View Full Version : VN werkt aan wereldparlement met behulp van Turkijë en Spanje

1 oktober 2005, 17:09
Bron : MEMRI (http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD99505)

Ik trof het volgende nieuwsbericht aan op de MEMRI-webstek. Het handelt over een VN-initiatief die zo goed als niet is behandelt in de westerse media.

One Initiative – Two Visions

On July 14, 2005, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan released a statement announcing the launch of the " Alliance of Civilizations" initiative, which is being co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey. The project is designed to "advance mutual respect for religious beliefs and traditions and to reaffirm humankind's interdependence in all areas."

Turkey's major media organs, which gave extensive coverage to the initiative, presented an additional vision – a vision of the establishment of a second international body to parallel the U.N., to be called "The World Parliament." It is noteworthy that the governments involved in the preliminary stage are either critical or hostile to U.S. policy.

The following report is based on Turkish media reactions to the initiative:

Op 14 Juni 2005 had een contactpersoon voor Kofi Anan een verklaring uitgevaardigt over het lanceren van een zogenaamde Alliantie van Beschavingen welke worden ge-cosponseerd door Spanje en Turkije.

De Turkse pers zelf voegde hierbij heel interessant toe dat onderdeel hiervan het formeren van een zogenaamd Wereld Parlement.

The Declared Vision: Reconciliation of Civilizations

Many Turkish media sources reported on the project as follows:

The "Alliance of Civilizations" project was brought up by [Spanish] Prime Minister Zapatero during his discussions with Secretary-General Annan at last year's U.N. summit. Annan insisted that a Muslim country should co-sponsor the initiative together with Spain. This offer was then taken to Turkey by PM Zapatero, and was accepted. PM Erdoğan's foreign policy advisor, Rafet Akgunay, and former Spanish Ambassador to UNESCO Maximo Cajal were appointed coordinators. After joint work by Zapatero, Erdogan and Annan, the project was officially announced on July 14, 2005. Turkey and Spain, which have both been victims of terrorist attacks, have been given the task of reconciling the Islamic and Christian worlds.

As stated by Mr. Annan's spokesman on July 14, 2005, the U.N.-sponsored "Alliance of Civilizations" will strive "to bridge divides and overcome prejudice, misconceptions, misperceptions and polarization among the civilizations which potentially threaten world peace." [1]

Mr. Annan is bringing together a high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals to guide the initiative. He is expected to disclose the names of the members of this Commission in September 2005, after a special meeting with Prime Ministers Zapatero and Erdogan in New York, during the U.N. summit.

Erdogan’s spirituele mentor is trouwens een hoog geplaatste figuur binnen het Turkse deel van het Internationaal Islamitisch Front tegen Joden en Kruisvaarders. En zelf probeert hij langzaam de seculiere staat gesticht door Ataturk om zeep te helpen.

The Other Vision - A New Body

The official U.N. announcement on behalf of Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared the establishment of a special trust fund to finance the project, and a Commission to prepare the action plan. The Turkish media has reported that there is a "second phase" to the project: the establishment of another world body parallel to the UN, to be called "The World Parliament," which will include representatives of all the faiths and cultures of the world.

Let op een wereld regering. Let niet op het tweede deel. Want het is net zo goed mogelijk dat het zoals het Islamitisch Regime Iran wordt die een joods parlementlid heeft die vooral niks in te brengen heeft en braaf mee moet stemmen.

A front-page report by the mainstream, high circulation, Turkish daily Hurriyet, titled "A Turkish stamp on the World Parliament," elaborated on this vision: [2]

"[…] If a global consensus is reached for the 'Alliance of Civilizations' project, work will begin for the establishment of a 'World Parliament' under U.N. leadership.

" A high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals will prepare for the U.N. a 'road map' for action. Annan is expected to disclose the names of the members he has appointed to this Commission […].

