exodus |
13 maart 2014 13:30 |
Er wordt hier veel gebsproken over aliens uit hogere dimensies. Maar eingelijk kunnen we gewoon spreken over beschavingen uit hogere dimensies, eventueel van andere planeten. Sommigen hebben een gewone menselijke vorm, anderen niet.
Deze beschavingen staan zoveel verder dan ons, daarom dat ze zich in een dimensie van hoger bewustzijn bevinden. Ze hebben geen conflict meer en geen "kwaad" meer in hun wereld.
Hier een account van iemand die uit zo'n hogere dimensie komt en het concept van goed en kwaad toelicht in relatie met onze realiteit vs een hoger dimensionele realiteit. Jaja, wij zitten nog in de pampers hier op aarde.
What is evil?
From my perspective, evil is a human concept that describes a state of consciousness that appears to be totally devoid of compassion and Love. In a greater reality, everything we can see and touch is Love made visible; evil does not exist. All that exists is Love. A person who is evil is a person in total denial of Love, both for themselves and for other people . . . and probably for Nature also.
However, this does not mean that they are not Love, it means they are completely immersed in very low and negative illusions. Basically, you cannot pass through the portal into a 5-D reality while you contain, or express, any negative energy. So, no, they do not have evil in their midst.
Do they have challenges? Yes, they do.
But these are not challenges that can easily be described in conventional terms. Their challenges are of a nature that we would describe as theoretical impossibilities. For example:
how can we find the greatest equilibrium in the genetic modification of a certain plant species which is consciously cooperating with us, but is completely unable to offer any guidance on how it may attain the required equilibrium for its greatest benefit? This is just one example. In every field of endeavour, they are so far out in front of us that the challenges they face seem incomprehensible. Nevertheless, they are real within a 5-D reality.
Imagine a life with no internal conflict.
You can have that . . . now! I have none, and here I am in a 3-D reality. When you grow in consciousness enough to see through the ensnaring web of illusions that bind most people, you are ready to move on. When you perceive these illusions you simply recognise them for what they are – a program. You do not fight this. You focus on, and live your life based in
Love and Truth.
People in a 5-D reality do not have mental and emotional problems. The large majority of our mental and emotional problems stem from living subconsciously and sub-emotionally. This does not happen in a 5-D reality. They are far more fully conscious than we are, but . . . this is not to say that they have reached the fullness of consciousness. This may sound like a paradox, but as you grow in consciousness, so consciousness grows in your Beingness. Quite literally, there is no ceiling to this. In this way 5-D people are all as aware of growing in consciousness as are the aware people of our 3-D reality. Spiritual growth does not end, although internal and external conflicts certainly do, as we grow sufficiently in consciousness to leave it all behind