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Coronacrisis het virus raast doorheen de wereld, met gevolgen voor interpersoonlijke relaties, mobiliteit, economie, gezondheid(sbeleid), ... Plaats hier de discussies over dit onderwerp.

Oud 21 januari 2021, 10:55   #1
Secretaris-Generaal VN
patrickve's schermafbeelding
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Standaard Sociale netwerken en wetenschap censuur.

Ik heb het aangehaald naar aanleiding van Trump propaganda, maar wat bijzonder "grappig" is, is dat Twitter zelfs links naar peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke artikelen censureert:


Is toch wel bijzonder, nee

(heb screenshot bijgevoegd, want wie weet halen ze het weg...)

In bijlage de "gevaarlijke" of "misleidende" inhoud...
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Laatst gewijzigd door patrickve : 21 januari 2021 om 10:59.
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Oud 21 januari 2021, 12:37   #2
Jan Janssen
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door patrickve Bekijk bericht
Ik heb het aangehaald naar aanleiding van Trump propaganda, maar wat bijzonder "grappig" is, is dat Twitter zelfs links naar peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke artikelen censureert:


Is toch wel bijzonder, nee

(heb screenshot bijgevoegd, want wie weet halen ze het weg...)

In bijlage de "gevaarlijke" of "misleidende" inhoud...
Dat is eigenlijk misdadig. Het volgende zou zijn dat op de wetenschappelijke sites de onderzoeken ook meteen verwijdert worden omdat ze niet passen in hun verhaal, en dus zelfs niet door andere wetenschappers kunnen worden gereviewed, want ook van die sites is er een eigenaar en eigenaars mogen blijkbaar zelf bepalen wat er mag of niet mag opstaan.

Laatst gewijzigd door Jan Janssen : 21 januari 2021 om 12:38.
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Oud 21 januari 2021, 12:40   #3
Secretaris-Generaal VN
patrickve's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Jan Janssen Bekijk bericht
Dat is eigenlijk misdadig. Het volgende zou zijn dat op de wetenschappelijke sites de onderzoeken ook meteen verwijdert worden omdat ze niet passen in hun verhaal
Of meer nog, dat ze er zelf niks tegen hebben, maar het voor hen zware imago en andere schade betekent als ze gecensureerd worden door Twitter, en zich dus "verplicht voelen" om die dingen weg te halen en te buigen voor de wensen van Twitter die hun reputatie zal bepalen.
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Oud 21 januari 2021, 13:25   #4
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Follow the science/philosophy - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m6ytEskCzg4
Zie, Ik heb u alles van tevoren gezegd!
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Oud 21 januari 2021, 17:56   #5
Europees Commissaris
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Moeten ze dan de Financial Times ook niet offline halen?
gertc is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 21 januari 2021, 18:00   #6
marie daenen
Geregistreerd: 2 december 2013
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Als politieker van formaat heeft alleen mutti op dat gevaar gewezen... Alle anderen met hun kop in het zand hebben enkel de loftrompet afgestoken...
marie daenen is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 22 januari 2021, 06:19   #7
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door marie daenen Bekijk bericht
Als politieker van formaat heeft alleen mutti op dat gevaar gewezen... Alle anderen met hun kop in het zand hebben enkel de loftrompet afgestoken...
Zolang het diende om trump te censureren was het allemaal in orde voor hen.

En nu begint men pas in te zien wat voor monster men heeft laten ontstaan.
denkimi is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 22 januari 2021, 06:40   #8
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Nadat ik een documentaire zag, vraag ik me af waarom ze ons vergif geven en wat echt werkt verbieden?
Tijd onze wereld en leven terug te eisen !

F een wetenschap dat enkel door censuur en vervolging zichzelf kan behouden. Het is regelrecht van the third reich.
F het establishment dat hiermee collaboreert!
Zie, Ik heb u alles van tevoren gezegd!
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Oud 22 januari 2021, 06:59   #9
Secretaris-Generaal VN
patrickve's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door denkimi Bekijk bericht
Zolang het diende om trump te censureren was het allemaal in orde voor hen.

En nu begint men pas in te zien wat voor monster men heeft laten ontstaan.
Inderdaad. En hetzelfde geldt voor de corona maatregelen.
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Oud 22 januari 2021, 09:08   #10
parcifal's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door patrickve Bekijk bericht
Ik heb het aangehaald naar aanleiding van Trump propaganda, maar wat bijzonder "grappig" is, is dat Twitter zelfs links naar peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke artikelen censureert:


Is toch wel bijzonder, nee
Wel, om een of andere reden plaatst Twitter die waarschuwing bij ALLE links naar artikels op http://www.ejmed.org

Het is ook enkel een waarschuwing, geen blacklisting of blokkering overigens, het is nog altijd perfect mogelijk om door te gaan naar het artikel.

Dat heeft dus waarschijnlijk niets met dit Ivermectine-artikel an sich te maken maar zijn er een aantal klachten binnengekomen over content op die website waardoor Twitter,nogal grof inderdaad, die waarschuwing nu standaard plaatst bij alle doorverwijslinks.

Veel conclusies kan je daar niet aan verbinden behalve dat Twitter worstelt met regulering en moderatie van goede en slechte tweets.
En dat is geen geheim noch groot nieuws.
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Oud 22 januari 2021, 09:12   #11
Secretaris-Generaal VN
patrickve's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 februari 2009
Locatie: Grenoble, Frankrijk
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal Bekijk bericht
Wel, om een of andere reden plaatst Twitter die waarschuwing bij ALLE links naar artikels op http://www.ejmed.org

Het is ook enkel een waarschuwing, geen blacklisting of blokkering overigens, het is nog altijd perfect mogelijk om door te gaan naar het artikel.

