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Cdude 15 september 2010 15:57

"verschijningen" ....yep, het ultieme bewijs.

Sodomis 15 september 2010 16:52

Volgens Cooper zijn er wel degelijk filmopnames van een landende ufo, waarvan hij getuige was.

Cooper blijft ook vandaag dat verhaal vertellen aan iedereen die het wil horen.
Zie youtube

Bovenbuur 15 september 2010 17:06


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Sodomis (Bericht 4983153)
Volgens Cooper zijn er wel degelijk filmopnames van een landende ufo, waarvan hij getuige was.

Cooper blijft ook vandaag dat verhaal vertellen aan iedereen die het wil horen.
Zie youtube

Bijna zes jaar na zijn overlijden nog. (Wat een doorzetter.)

Sodomis 16 september 2010 00:44

de technologie staat voor niks. ;-)

exodus 17 september 2010 11:00

Er zijn verschillende mensen die er van ver of van dicht mee te maken hebben gehad die uit de biecht spreken. Zij zeggen zelf dat ze er niet mochten over praten. Sommigen doen dit (soms na decennia van stilzwijgen) nu wel. Verschillende betrouwbare getuigen (atronauten, piloten) meldden dat zij toestellen zagen die een ongekende technologische capaciteit hadden.

In één geval van de disclosure project bijvoorbeeld, zegt een ex miitaire wetenschapper dat hun test kernraket, gevolgd werd door een UFO die er lichtstralen naar toe zende waardoor de raket uiteenbrak. De beelden zijn later weggenomen. Zie hier;


Zo zijn er nog vele betrouwbare getuigenissen. Mensen die met hun kop in het zand zitten en dit wensen te negeren doen dit al af als onzin. Wel , ik geloof liever een heel deel piloten en wetenschappers, die in vele gevallen psychologisch getest zijn, dan één of andere betweter die beweert dat ze allemaal zeveren en zich interessant willen maken.

Het is tijd om wakker te worden.

Bovenbuur 17 september 2010 12:16

Zodra er een paar zo slim zijn om hun filmpjes niet te laten verdwijnen zullen we er over nadenken.

Sodomis 17 september 2010 12:44


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door exodus (Bericht 4985893)
In één geval van de disclosure project bijvoorbeeld, zegt een ex miitaire wetenschapper dat hun test kernraket, gevolgd werd door een UFO die er lichtstralen naar toe zende waardoor de raket uiteenbrak. De beelden zijn later weggenomen. Zie hier;


exodus, deze getuigenis heb ik op het internet VOLLEDIG DEBUNKED gevonden door een andere getuige van die feiten. Vraag me niet waar.
De wetenschapper in kwestie bleek enkel een hulp-ingenieur geweest te zijn die getuige is geweest van een defect aan een atoomwapen.
Nadien werd iedereen ondervraagt omdat de beelden in kwestie geen UFO lieten zien, maar een zwaar beveiligingsrisico.

Die nuke had nl. 1 warhead & 2 decoys.
Bij het ontkoppelen van de booster & de warhead, kon je op een bepaald "soort" beelden zien, welke de warhead was & welke de decoys. Vandaar de security maatregelen.
Die ingenieur verkeert nog steeds in de waan dat hij getuige was van een buitenaards fenomeen...

exodus 17 september 2010 13:09


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Sodomis (Bericht 4986089)
exodus, deze getuigenis heb ik op het internet VOLLEDIG DEBUNKED gevonden door een andere getuige van die feiten. Vraag me niet waar.
De wetenschapper in kwestie bleek enkel een hulp-ingenieur geweest te zijn die getuige is geweest van een defect aan een atoomwapen.
Nadien werd iedereen ondervraagt omdat de beelden in kwestie geen UFO lieten zien, maar een zwaar beveiligingsrisico.

Die nuke had nl. 1 warhead & 2 decoys.
Bij het ontkoppelen van de booster & de warhead, kon je op een bepaald "soort" beelden zien, welke de warhead was & welke de decoys. Vandaar de security maatregelen.
Die ingenieur verkeert nog steeds in de waan dat hij getuige was van een buitenaards fenomeen...

Geef mij bron of een link dat toont wat je zegt. Zoniet kan je alles verzinnen.

parcifal 17 september 2010 13:32


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door exodus (Bericht 4986131)
Geef mij bron of een link dat toont wat je zegt. Zoniet kan je alles verzinnen.

