may: often, very complex problems can be reduced to one simple formula which then helps us to better understand the whole.

I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in the fact that the United States of America, Britain and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so that today they rule the world; however Israel and Zionism rule the US, UK and EU.

When people grasp this simple concept – US/UK/Allies run the world, but Israel/Zion run the US/UK/Allies – then the daily news reports become that much easier to understand.

Interview by Kourosh Ziabari
10 October, 2012.

11 november 2012, 07:51
Wat is het belang van de beweging van niet-gebonden landen ?

De beweging van niet-gebonden landen is geen doelstelling op zich, doch kan deze beweging aangewend worden als een transitie naar een nieuwe wereldwijde entiteit gevormd door de daadwerkelijk onafhankelijke vrije landen, een soort van humanere, rechtvaardigere en eerlijkere Verenigde Naties dus.

Ondertussen zorgt ook het blok der niet-gebonden landen voor een steeds meer multipolaire wereld en vervult het alzo een stabiliserende functie. Tevens vormt het een tegenpool voor de oude dinosaurus, de Westerse wereld, welke nog steeds denkt dat het zijn willetje zomaar aan de rest van de wereld kan blijven opdringen.

De beweging van niet-gebonden landen is niet enkel een 'positieve ontwikkeling', het is veel meer dan dat, deze vereniging zal noodzakelijk blijken voor de mensheid.

Adrian Salbuchi - Washington, London and Tel Aviv don’t tolerate True Democracy (http://www.asalbuchi.com.ar/2012/10/adrian-salbuchi-washington-london-and-tel-aviv-dont-tolerate-true-democracy/)

Now the Non-Aligned Movement has had many internal changes and challenges. It has tried to adapt as best it could as the Cold War years went on and as governments in each member country changed. It has been a contradictory movement which was all but scrapped after the demise of the USSR, however now many countries are coming to realize that Non-Alignment’s new definition would be: “Non-Alignment with the Supra-National Power Masters and their Zionist Controllers”. There lies the key foreign policy decision that every country needs to make, and that includes the US and UK.

Thankfully, and for different reasons, two key global powers have chosen to put a brake on the global Western Hegemons: a reborn Russia and a streaming-forwards China.

We see this today in Syria and also in Iran. Thank God Vladimir Putin is still in power in Russia even if only for the purpose of maintaining this geopolitical balance of power.

The Non-Aligned Movement is not, however, the organization our countries really need. It can, however, serve as a transition so that the “flame won’t go out” of the Non-Alignment Movement, but we need to erect this in a much more forceful manner so that a new truly Independent Free Nations of the World Entity gradually sweeps away today’s totally useless United Nations.

Russia, China, Iran, India and Brazil are the key countries for such a new multinational organization, followed and supported by regional confederations of countries in Africa, Latin America, Central Europe and Asia.


Interview by Kourosh Ziabari
10 October, 2012.

Lees meer via de doorverwijzing.

27 november 2012, 10:22
Het kon natuurlijk niet langer uitblijven...

De beweging van niet-gebonden landen (NAM) roept op tot herstructuratie van de VN-Veiligheidsraad. Het proces van beslissingsvorming van dit uiterst belangrijke onderdeel van de VN moet grondig aangepast worden zodat het op een 'meer democratische' en transparante wijze effectief kan optreden.

PressTV - NAM calls for reforms in UN Security Council decision-making mechanism (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2012/11/27/274775/nam-urges-reform-in-unsc-mechanism/)

Mohammad Khazaei, Iran’s ambassador to the UN and head of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)’s Coordinating Bureau

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which has around 120 member states, has called for the reformation of the decision-making mechanism at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

In order to increase transparency in the performance of the UNSC and the efficiency of its methods as well as forging a balance in the council’s approach toward non-member countries, the body should eliminate its inefficiencies, Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaei, who also heads the NAM's Coordinating Bureau, said.

The Iranian NAM official made the remarks in an address to an open debate on the transparency and efficiency of the UN Security Council.

Khazaei added that the UNSC should also pay attention to the regulations defined in the UN Charter regarding non-member states as well as resolutions that clarify the relations between the United Nations’ General Assembly and its other organizations.

Referring to the NAM’s recent summit in Tehran in August, Khazaei said the movement’s leaders have stressed the necessity for the UN member states to respect the authority of the United Nations’ different organizations and called for the maintenance of balance between these bodies within the framework of the UN Charter regulations.

The 16th NAM Summit was held in the Iranian capital on August 26-31 in which representatives from more than 100 countries participated.

Iran assumed the rotating presidency of the NAM for a three-year term during the summit.

Khazaei also stressed the necessity of paying attention to the views of the countries that are not members of the council but whose interests are directly affected by the UN body’s decisions.

“Transparency, accountability and coherence," he said, "are among the key factors that the UNSC must observe in all of its activities, approaches and methods.”


Khazaei, een man naar mijn hart ! :thumbsup:

En tevens een mooie tegemoetkoming vanwege de beweging van niet-gebonden landen (NAM) naar de VN toe, ze willen hun namelijk helpen met hun grootste probleem, nl. de niet democratische werking van de falende VN-Veiligheidsraad.