exodus |
22 juni 2010 14:18 |
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bovenbuur
(Bericht 4834128)
Een invasie van slijm is helemaal zo gek nog niet, als individuele microörganismen een manier ontwikkelen om zich tijdelijk aan elkaar te binden en ieder als een primitieve hersencel te opereren heb je een levensvorm die een horrorfilm waardig is. Wie weet bestaan er wel levensvormen die voor het grootste deel bestaan uit gas. Ik bedoel maar, als een waterzak kan leven, waarom een luchtballon dan niet? En dat zijn slchts de dingen die ik al kan verzinnen, ik zou bijzonder teleurgesteld zijn als het universum een saaiere plaats is dan mijn fantasie. Wat er hier op de aarde allemaal rond kruipt had ik ook nooit allemaal kunnen verzinnen. En dat is in exobiologische termen onze naaste familie. En dan ben ik inderdaad nog niet begonnen met de eventuele consequenties van extra dimensies overwegen. We kunnen ons niet voorstellen wat daar uit voort zou kunnen komen. Maar een stelletje mensachtigen dat hier heen komt om spelletjes te spelen met de mensheid? Ik betwijfel het...
Het is raar dat men zoveel fantasie heeft om leven te verzinnen, maar als men dan met feiten en vele verklaringen geconfronteerd wordt die tot nadenken stemmen begint men te lachen.
Moest er iemand zeggen dat hij ontvoerd is door slijmerige wezens zou men nog harder lachen dan iemand die zegt dat hij ontvoerd is door blonde aliens. Alhoewel men dat dan wel zou mogelijk achten als levensvorm...
Er zijn zovele verklaringen van steeds dezelfde types aliens. Zelfs de ex-insiders die uit de biecht klappen zeggen dat de meeste een humanoide vorm hebben , alhoewel er veel verschillende soorten zei. Die een zei zelfs dat het een vraagstuk vormde voor de wetenschappelijke community dat ze zich afvroegen waarom aliens net allemaal een humanoide vorm hebben.
Dat er extra dimensies aan te pas komen maakt het allemaal nog ingewikkelder. Zie hier van een channelde bron. Is geen bewijs , ik weet het , maar ik breng het ook niet aan als bewijs. Gewoon ter overpeinzing ivm de complexiteit van extra dimensies en UFO's. Het is lang maar interessant:
"The strange thing about your flying saucers is not that they appear,
but that you can see them. As science advances on various planes,
the inhabitants of the various planes learn to travel between planes
occasionally, while carrying with them the manifestations of their
home station.
''The inner senses are actually the channels through which the entire
composition of any particular plane is appreciated and actually
maintained. It is through the inner senses that the mental enzymes
are enabled to act upon the vitality which is the structure of the
universe itself.
''I am quite sure, I know for a fact, that beings from other planes
have appeared on your plane, sometimes on purpose and sometimes
completely by accident. As in some cases, human beings have quite
accidentally blundered through the apparent curtain between your
present and your past, so have beings blundered into the apparent
division between one plane and another. Usually when they have done
so they were invisible to your plane, as the few who fell into the
past or the apparent past, were invisible to the people of the
past. ...
''When however sciences progress on various planes, then visitations
become less accidental and more planned. However, since inhabitants
of each plane are bound by the materializations or materialized
patterns of that plane, they bring this particular materialization
pattern or camouflaged vitality pattern with them. ...
''The flying saucer appearances come from a plane that is much more
advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time. However,
this is not a mental science plane. There the camouflage
paraphernalia appears more or less visible, to your own
astonishment. Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change
from one apparent form to another that what you have here in your
flying saucers is something that is actually, as you view it, not of
your plane nor of the plane of its origin. What happens is this.
When the flying saucer starts out toward its destination, the atoms
and molecules that structurally compose it and which are themselves
formed by vitality, are most or less aligned according to the pattern
inflicted upon it in its own territory. Now as this enters your
plane a distortion occurs. The actual structure of the craft is
caught in a dilemma of form. It is caught between transforming
itself completely into earth's particular camouflage pattern and
retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer attempts to
correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines
possible in the little he knows of the universe.
''What he sees is something between a horse and a dog and resembles
neither. The craft retains what it can of its original structure and
changes what it must. This accounts for much of the conflicting
reports as to shape, size and color. The few times that the craft
shoots of at right angles, it has managed to retain functions
ordinary to it in its particular habitat.
''I do not believe you will have any saucer landings for quite a while,
not physical landings in the usual sense of the word. These saucers
cannot stay on your plane for any length of time at all. The
pressures that push against the vehicle itself are tremendous. It is
literally caught between two worlds. This struggle to be one thing
or the other is very great on any plane. To conform to the laws of a
particular plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the
flying saucer craft simply cannot afford to stay betwixt and between
for any indefinite period.