Kingston George.


Physicist/Engineer Kingston A. George accepted an Air Force civil service position as an operations analyst in 1961 at Vandenberg AFB and retired in 1990 as chief of safety in Santa Maria, California. He worked on a wide variety of optical, radar, and telemetry tracking systems during his tenure and was a nationally recognized expert on such systems, continuing as a consultant until recently.


Jacobs made six assertions near the end of his 1989 article. My 1993 rebuttal in SI concentrated on these items by countering with what we had actually captured on film that day. In a nutshell, the Atlas launch to the Kwajalein atoll included deployment of two decoy reentry vehicles (RVs) intended to confuse enemy defensive radars. Our photography showed that the decoys did not deploy properly after the main propulsion phase ended and were surrounded by pieces of Styrofoam packing from their launch tubes. Thus, the “real” warhead, released before the decoys and without the packing, stuck out like a sore thumb. The Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarter analysts subsequently recognized this as a shortcoming of a major weapons system and classified the film as top secret. Film footage seen up to the time of this new classification was the origin of Jacobs’s fantasy, as his security level was not high enough to handle the film or talk about it after re-classification. Nor was mine, at that time, but my clearance level was increased very soon thereafter.

The only reason the film became top secret is because it revealed a weakness in the Atlas weapon system, which was our only on-alert ICBM at the time. All the original films of all launches would have been destroyed or recycled decades ago, or else today we would need a Pentagon-sized warehouse just to hold all of them. A couple of years after the master copy had been stored in a vault used exclusively for top-secret storage, I was asked if it could be destroyed to conserve space, and of course I approved.

Sodomis 17 september 2010 13:33


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door exodus (Bericht 4986131)
Geef mij bron of een link dat toont wat je zegt. Zoniet kan je alles verzinnen.

Geef me de naam van de getuige & de naam van het incident & zal het vanavond opzoeken. Heb deze case ooit eens onder de loep genomen, maar ik schrijf die dingen niet neer.

exodus 17 september 2010 14:03

Ja, het zijn twee getuigenissen tegen elkaar. Bob Jacobs blijft er echter wel bij dat hij een UFO (schijf) zag. Hier zijn getuigenis. Hoe je dit kan verwarren met wat die Kingston beschrijft vind ik toch straf. De suggestie van Kingston dat hij het mis geinterpreteerd heeft lijkt mij toch heel straf. Mijn logische conclusie is dat één van de twee liegt, ofwel die kingston niet gelooft in UFO's en zoeizo denkt dat Jacobs een misinterpretatie heeft gedaan.

Hier nog eens de originele getuigenis van Bob Jacobs.


I was back at my desk enjoying the feeling of accomplishment from the Big Stir expedition when I was called by Major Mansmann, who asked me to come right away to his office at the Headquarters building. When I arrived, I found a movie projector set up in the office and a group of people waiting.

Among these I recall two men in plain grey suits who spoke little and watched me intently as the lights were dimmed and the film played on a bright screen. (Mansmann has since stated that there were actually three men present.)

It was a surprise and a delight for me to be seeing the kinescope recording from Big Sur after all the months of planning and weeks of work. I was quite amazed and very pleased with the quality, especially at the distance involved as we could make out quite plainly the separated nosecone, the radar experiment and the dummy warhead all sailing along beautifully about 60 miles straight up from planet Earth and some 300 to 500 nautical miles down range.

As we neared the end of the camera run, Mansmann said, "Watch carefully now, Lieutenant ant Jacobs."

At that point the most remarkable vision of my life came on the screen. Another object flew into the frame from left to right. It approached the warhead package and maneuvered around it. That is, this ... "thing"...flew a relative polar orbit around our warhead package which was itself heading toward the South Pacific at some 18 thousand miles an hour!

As the new object circumnavigated our hardware, it emitted four distinct bright flashes of light at approximately the 4 cardinal compass points of its orbit. These flashes were so intense that each "strike" caused the I.O. tube to "boom" or form a halo around the spot.

Following this remarkable aerial display the object departed the frame in the same direction direction from which it had come. The shape of the object was that of a classic "flying saucer." In the middle of the top half of the object was a dome. From that dome, or just beneath it, seemed to issue a beam of light or which caused the flashes described.

