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Oud 12 juni 2016, 11:27   #5
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tomm Bekijk bericht
Overal in de wereld komt er reactie tegen extremistische tendenzen in de Islam, behalve in België, ondanks de aanslagen. Gezellig munttheetjes drinken zal radicale Islam niet stoppen.


Kenya kampt met een ernstige terroristische dreiging en radicalisering in de moslim-gebieden van het land.
In de havenstad Mombasa, een traditioneel islamitisch gebied dat echter vitaal is voor de economie van het land, is de overheid begonnen met een campagne tegen radicale moslims.
Reeds 21 radicale Imams, die sympathiseren met Al-Shabaab en voor de invoering van de Shariah pleiten, en salafisten, werden neergeschoten door "onbekenden", iedereen vermoed de hand van de veiligheidsdiensten, in opdracht van de overheid. Mensen rechtengroeperingen eisen een onderzoek, maar veel Kenianen steunen de moordcampagne door "onbekenden". Als antwoord werden gematigde imams neergekogeld, vermoedelijk door Al-Shabaab.
Kenya is ook van plan de vluchtelingenkampen, de grootste ter wereld, aan de grens met Somalië te sluiten, en harder op te treden tegen geradicaliseerde Somaliërs.

Salafistische moskeeën in Rusland worden gesloten, imams opgepakt en bevolen hun baard te scheren.


IT WAS prayer time at the Northern Mosque in Khasavyurt, a town in western Dagestan, when troops in black balaclavas arrived one day in February. “They said: ‘This mosque is closing—turn off the lights and hand over the keys’,” recalls one of the congregants. The next day Muhammad Nabi Magomedov, a local imam, led some 5,000 Salafi believers in a march on city hall, chanting “Allahu akbar!” and “Return our mosque!” In early April the security services came for Mr Magomedov, arresting him on terrorism charges.

Once in custody, the imam was told to shave off his beard. Then six men took him into a room. “One said: ‘Get on your knees’,” Mr Magomedov later told a member of Russia’s prison oversight committee, who shared details of their conversation with The Economist. “I said, ‘I won’t get on my knees’.” The men beat up Mr Magomedov, sending a clear signal to the ultra-conservative Salafi community: there will be no dialogue.

While Mr Magomedov was leading his protest, IS released a video calling on Dagestanis to resist the mosque closures by force.

The Russian government makes no distinction between non-violent Salafis and the radical underground. According to Magomedrasul Saaduev, chief imam of the main state-endorsed Sufi mosque in Makhachkala, the region’s capital, “Moderate Salafism will always remain soil for extreme Salafism.”

Last autumn the authorities shut down Makhachkala’s main Salafi mosque. To the south, in Derbent, another Salafi mosque was set on fire.

Police in Tajikistan have shaved nearly 13,000 people's beards and closed more than 160 shops selling traditional Muslim clothing last year as part of the country's fight against what it calls "foreign" influences.

Bahrom Sharifzoda, the head of the south-west Khathlon region's police, said at a press conference on Wednesday that the law enforcement services convinced more than 1,700 women and girls to stop wearing headscarves in the Muslim-majority Central Asian country.

The move is seen as part of efforts to battle what authorities deem "radicalism".


Salafistische moskee in Zuid-Rusland:

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