Ze zullen toch niet allemaal liegen zeker? |
Elke keer dat iemand iets beweert dat in de ufologen hun kraam past, zijn die personen plotseling "betrouwbaar, rustig, kritisch, intelligent, gediplomeerd en gerespecteerd." Laat ons gewoon bij de feiten blijven. Of het gebrek eraan. |
Men zal hem dus maar moeilijk kunnen vangen met loze verhaaltjes over gecrashte ufo's. Trouwens, Friedman was in het begin een 'non-believer'. |
We can only show you the door... Jij moet er door lopen.
Neen, maar dan heb je geen bewijs verzameld.
Dan is het fluisteren langs het kerkhof. |
Since 1967 I have lectured on the subject “Flying Saucers ARE Real” at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in all fifty US states, nine Canadian Provinces, twelve cities in England and nine in other countries, with only eleven hecklers. I have also appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. Overall, I have probably answered about 35,000 questions about UFOs and secrecy.
It’s clear that over 97% of the people have NOT read any of the five major scientific studies I discuss, and are unaware of the mountains of evidence that support my conclusions. They are also unaware of the scientific data, as opposed to tabloid nonsense. However, it is also clear from the Opinion Polls and from my own experience that indeed most people accept the notion that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. The greater the education, the MORE likely an individual is to accept this proposition. In an October 25, 1995, Oxford University Debate on the resolution “Planet Earth is being visited by intelligent extraterrestrial life,” the affirmative side, of which I was a part, garnered 60% of Debate Union Member votes on the question. Ninety-two percent of 100,000 people calling during a TV Debate in London on June 27, 1997, said Earth has been visited by aliens! The problem is NOT that there is not enough evidence to justify my conclusions; but that most people, especially the noisy negativists, are unaware of the real, non-tabloid evidence. |
Friedman was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric (1956–1959), Aerojet General Nucleonics (1959–1963), General Motors (1963–1966), Westinghouse (1966–1968), TRW Systems (1969–1970), and McDonnell Douglas, where he worked on advanced, classified programs on nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and compact nuclear power plants for space applications.[ |
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