Subsequently the warhead malfunctioned and tumbled out of suborbit hundreds of miles short of its target. This ... unidentified flying ... "thing" had apparently "shot down" an American dummy atomic warhead!

The lights came on and Major Mansmann said, "Lieutenant Jacobs, were you or any of your people fooling around up there at Big Sur?

"No sir," I answered honestly. I was shaking with excitement.

"Then tell me ... what the Hell was that?"

I looked Major Mansmann straight in the eye. "It looks to me like we got a UFO," I said.

There was a stifling silence among the men in grey, civilian suits who continued to stare at me. Major Mansmann gave them what I can only describe as a "let me handle this" look.


"Well," he smiled cordially, "let's just say it never happened. You are to say nothing about this footage to anyone. As far as you and I are concerned, this never took place, you understand?"

I looked at the men in the grey suits. They were not smiling. I felt hot and anxious. I was sweating badly. I think I just sat for a minute looking blankly at Major Mansmann. I had just seen the most fantastic event of my life.

It etched a path in my memory as deep as the one put there almost a year earlier when President John F. Kennedy had been shot to death in Dallas. I wanted more than anything to see it again, to study it under a magnifier, to analyze the pictures frame by frame.

Major Mansmann did smile, nicely. "I don't need to remind you of the seriousness of a security breach, do I Lieutenant?", he asked.

"No, sir," I replied.

"Good," he said, motioning for me to stand.

I stood.

He walked me to the door, speaking confidentially. "What you just saw did not take place," he repeated. "It never happened."

I looked at him once more. Something flickered way back deep in his eyes as he again looked at the men in grey then back to me.

"But ... if at some time in the future," Florenz Mansmann said finally, "you are pressed by someone about this and you can't get out of answering, just tell them ... tell them it was flashes from laser tracking, O.K.?"

And with that, I was ushered out the door and into over a decade of silence on the subject. Never mind that in 1964 we did not have laser tracking, nor did we or any other power on Earth have spacecraft capable of flying circles around a suborbital capsule. I tried to sublimate the whole incident out of loyally and respect for Florenz Mansmann whom I liked a great deal. While I did not talk about the event with anyone.

Sodomis 17 september 2010 14:08

Straf dat de parcival dat zo snel gevonden heeft...
Maar het was inderdaad deze getuige die me overtuigd heeft, dat het incident
een misinterpretatie was van de feiten.

Ik moet zeggen dat het oorspronkelijk bericht wel veel meer info bevat, dan wat de parcival gepost heeft hier.

In het oorspronkelijke artikel waren ook tekeningen te zien van wat juist die ingenieur door zijn kinescoop heeft gezien...op welk moment, en waarom hij de beelden heeft gemisinterpreteerd als een ufo.

Een kinescoop is geen echte camera hé. Werkt met donkere "vormen" & "silhouetten".

Johnny Blaze 22 september 2010 11:37

wow 8O


U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects

Ex-military men say unknown intruders have monitored and even tampered with American nuclear missiles

Group to call on U.S. Government to reveal the facts

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality...

Micele 22 september 2010 11:55


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Johnny Blaze (Bericht 4994350)

Neen eentje meer bij de hoop, maar 2003 is wel vrij recent.

Meer Evidence betreft UFO´s en Nucleaire wapens/installaties:

Zelfs statistisch UFO <> Nucleaire installaties:


NCP-11: Do Nuclear Facilities Attract UFOs?
by Donald A Johnson, PhD
Sun River Research
Bow, NH
Original Link
[email protected]

On numerous occasions, UFOs have been reported over nuclear power plants as well as nuclear research facilities and nuclear weapons storage bunkers at military bases. (1) A good percentage of these reports occurred at highly restricted government research and production facilities, such as Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Hanford AEC, and Savannah River AEC. Highly trained government scientists and military personnel, who had been granted top-secret military clearances, made many of these reports.