"This Commission of eminent intellectuals [which will include Iran's former president Khatami] that will determine ways to eliminate cultural and religious discrimination and to minimize conflicts is expected to present a report with recommendations and an 'action plan' by the end of 2006. One such recommendation may be the removal from school books of any material offensive to the cultures and religions of Islam and the West. The report prepared by this Commission will be presented to Kofi Annan, who then will bring it to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly for a vote.

Ten eerste opmerkelijk dat een voormalig president van een regime dat islamitische terroristen wereldwijd steunt en recentelijk is begonnen met voorbereiden van het vermoorden van dissidenten die uit Perzië zijn gevlucht, deel uitmaakt van een dergelijke commissie.

Dit voorspelt weinig goed voor andere dikgemaakte stuk. Wat zal dat inhouden? Verwijdering van alles wat gaat over Hindu Kush (toen de mohammedanen 100 miljoen Hindoe’s vermoorde) bijvoorbeeld, of dat wat gaat over de Barabary Piraten om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

"Later, the worldwide implementation of the recommendations will begin. Upon achievement of the targeted results, the U.N. will launch the second phase of the project, for the establishment of a 'World Parliament.' The 'Alliance of Civilizations' will constitute the basis for the future 'World Parliament,' in which Turkey [and Spain] will enjoy special status."

Speciale status voor Turkije en Spanje.

"The 'Alliance of Civilizations' project is to be financed by a special trust fund, as announced by the U.N. Spain will contribute €1,000,000 to the fund. [3] Sweden, South Africa, France, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Senegal, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are among the 18 countries that have pledged their support to the project. [4]

"Kofi Annan is urging all the countries to contribute to the special trust fund […]."

Dit intiatief wordt gesteund door onder andere : Pakistan, Egypte (thuisbasis Moslimbroederschap), Jordanië (land met het meest antisemitische bevolking volgens recent onderzoek), Nigeria, Iran (commentaar overbodig) en Saudi Arabië (eveneens overbodig).

"Aznar: 'This Alliance is Nonsense!'

"Former prime minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar defined the 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative undertaken by his successor Zapatero and PM Erdogan as 'nonsense.' In a statement to The Spectator, Aznar said, "The 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative is nonsensical. The only alliance of importance to us is the Atlantic Alliance' […]"

Meeting of Religions in Hatay,Turkey

The Turkish press has been covering the '"First Meeting of Civilizations," which is taking place [September 25 to 30, 2005] in Hatay, [5] Turkey. The meeting, which was organized under the sponsorship of Turkish PM Erdogan, is attended by the representatives of all three [monotheistic] religions, many Turkish and international scientists, political figures, and journalists. The event has sparked strong opposition and protests in Islamist circles in Turkey.

Ter verduidelijking. De alliantie van beschaving omvat dus alleen de drie abrahamistische religies.

Following are excerpts from the opening remarks by PM Erdogan as reported in all the major Turkish media organs, including Hurriyet, Milliyet, Sabah, Aksam, and Radikal:

"PM Erdogan opened the 'First Meeting of Civilizations' in Hatay with an invitation to everyone to 'say no to the clash of civilizations, and say yes to the alliance of civilizations.'

"Erdogan said: 'If there is terrorism in the world, it is not because it is condoned by our religions but because of the ignorant interpretations of some. […] No one has the right to put the name of a religion in front of the word terror. We will never accept the term Islamic terror, in the same way we cannot say Christian or Jewish terror. […] Just like antisemitism is considered a crime against humanity, I hereby declare that Islamophobia is a crime against humanity. […] Hatay is a city of peace and we must raise and spread the voice of peace […].'"

Hier komt de aap uit de mouw. Erdogan’s doel is om censuur te plegen. Hij wilt de discussie over de islam het zwijgen opleggen op wereldwijde schaal,, net zoals hij eerder hij eerder (http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international&alt=&hn=19663) voor me elkaar kreeg bij de Europe Dhimmi Unie (http://mypage.bluewin.ch/ameland/Eurabia.html) opvallend vlak voordat mevrouw Fallaci (http://cmnewman.blogspot.com/2005/05/18-things-you-cant-say-about-muslims.html) werd aangeklaagd door Italië.
[i]Edit:After edit by Wodansgeneraal on 01-10-2005 at 18:24
Reason: [i]

Bron : MEMRI (http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD99505)

Ik trof het volgende nieuwsbericht aan op de MEMRI-webstek. Het handelt over een VN-initiatief die zo goed als niet is behandelt in de westerse media.

