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Ik zie hier duidelijk een schijf op, die geruisloos naast enkele radiocommunatietorens hangt. Als je goed oplet zie je op een bepaald moment ook dat de schijf een koepel heeft. |
Jouw link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYPCKIL7oVw&t=67m22s is vanaf 1h 7´22´´ men hoeft dus maar 1,5 minuut geduld te hebben (evtl reklame overspringen), als zelfs dat teveel is voor sommige hier... , amai. :roll: Maar daarvoor mag men niet vooringenomen zijn en moet men gewoon het filmpje dus langer bekijken. Of de ganse film van 1h47´. :-) Het grappige is dat mensen met een vooringenomen wereldbeeld of een vorm van cognitieve dissonantie zichzelf iets blijven willen wijswaken, of zelfs helemaal niet de onderzoeksresultaten (zoals bepaalde filmpjes) onder ogen willen zien. In drogredenen geloven kan iedereen, het maakt het zo gemakkelijk. ;-) Bekijk gewoon het filmpje het bijt niet. :lol: Warning this films from @exodus eat your brains !!!!! |
Zijn er die dergelijke zaken ontkennen ? Ik alvast niet. |
Dat ze hier op aarde zijn, en dat is zo, dat is voor velen een stap te ver. Nochtans zijn de bewijzen er. In feite zijn er minder bewijzen dat er op verre planeten buitenaards leven is, dan dat buitenaards leven zich hier op aarde bevindt. Nochtans accepteerd met veel makkelijker de eerste optie dan de tweede, waar er wel veel bewijs voor is. Zolang het een ver van mijn bed show blijft. Aliens zijn hier op aarde, face it. |
Aliens zijn hier op aarde, ergens. Dus, wat nu? |
Er zijn zeer veel mensen die encounters hebben met aliens. Uit de getuigenissen weten we ook dat er zeer veel verschillende types aliens bestaan.
Dat was deze die men aan het testen was toen ... http://starwars.com/explore/encyclop...lenniumfalcon/ :roll: Terug naar Erich von Dänicken. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_von_D%C3%A4niken Mochten er buitenaardse wezens (Aliens) zijn, wat niet uit te sluiten valt in dat grote zonnestelsel daarbuiten, en die de technologie/de kennis bezaten om in de tijd te reizen, dat die mochten ze hier voorbij 'vliegen' voet aan de grond zouden zetten op de Aardkloots dezes? Die vliegen gewoon voorbij en denken: Wat is dat daar voor een boeltje ... wegwezen hier. ![]() |
En wat nu? |
Over conspiracy theorieen en doofpot gesproken kan dat wel tellen. |
Ik vind het altijd grappig hoe men er zomaar van uit gaat dat buitenaardse wezens haast per definitie op alle gebied superieur zijn aan ons, klungelende mensen. Het zijn haast onsterfelijk, onfeilbare goden die zowel welwillend als minachtend op ons neerkijken.