In a well-documented series of incidents in early November 1975, nocturnal lights and unidentified “mystery helicopters” visited a wide spectrum of American military bases and missile sites across the northern tier of this country. Between October 27 and November 10, reports of UFOs over nuclear weapons storage sites were repeatedly made at Loring AFB in northern Maine, Wurtsmith AFB in Michigan, Grand Forks and Minot Air Force Bases in North Dakota, and Malmstrom AFB in Montana. F-106 interceptors were scrambled out of Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana in response to multiple reports of UFO visits to nearby missile sites near Moore, Harlowton, Lewistown, and several missile sites around Malmstrom AFB. (2)

A similar rash of incursions occurred in December 1948 (Los Alamos), December 1950 (Oak Ridge), July 1952 (Hanford AEC, Savannah River AEC, and Los Alamos), August 1965 (Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY), March 1967 (Minot AFB, Malmstrom AFB, and Los Alamos), August 1968 (Ellsworth AFB in South Dakota), August 1980 (Warren AFB, Sandia Labs and Kirtland AFB, NM), December 1980 (Benwaters RAFB, Suffolk, England), and October 1991 (Chernobyl, Ukraine and Arkhangel’sk Missile Base, Russia).
These reports led some to speculate that the intelligences behind UFOs have an interest in nuclear weapons and nuclear power. One feature of these reports suggesting a direct link deals with light rays or energy beams being focused on nuclear materials.(3) Multiple independent accounts state that beams of light were directed downward from the UFOs onto the nuclear storage bunkers and underground missile silos, perhaps penetrating them beneath the surface. (4) (5) In addition, there have been unsubstantiated rumors from enlisted men that the telemetry of the weapons at some sites had been changed or that other weapons had been rendered inoperative.(6) (7)

Some researchers have suggested that the occupants of UFOs have a deep concern about the safety of nuclear power, and our proliferation of nuclear weapons, and are therefore keeping a close scrutiny of these sites. During the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster on April 26, 1986, technicians reported that they observed a fiery sphere, similar in color to brass, within 1,000 feet of the damaged Unit 4 reactor during the height of the fire, about three hours after the initial explosion. Two bright red rays shot out from the UFO and were directed at the reactor. It hovered in the area for about three minutes, then the rays vanished and the UFO moved slowly away to the northwest. Radiation levels taken just before the UFO appeared read 3,000 milliroentgens/hour, and after the rays the readings showed 800 milliroentgens/hour. Apparently the UFO had brought down the radiation level.(8)

Is there any statistical evidence that indicates a heightened attention to nuclear sites? In an effort to determine this, we applied the techniques of epidemiology to the UFO evidence accumulated since World War II. Table 1 below was developed from the UFOCAT 2002 database. It compares 164 counties with nuclear facilities to a control group of 164 US counties without nuclear facilities. Nuclear facilities include those plants involved in the storage or manufacturer of nuclear materials, including military bases where nuclear weapons are deployed and commercial or research nuclear power plants. A nuclear facility might be a small commercial nuclear power plant such as Vermont Yankee in Windham County, Vermont; or it might be a nuclear production plant such as Rocky Flats in Jefferson County, Colorado; or it might be a nuclear submarine base such as Bangor Naval Base in Kitsap County, Washington.

The control group counties were selected on the basis of the closest match in population, with an attempt to also match the same region of the country (Northeast, Midwest, South, Mountain, West Coast) as the county with a nuclear facility, and with an attempt to exclude control group counties with military bases that might have held nuclear weapons at one time. The results suggest that there is an important association between the presence of a nuclear facility and the rates of both UFO sightings and close encounters (CE). This association tends to increase with those counties with smaller populations, so the results are further stratified by five population categories:

(a) counties with populations over 500,000;
(b) counties with populations between 225,000 and 500,000;
(c) counties with populations between 101,000 and 225,000;
(d) counties with populations between 50,000 and 101,000; and
(e) counties with populations under 50,000.

For US counties with populations between 50,000 and 101,000 the rate of UFO reports peaks at 37.03 per 100,000 people for those counties with nuclear facilities, and this rate is 2.61 times higher than for similar counties without nuclear facilities. Overall, the rate of UFO sighting reports is 13.84 for nuclear site counties and 9.59 for non-nuclear counties, for a relative risk of 1.44. In other words, they are 1.44 times more likely to occur in these counties. For close encounter reports, the rate is 2.58 per 100,000 compared to 1.79 per 100,000 in non-nuclear counties, for a relative risk of 1.44. Ninety-two of the nuclear site counties are considered UFO “hotspots,” having had four or more UFO close encounters, while only 70 of the non-nuclear counties are rated as UFO hotspots.

