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En dat iets niet in onze moderne tijd gemaakt zou zijn omdat er geen "sporen van powertools" worden gevonden vind ik ook wel vrij kort door de bocht. |
Ik bedoel, we willen niet te realistisch worden hè? Dan maken al die mooie mysteries helemaal geen kans meer. |
"It has been estimated that it would take a forger three hundred seventy-five thousand working hours or 31,250 days to make the stones in Cabrera’s Collection" 31250 dagen, dat is 85 jaar Boer Ushuya heeft die gegraveerde stenen uit de grond gehaald. Dat is duidelijk. Ook dat ik zei dat hij niet graag in de gevangenis belandde, staat ook in deze tekst trouwens: Whenever the Ica stones are mentioned, Basilio Uschuya is claimed to be the forger. I have known Basilio for many years and visited him in Ocucaje on several occasions. Basilio is a poor uneducated Peruvian, who has been at the center of the maelstrom over the authenticity of the Ica stones. Basilio lives in a dirt floor shack without any modern devices. He has no television, no electric generator, and lives on about twenty dollars a month. There are some curious features about Basilio. If you arrive in Ocucaje with a television camera and crew, then he is a consummate showman. With camera rolling, he will tell you that he made stones for Cabrera and give a demonstration with a piece of hacksaw blade as to how he makes them. Basilio will give you a big toothy grim and accept whatever payment offered for his services. Over the years, as I have befriended Basilio, he has opened up and revealed why he puts on an act for television people. First, it gives him a few dollars for his family that is poor even by Peruvian standards. Second, it exonerates him from the charge of peddling antiquities as a tomb robber. Third, it helps him sell a few stones to tourists in Ica. As I have gained his friendship, he has taken me with my wife to the Max Uhle and Toma Luz Pre-Columbian tombs northwest of Ocucaje. It is in this cemetery of thousands of unexcavated tombs that Alejandro Pezzia Asserto, in an official archaeological excavation, found engraved stones.13 While we were walking over the huge gray hill that is a burial mound, we came to some tombs that had recently caved in and there to our surprise was an engraved stone in situ, embedded in the side of the tomb. We filmed this with our camcorder. Basilio privately admits, that in the tombs, he has found stones and engaged in tomb looting. Publicly, he will not say that because it would mean a long prison sentence in violation of the antiquities laws of Peru. Basilio has shown me other items he has found in the tombs. Basilio made stones for tourists. His stones are easily identified. They often have dinosaurs with an airplane flying overhead or with a coke machine. Basilio has no idea of the evolutionary time line and when dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct. He has no knowledge of different dinosaur species except the Diplodicus-type dinosaur. I asked Basilio to make me a stone with certain dinosaurs. He had never heard of those kinds of dinosaurs or even seen a book with dinosaur pictures in it. One of Basilio’s sons, who has received an education, said that he had heard of such dinosaurs. I brought Basilio a picture of that species of dinosaur. He carved the stone with a single dinosaur taking him a period of a day. The stone was crudely done and very ordinary. I had in my possession, a Basilio original, which I was going to utilize in a test for authenticity. Basilio’s production is about four or five stones a month. These stones have bright white incisions. Cabrera’s Collection has over 11,000 stones. It would take a minimum of fifteen hours to produce the engravings on an average stone in Cabrera’s Collection, not to mention Cabrera’s stones are done with outstanding artistic skill and imagination. It has been estimated that it would take a forger three hundred seventy-five thousand working hours or 31,250 days to make the stones in Cabrera’s Collection. If Basilio made the stones, then he had an army of elves working with him. Basilio admits that he acquired stones for Cabrera. These stones came from tombs and caves in the Ocucaje region. Under threat of a prison sentence, he said he made them. |
Aan de buitenkant van de Aarde waren de meeste dinos uitgestorven door meteorietinslagen waarschijnlijk, miljoenen jaar geleden. Aan de binnenkant ben je beschermd tegen deze uitwendige gevaren he.. Die foto die ik postte bewijst dit. |
Mijn probleem niet hoor. Ik leer enorm bij en het leven zit vol mysteries en verrassingen. Hoe meer je ontdekt, hoe meer je beseft dat er nog meer te ontdekken valt. In jullie geval: hoe meer te debunken tot koude pap hahaha hoe zielig. |
Kijk, het bewijs dat de Ica Stenen vals zijn ;-)
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Trouwens ik heb deze avond zeer toevallig in mijn kelder een steen ontdekt _ moet wel érg oud zijn _ waaruit na wat ontcijfering blijkt dat al die ica stenen vals zijn.... dat staat er wit op zwart Citaat:
Reden temeer om aan te nemen dat hij wat 'hulp' kreeg he Citaat:
Kan nog evenzeer omdat zijn ipv opdat dat hij dat zei Trouwens stel dat al die stenen echt zijn ... gewoon contextloos daar de exacte locatie niet vrijgegeven wordt. |
Ik weet niet aan welke foto jij refereert, maar niks van wat ik van jou gezien hebt bewijst iets van dat verhaal, net zo min als dat een foto van een man die een steen aanraakt bewijst dat die steen een vervalsing is. Honderden uren werk per steen vind ik trouwens ook wel overdreven hoor, voor een paar van die lijntjes. En nu ik toch bezig ben, is dat trouwens ook de echte reden dat Jeremy Clarkson er bij de BBC uit is gezet, dat hij bij de Top Gear Noordpool expeditie de binnenkant van de aarde ingereden is en dat weigert stil te houden? |
Het interieur in mijn auto (allé, het hout toch) is 48000 jaar oud (met Carbon dating certificaat)
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Maar goed, je hebt gelijk Volledig fake verhaal. Hoax :) Mysterie opgelost |
Maar alles wat je zegt is waar :) |
Dat alles wat ik zei verder "waar is" deprimeert me een beetje, want ik ben redelijk direct op de domste mogelijkheden afgestapt die ik kon bedenken... |
hoax ? Zeer zeker |
Trouwens, er zijn 61.000 Ica stenen
He reportedly collected around 11,000 of them and around 50,000 are thought to be circulating around the world (Bruhns and Kelker 2010: 185–186). Stel nu 5u werk, dat is 305.000 werkuren. 30500 werkdagen = 83 jaar Met 2, dat is 41.5 jaar werk. Ik geloof het ook :) het kan, het kan... ;) |
Added to this is the admission of Basilio Uschuya to both the Erik Van Danikin and Peruvian authorities that he forged the stones, going as far to explain how he did it and producing one on the spot to prove his innocence (Ross 2007, Carroll 2002). Apparently, a dentist drill will carve anything, and the patina can be faked by either baking the stones in cow dung, or leaving them for a time in the Chicken coup (Ica N.d.). He chose his subjects from illustrations in comic books, school books, and magazines (Carroll 2002, Polidoro 2002, Ross 2007, Feder 2010). He also said that he had not made all the stones, and continued to sell similar stones to tourists as trinkets after the inquiry by the Peruvian government (Ica N.d., Feder 2010). |
Ik geloof het meteen |
Hij dompelde ze in kiekensoep haha |
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