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1 augustus 2006, 20:07
Een Ander Joods Geluid

Verklaring van EJJP over Libanon

European Jews for a Just Peace, EJJP, heeft een verklaring uitgegeven over de situatie in Libanon en Gaza. EAJG is lid van EJJP

The current bombing, destruction and invasion by the Israeli army of Lebanon, a sovereign, neighbouring country, which has targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure, is an unspeakable crime. It amounts to collective punishment and violence dealt out to innocent people who have nothing to do with the capture of two Israeli soldiers and the killing of eight others by the Hizbollah in southern Lebanon. These acts of war have been committed under the cover of the slogan, “Israel must defend itself.”

In reality, the capture and killing of these soldiers, similar to that of a soldier in Gaza by Palestinian militia, has been used as a pretext by the Israeli Government to attack Gaza and Lebanon. It is thus attempting to exert its power over the entire region. The death toll of approximately 300 Lebanese citizens and the flight of approximately 500,000, as a result of the uncalled for, massive and violent attack on their country, has created a humanitarian catastrophe and has further destabilised the region.

Furthermore, under the slogan of self defense, Israel has for weeks laid siege to the Gaza Strip, made countless air strikes and sonic bomb attacks and has shelled it with thousands of artillery shells, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Islamic University. This has paralyzed the already fragile infrastructure of the Gaza Strip, including the destruction of the electricity supply and access to water. Civilians in Gaza have been killed and wounded with impunity by the Israeli army. Thus, 1,400,000 civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip have also been collectively punished, as so often before, by the occupying power, Israel.

As European Jews for a Just Peace we are shocked by the hesitation, indeed the acquiescence, of the European Union and the world community to condemn wholeheartedly these acts of war by Israel against civilian population in Gaza and Lebanon. In particular, the statement of the United States that Israel has a green light to bomb Lebanon for another week is a mockery of human rights and international law.

As many other groups, increasing in number, we condemn all targeting of innocent civilians in Lebanon and in Israel. In addition, the EJJP urges that the European Union and the United Nations put pressure on Israel to immediately cease its military actions in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip. An immediate ceasefire should be brokered by international partners in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Finally, all pressure should be put on Israel by the European Union and the United Nations to end its 39 year occupation of Palestinian land, which, by its criminal behaviour towards its neighbours, is endangering peace in the Middle East and, indeed, in the entire world.8O 8O :oops:
Bron: EJJP


Wederom wordt het bewijs geleverd dat ook in joodse rangen het verzet groeit tegen het crapuleuze zionisme.
Maar deze joden zullen nu ook "jodenhaters" zijn he :lol: :lol: :lol:

2 augustus 2006, 13:27
Een Ander Joods Geluid

Verklaring van EJJP over Libanon

European Jews for a Just Peace, EJJP, heeft een verklaring uitgegeven over de situatie in Libanon en Gaza. EAJG is lid van EJJP

The current bombing, destruction and invasion by the Israeli army of Lebanon, a sovereign, neighbouring country, which has targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure, is an unspeakable crime. It amounts to collective punishment and violence dealt out to innocent people who have nothing to do with the capture of two Israeli soldiers and the killing of eight others by the Hizbollah in southern Lebanon. These acts of war have been committed under the cover of the slogan, “Israel must defend itself.”

In reality, the capture and killing of these soldiers, similar to that of a soldier in Gaza by Palestinian militia, has been used as a pretext by the Israeli Government to attack Gaza and Lebanon. It is thus attempting to exert its power over the entire region. The death toll of approximately 300 Lebanese citizens and the flight of approximately 500,000, as a result of the uncalled for, massive and violent attack on their country, has created a humanitarian catastrophe and has further destabilised the region.

Furthermore, under the slogan of self defense, Israel has for weeks laid siege to the Gaza Strip, made countless air strikes and sonic bomb attacks and has shelled it with thousands of artillery shells, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Islamic University. This has paralyzed the already fragile infrastructure of the Gaza Strip, including the destruction of the electricity supply and access to water. Civilians in Gaza have been killed and wounded with impunity by the Israeli army. Thus, 1,400,000 civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip have also been collectively punished, as so often before, by the occupying power, Israel.