The answer about whether nuclear facilities attract UFOs appears to be “yes.” There is an excess of 3,051 UFO reports for nuclear site counties above what would have been predicted based on the non-nuclear counties. For close encounters, there is an excess of 568 close encounter reports over what should have been expected based on other UFO reporting dynamics.

UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas
Robert L. Hastings (2006)
original source | fair use notice

Summary: Although the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, ongoing pattern of UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites extending back to December 1948. ...To date, I have interviewed over 50 individuals who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at Strategic Air Command bases or remote sites. I have selected the statements of 20 of those persons for presentation here.
(Reprinted by permission of the author.)

Although the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, ongoing pattern of UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites extending back to December 1948.

For more than 30 years, I have been interviewing former and retired U.S. Air Force personnel regarding their direct or indirect involvement in nuclear weapons-related UFO sighting incidents. These individuals—from retired colonels to former airmen—report extraordinary encounters which have obvious national security implications. In fact, taken to their logical conclusion, the reported incidents have planetary implications, given the horrific consequences that would result from a full-scale, global nuclear war.
.... ]
Enkel U.S. ...; uiteraard zijn er nog veel meer gevallen bij andere landen die nucleaire installaties hebben.
UK :http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/IT...t-2008097.html
F : http://www.cnes-geipan.fr/

Sodomis 24 september 2010 00:39

Als die UFO's enkel nukes "afzetten" denk ik niet dat ze een bedreiging zijn voor de wereldvrede, integendeel.


Micele 24 september 2010 01:26


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Sodomis (Bericht 4997117)
Als die UFO's enkel nukes "afzetten" denk ik niet dat ze een bedreiging zijn voor de wereldvrede, integendeel.

Ik vraag me af hoe die "UFO-beestjes" die nuke-codes van op afstand kunnen knakken, of worden die hoogstbeveiligde electronische stuursystemen gewoonweg eventjes off-gebeamd tot ze weer weg zijn... ? ;-) :-D

Zouden die beestjes toch serieus intelligent zijn...

Andy 24 september 2010 01:31


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele (Bericht 4997125)
Ik vraag me af hoe die "UFO-beestjes" die nuke-codes van op afstand kunnen knakken, of worden die electronische stuursystemen gewoonweg off-gebeamd ? ;-) :-D

Zouden die beestjes toch serieus intelligent zijn...

Die microkosmosdiertjes zijn zo intelligent als datgene wat ze met z'n allen vormen. Dat is dus minstens zo intelligent als de mens.

Bovenbuur 24 september 2010 07:00


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Sodomis (Bericht 4997117)
Als die UFO's enkel nukes "afzetten" denk ik niet dat ze een bedreiging zijn voor de wereldvrede, integendeel.


"Iemand schakelt een voor een onze ICBM's uit!"
"Dat zijn vast de Russen, vuur met wat we nog hebben!"

exodus 24 september 2010 08:04

Dat UFO's al meermaals gedocumenteerd zich gemoeid hebben met hoogtechnologische nucleaire installaties toont toch wat aan. Ze hebben alleszinds de technologie om ons volledig lam te leggen. Ik zie dit meer als een signaal. Kernwapens worden duidelijk niet geapprecieerd door die buitenaardsen.

Er zijn onnoemelijk veel aanwijzingen dat UFO's geen dreiging vormen. Dan gaat zo iemand zoals Hawking ons bang maken en zeggen dat aliens zeker vijandig zullen zijn. Dan negeert hij nog eens het bewijs dat ze hier al minstens decennia zijn.

Antoon 26 september 2010 20:10


Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door exodus (Bericht 4997271)
Dat UFO's al meermaals gedocumenteerd zich gemoeid hebben met hoogtechnologische nucleaire installaties toont toch wat aan. Ze hebben alleszinds de technologie om ons volledig lam te leggen. Ik zie dit meer als een signaal. Kernwapens worden duidelijk niet geapprecieerd door die buitenaardsen.

Er zijn onnoemelijk veel aanwijzingen dat UFO's geen dreiging vormen. Dan gaat zo iemand zoals Hawking ons bang maken en zeggen dat aliens zeker vijandig zullen zijn. Dan negeert hij nog eens het bewijs dat ze hier al minstens decennia zijn.


U bent grappig.

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