View Full Version : Leaving Islam is Punishable by Death

6 april 2006, 19:15
Thinking for yourself is not only not allowed in Islam, it is punishable by
death. The article below illustrates this clearly.

The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam


During Muhammad's lifetime, and the lifetimes of the next 4 "Rightly Guided
Caliphs," a number of Muslims left the faith of Islam. The punishment for
leaving Islam was death. Those that had left the faith were either killed
outright, or were given a few days to turn back to Islam, and then, if they
persisted in leaving Islam, were put to death. This sentence is in effect
whether or not the apostasy occurred in an Islamic State or not.

Text inside of [ ] type brackets are my comments. Text inside of ( ) type
brackets are from the Hadith itself.



One of the more controversial topics for Muslims in the West is the
punishment for apostasy from Islam. Muslims living in the Mideast have no
problem with the concept of putting apostates to death. But to Muslims
living in the West, it is an embarrassing Islamic edict. The West values
freedom of thought and freedom of speech, two virtues that have never
blossomed under Islam. So, frequently, when asked about the Islamic law for
apostates, Muslims living in the West hide behind excuses, such as "only a
true Islamic State can execute apostates," or "punishment was carried out
because those apostates were threats to the new Islamic State, and it is not
needed anymore."

What exactly was the law during Muhammad's and the Caliph's time? What were
the requirements for a death sentence to be carried out? Was the sentence
only for a short period of time? Was it only to be administered under a
"true Islamic State," or did it apply to anyone who had left Islam? A close
examination of the Quran, Hadith, and Sirat will show that indeed, the
punishment for leaving Islam, either under an Islamic government, or not,
was execution.


To begin with, the Quran does not come out and explicitly state that
apostates should be murdered. However, there are a number of Quranic verses
that pertain to apostasy, and they shed some light on the punishment for

Let's start with the Quran.

Sura 9:73,74 -

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously
with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fire. They swear by God that
they said nothing. Yet they uttered the word of unbelief and renounced Islam
after embracing it. They sought to do what they could not attain. Yet they
had no reason to be spiteful except perhaps because God and His apostle had
enriched them through His bounty. If they repent, it will indeed be better
for them, but if they give no heed, God will sternly punish them, both in
this world and in the world to come. They shall have none on this earth to
protect or help them." [Dawood]

We see here that Allah urges Muhammad to "make war" on the people who have
left Islam. It also states that "Allah will punish them in this world, and
in the world to come."

What exactly Muhammad was to do to the people in his "making war" on them is
not explicitly stated, but it can be surmised that they will be physically
punished, if not outright killed. Further, Allah Himself is also going to
punish those who leave Islam. What is His punishment? Whatever it is, is
will be unpleasant.

Sura 47:23-28 -

"If you renounced the faith, you would surely do evil in the land, and
violate the ties of blood. Such are those on whom God has laid His curse,
leaving them deaf and sightless.... Those who return to unbelief after God's

guidance has been revealed to them are seduced by Satan and inspired by

Again, God is punishing people, in this world, but the totality of
punishment isn't detailed ... other than becoming "deaf and sightless." No
doubt this is spiritual blindness, because millions have left Islam and have
never become physically blind.

Sura 3:86-91, Sura 16:106 -

These verses clearly state that apostates will be punished in hellfire.
However, though it is implied, the punishment meted out while they live is

Sura 4:137 -

Similar to the above, God will not forgive the apostates, but no mention of
an earthly punishment is made.

Brief mention is made of apostates in 3:72, 5:54, 9:107 but none of these
shed any penetrating light on the subject.


The Dictionary of Quranic Terms and Concepts - page 16, (written by M. Mir -
a Muslim writer), defines the actual Quranic information as:

"APOSTASY Arabic "irtidad." Traditional Islamic law prescribes the penalty
of death for a Muslim who commits apostasy. The punishment is not stated in
the Quran, but is said to be based on certain Hadith. The advocates and the
opponents of the said penalty have, in their attempt to find Quranic support
for their views, appealed to certain Quranic verses, but the fact is that
none of the arguments offered do full justice to the Quranic context......"



It is from the Hadith that we draw our understand and information on the
punishment for the apostate. From the Hadith, we find no ambiguity on the
subject. All quotes will be from Bukhari's Hadith, from the 9 volume English
set, translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

Bukhari, volume 9, #17

"Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Messenger said, "The blood of a Muslim who
confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am
His Messenger, cannot be shed except in three cases: in Qisas (equality in
punishment) for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual
intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (Apostate) and leaves the

Bukhari, volume 9, #37

"Narrated Abu Qilaba: Once Umar bin Abdul Aziz sat on his throne in the
courtyard of his house so that the people might gather before him....He
replied "By Allah, Allah's messenger never killed anyone except in one of
the following three situations: 1) A person who killed somebody unjustly,
was killed (in Qisas,) 2) a married person who committed illegal sexual
intercourse and, 3) a man who fought against Allah and His messenger, and
deserted Islam and became an apostate....

In Chapter 2, from "The Book of obliging the Reverters from Islam, page 42,
(following Hadith #56) it reads:

"The legal regulation concerning the male and the female who reverts from
Islam (apostates). Ibn Umar Az-Zuhri and Ibrahim said, "A female apostate
(who reverts from Islam), should be killed. And the obliging of the reverts
from Islam to repent Allah said......

Following this chapter, a number of Quranic verses are given, among them are
some already mentioned. They are 3:86-89, 3:100, 4:137, 5:54, 16:106-110,

Bukhari volume 9, #57

Narrated Ikrima, "Some atheists were brought to Ali and he burnt them. The
news of this event, reached Ibn Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place,
I would not have burnt them, as Allah's messenger forbade it, saying, "Do
not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire)." I would have killed them
according to the statement of Allah's Messenger, "Whoever changed his
Islamic religion, then kill him."

