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Frank51 7 mei 2015 19:29

Over Atlantis en de aanwezigheid van aliens (Children of Light)

Great were my people in the ancient days,
great beyond the conception of the
little people now around me;
knowing the wisdom of old,
seeking far within the heart of infinity
knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth.
Wise were we with the wisdom
of the Children of Light who dwelt among us.
Strong were we with the power drawn
from the eternal fire.
And of all these, greatest among the
children of men was my father, THOTME,
keeper of the great temple,
link between the Children of Light
who dwelt within the temple and the
races of men who inhabited the ten islands.

Expanderende, holle Aarde en inwendige 'zon'

Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming,
expanding, driving backward the night.
Placed in the center, a ray of great potence, Life
giving, Light giving, filling with power all who came near it.
Placed they around it thrones, two and thirty,
places for each of the Children of Light,
placed so that they were bathed in the radiance,
filled with the Life from the eternal Light.
There time after time placed they their first created bodies
(wij dus) so that they might by filled with the Spirit of Life.
One hundred years out of each thousand must the
Life-giving Light flame forth on their bodies.
Quickening, awakening the Spirit of Life.

There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom,
known not to the races of man, living forever 'neath the cold
fire of life, sit the Children of Light.

List ye, O man, and be wise.
Far 'neath the earth crust,
in the Halls of Amenti,
mysteries I saw that are hidden from men.
Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage,
looked on the Light that is Life among men.
There 'neath the flowers of Life ever living,
searched I the hearts and the secrets of men.
Found I that man is but living in darkness,
light of the great fire is hidden within.

Frank51 7 mei 2015 19:33

Als Jupiter poolopeningen heeft én een inwendige 'zon', waarom de Aarde dan niet??


Frank51 7 mei 2015 19:41

NASA censuur (ge kunt er niet naast kijken):

Permanente aurora's zijn ionenfonteinen die VANUIT een planeet door de inwendige "zon" en komen via de polaire openingen! De grotere aurora's worden dan weer veroorzaakt door de Zon

Frank51 7 mei 2015 19:48


WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Earth, bursts of particles spewed by the Sun spark shimmering auroras, like the Northern Lights, that briefly dance at our planet’s poles. But, on Jupiter, there’s an auroral glow all the time, and new observations show that this Jovian display sometimes flares up because of a process having nothing to do with the Sun.

Jupiter watchers have long known that the giant planet’s ever-present polar auroras – thousands of times brighter and many times bigger than Earth – are powered by both electrically charged particles from the Sun colliding with Jupiter’s magnetic field and a separate interaction between Jupiter and one of its many moons, called Io. But there are also auroral explosions on Jupiter, or periods of dazzling brightening, similar to auroral storms on Earth, that no one could definitively trace back to either of those known causes.

Additional space and ground-based telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, also viewed Jupiter during these lulls in the solar wind. Both Hisaki and Hubble witnessed explosions of the planet’s aurora despite the solar wind’s calm, suggesting that it’s the Jupiter-Io interaction driving these explosions, not charged particles from the Sun, according to the new study. The new research does not address exactly what is happening in the Jovian magnetosphere to cause the temporary brightening of auroral explosions.


JBM 8 mei 2015 09:12


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Frank51 (Bericht 7646804)

Neen, eigenlijk niet. Je onsamenhangende posts van losse stukjes tekst, foto's en wat gratuite beweringen missen namelijk enige wetenschappelijke onderbouwing. Tot zover weer deze poging.


JBM 8 mei 2015 09:12

SMD zeker?

Captain Kirk 8 mei 2015 09:27


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Frank51 (Bericht 7646781)
Als Jupiter poolopeningen heeft én een inwendige 'zon', waarom de Aarde dan niet??


Zo is het, het lijkt er naar uit dat alle planeten hol zijn. Zelfs de oude Tibetaanse leer heeft het over "Shamballah", Agharta, etc... die oude leringen zijn zo dom nog niet!

Er schijnt een toegang te zijn op of rond de heilige berg Mount Kailash (nog nooit beklommen).

De innerlijke aarde is een prachtig paradijs, vol met leven!

Captain Kirk 8 mei 2015 09:34

Nogmaals, waarom is dit geen breaking news??? Een nasa astronaut die zegt dat aliens bestaan, zelfs ufo's gezien te hebben, en zegt dat er een cover up is??

Waarom was de dit evenement in 2013 geen wereldnieuws?


Somehting smells fishy doesn't it?


Cooper claimed to have seen his first UFO while flying over West Germany in 1951, although he denied reports he had seen a UFO during his Mercury flight.[11]

In 1957, when Cooper was 30 and a Captain, he was assigned to Fighter Section of the Experimental Flight Test Engineering Division at Edwards AFB in California. He acted as a test pilot and project manager. On May 3 of that year, he had a crew setting up an Askania Cinetheodolite precision landing system on a dry lake bed. This cinetheodolite system would take pictures at one frame per second as an aircraft landed. The crew consisted of James Bittick and Jack Gettys who began work at the site just before 0800, using both still and motion picture cameras. According to his accounts, later that morning they returned to report to Cooper that they saw a "strange-looking, saucer-like" aircraft that did not make a sound either on landing or take-off.

