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Oud 23 mei 2016, 22:27   #15219
Diego Raga
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Diego Raga's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 3 juni 2005
Berichten: 15.895

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kiko Bekijk bericht
10 seconden gegoogled...

"Twee van Gellers sceptici zijn Richard Kamman en David Marks, die een deel van hun boek The Psychology of the Psychic aan Geller wijdden. Hierin wordt onder meer belicht wat er schort aan de methodologie van onderzoeken waaraan Geller wel meewerkte.

Geller haalt zelf meestal het wetenschappelijk onderzoek van Russel Targ en Harold Puthoff aan het Standford Research Institute (SRI) aan als bewijs van zijn gaven.

Marks en Kamman kwamen er onder meer achter dat

- diens methoden veel mogelijkheden tot bedrog van Geller openlieten,
- zij selectief omgingen met uitkomsten van hun experimenten (er waren minder uitslagen dan onderzoeken)
- er verschillende uitslagen door vrije associatie tot positieve uitkomst benoemd werden.
- Tevens betrapte Marks Geller diverse keren persoonlijk op het gebruik van trucs en kon de Israeliër zijn vermeende gaven nooit waarmaken in niet door hem gecontroleerde omstandigheden.

Daarnaast onderzochten Marks en Kamman middels objectieve experimenten in hoeverre Gellers effecten via niet-paranormale wegen te verkrijgen waren. Daarbij kwamen ze tot de conclusie dat Geller nog nooit iets heeft kunnen laten zien - onder omstandigheden waarin bedrog onmogelijk was - dat niet op natuurlijke wijze te doen is, door bijvoorbeeld goocheltrucs.

Verder wijzen ze op voorvallen van waarschijnlijk bedrog en leugens van Geller."

5 seconden gegoogeld:

"During the course of his career, Uri Geller succeeded in 17 controlled experiments in different laboratories. Here are some quotes from the scientists who tested him. Notice the bold emphasis on the controls and strict conditions of the experiments.

"I tested Uri Geller myself under laboratory-controlled conditions and saw with my own eyes the bending of a key which was not touched by Geller at any time. There was a group of people present during the experiment who all witnessed the key bending in eleven seconds to an angle of thirty degrees. Afterwards we tested the key in a scientific laboratory using devices such as electron microscopes and X-rays and found that there was no chemical, manual or mechanical forces involved in the bending of the key."

Professor Helmut Hoffmann (Department of Electrical Engineering,
Technical University of Vienna, Austria)
"Through intense concentration, Uri was able to bend a 3/8" cold rolled steel bar under controlled conditions, as he rubbed the top of it with his forefinger. I was sitting very close to him during this experiment. On another occasion, a radish seed sprouted and grew 1/2" as he held it in his hand. I watched this very closely as well. "

Jean Millay PhD. (Saybrook Institute U.S.A.)
"Uri Geller was tested in my laboratory at UCLA. During the experiments in Kirlian photography and after hundreds of trials, he produced three extraordinary photographs in which flashes of energy were clearly visible. What wonderfully welcome sights they were! I have also tested Uri's watch-fixing and metal-bending abilities. He has demonstrated these to me under controlled scientific conditions, in a most convincing manner".

Dr. Thelma Moss (Professor of psychology at UCLA and one of the first
U.S. researchers to experiment with Kirlian photography - U.S.A.)
"Uri bent a strong heat-treated alloy bar held by myself and my assistant at each end. There was absolutely no pressure exerted by Uri while the bar was bending. All the controlled experiments I conducted with Uri Geller have been described in Sciences et Avenir, No. 345, pp. 1108-1113."

Professor Charles Crussard (Professor of Metallurgy, School of Mines,
Paris, and Scientific Director of Pecheney, France)
"Uri Geller, as a psychic genius, has been able to demonstrate the repeatability of controlled scientific psychic experiments. Thereby he has proved the reality of psychic phenomena (such as telekinesis, clairvoyance and telepathy)."

Professor P. Plum, MD (Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, University of
Copenhagen, former chairman of the Danish Medical Research Council -
"We have observed certain phenomena with the subjects [including Uri Geller] for which we have no scientific explanation. As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal, perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner." (The results of these experiments were published in the respected British journal Nature, Vol. 251, No. 5).

Dr Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ (Stanford Research Institute - California, U.S.A.)
"Laser physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff of Menlo Park's Stanford Research Institute admit their kind of research invites chicanery and trickery. They have taken special precautions, they said, to conduct the Stanford Research experiments under doubly strict laboratory conditions."
"Under these conditions, they said, no magician has been able to duplicate through trickery the psychic feat performed by Uri Geller and others. Some won't even try."

Los Angeles Times, Monday July 28, 1975
"I have personally witnessed and experienced on two occasions the metal bending abilities of Uri Geller. These experiments were conducted under rigorous laboratory conditions. In these two experiments the thick steel rod I was holding and observing carefully bent, and continued to bend, in my own hand. One rod bent to 90 degrees during a period of approximately six minutes while I was holding it. The other steel rod bent after Uri Geller stroked it and continued bending on a glass table without anyone touching it. The steel rods were provided by myself. I consider the Geller effect to be a phenomena which should be studied seriously by science. "

"A scientist would have to be either massively ignorant or a confirmed bigot to deny the evidence that the human mind can make connection with space, time and matter in ways which have nothing to do with the ordinary senses. Further, he cannot deny that these connections are compatible with current thinking in physics, and may in the future become accepted as a part of an extended science in which the description 'paranormal' no longer applies, and can be replaced by 'normal'."

Dr. Kit Pedler, (Head of the Electron Microscopy department, University of London


Persoonlijk heb ik zelf al vele gevallen van telepathie en precognitie ervaren (en nog) en ook bij anderen, dus kan ik best aanvaarden dat mensen met een sterkere geest of concentratievermogen materie kunnen manipuleren.
Zo ongewoon is dat dus niet.
Vrije meningsuiting bestaat niet, aangezien de Waarheid niet getoond mag worden, omdat de Grote Leugen regeert.

Laatst gewijzigd door Diego Raga : 23 mei 2016 om 22:29.
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