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Oud 15 maart 2004, 18:31   #9
neruda's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 januari 2004
Locatie: Belgium
Berichten: 1.734


De partij van Aznar kreeg een mot omdat ze 2 dagen voor de verkiezingen de berichtgeving manipuleerde en op electoraal gewin aasde door de ETA schuldig te verklaren.
And the rest will follow...
One day the whole world will know the truth.
However, it will be too late for thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, and whatever other people Bush’s warmongers are going to begin slaughtering. It will also be too late for hundreds of troops killed and thousands wounded, their names put on some wall – or not even recognized by corrupted government thugs, such as Bush.
Damn it all, America, Bush lied, lied some more, and then lied about the lies, while his allies did the same. The lies were enhanced and supported by all who supported the wars.
So maybe this, too, will be realized in time by all !!!!!
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