''What they do is take quick glimpses of your plane -- and hold in mind
that the saucer or cigar shape seen on your planet is a bastard form
having little relation to the structure as it is at home base.
''One note along these lines. A plane is not necessarily a planet. A
plane may be one planet but a plane may also exist where no planet
is. One plant may have several planes. Planes may also involve
various aspects of apparent time. Planes can and do intermix without
the knowledge of the particular inhabitants of either plane. ... "
************************************************** ***
"Perhaps a rereading of the material on fifth dimension will help you
here, and one of these days we will carry that discussion further.
In actuality, use of the inner senses will get you anywhere you want
to go. The idea of destination in these terms is laughable. Every
place is one place. You do the dividing and the separations. That
is why your flying saucers are so funny to me. Funny because you
think of them as vehicles traveling through your own camouflage
space. Any vehicles would travel through their own camouflage space,
and in some instances are doing so, even now, in the so-called space
taken up by your earthly universe.
''I am laughing because they fly through, in your terms, the very core
of what you presume to call solid earth, which is not solid to them
at all. And in certain instances as you attempt space travel, you
will travel through what inhabitants on another plane will think of
as their own particular "solid" and you will never know the
''Now this does not mean that a stationary body of any kind cannot
materialize itself upon another plane. And if it does, it of
necessity must in some manner surround itself with the constructions
or camouflage of the particular plane which it attempts to enter.
This takes a high level of inner development.
''You can, or you will be able to, travel within your own camouflage
universe. There are other intelligent identities in it and they are
on your own plane. This is travel along what you may call for
simplicity's sake a horizontal level.
''The inhabitants of the flying saucers are not of your own plane. I
have mentioned the struggle of form involved. You will have to
remember in any of the discussions along these lines that your
physical constructions simply do not exist except on your own plane.
Other constructions exist simultaneously with your own, of an
entirely different nature, also however on what you may call a
horizontal plane. But you will never find them in a spaceship. ...
''As long as your theories are only concerned with your own camouflage
universe, then of course you are limited by those ideas in your
search for reality itself. When fifth dimension is understood, it in
itself will show the existence of other realities not on your own
horizontal plane. And as I mentioned earlier, I'd like to see you
try to get from one plane to another in a spaceship.
''The discovery of the existence of the fifth dimension will of course
lead your aggressive fellows into the realization that other
intelligence can exist outside of your particular camouflage
universe. And the quantitative distance on your own particular
horizontal plane actually amounts to a qualitative difference, in
that the theories of universal laws are presently conceived simply
will not hold.
''There are other intelligent beings on your own horizontal level. You
may reach them in a space vehicle, but the quantitative difference
again is so large that it almost turns into a different value, and a
trip by camouflage vehicle would certainly not be the most efficient
way to make such a journey, by any means.
''There will be in the future journey through light beams* that will be
much more efficient. However, even in your own camouflage universe,
the development of the inner senses will get you further, and only
the development of the inner senses will enable you to make any
possible contact with intelligences on other than your own horizontal
''Rob asks: Is there any other intelligent life in our own solar
''Seth: "In your own small solar system?"
''Rob: Yes
''Seth: "No. We have not completed by any means our outline on the
inner senses. When we have, then some of this material will make
more sense to you. Some data on the inner senses has to be withheld
until you receive connecting information. Such effects as levitation
and teleportation however are qualities belong to our next inner
sense, which involves a momentary or temporary breaking up of certain
camouflage patterns. This particular sense is not however the only
inner sense that is concerned with what you call transportation."
*I have seen this in a dream -- a beam of light carrying a person
through the air. When I saw it, in the dream I thought: "How
logical! How simple!"
************************************************** *****
Early Sessions - Book 6 - Seth:
"Nothing but the various stages of consciousness separates
"Other systems exist within the same space occupied by your own, but
you cannot perceive them."
"You can conceive of a fourth-dimensional cube, for example, but you
cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional thinking process. You cannot
conceive of a fourth-dimensional psychological structure. You cannot
think in fourth-dimensional terms. You cannot use fourth-dimensional
''No thought has been given to the personality structure as it exists
in a fourth-dimensional reality, or in a fifth-dimensional reality,
and yet a fourth or fifth-dimensional personality structure contains
the most important hints of all.
''In each dimension, the inner self begins to handle further aspects of
reality. The primary personality must therefore deal with a much
larger number of perceptions while still maintaining its identity.
It manipulates in a larger number of dimensions until it is able to
handle many, not just one, of its own egos at any given "time" while
still maintaining its own inner stability and individuality. It
takes on more roles and the psychological structure becomes more
complicated as the inner self becomes sure enough of itself to admit
ever more stimuli while still retaining it own core.
''This materials is as important as any I have given you, and we shall
be concerned for a while with personality structures as they exist
within other dimensions." ...