Maar, wie weet bezitten wij op dit moment wel de meest geavanceerde beschaving van het heelal, en zijn buitenaardse wezens maar een hoopje prutsers. |
Uiteindelijk komt het er blijkbaar op neer dat, of er nu -verborgen- aliens zijn hier op aarde of niet, het maakt praktisch geen fluit uit. Het geloof erin is dus futiel en een vrijetijdsbesteding als een andere. |
Nòg grotere prutsers dan 'de mens'. LOL |
De lijst van oopa's is lang, maar enkel het antikythera mechanisme is momenteel een echte en bevestigde. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-place_artifact Ik vrees een beetje dat uw ijdele hoop alweer de bodem zal ingeslagen worden.... ;) Alweer voer voor uw complotdenken, het lijkt wel of de wereld tegen u is he. En misschien klopt dat ook wel. |
Er zijn ook rassen die spiritueel veel verder staan dan ons. Uiteindelijk, als je het in het multidimensionale universum bekijkt, is de mensheid een stadium voor ontplooiend bewustzijn, iets wat gelijk staat aan de kleuterschool. Wij moeten hier de verantwoordelijkheid voor creatie creëeren, en de meeste mensen weten nog niet dat ze hun leven creëeren met hun intentie, gedachten en emoties. We denken dat we zoveel weten, maar technologisch, wetenschappelijk en spiritueel staan we in het universum nog in onze kinderschoenen. |
http://www.niburu.nl/et/sovjetminist...eschaving.html |
Er zijn zo vele cases, zie hier een voorbeeld van de iran case. Met een interview van één van de piloten die erbij betrokken was. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident Met verklaring van de piloten die erbij betrokken waren: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCNFrl4lq-o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cAi9AIHdxo |
Maar volgens uw redenering zouden er dan beschavingen kunnen zijn die eerst de kernenergie hebben uitgevonden voor het wiel. Dat er buitenaardse beschavingen zijn die minder intelligent kunnen zijn dan wij is mogelijk, maar daar horen we of laat staan zien we in elk geval niets van, laat staan dat ze tot hier kunnen reizen. En wat het onsterfelijke betreft: laten we zeggen "zo goed als". Een beetje de geschiedenis napluizen zijn er in elk geval sommigen die ettellijke honderden jaren oud werden. En dat gebeurd er nu eenmaal als die "mensen" na een intergallacticale reis terug op aarde kwamen. |
Mijn beginstand is positiever en tenzij iets blatante onzin is geloof ik het in eerste instantie. Als later er een fatsoenlijk bewijs kan geleverd worden dat het verhaal niet klopt leg ik me daar ook wel bij neer. |
Men zou duizenden hypothesen hebben die in eerste instantie allemaal voor waar aangenomen moeten worden? Er zou gewoon geen vooruitgang meer zijn. |
Dat verklaart je kronkelredeneringen. |
Het heeft niet veel met geloven te maken. |
Naast de buitenaardse wendigheid en snelheden is vooral het uitschakelen van eender welke lucht-luchtafweer is ook interessant. Ook het uitschakelen van bepaalde electronicamiddelen binnen ~ 25 nM. Ook van de contreletoren (tower) en radarmiddellen binnen bepaalde afstand. Zelfs van puur mechanische afweermiddelen die niet meer werkten is sprake. :-) Het land dat in het bezit komt van dergelijke techniek is meester in lucht gevechten en sowieso van aanvallen vanuit de lucht. The incident At approximately 0030 hours local time (2100Z), 19 September 1976, the Imperial Iranian Air Force command post at Tehran received four reports by telephone, from civilians in the Shemiran city district, of unusual activity in the night sky. The callers reported seeing an object similar to a star, but much brighter.[1] When the command post found no helicopters airborne to account for the reports, they called General Yousefi, assistant deputy commander of operations. General Yousefi at first said the object was only a star, but after conferring with the control tower at Mehrabad International Airport and then looking for himself to see a very bright object larger than a star, he decided to scramble one F-4 Phantom II jet fighter from Shahrokhi Air Force Base in Hamadan, approximately 175 miles (282 km) west of Tehran (for location see map at right). At 0130 hours (2200Z), the F-4, piloted by Captain Mohammad Reza Azizkhani was launched and proceeded to a point 40 nautical miles (74 km) north of Tehran. It was noted that the object was of such brilliance that it could be seen from 70 miles (110 km) away. When the aircraft approached to approximately 25 nautical miles (46 km) from the object, the jet lost all instrumentation and communications capabilities, prompting Azizkhani to break off the intended intercept and turn back toward Shahrokhi; upon the evasion, both systems resumed functioning. At 0140 hours, a second F-4 was scrambled, piloted by Lieutenant Parviz Jafari. Jafari would eventually retire as a general and participate on 12 November 2007, at a National Press Club conference demanding a worldwide investigation into UFO phenomena.