One Initiative – Two Visions

On July 14, 2005, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan released a statement announcing the launch of the " Alliance of Civilizations" initiative, which is being co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey. The project is designed to "advance mutual respect for religious beliefs and traditions and to reaffirm humankind's interdependence in all areas."

Turkey's major media organs, which gave extensive coverage to the initiative, presented an additional vision – a vision of the establishment of a second international body to parallel the U.N., to be called "The World Parliament." It is noteworthy that the governments involved in the preliminary stage are either critical or hostile to U.S. policy.

The following report is based on Turkish media reactions to the initiative:

Op 14 Juni 2005 had een contactpersoon voor Kofi Anan een verklaring uitgevaardigt over het lanceren van een zogenaamde Alliantie van Beschavingen welke worden ge-cosponseerd door Spanje en Turkije.

De Turkse pers zelf voegde hierbij heel interessant toe dat onderdeel hiervan het formeren van een zogenaamd Wereld Parlement.

The Declared Vision: Reconciliation of Civilizations

Many Turkish media sources reported on the project as follows:

The "Alliance of Civilizations" project was brought up by [Spanish] Prime Minister Zapatero during his discussions with Secretary-General Annan at last year's U.N. summit. Annan insisted that a Muslim country should co-sponsor the initiative together with Spain. This offer was then taken to Turkey by PM Zapatero, and was accepted. PM Erdoğan's foreign policy advisor, Rafet Akgunay, and former Spanish Ambassador to UNESCO Maximo Cajal were appointed coordinators. After joint work by Zapatero, Erdogan and Annan, the project was officially announced on July 14, 2005. Turkey and Spain, which have both been victims of terrorist attacks, have been given the task of reconciling the Islamic and Christian worlds.

As stated by Mr. Annan's spokesman on July 14, 2005, the U.N.-sponsored "Alliance of Civilizations" will strive "to bridge divides and overcome prejudice, misconceptions, misperceptions and polarization among the civilizations which potentially threaten world peace." [1]

Mr. Annan is bringing together a high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals to guide the initiative. He is expected to disclose the names of the members of this Commission in September 2005, after a special meeting with Prime Ministers Zapatero and Erdogan in New York, during the U.N. summit.

Erdogan’s spirituele mentor is trouwens een hoog geplaatste figuur binnen het Turkse deel van het Internationaal Islamitisch Front tegen Joden en Kruisvaarders. En zelf probeert hij langzaam de seculiere staat gesticht door Ataturk om zeep te helpen.

The Other Vision - A New Body

The official U.N. announcement on behalf of Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared the establishment of a special trust fund to finance the project, and a Commission to prepare the action plan. The Turkish media has reported that there is a "second phase" to the project: the establishment of another world body parallel to the UN, to be called "The World Parliament," which will include representatives of all the faiths and cultures of the world.

Let op een wereld regering. Let niet op het tweede deel. Want het is net zo goed mogelijk dat het zoals het Islamitisch Regime Iran wordt die een joods parlementlid heeft die vooral niks in te brengen heeft en braaf mee moet stemmen.

A front-page report by the mainstream, high circulation, Turkish daily Hurriyet, titled "A Turkish stamp on the World Parliament," elaborated on this vision: [2]

"[…] If a global consensus is reached for the 'Alliance of Civilizations' project, work will begin for the establishment of a 'World Parliament' under U.N. leadership.

" A high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals will prepare for the U.N. a 'road map' for action. Annan is expected to disclose the names of the members he has appointed to this Commission […].

"This Commission of eminent intellectuals [which will include Iran's former president Khatami] that will determine ways to eliminate cultural and religious discrimination and to minimize conflicts is expected to present a report with recommendations and an 'action plan' by the end of 2006. One such recommendation may be the removal from school books of any material offensive to the cultures and religions of Islam and the West. The report prepared by this Commission will be presented to Kofi Annan, who then will bring it to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly for a vote.

