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Was even verstrooid door een lekkere blonde die net de straat overstak... |
We zullen maar zwijgen zeker over de buitenaardse wezens die door de VS voor de wereld verborgen zijn gehouden in 1947...
Beetje food for thought:
Zéér ernstig wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het ironische is dan nog dat de uitkomst 0,00 is en dus telke male in het voordeel pleit van de gedachte dat er nimmer contact geweest is |
Je moet eens dit boek lezen: Genesis for the New Space Age http://www.librarising.com/conspiracy/newgermany.html Mega interessant en het vreemde is, wat ik uit mijn research haal en zelf afleidde komt overeen met wat er in dat boek staat. Holle aarde bijvoorbeeld. Maar ja, dat zul je nooit geloven. Is maar best ook. |
Al de junk die tot nu toe de revue passeerde is al lang gedebunked, herkauwd en terug opgewarmd. Kom nu eindelijk eens af met wat deftigers : geen wazige foto's, wilde hypotheses zonder enige grond die dan nog totaal conflicteren met de waarnemingen, geen verhaaltjes, geen kinderlijke tekeningskes, etc Zó gigantisch moeilijk kan dat toch niet zijn als we mogen aannemen dat we overspoelt worden |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzT6JAOb7Dw Werkelijk duizenden foto's van deze artefacten bestaan.. have fun. |
Zal wel weer onderdrukt worden. Er zijn zoveel artefacten die het daglicht nooit zien en ergens in een geheime schuilkelder liggen. |
een rare rotsachtige formatie tussen de 100,000en andere foto's
offffffffffffffffffffffffffffff het moet een dierensoort zijn die op zijn eentje rustig kan overleven op een ijskoude planeet waar er niks te eten of te drinken valt. |
Twee jaar te laat hier arriveren om mee te vechten tegen Hitler... |
Die Aliens hadden onze voorouders in labo's vervaardigt om voor hen te werken, en daarna zijn ze weggegaan, en hebben ons achter gelaten. De Aliens dat zijn in feite de goden uit de talrijke godenverhalen. Als leerkracht, wat denk je daarvan ? Is dit historisch bewezen ?:-) |
"God schiep de mens naar zijn eigenbeeld". En ze hadden de homo erectus ofzo genomen als basis. Vergeet niet dat onze soort ontstaan is in Afrika zo'n 200.000 jaar geleden. De Neanderthaler kwam zelfs nog later. De eerste mens, die gecreëerd werd door die aliens, moest waarschijnlijk goud opgraven in de mijnen van Zuid-Afrika. Duizenden verlaten primitieve mijnen werden gevonden. Je moet eens Google Earth openzetten en inzoomen op Lesotho. Steden Seforong en Patlong bijvoorbeeld. Er is daar bijna niemand maar toch krioelt het van bergterrassen. Ooit was er daar een enorme beschaving. Miljoenen ruïnes werden gevonden van vreemde woningen. Zie: ![]() ![]() Enorm boeiend.. Minstens 75.000 jaar oud. |
Gezien de kleine oppervlakte van Lesotho kan je daar m.a.w. geen stap zetten of je struikelt wel over de één of andere ruïne. |
![]() Enkele vbn Carolina -- 25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E Badplaas -- 25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" E Waterval -- 25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" E Machadodorp -- 25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E Michael Tellinger is ze beginnen tellen en komt al op meer dan 1 miljoen. Prof Revil Mason 10 miljoen blijkbaar... Mysterious ancient ruins of southern Africa. Until I started my research in 2007, it was generally accepted by scholars that there are about 20,000 ancient stone ruins scattered throughout the mountains of southern Africa. Modern historians have been speculating about the origins of these ruins, often calling them “cattle kraal of little historic importance”. The truth of the matter is that closer scientific inspection paints a completely different and astonishing new picture about the ancient history of these stone ruins. The scientific reality is that we actually know very little about these spectacular ancient ruins and it is a great tragedy that thousands have already been destroyed, and continue to be destroyed through sheer ignorance by power lines, forestry, municipalities, farmers and new housing developments. After my personal explorations on foot and by air over the ruins, I confidently estimated the number of ancient stone ruins to be well over 100,000. This figure was confirmed by Prof. Revil Mason in January 2009. But after doing an extensive count on Google Earth and other aerial photographs I concluded that there are at least a staggering 10 million of these circular ruins. The mystery deepened when I found out that they have no doors or entrances in their original form and therefore could not have been dwellings. They were all originally connected by what we now call channels – (which our history books