[2][3][4][5][6] (see also below) Jafari's jet had acquired a radar lock on the object at 27 nautical miles (50 km) range. The radar signature of the UFO resembled that of a Boeing 707 aircraft. Closing on the object at 150 nautical miles (280 km) per hour and at a range of 25 nautical miles (46 km), the object began to move, keeping a steady distance of 25 nautical miles (46 km) from the F-4. The size of the object was difficult to determine due to its intense brilliance. The lights of the object were alternating blue, green, red, and orange, and were arranged in a square pattern. The lights flashed in sequence, but the flashing was so rapid that they all could be seen at once. While the object and the F-4 continued on a southerly path, a smaller second object detached itself from the first and advanced on the F-4 at high speed. Lieutenant Jafari, thinking he was under attack, tried to launch an AIM-9 sidewinder missile, but he suddenly lost all instrumentation, including weapons control, and all communication. He later stated he attempted to eject, but to no avail, as this system, [COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]which is entirely mechanical, also malfunctioned[/color]. Jafari then instituted a turn and a negative G dive as evasive action. The object fell in behind him at about 3 to 4 nautical miles (7.4 km) distance for a short time, then turned and rejoined the primary object. Once again, as soon as the F-4 had turned away, instrumentation and communications were regained. The F-4 crew then saw another brightly lit object detach itself from the other side of the primary object and drop straight down at high speed. The F-4 crew expected it to impact the ground and explode, but it came to rest gently. The F-4 crew then overflew the site at a decreased altitude and marked the position of the light's touchdown. Jafari would later comment that the object was so bright that it lit up the ground and he could see rocks around it. The object had touched down nearby Rey Oil Refinery on the outskirts of Iran. Then they landed at Mehrabad, noting that each time they passed through a magnetic bearing of 150 degrees from Mehrabad, they experienced interference and communications failure. A civilian airliner that was approaching Mehrabad also experienced a loss of communications at the same position relative to Mehrabad. As the F-4 was on final approach, they sighted yet another object, cylinder-shaped, with bright, steady lights on each end and a flashing light in the middle. The object overflew the F-4 as they were on approach. Mehrabad tower reported no other aircraft in the area, but tower personnel were able to see the object when given directions by Jafari. Years later, the main controller and an investigating general revealed that the object also overflew the control tower and knocked out all of its electronic equipment as well (see below). The next day, the F-4 crew flew out in a helicopter to the site where they had seen the smaller object land. In the daylight, it was determined to be a dry lake bed, but no traces could be seen. They then circled the area to the west and picked up a noticeable "beeper" signal. The signal was loudest near a small house, so they landed and questioned the occupants of the house about any unusual events of the previous night. They reported a loud noise and a bright light like lightning. Further investigation of the landing site, including radiation testing of the area was apparently done, but the results were never made public. Since this event occurred before the fall of the Shah, any records in Tehran itself may be lost. [edit]D.I.A. form Alongside the report there was a form from the DIA which assessed the quality of the report. The form indicated in checked boxes that the content was of high value, that the report was confirmed by other sources, and that the utility of the information was potentially useful to them. The form from the DIA also stated the following: "An outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon: a) The object was seen by multiple witnesses from different locations (i.e., Shamiran, Mehrabad, and the dry lake bed) and viewpoints (both airborne and from the ground). b) The credibility of many of the witnesses was high (an Air Force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators). c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar. d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft. e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e., loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object). f) An inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed by the UFOs." [edit]Opinions of some participants In 1994, the Sightings TV program tracked down and interviewed various principals involved in the incident. Nearly all expressed the opinion that they were dealing with a high-technology extraterrestrial craft.[7] The pilot of the first jet interceptor, Yaddi Nazeri, estimated that the UFO was traveling somewhere between two and three thousand miles per hour. He said that the object "...was beyond my speed and power. The [later] F-4... also could not catch up to the object. That's when I thought, this is a UFO." Nazeri added that "...no country had this type of flying object, so I was thinking, this craft is from another planet." The second F-4 pilot, General Parviz Jafari, said that after trying to fire a missile and failing, they feared for their lives and tried to eject, but the eject button also malfunctioned.