View Full Version : zeitgeist 2015: conservatieven zijn de nieuwe freaks

Karel Martel B
25 april 2015, 17:53

Bruce has decided to go through the transition of horomone replacement therapy in order to become a “woman.” He’s still undecided on whether he’ll castrate himself just yet. [T]he interview was designed to be a big push to normalize and create visibility for the transgender community. It was a two hour long interview, so a lot was discussed. He discussed struggling with this his whole life, he discussed once growing man-boobs, and how he’s actually straight! Yes, Bruce Jenner wants to transition not only into a woman… but to a lesbian woman. Get your head around that one. None of this phased Diane Sawyer however. The one moment that shocked her, beyond belief, was captured below.


…Bruce Jenner is a Republican! Diane Sawyer was so shocked, she looked at Bruce like a “freak.”