According to his accounts, Cooper realized that these men, who on a regular basis have seen experimental aircraft flying and landing around them as part of their job of filming those aircraft, were clearly worked up and unnerved. They explained how the saucer hovered over them, landed 50 yards away from them using three extended landing gears and then took off as they approached for a closer look. Being photographers with cameras in hand, they of course shot images with 35mm and 4×5 still cameras as well as motion picture film. There was a special Pentagon number to call to report incidents like this. He called and it immediately went up the chain of command until he was instructed by a general to have the film developed (but to make no prints of it) and send it right away in a locked courier pouch. As he had not been instructed to not look at the negatives before sending them, he did. He said the quality of the photography was excellent as would be expected from the experienced photographers who took them. What he saw was exactly what they had described to him. He did not see the movie film before everything was sent away. He expected that there would be a follow up investigation since an aircraft of unknown origin had landed in a highly classified military installation, but nothing was ever said of the incident again. He was never able to track down what happened to those photos. He assumed that they ended up going to the Air Force's official UFO investigation, Project Blue Book, which was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

He held claim until his death that the U.S. government is indeed covering up information about UFOs. He gave the example of President Harry Truman who said on April 4, 1950, "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." He also pointed out that there were hundreds of reports made by his fellow pilots, many coming from military jet pilots sent to respond to radar or visual sightings from the ground.[12] In his memoirs, Cooper wrote he had seen other unexplained aircraft several times during his career, and also said hundreds of similar reports had been made. He further claimed these sightings had been "swept under the rug" by the U.S. government.[7] Throughout his later life Cooper expressed repeatedly in interviews he had seen UFOs and described his recollections for the documentary Out of the Blue.[7]

Another Jack 8 mei 2015 09:42

Breaking news uit de jaren '50...

Captain Kirk 8 mei 2015 09:51


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Another Jack (Bericht 7647265)
Breaking news uit de jaren '50...

Mis poes! De evenementen dateren uit de jaren 50 en 60 maar Gordon Cooper is er pas op het einde van zijn leven, meer dan 40 jaar later, mee naar buiten gekomen.

En de citizen hearing on disclosure was in 2013!

Waarom? Ja waarom is dit geen wereldnieuws?

The conclusion is incredibly wild:

that those in charge have been successfull in keeping secret the greatest story of mankind

Another Jack 8 mei 2015 11:27


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Captain Kirk (Bericht 7647287)
Mis poes! De evenementen dateren uit de jaren 50 en 60 maar Gordon Cooper is er pas op het einde van zijn leven, meer dan 40 jaar later, mee naar buiten gekomen.

En de citizen hearing on disclosure was in 2013!

Waarom? Ja waarom is dit geen wereldnieuws?

The conclusion is incredibly wild:

that those in charge have been successfull in keeping secret the greatest story of mankind

Gooi maar op de stapel.
Die van de flutverhalen....

Het Verzet 8 mei 2015 11:52

These guys know to much. Please apply protocol 23b.

Frank51 8 mei 2015 12:00

Geen wereldnieuws?
Omdat het onderdrukt wordt tiens!
Cover up
Vrijmetselaars aan de macht. Zie maar naar dit forum

Frank51 8 mei 2015 12:08


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Het Verzet (Bericht 7647448)
These guys know to much. Please apply protocol 23b.

En dat is??

Frank51 8 mei 2015 12:21


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door JBM (Bericht 7647195)
Neen, eigenlijk niet. Je onsamenhangende posts van losse stukjes tekst, foto's en wat gratuite beweringen missen namelijk enige wetenschappelijke onderbouwing. Tot zover weer deze poging.



Frank51 9 mei 2015 19:52


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Het Verzet (Bericht 7647448)
These guys know to much. Please apply protocol 23b.

Is dat een protocolleke voor vrijmetselaars misschien?
"De discussie laten uitdoven door te zwijgen?" ;)

parcifal 9 mei 2015 21:07


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Frank51 (Bericht 7647459)
Geen wereldnieuws?
Omdat het onderdrukt wordt tiens!
Cover up
Vrijmetselaars aan de macht. Zie maar naar dit forum

Jij bent punt 23 op de agenda onder 'varia' bij de volgende vergadering Van Loge Athanor, volgende week. :-D
Problemen moeten opgelost worden, dat is de weg.

En daarna zingen we de Stonecutters song.uiteraard, zoals altijd.

Yog Sothoth 10 mei 2015 08:20

Sukkelaar 10 mei 2015 09:01


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Frank51 (Bericht 7646781)
Als Jupiter poolopeningen heeft én een inwendige 'zon', waarom de Aarde dan niet??


Vertel me dan eens waarrond onze buurplaneten draaien? of mis ik iets.

Frank51 10 mei 2015 09:02


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal (Bericht 7649342)
Jij bent punt 23 op de agenda onder 'varia' bij de volgende vergadering Van Loge Athanor, volgende week. :-D
Problemen moeten opgelost worden, dat is de weg.

En daarna zingen we de Stonecutters song.uiteraard, zoals altijd.

Ge moogt altijd 100.000 euro op mijn rekening storten, dan zie je mij niet meer op dit forum. Ok?
Laat me weten hoe het geweest is.

Denk je nu echt dat de 'orde en vrede' zal verstoord worden als het bestaan van aliens uitkomt? Wat een grap. Probeer het dan eens he, je zult wel zien.
Ik sla toch ook geen winkelramen in omdat ik de waarheid weet??

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