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Oud 6 september 2018, 14:05   #17678
Het Oosten
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Het Oosten's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 28 juli 2010
Berichten: 46.370


Steven Greer stelt in de inleiding van zijn boek Unacknowledged’ (1) (boek uit 2017 en meestal alleen nog te verkrijgen als e-boek) het volgende:

This book contains information that has been kept from sitting U.S. presidents, senators, members of congress, heads of state, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff … to name a few. I know this because in many cases I was the one who provided briefings for them.
What I have learned over the last three decades is that there are two U.S. governments … the government of We the People represented by our elected officials, and a shadow government made up of mid-level functionaries whose roots trace back to a black ops organization launched in the 1940s by President Truman. This group, known back then as MAJESTIC-12, was tasked with keeping the truth from the public regarding the most astounding discovery in the history of the world?UFOs and the existence of Extraterrestrial life.

But it is not just the truth about UFOs and ETs this secret regime has been safe-guarding, it is the interstellar technologies that have been reverse-engineered from the more than twenty downed ETVs (extraterrestrial vehicles), more commonly referred to as UFOs, the first two of which crash-gies that have been reverse-engineered from the more than twenty downed ETVs (extraterrestrial vehicles), more commonly referred to as UFOs, the first two of which crash-landed outside of Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico in July of 1947. These craft were downed using an early electromagnetic wave weapon. They were drawn to the Roswell base, and others like it, because of the growing proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The thought of UFOs and extraterrestrials being real is difficult for most of us to take seriously. Logically, we can accept that the universe, being vast beyond our comprehension, is certainly capable of supporting countless other species?NASA estimates there are between 100 billion and 400 billion star systems in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. Emotional acceptance is more difficult. All our lives we’ve been conditioned to believe that UFOs aren’t real, and that anyone who believes in ETs is crazy. In a sense, the UFO provides its own best cover, for to believe in it or?God-forbid?to actually see something and discuss it among one’s peers is to welcome ridicule.

Moest de man gelijk hebben, en daar begint het mogelijk steeds meer en meer op te lijken, - zie ook de uitspraken in dit verband van Elizondo, toch niet de eerste en de beste- dan is er een omwenteling op til die de mensheid nooit zal hebben meegemaakt. Stel u voor dat we al een geruime tijd bezocht worden door E.T.’s en dat men dit decennialang heeft verdoezeld en verzwegen...


(1) Een aanrader. Ook voor de meeste verstokte sceptici.

Laatst gewijzigd door Het Oosten : 6 september 2018 om 14:15.
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