Micele |
8 januari 2014 14:18 |
Wie gelooft er in puur toeval ? (vervolg vorige post) Wie en waarom werden bepaalde MJ12 docs vrijgegeven in 1987 ?
The Majestic twelve documents were made public in 1987. Soon the Roswell incident became the most famous UFO incident in history. Roswell raised the possibility that intelligent extraterrestrial life could exist. The anonymous "assistance" given to the investigators of the Roswell event, or the manner in which any UFO information is dispensed by our government appears more a program of cultural conditioning than simple fact hiding. If this is true, for what purpose are we being conditioned?
Perestrojka (Russisch: перестройка; "herstructurering", letterlijk "verbouwing"; uitspraak: pʲɪrʲɪˈstrojkə) is de term voor de hervormingspolitiek van Gorbatsjov, die plaatsvond tijdens het twaalfde vijfjarenplan van de Sovjet-Unie. Gorbatsjov (de eerste in generatie leiders van de USSR zonder de terreur van Stalin) hoopte in 1985 de vastlopende Sovjet-Unie weer op gang te kunnen krijgen door Glasnost (openheid) en Perestrojka (staatkundige en economische hervormingen).
Het werd door Gorbatsjov beschreven in zijn boek Perestrojka (Oorspronkelijke titel: Перестройка и новое мышление (perestrojke i novoi mysjlenii) - "Over de herstructurering en het nieuwe denken") uit 1987. Het perestrojka-concept koppelde Gorbatsjov aan het concept glasnost (openheid). De glasnost en perestrojka konden het ineenstorten van het communisme in de Sovjet-Unie echter niet voorkomen.
UFO sightings in Russia
There have been 3 significant alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects in Russia. The first being in 1908, referred to as the Tunguska event, this was a mutual explosion of a comet, which some consider to be an explosion of an UFO. The next major alleged sighting occurred in 1986, the Height 611 UFO incident, this refers to a UFO crash claimed to happen in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, USSR, on January 29, 1986. The most recent sighting took place between 1990-92 these sightings were the Sassowo explosions, two mysterious explosions occurred on April 12th, 1990 and July 8th, 1992, equivalent to 25 tons TNT.[1]
Height 611 UFO incident refers to an alleged UFO crash in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, USSR, on January 29, 1986. Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya) is a hill located on the territory of the town.
Chemical analyses of the beads showed they were mostly composed of lead, silicon, and iron. Some of the drops contained significant amounts of zinc, bismuth, and rare earth elements. An analysis of the soil, rocks, and burnt wood taken from the landing ground was also performed. It was noted that the chemical composition was similar to the composition of similar samples taken from the site of the Tunguska event.[citation needed]
The mesh fragments were also analyzed. The material of which the fragments were composed did not dissolve in strong acids and organic solvents, even when exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time. One of the mesh fragments was discovered to be composed of scandium, gold, lanthanum, sodium, and samarium. An analysis of another mesh fragment showed gold, silver, and nickel. After that fragment was heated in a vacuum, the analysis no longer showed these elements; however, molybdenum and rhenium were detected.[citation needed]
The concentration of gold detected in one of the mesh fragments was equivalent to 1,100 g per metric ton.[citation needed] This is much higher than gold deposits in the region, which become economic to extract when the concentration of gold reaches 4 g per metric ton. There are no gold deposits in Dalnegorsk that contain gold at concentrations high enough to extract.
Further incidents[edit]
Similar flying balls were detected over the territory of Dalnegorsky, Kavalerovsky District, Olginsky, and Terneysky District of Primorsky Krai in November 1987. One of the balls was noticed above the Height 611 illuminating the ground on the peak of the hill. The descriptions of these balls given by witnesses match the descriptions of the UFO that crashed on Height 611 in 1986.
A claim of a UFO landing on Height 611 was also made in 1989.
TV program on incident[edit]
The Dalnegorsk incident was covered by the Sightings television program on April 3, 1995. Director Tod Mesirow visited the site, spoke to witnesses, and also to some of the scientists involved in analyzing debris. According to Mesirow, "Russian analysis of metal fragments recovered from the crash site say the metal is not manmade manufacture, but is from somewhere else."