Ten eerste opmerkelijk dat een voormalig president van een regime dat islamitische terroristen wereldwijd steunt en recentelijk is begonnen met voorbereiden van het vermoorden van dissidenten die uit Perzië zijn gevlucht, deel uitmaakt van een dergelijke commissie.

Dit voorspelt weinig goed voor andere dikgemaakte stuk. Wat zal dat inhouden? Verwijdering van alles wat gaat over Hindu Kush (toen de mohammedanen 100 miljoen Hindoe’s vermoorde) bijvoorbeeld, of dat wat gaat over de Barabary Piraten om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

"Later, the worldwide implementation of the recommendations will begin. Upon achievement of the targeted results, the U.N. will launch the second phase of the project, for the establishment of a 'World Parliament.' The 'Alliance of Civilizations' will constitute the basis for the future 'World Parliament,' in which Turkey [and Spain] will enjoy special status."

Speciale status voor Turkije en Spanje.

"The 'Alliance of Civilizations' project is to be financed by a special trust fund, as announced by the U.N. Spain will contribute €1,000,000 to the fund. [3] Sweden, South Africa, France, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Senegal, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are among the 18 countries that have pledged their support to the project. [4]

"Kofi Annan is urging all the countries to contribute to the special trust fund […]."

Dit intiatief wordt gesteund door onder andere : Pakistan, Egypte (thuisbasis Moslimbroederschap), Jordanië (land met het meest antisemitische bevolking volgens recent onderzoek), Nigeria, Iran (commentaar overbodig) en Saudi Arabië (eveneens overbodig).

"Aznar: 'This Alliance is Nonsense!'

"Former prime minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar defined the 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative undertaken by his successor Zapatero and PM Erdogan as 'nonsense.' In a statement to The Spectator, Aznar said, "The 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative is nonsensical. The only alliance of importance to us [i.e. Spain] is the Atlantic Alliance' […]"

Meeting of Religions in Hatay,Turkey

The Turkish press has been covering the '"First Meeting of Civilizations," which is taking place [September 25 to 30, 2005] in Hatay, [5] Turkey. The meeting, which was organized under the sponsorship of Turkish PM Erdogan, is attended by the representatives of all three [monotheistic] religions, many Turkish and international scientists, political figures, and journalists. The event has sparked strong opposition and protests in Islamist circles in Turkey.

Ter verduidelijking. De alliantie van beschaving omvat dus alleen de drie abrahamistische religies.

Following are excerpts from the opening remarks by PM Erdogan as reported in all the major Turkish media organs, including Hurriyet, Milliyet, Sabah, Aksam, and Radikal:

"PM Erdogan opened the 'First Meeting of Civilizations' in Hatay with an invitation to everyone to 'say no to the clash of civilizations, and say yes to the alliance of civilizations.'

"Erdogan said: 'If there is terrorism in the world, it is not because it is condoned by our religions but because of the ignorant interpretations of some. […] No one has the right to put the name of a religion in front of the word terror. We will never accept the term Islamic terror, in the same way we cannot say Christian or Jewish terror. […] Just like antisemitism is considered a crime against humanity, I hereby declare that Islamophobia is a crime against humanity. […] Hatay is a city of peace and we must raise and spread the voice of peace […].'"

Hier komt de aap uit de mouw. Erdogan’s doel is om censuur te plegen. Hij wilt de discussie over de islam het zwijgen opleggen op wereldwijde schaal,, net zoals hij eerder hij eerder (http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international&alt=&hn=19663) voor me elkaar kreeg bij de Europe Dhimmi Unie (http://mypage.bluewin.ch/ameland/Eurabia.html) opvallend vlak voordat mevrouw Fallaci (http://cmnewman.blogspot.com/2005/05/18-things-you-cant-say-about-muslims.html) werd aangeklaagd door Italië.

