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Maar dat is onder ons hé. Vertel het niet voort. ;) |
Stuur eens een fotootje van uwen alien-prive ;-) |
Onder mijn ijskap:
![]() En als ik soms eens buiten kom: Overtuigd nu ? :-D |
Dit was de te tekening die B. Uhouse schetste toen hij met een alien samenwerkte die men J-Rod placht te noemen. Deze 'J-Rod' hielp de Amerikaanse wetenschapslui soms uit de nood bij de reengineering van alien technologie, zo beweerde wijlen Captain Uhouse. De naam J-Rod duikt regelmatig op in boeken over dit onderwerp. ![]() J-Rod |
Ik heb er naar gekeken omdat het me door iemand was aanbevolen als ge al bekend waart met de andere twee saga .. wat een dikke teleurstelling |
Linda Moulton Howe: "When I first heard Bill Uhouse, a retired mechanical engineer from Las Vegas, tell his story of having been involved in reverse engineering alien technology at certain government facilities, I was both amused and bemused. I was amused because he indicated that the big boss of the project was an extraterrestrial biological entity that he knew as J-Rod who was supposed to have arrived on earth in 1953. According to another source called BJ discussed further in this article, the " J"and "Rod" were derived from early attempts to establish communication between the extraterrestrial biological entity, EBE, and U. S. scientists privy to EBE contact. Since the release of the MJ-12 Eisenhower Briefing Document in the early 1980s, the term EBE has come into popular use to designate diminutive, grey-colored humanoids associated with crashed saucers. Another variant spelling is Eben used by physicist Paul Bennewitz and others. Some implied that Ebens also were a class of EBEs with certain distinct physical characteristics and were said to be working with our military scientists and engineers on various projects. According to BJ, no language interface with the EBE existed in 1953, so a series of symbols were shown to test his reactions. Some symbols looked like letters and others were geometric shapes. The first symbol the EBEN pointed to looked like a "J." The other was an "inertial-bar" that looked like a rod. So, humans called the Eben "J-Rod." I was bemused because I wondered why he was disclosing information concerning a highly classified operation and was also skeptical about another "insider" with tales about Area 51 and S-4." Crash in Kingman Arizona 1953. Kingman, Arizona 1953. "Engineer Bill Uhouse claims there was a crash of an Eben aerial craft near Kingman, Arizona in 1953 and that four entities survived. That would have been six years after the more famous Roswell crashes and retrievals of "interplanetary craft of unknown origin." In Kingman, according to Uhouse, two disabled Ebens and two more that were in good condition were retrieved by U. S.government units specially trained for retrieval missions. The two non-humans in good condition were allowed to re-enter the craft and the disabled entities were taken to an unspecified medical facility. He also states that a recovery crew that entered the craft to inspect it came down with a mysterious sickness. The craft was then loaded aboard a trailer and hauled off to the Nevada Test Site north of Las Vegas. Bill Uhouse claims that the events at Kingman eventually resulted in the project which employed him to design and construct a flight simulator that our airmen could use to learn how to fly a saucer. Bill claims that he met one of the aliens who apparently supervised this project and was known as J-Rod . Bill says he worked both at Los Alamos and Area 51. Bill tells a fascinating story and it would have remained just a story until I read about a document that purported to be a technical paper on tissue samples taken from an EBE known as AQ-J-ROD. BJ says the "AQ" signifies Project Aquarius under the Majestic-12 group created by U. S. President Harry S. Truman in 1947 and assigned to research the crashed disc and non-human bodies that had descended upon the United States in the 1940's. " |
man man lappen tekst, geen videookes.
geen voorstander van Clinton maar benieuwd welke documenten ivm UFO's ze vrij gegeven zou hebben als ze presidente zou geweest zijn, en wat er in stond. |
Dit verklaart het alles waarom aliens steeds een vrij menselijke gedaante hebben :roll: |
![]() The other problem is that these pictures supposedly came from Bushman’s insiders, but they actually came from Hutchison. Hutchison is by no means an insider, and the alien in the pictures actually turning out to be a doll sold at Kmart further emphasizes that point. :lol: |
Telescopen worden steeds krachtiger en kunnen bijgevolg de atmosfeer van exoplaneten beter bestuderen. Toch wel weer vreemd dat NASA dergelijke belangrijke informatie niet vrij geeft en dat het weer via een lek moet gebeuren. Hebben ze iets te verbergen ? |
Maar gelukkig hebben we nu youtube, en daardoor weten we bv dat Jesus een alien was. (al neem ik aan dat de debunkers dat weer niet gaan willen geloven...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey4eA0dAAN8 :mrgreen: |
Voor Max :
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