[8] At a Washington D.C. press conference on 12 November 2007, Jafari added details that the main object emitted four objects, one that headed towards him and later returned to the main object a short while later, one which he tried unsuccessfully to fire on, another which followed him back, and one which landed on the desert floor and glowed. Following his prepared statement at the press conference, Jafari was asked if he believed he had encountered an alien spacecraft and Pirouzi said he was quite certain that he had. (see below for further details and references) General Nader Yousefi, the assistant deputy commander of the Iranian Air Force, said he ordered the two jet interceptions. He said that, "Because of the experience I had on 19 September 1976, I believe there is something up there. We just don't know what it is or where it came from." Yousefi repeated many of the details of the encounter already recorded in the DIA document but also added a few more. Yousefi said that after the second F-4 lost its communications and weapons systems and took evasive maneuvers, it tried one last pursuit of the UFO. Even approaching at Mach 2, the UFO easily outdistanced it. The pilots decided to return to Mehrabad airport. As they were approaching to land, Yousefi said the control tower phoned him that the UFO was following the jet back to base. The control tower supervisor, Hossein Pirouzi, told Sightings that the pilot was in a panic with the large UFO on its tail. According to Pirouzi and other controllers, the UFO performed a low-altitude flyby over Mehrabad at about 2200 to 2,500 feet (760 m). It was described as a cylinder-shaped object as large as a tour bus, with bright steady lights on each end and a flasher in the middle. During the flyby, the control tower lost all power, although other parts of the airport were unaffected. After the flyby, the UFO took off to the west and was spotted 25 minutes later over the Mediterranean by an Egyptian Air Force pilot, then again over Lisbon, Portugal by the pilot, crew, and passengers of a KLM flight, reporting that it was speeding westward over the Atlantic Ocean. The following day, an investigation was held in Tehran. The Iranian Air Force Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Abdollah Azarbarzin, conducted interviews with all of the principals and wrote up a report. Gen. Jafari, the second F-4 pilot, stated that he was among those interviewed and an American colonel sat there and took notes. This information later appeared in the D.I.A. account of the incident. Tower controller Pirouzi was also among those interviewed. He recalled a discussion by Azarbarzin's panel at the conclusion of the meeting. "When they heard our report and the report of the pilots, they concluded that no country is capable of such technology, and all of them believed it was a strange object from outer space."[9] When interviewed by Sightings, Azarbarzin independently confirmed Pirouzi's statement. He said they concluded that the UFO had deliberately jammed both the aircraft and control tower electronics. About the objects that seemed to shoot out of the UFO, Azarbarzin said, "The pilots called them fireballs, but we all thought that they were very powerful waves of electromagnetism, which jammed all the electronics starting from VHF, UHF, fire control system, gun radar, gun communications, everything. Everything was gone." Azarbarzin also said that the copilot got a good look at the UFO when the second F-4 came out of its emergency dive and passed underneath it. He told both Sightings and researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee the copilot could see the shape, which he said was round like a plate or just like a saucer, with a canopy or cockpit that looked like half a ball bathed in a dim orange or yellowish light, but with no visible crew.[10] When all factors were considered, including the extraordinary rate of acceleration displayed by the UFO, Azarbarzin concluded that the UFO had outperformed any known human aircraft. This conclusion was relayed to General Hatemi, the Shah's personal military advisory, who instructed Azarbarzin to give his report to the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group in Tehran (MAAG). In charge of MAAG and chief U.S. Air Force military advisory to the Iranians was General Richard Secord. Secord declined to be interviewed. Gen. Azarbarzin refused to state publicly whether Secord had seen the report, but another high Iranian Air Force commander, Mamoud Sabahat, told Sightings that he was present in Tehran to attend a meeting on the night of the incident. "This UFO event was the first time in our Air Force's history that anything had happened like this. It would have been a usual and customary part of the military system to put him [Secord] at that meeting." Gen. Azarbarzin also told Maccabee that the complete records of the investigation had been turned over to the U.S. Air Force. However, the USAF has steadfastly maintained that their only record of the incident was provided in the DIA document originally prepared by a USAF officer who interviewed the pilot of the second F-4. About his personal opinion, Gen. Azarbarzin told Sightings, "I believe in UFOs. I cannot ignore their existence. They want to find some way of contacting the people of earth. They are trying, and they are going to do it." Azarbarzin's opinion was echoed by Amir Kamyabipour, former deputy commander of operations in the Iranian Air Force. Because of what he experienced first-hand during this incident, he believes, "UFOs are trying to find some way to make contact with our world. I am positive of this." |
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