Bukhari volume 9, #58

Narrated Abu Bruda, "Abu Musa said.....Behold there was a fettered man
beside Abu Musa. Muadh asked, "Who is this (man)?" Abu Musa said, "He was a
Jew and became a Muslim and hen reverted back to Judaism." Then Abu Musa
requested Muadh to sit down but Muadh said, "I will not sit down till he has
been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and his messenger," and repeated
it thrice. Then Abu Musa ordered that the man be killed, and he was killed.
Abu Musa added, "Then we discussed the night prayers .....

Bukhari volume 9, #64

Narrated Ali, "Whenever I tell you a narration from Allah's messenger, by
Allah, I would rather fall down from the sky, then ascribe a false statement
to him, but if I tell you something between me and you, (not a Hadith), then
it was indeed a trick (i.e., I may say things just to cheat my enemy). No
doubt I heard Allah's messenger saying, "During the last days there will
appear some young foolish people, who will say the best words, but their
faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will leave the faith) and
will go out from their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So,
wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward
on the Day of Resurrection."

Bukhari volume 9, #271 [This one is similar to #58]

Narrated Abu Musa: A man embraced Islam and then reverted back to Judaism.
Muadh Jabal came and saw the man with Abu Musa. Muadh asked, "What is wrong
with this (man)?" Abu Musa replied, "He embraced Islam, and then reverted
back to Judaism." Muadh said, "I will not sit down unless you kill him (as
it is) the verdict of Allah and His messenger."

Bukhari Chapter 26, from the Book of Mutual Consultation, page 339,
following Hadith # 461

"The Statement of Allah... 42:32, 3:159, ...The prophet said, "If someone
changes his religion, then kill them....."





After Muhammad took Mecca, he order a number of people to be killed. Several
of them were apostates. Here is the background.

Muhammad ordered the execution of 10 people when he took Mecca. Here is the
list of names found in Ibn Sa'd "Tabaqat".

The quote is from the Tabaqat, Vol. 2, page 168.

"The apostle of Allah entered through Adhakhir, [into Mecca], and prohibited
fighting. He ordered six men and four women to be killed, they were (1)
Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl, (2) Habbar Ibn al-Aswad, (3) Abd Allah Ibn Sa'd Ibn
Abi Sarh, (4) Miqyas Ibn Sababah al-Laythi, (5) al-Huwayrith Ibn Nuqaydh,
(6) Abd Abbah Ibn Hilal Ibn Khatal al-Adrami, (7) Hind Bint Utbah, (8)
Sarah, the mawlat (enfranchised girl) of Amr Ibn Hashim, (9) Fartana and
(10) Qaribah.



The information below corresponds to # 3 on the list.

"The apostle had instructed his commanders when they entered Mecca only to
fight those who resisted them, except a small number who were to be killed
even if they were found beneath the curtains of the Kaba. Among them was
Abdullah Sa'd, brother of the B. Amir Luayy. The reason he ordered him to be
killed was that he had been a Muslim and used to write down revelation; then
he apostatized and returned to Quraysh [Mecca] and fled to Uthman Affan
whose foster brother he was. The latter hid him until he brought him to the
apostle after the situation in Mecca was tranquil, and asked that he might
be granted immunity. They allege that the apostle remained silent for a long
time till finally he [Muhammad] said yes [granting Abdullah immunity from
the execution order].



We find that although a severe physical punishment is mentioned in the
Quran, we are not told what that punishment is. However, we find in
Bukhari's Hadith, that the punishment is death. There is no ambiguity about
this. Muhammad clearly taught that apostates are to be put to death.

Further, we find in contrast to what many Muslim apologists assert, that
these apostates are to be killed wherever they are as per Bukhari vol. 9,


"So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have
reward on the Day of Resurrection."

We see from this that Muslims are instructed to kill apostates. Further,
those who commit the murder, will get a reward in heaven.

Tying into this, we find from both Ibn Sa'd and Ibn Hisham, that those who
had apostatized prior to the incorporation of an Islamic state in Mecca,
were ordered to be executed. These people were Muslims living in Medina, and
later left Islam. When Muhammad was able to order their deaths, he did so.
These people would correspond to Muslims living in the West, who left Islam.
Following the Sunnah, these Muslims are already under a death sentence. It
would not be against Islamic law for Muslims to murder these ex-Muslims. If
anything, they would have a reward waiting for them in heaven.



When I lived in a Muslim country, I spoke with a number of Muslims about the
punishment for apostates. Several educated Muslims told me that there were
Muslim death squads operating in Europe, and that they were trying to form
similar death squads in the USA. One of their purposes was to murder those
who left Islam. While Muslims in the West would be quick to deny that, or
denounce that, Muslims living in the Mideast support it. When I asked my
Muslim friends in the Mideast if they supported those death squads, they all
said yes.

This aspect of Islam portrays one of it's most ugliest sides - i.e. the
murder of those who think for themselves. Look today at the Islamic world,
we see it backwards, regressive, and primitive. The poor people who have

grown up into Islam, who have had to adopt this dark system, are kept in
bondage. It is no wonder that their countries continue to regress since
freedom of thought, freedom of creativity, freedom of expression is stifled.

We see the Muslim states falling further behind the rest of the world in
areas like education, science, and the arts. The more Islamic a state
becomes, the farther it regresses.

6 april 2006, 19:15
TR wrote:
> Thinking for yourself is not only not allowed in Islam, it is punishable by
> death. The article below illustrates this clearly.

All the more reason why not to join in the first place, eh?