Micele |
12 april 2010 23:06 |
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal
(Bericht 4689023)
Maar hier spreken ze alweer en meermaals van gewenste 1 GW... maar hun groter dan 90 dBW... (officieel zitten ze aan 84 dBW ?)
Maar hier willen ze nog een pak hoger tot 96 dBW:
Wat met de power na antenneversterking, antennes kunnen extra 20dB = 100 maal versterken, antennes kunnen (faze-verschoven) stralen bundelen of concentreren. Wat met het (verwarmend) effect in de ionosfeer ?
Uitgebreide Haarp Summary gevonden
Congressional Executive Summary
Effective-Radiated-Powers (ERP) in Excess of 1 Gigawatt
One gigawatt of effective-radiated-power represents an important threshold power level, over which significant wave generation and electron acceleration efficiencies can be achieved, and other significant heating effects can be expected.
The Soviets, operating at higher powers than the West, now have claimed significant stimulated ionization by electron-impact ionization. The claim is that HF energy, via wave-particle interaction, accelerates ionospheric electrons to energies well in excess of 20 electron volts (eV) so that they will ionize neutral atmospheric particles with which they collide. Given that the Soviet HF facilities are several times more powerful than the Western facilities at comparable mid-latitudes, and given that the latter appear to be on a threshold of a new "wave-particle" regime of phenomena, it is believed that the Soviets have crossed that threshold and are exploring a regime of phenomena still unavailable for study or application in the West.
In order to address the broad range of issues discussed in the previous sections, a new, unique, HF heating facility is required. An outline of the desired capabilities of such a heater, along with diagnostic needed for addressing these issues are given in Table 2.
(Table 2 not available in this document)
4.1. Heater Characteristics
The goals for the HF heater are very ambitious. In order to have a useful facility at various stages of its development, it is important that the heater be constructed in a modular manner, such that its effective- radiated-power can be increased in an efficient, cost effective manner as resources become available. Other desired HF heater characteristics are outlined below.
Effective-Radiated-Power (ERP)
One gigawatt of effective-radiated-power (90 dBW) represents an important threshold power level, over which significant wave generation and electron acceleration efficiencies can he achieved, and other significant heating effects can be expected. To date, the Soviet Union has built such a powerful HF heater. The highest ERPs achieved by US facilities is about one-fourth of that. Presently, a heater in Norway, operated by the Max Planck Institute in the Federal Republic of Germany, is being reconfigured to provide 1 gigawatt of ERP at a single HF frequency. The HAARP is to ultimately have a HF heater with an ERP well above 1 gigawatt (on the order of 95-100 dBW); in short, the most powerful facility in the world for conducting ionospheric modification research. In achieving this, the heated area in the F-region should have a minimum diameter of at least 50 km, for diagnostic-measurement purposes.
The Max Planck HF facility at Tromso, Norway, possesses power comparable to that of the Soviet high power heaters, yet has never produced airglow enhancements commonly produced by US HF facilities at lower HF power, but at lower latitudes. This is attributed to a present inadequate understanding 'f how to make the auroral latitude ionosphere sustain the conditions required to allow the particle acceleration process to dominate, conditions which are achieved in the (more stable) mid- latitude regions.
What is clear, is that at the gigawatt and above effective radiated power energy density deposited in limited regions of the ionosphere can drastically alter its thermal, refractive, scattering, and emission character over a very wide electromagnetic (radio frequency) and optical spectrum, what is needed is the knowledge of how to select desired effects and suppress undesired ones. At present levels of understanding, this can only be done by: identifying and understanding what basic processes are involved, and how they interplay, This can only be done if driven by a strong experimental program steered by tight coupling to the interactive cycle of developing theory-model-experimental test.
Drukfout 1 GW lijkt me zeker uitgesloten?
Lees goed:
De Russen zouden al 1 GW hebben, en in Noorwegen zou er ook een 1 GW aankunnen.
US heeft momenteel 250 MW
( The highest ERPs achieved by US facilities is about one-fourth of that )