call roads that tribes drove their cattle on) – and are also surrounded and connected to an ongoing grid of agricultural terraces that cover more than 450,000 square kilometres. This clearly points to a vast vanished civilisation who grew crops on a gigantic scale. Population Problem This immediately poses a huge problem for archaeologists, anthropologists and historians because the accepted history of this part of the planet does not at any time in our past place anywhere nearly enough people here to have built this number of structures. It gets even more complex when you realise that these were not just isolated structures left behind by migrating hunter-gatherers, but a giant complex of circular structures all connected by the strange channels and suspended in a never-ending web of agricultural terraces. If we were to assume that these were dwellings, it would suggest a population of at least 10 million people – which is unimaginable to most of us today. Ancient Gold Fields It is important to note that the mysterious ruins of southern Africa, which include Great Zimbabwe and millions of similar ruins in that country, also extend into neighbouring areas like Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Kenya and Mozambique. But why were these ancient people here in the first place? What were they doing? The past 200 years has seen a number of explorers write in great detail about these ruins, but their findings have been largely forgotten and their books are out of print. Most of these early explorers write about thousands of ancient mine shafts found in close proximity to these ruins. In fact, most of these mines have been described as gold mines, copper, tin and iron mines. In my personal experience and research I have found at least 25 ancient mine shafts in gold-rich areas and been told about dozens more by farmers all over South Africa. Ancient mines covered by 30 metres of soil have been reported by at least 2 miners in the ‘30’s in the province of Limpopo and more than 75,000 mines have been reported by geological companies in Mpumalanga. It seems that gold mining has been going on here for a lot longer than most of us ever imagined. Ann Kritzinger, a geologist from University of Zimbabwe has shown in several papers that many of the ruins in Zimbabwe were most likely for the purpose of extracting and purifying gold – and were not slave pits, animal pits or grain pits as is often suggested by ignorant scholars. The presence of Dravidian gold miners is shown in great detail by Dr Cyril Hromnik in his astonishing book “Indo Africa” 1981 – showing in great detail the exploits of the MaKomati people – Hindu Dravidians – who were here in southern Africa mining gold as far back as 2000 years ago and probably even further back in time. |
Er is een constante : van hetgeen 200.000 jaar geleden gebeurde weet eigenlijk niemand niks met zekerheid. |
Meer hier (maar die ken je wslk al) : Citaat:
Beschaving Zuid-Afrika vanaf 20 minuten; maar ook het voorgaande is de moeite. |
![]() En dan verwacht je nog serieus genomen te worden? |
Atlantis reuze interessant!
De val van atlantis... een prachtige beschaving die geïnfiltreerd is geweest door de duisteren van Nebiru, en dan is het verval ingezet. Veel parrallellen met onze huidige beschaving.... Lees en geniet: Citaat:
De Piramides van Gizeh, Paaseiland, Emerald tabletten? Over Atlantis is weinig fysiek bewijs te vinden, dat klopt. Misschien omdat het vergaan is? Als ik een atoombom op uw huis laat vallen, welk fysiek bewijs zal er zijn van jou 5000 jaar later? Lees even rustig mee, meer hebben we niet: In 1939 and ensuing years the Germans continued their exploration of the Inner Earth, and in theautumn of 1943 Germany dispatched an aerial expedition into the hollow earth by way of the SouthPole region. The expedition was peaceful, its purpose to inquire if Inner Earth lands were available forcolonization by upper world Germans. The upper Germans brought gifts and werewell-received by those Germanic Saxon cousins who had migrated below in the 1600's. On the sameexploration, the upper Germans from the Third Reich encountered what is perhaps the world's mostsuperior race in development -- the Bodlanders, another German offshoot whose cradle of life began inthe Antarctic but who had migrated below 30,000 years ago via tunnels from what is now Iran.