As European Jews for a Just Peace we are shocked by the hesitation, indeed the acquiescence, of the European Union and the world community to condemn wholeheartedly these acts of war by Israel against civilian population in Gaza and Lebanon. In particular, the statement of the United States that Israel has a green light to bomb Lebanon for another week is a mockery of human rights and international law.

As many other groups, increasing in number, we condemn all targeting of innocent civilians in Lebanon and in Israel. In addition, the EJJP urges that the European Union and the United Nations put pressure on Israel to immediately cease its military actions in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip. An immediate ceasefire should be brokered by international partners in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Finally, all pressure should be put on Israel by the European Union and the United Nations to end its 39 year occupation of Palestinian land, which, by its criminal behaviour towards its neighbours, is endangering peace in the Middle East and, indeed, in the entire world.8O 8O :oops:
Bron: EJJP


Wederom wordt het bewijs geleverd dat ook in joodse rangen het verzet groeit tegen het crapuleuze zionisme.
Maar deze joden zullen nu ook "jodenhaters" zijn he :lol: :lol: :lol:
Die mensen zijn duidelijk masochisten.Israel bomardeert geen burgers.Er vallen het minimum aantal doden aan burgers bij bombardementen op legiteime doelwitten.:evil:

2 augustus 2006, 13:37
Die mensen zijn duidelijk masochisten.Israel bomardeert geen burgers.Er vallen het minimum aantal doden aan burgers bij bombardementen op legiteime doelwitten.:evil:
Wishful thinking...

De realiteit, m'n beste, is anders HELAAS!!!

Of hoeveel onafhankelijke waarnemers moeten ze nóg zenden naar Libanon om te rapporteren hoe jammerlijk er véél te véél burgerslachtoffers vallen.

Je gelooft graag de militaire Israëlische berichtgeving. Goed.
Ik geloof liever de waarheid.

<H2>zo 30/07/06 - Bij een Israëlische luchtaanval op het dorp Qana in het zuiden van Libanon zijn vannacht meer dan 60 mensen om het leven gekomen, onder wie 37 kinderen. Tientallen huizen en gebouwen zijn met de grond gelijkgemaakt.

In een van de getroffen gebouwen zaten tientallen kinderen die naar Qana waren gekomen om te schuilen voor de oorlog. Het aantal slachtoffers kan nog oplopen want veel mensen liggen nog onder het puin.

Nja die kinderen zullen ook wel gevaarlijke Hezbollah-strijders geweest zijn?!???:oops: :oops:

Gelukkig roepen er nog Israëli's om te stoppen met dit absurde geweld die de spiraal van oorlog en geweld voedt, en de haat aanwakkert.
Maar deze joodse profeten (EJJP), die roepen in de woestijn, w(e/o)rden nooit geëerd in eigen land...

2 augustus 2006, 16:53
Wishful thinking...

De realiteit, m'n beste, is anders HELAAS!!!

Of hoeveel onafhankelijke waarnemers moeten ze nóg zenden naar Libanon om te rapporteren hoe jammerlijk er véél te véél burgerslachtoffers vallen.

Je gelooft graag de militaire Israëlische berichtgeving. Goed.
Ik geloof liever de waarheid.


Nja die kinderen zullen ook wel gevaarlijke Hezbollah-strijders geweest zijn?!???:oops: :oops:

Gelukkig roepen er nog Israëli's om te stoppen met dit absurde geweld die de spiraal van oorlog en geweld voedt, en de haat aanwakkert.
Maar deze joodse profeten (EJJP), die roepen in de woestijn, w(e/o)rden nooit geëerd in eigen land...
GE HEBT BLIJKBAAR GEEN HISTORISCH INZICHT.Naar historische normen is het aantal doden zeer gering.Dit vloeit voort uit het gebruik van precisiebommen tegen puntdoewitten.Lees eens een boek over de luchtoorlog in wo 2 dan zult ge weten hoeveel doden er vallen als men aan terreurbombardementen doet met ballistische bommen.Zelfs heden zijn er andere conflicten die veel bloederiger zijn.

2 augustus 2006, 22:47
Die mensen zijn duidelijk masochisten.Israel bomardeert geen burgers.Er vallen het minimum aantal doden aan burgers bij bombardementen op legiteime doelwitten.:evil:

Het grootste probleem is dat het merendeel van de Hezbollahaanhangers gewoon burger is.