exodus |
18 november 2008 14:52 |
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door ministe van agitatie
(Bericht 3808772)
Ik mag hopen van wel ja. Net zoals bij iemand die komt vertellen dat hij god naast zijn bed had staan of Nessie of Bigfoot of de maagd Maria. Als je niet sceptisch bent ten opzichte van iemand die zo'n dingen zegt, ben je goedgelovig.
Er is wel degelijk een verschil. Mensen die claimen contact hebben gehad met aliens zijn er veel meer dan diegene die zeggen dat ze de maagd Maria of Nessie hebben ze zien. Bovendien zijn de mensen die claimen de maagd Maria te hebben gezien meestal religieuze. Contactees of abductees zijn van diverse afkomst, uit alle lagen van de maatschappij en van alle religies. Hierin is er al een serieus verschil. De meeste van die mensen hebben er trouwens niets aan te winnen om het te vertellen, integendeel, vele doen het anoniem omdat ze niet als halve gare willen beschouwd worden op hun werk bv. (zeggen ze zelf). Mensen die onder hypnose gebracht worden om het gebeurde beter te helpen herinneren vertonen authentieke emotionele reacties op het gebeurde dat erop wijst dat het geen verzinsel of leugens zijn.
Hier het verhaal van Credo Mutwa, een zulu shaman. Het gebeurt niet alleen bij blanken in onze westerse maatschappij. De verhalen zijn dikwijls gelijklopend.

Credo Mutwa: Sir, it was an ordinary day, like any other day. It was a beautiful day in the eastern mountains of Zimbabwe, which are called Inyangani. These are mountains to the East of Zimbabwe.
Now, I had been instructed by my teacher to go and find a special herb which we were going to use in the healing of a certain initiate who was badly ill. And my teacher, a woman called Mrs. Moyo, was Ndebele, from Zimbabwe, once known as Rhodesia.
I was looking for this herb, and I was not thinking about anything, and I had no belief whatsoever in these creatures. I had never encountered them before, and although we African people believe in many things, I was mighty skeptical, even about certain entities that we believed in at that time, because I had never encountered anything like that before.
And all of a sudden, sir, I noticed that the temperature around me had dropped, although it was a very hot African day. I suddenly noticed that it was now cold and there was, what appeared to be, a bright blue mist swirling all around me, getting between me and the eastern landscape. I remember wondering, stupidly, what this thing meant, because I had just begun to dig one of the herbs I had found.
Suddenly, I found myself in a very strange place, a place that looked like a tunnel lined with metal. I had worked in mines before, and where I found myself appeared to be a mine tunnel which was lined with silver-greyish metal.
I was lying on what appeared to be a very heavy and very large working bench or a working table, sir. But yet, I was not chained to the table. I was just lying there and my trousers were missing, and so were the heavy boots that I always wore when I was out in the bush. And all of a sudden, in this strange, tunnel-like room, I saw what appeared to be dull, heady-looking, grey, dull-like creatures which were moving toward me.
There were lights in this place, but not lights as we know them. They seemed to be patches of glowing stuff. And there was something above the far entrance which looked like writing, that writing against the silver-grey surface, and these creatures were coming at me but I was hypnotized, just as if the witchcraft had been put upon my head.
But I watched the creatures as they were coming towards me. I didn�t know what they were. I was frightened, but I couldn�t move my arms or my legs. I just lay there like a goat on a sacrificial altar. And when the creatures came towards me, I felt fear inside me. They were short creatures, about the size of African Pigmy. They have very large heads, very thin arms, and very thin legs.
I noticed, sir, because I am an artist, a painter, that these creatures were built all wrong from an artist�s point of view. Their limbs were too long for their body, and their necks were very thin, and their heads were almost as large as full-grown watermelons. They had strange eyes, which looked like goggles of some kind. They had no noses, as we have, only small holes on either side of the raised area between their eyes. Their mouth had no lips, only thin cuts as if made by a razor.
And while I was looking at these creatures, sir, in amazed fascination, I felt something close to my head, about my head. And when I looked up, there was another creature, a slightly bigger one than the other, and it was standing above my head and was looking down at me.
I looked up into its eyes and I was totally hypnotized, and you know, I was spellbound. I looked into the thing�s eyes and I noticed that the creature wanted me to keep looking into his eyes. I looked and saw that, through these covers over their eyes, I could see the creature�s real eyes behind this black, goggle-like cover. It�s eyes were round, with straight pupils, like those of a cat. And the thing was not moving it�s head. It was breathing; I could see that. I could see little nostrils moving, closing and shutting, but sir, if anybody says to me that I smelled like that creature, really, I would konk him one on the face.
Martin: (Laughter)
Credo Mutwa: The creature smelled like nobody�s business. It had a strange smell, a throat-tightening, chemical smell, which smelled like rotten eggs, and also like hot copper [sulfur], a very strong smell.
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