(Language scholars claim that Iran [Persia] retains a similarity to ancient Germanic writing symbols andthe spoken word.) As the reader is already aware, the visiting Germans from the upper world were invited into the capitolcity of Bodland, named Bod, where they were guests at Parliament and entertained by the King.Officials explained to the upper Germans that their hosts were ancestors of the first distinct race whichhad migrated to the inner side of the planet's shell. Later interior racial arrivals included the Vikings, theAtturians (or Atlanteans) and the Eskimos. The Bodlanders claimed that the Japanese had no ancestralrelatives inside the earth, but were, in fact, descendants from the sunken continent of Mu, which somerecords say predated the sinking of Atlantis by as much as 250,000 years. The Bodlander chroniclersbelow said that four civilizations had already developed and faded away on the upper Earth, the presentbeing the fifth. In 1943, the visiting Germans were also told, and NASA confirmed in 1979, that there are three largecontinents below in the interior world and two smaller ones. (See map in appendix.) There are sevennamed oceans, the largest of which is the North Ocean. The name often applied to the entire interior is New Atlantis. The German expedition of 1943 also discovered that the largest interior continent is that of Agharta,covering a continental area three times larger than that of North America, and occupiedmainly by a distinct people called Atturians. This group are the descendants from the sunken continent of Atlantis whose ancestors immigrated into the interior 15,000 to 11,500 B.C. prior to the final sinkingof their original homeland when many millions of their ancestors perished. The Atturians claim they arerelated to many surface white races also and that their combined motherrace was brought from Venus 33,000 years ago, but that adventure was not the first Venusian attemptto recolonize Earth. They also claim Venus was originally an Earth colony. But information on the Inner World procured strictly from German sources seemed unreal to the author,so further corroborating evidence was sought. In 1977 some startling information was obtained fromthe U.S. State Department. A department source revealed the whereabouts of a man namedHaammaan from New Atlantis who had been relocated into the mainstream of American life, married toan American girl and raised a family in Massachusetts. If the professor would talk without jeopardizinghis American residency, we would have a scoop to rival all dcoops. This material, therefore, on Men of Atlantis was prepared chiefly from interviews with this Atlantean contact. Then, unexpectedly in 1979,another contact was made with another Inner World man of exceptional brilliance, an outstandingscholar in philosophy and ancient history who, with his wife, is currently on a five year visa to theU.S.A., where he teaches history at George Washington University and spends his spare timecounseling students and non-students about family and social problems. The following, therefore, is the summarized story of how Atlantis and other upper world landsdisappeared beneath the ocean as explained in the chronicles of their race and studied in the historicaltext books used in the schools and universities of Atturas in the interior of the Earth as Professor Haammaan tells it: The original Atlantis began as a Venusian colony 33,000 years ago in the fertile valleys and plateaus of a continent located in the mid Atlantic. (Venus itself was originally a space colony of Earth from which the inhabitants had fled at an unknown time because of an earthly cataclysm of planetary nature.) Before destruction 11,500 years ago in an atomic war, Atlantis stretched from thevicinity of Africa to what is now the Islands of the Caribbean. It was once a land of great wealth andhad developed a society and technology equal to the leading nations of the upper Earth in the 20thcentury. Their space ships travelled Earth skies and also ventured into outer space where trade routesto other planets were developed. ... enz.. |
Hier nog een stukje over de innerlijke aarde!!
En in mijn gat leven kaboutertjes |
Over channeling gesproken! Een channeling van Bashar via Daryl Anka.
Hij zegt dat we "voorzichtig" first contact gaan krijgen met buitenaardsen tussen 2025 en 2033. De eerste stadia zouden dan gebeuren. Dan gaan we over een periode van 50 jaar een volwaardig lid worden van de allianties tussen de beschavingen die er zijn in het universum. In deze periode zal het bestaan en co-existeren van buitenaardsen een volledig geaccepteerde realiteit worden. Nu is er al contact, maar het is nog via channeling. Zie hier het clipje!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuT4Wr4kLrA |
Frank, in hoeverre beïnvloedt het geloof in een holle aarde, de VS die zichzelf aanvallen, leven op Mars, filmstudio's bij de NASA, alienbasissen zowat overal... je dagelijkse leven?
Wat met je collega's, hobby's, familie, spreek je daar openlijk over of niet? |
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