[i]Before any edits, post was:

Bron : MEMRI (http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD99505)

Ik trof het volgende nieuwsbericht aan op de MEMRI-webstek. Het handelt over een VN-initiatief die zo goed als niet is behandelt in de westerse media.

One Initiative – Two Visions

On July 14, 2005, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan released a statement announcing the launch of the " Alliance of Civilizations" initiative, which is being co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey. The project is designed to "advance mutual respect for religious beliefs and traditions and to reaffirm humankind's interdependence in all areas."

Turkey's major media organs, which gave extensive coverage to the initiative, presented an additional vision – a vision of the establishment of a second international body to parallel the U.N., to be called "The World Parliament." It is noteworthy that the governments involved in the preliminary stage are either critical or hostile to U.S. policy.

The following report is based on Turkish media reactions to the initiative:

Op 14 Juni 2005 had een contactpersoon voor Kofi Anan een verklaring uitgevaardigt over het lanceren van een zogenaamde Alliantie van Beschavingen welke worden ge-cosponseerd door Spanje en Turkije.

De Turkse pers zelf voegde hierbij heel interessant toe dat onderdeel hiervan het formeren van een zogenaamd Wereld Parlement.

The Declared Vision: Reconciliation of Civilizations

Many Turkish media sources reported on the project as follows:

The "Alliance of Civilizations" project was brought up by [Spanish] Prime Minister Zapatero during his discussions with Secretary-General Annan at last year's U.N. summit. Annan insisted that a Muslim country should co-sponsor the initiative together with Spain. This offer was then taken to Turkey by PM Zapatero, and was accepted. PM Erdoğan's foreign policy advisor, Rafet Akgunay, and former Spanish Ambassador to UNESCO Maximo Cajal were appointed coordinators. After joint work by Zapatero, Erdogan and Annan, the project was officially announced on July 14, 2005. Turkey and Spain, which have both been victims of terrorist attacks, have been given the task of reconciling the Islamic and Christian worlds.

As stated by Mr. Annan's spokesman on July 14, 2005, the U.N.-sponsored "Alliance of Civilizations" will strive "to bridge divides and overcome prejudice, misconceptions, misperceptions and polarization among the civilizations which potentially threaten world peace." [1]

Mr. Annan is bringing together a high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals to guide the initiative. He is expected to disclose the names of the members of this Commission in September 2005, after a special meeting with Prime Ministers Zapatero and Erdogan in New York, during the U.N. summit.

Erdogan’s spirituele mentor is trouwens een hoog geplaatste figuur binnen het Turkse deel van het Internationaal Islamitisch Front tegen Joden en Kruisvaarders. En zelf probeert hij langzaam de seculiere staat gesticht door Ataturk om zeep te helpen.

The Other Vision - A New Body

The official U.N. announcement on behalf of Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared the establishment of a special trust fund to finance the project, and a Commission to prepare the action plan. The Turkish media has reported that there is a "second phase" to the project: the establishment of another world body parallel to the UN, to be called "The World Parliament," which will include representatives of all the faiths and cultures of the world.

Let op een wereld regering. Let niet op het tweede deel. Want het is net zo goed mogelijk dat het zoals het Islamitisch Regime Iran wordt die een joods parlementlid heeft die vooral niks in te brengen heeft en braaf mee moet stemmen.

A front-page report by the mainstream, high circulation, Turkish daily Hurriyet, titled "A Turkish stamp on the World Parliament," elaborated on this vision: [2]

"[…] If a global consensus is reached for the 'Alliance of Civilizations' project, work will begin for the establishment of a 'World Parliament' under U.N. leadership.

" A high-level group of 18 to 20 prominent intellectuals will prepare for the U.N. a 'road map' for action. Annan is expected to disclose the names of the members he has appointed to this Commission […].

"This Commission of eminent intellectuals [which will include Iran's former president Khatami] that will determine ways to eliminate cultural and religious discrimination and to minimize conflicts is expected to present a report with recommendations and an 'action plan' by the end of 2006. One such recommendation may be the removal from school books of any material offensive to the cultures and religions of Islam and the West. The report prepared by this Commission will be presented to Kofi Annan, who then will bring it to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly for a vote.

Ten eerste opmerkelijk dat een voormalig president van een regime dat islamitische terroristen wereldwijd steunt en recentelijk is begonnen met voorbereiden van het vermoorden van dissidenten die uit Perzië zijn gevlucht, deel uitmaakt van een dergelijke commissie.

Dit voorspelt weinig goed voor andere dikgemaakte stuk. Wat zal dat inhouden? Verwijdering van alles wat gaat over Hindu Kush (toen de mohammedanen 100 miljoen Hindoe’s vermoorde) bijvoorbeeld, of dat wat gaat over de Barabary Piraten om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

"Later, the worldwide implementation of the recommendations will begin. Upon achievement of the targeted results, the U.N. will launch the second phase of the project, for the establishment of a 'World Parliament.' The 'Alliance of Civilizations' will constitute the basis for the future 'World Parliament,' in which Turkey [and Spain] will enjoy special [i.e. preferred] status."

Speciale status voor Turkije en Spanje.

"The 'Alliance of Civilizations' project is to be financed by a special trust fund, as announced by the U.N. Spain will contribute €1,000,000 to the fund. [3] Sweden, South Africa, France, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Senegal, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are among the 18 countries that have pledged their support to the project. [4]

"Kofi Annan is urging all the countries to contribute to the special trust fund […]."

Dit intiatief wordt gesteund door onder andere : Pakistan, Egypte (thuisbasis Moslimbroederschap), Jordanië (land met het meest antisemitische bevolking volgens recent onderzoek), Nigeria, Iran (commentaar overbodig) en Saudi Arabië (eveneens overbodig).

"Aznar: 'This Alliance is Nonsense!'

"Former prime minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar defined the 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative undertaken by his successor Zapatero and PM Erdogan as 'nonsense.' In a statement to The Spectator, Aznar said, "The 'Alliance of Civilizations' initiative is nonsensical. The only alliance of importance to us [i.e. Spain] is the Atlantic Alliance' […]"

Meeting of Religions in Hatay,Turkey

The Turkish press has been covering the '"First Meeting of Civilizations," which is taking place [September 25 to 30, 2005] in Hatay, [5] Turkey. The meeting, which was organized under the sponsorship of Turkish PM Erdogan, is attended by the representatives of all three [monotheistic] religions, many Turkish and international scientists, political figures, and journalists. The event has sparked strong opposition and protests in Islamist circles in Turkey.

Ter verduidelijking. De alliantie van beschaving omvat dus alleen de drie abrahamistische religies.

Following are excerpts from the opening remarks by PM Erdogan as reported in all the major Turkish media organs, including Hurriyet, Milliyet, Sabah, Aksam, and Radikal:

"PM Erdogan opened the 'First Meeting of Civilizations' in Hatay with an invitation to everyone to 'say no to the clash of civilizations, and say yes to the alliance of civilizations.'

"Erdogan said: 'If there is terrorism in the world, it is not because it is condoned by our religions but because of the ignorant interpretations of some. […] No one has the right to put the name of a religion in front of the word terror. We will never accept the term Islamic terror, in the same way we cannot say Christian or Jewish terror. […] Just like antisemitism is considered a crime against humanity, I hereby declare that Islamophobia is a crime against humanity. […] Hatay is a city of peace and we must raise and spread the voice of peace […].'"

Hier komt de aap uit de mouw. Erdogan’s doel is om censuur te plegen. Hij wilt de discussie over de islam het zwijgen opleggen op wereldwijde schaal,, net zoals hij eerder hij eerder (http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international&alt=&hn=19663) voor me elkaar kreeg bij de Europe Dhimmi Unie (http://mypage.bluewin.ch/ameland/Eurabia.html) opvallend vlak voordat mevrouw http://cmnewman.blogspot.com/2005/05/18-things-you-cant-say-about-muslims.html]Fallaci werd aangeklaagd door Italië.