Dat heeft dus waarschijnlijk niets met dit Ivermectine-artikel an sich te maken maar zijn er een aantal klachten binnengekomen over content op die website waardoor Twitter,nogal grof inderdaad, die waarschuwing nu standaard plaatst bij alle doorverwijslinks.
Het komt wel degelijk door een initiele verwijzing naar dat artikel. Maar ik had daar enkel maar een beschrijving over gevonden op sites waar ik de informatie niet speciaal betrouwbaar noem.

Ze hebben trouwens, volgens die bronnen, een stap terug gezet, en nu enkel maar een warning geplaatst.


Zoals ik stelde, ik weet niet hoe betrouwbaar bovenstaande bron is, maar het klopt wel met wat nog waarneembaar is.

Veel conclusies kan je daar niet aan verbinden behalve dat Twitter worstelt met regulering en moderatie van goede en slechte tweets.
En dat is geen geheim noch groot nieuws.
Wel, dat is een universeel filosofisch probleem als je enkel "waarheid" zou willen toelaten. De paus dacht dat destijds ook. De weg van de waarheid door censuur is 1984, he.

Het is redelijk duidelijk dat Twitter denkt van de inquisitie van de WHO moeten te zijn, en hier en daar een beetje extra ijver aan de dag wil leggen. Het is zoals Facebook die reclame voor maskers verbood in maart he. En dat komt helemaal niet omdat ze toevallig nogal "wetenschappelijk" zouden te werk willen gaan, dat is gewoon de dynamiek die op gang gebracht is in hun strijd tegen Trump.

Er is een verschil tussen pure kwakzalverij en conspiratie, en praten over mogelijke geneesmiddelen die, om totaal onbegrijpelijke redenen, links gelaten worden door officiele instanties. Dat is in gang gezet met het (foutief trouwens) idee dat praten over HCQ kwakzalverij was te associeren aan Trumpisme waar deze netwerken nu als voornaamste "taak" genomen hebben om het op alle mogelijke manieren te bestrijden, zoals de katholieke kerk elke vorm van reformisme wilde in de kiem smoren. Hierdoor doen ze exact zoals destijds.

Laatst gewijzigd door patrickve : 22 januari 2021 om 09:17.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:17   #12
Europees Commissaris
vanderzapig's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 15 juni 2013
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We krijgen gaandeweg steeds beter zicht op de manier waarop ze mensen zoals de Schoof voor de gek hebben gehouden:

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Dan moeten ze er wel heel veel uitdelen. Want 99 procent van de modern-wetenschappelijke wereld is unaniem.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Je moet toch echt een keikop te zijn om, als 99 procent van de artsen en biowetenschappers de vaccinatie aanraden, daar niet op in te gaan.
The Telegraph rapporteert hoe de Britse overheid een geheime censuur-eenheid heeft opgericht om experts die niet mee in de pas lopen te censureren.

Exclusive: Ministers had ‘chilling’ secret unit to curb lockdown dissent



Critics of Covid restrictions targeted by counter-disinformation team at the heart of the Government

By Investigations team and Tony Diver, Whitehall Correspondent

2 June 2023 • 9:00pm

A secretive government unit worked with social media companies in an attempt to curtail discussion of controversial lockdown policies during the pandemic, The Telegraph can reveal.

The Counter-Disinformation Unit (CDU) was set up by ministers to tackle supposed domestic “threats”, and was used to target those critical of lockdown and questioning the mass vaccination of children.

Critics of lockdown had posts removed from social media. There is growing suspicion that social media firms used technology to stop the posts being promoted, circulated or widely shared after being flagged by the CDU or its counterpart in the Cabinet Office.

Documents revealed under Freedom of Information (FoI) and data protection requests showed that the activities of prominent critics of the Government’s Covid policies were secretly monitored.

An artificial intelligence firm (AI) was used by the Government to scour social media sites. The company flagged discussions opposing vaccine passports.

Many of the issues being raised were valid at the time and have since been proven to be well-founded.

The BBC also took part in secretive meetings of a government policy forum to address the so-called disinformation.

On Friday, MPs and freedom of speech campaigners condemned the disclosures as “truly chilling” and “a tool for censoring British citizens” akin to those of the Chinese Communist Party.

Much of the Government’s wider work on disinformation is shrouded in secrecy for “national security” reasons. Large parts of official documents are still redacted.

In America, Twitter has released similar information showing how the US government also introduced a secretive programme to curtail discussion of Covid lockdowns.

It can now be revealed that the activities of Prof Carl Heneghan, the Oxford epidemiologist who has advised Boris Johnson, and Dr Alexandre de Figueiredo, a research fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), were monitored by government disinformation units.

Molly Kingsley, who set up a campaign to keep schools open during the pandemic, also had her social activity monitored.

As well as the CDU, the Government operated a Rapid Response Unit (RRU) in the Cabinet Office that hunted online for content it considered disinformation.

The CDU, which is still operating, was embedded in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

The department has “trusted flagger” status at social media companies including Facebook and Twitter, which means that requests for content to be removed are fast-tracked for consideration.

In some cases, individuals whose social media posts were recorded by the units have subsequently faced sanctions by Twitter and Facebook. Ministers denied asking for posts by Prof Heneghan, Dr de Figueiredo or Ms Kingsley to be removed.

The Government has said that the CDU “is focused on helping the Government understand online disinformation narratives and understand attempts to artificially manipulate the information environment”.

The Government also ran a Counter-Disinformation Policy Forum, which brought together civil servants from the DCMS and technology giants - including Facebook and Google - as well as the BBC to discuss how to limit the spread of what was considered Covid-19 disinformation.

This forum and the two units were not the only way the Government tried to apply pressure on social media companies during the pandemic.

The Lockdown Files, published by The Telegraph earlier this year, revealed that Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, repeatedly lobbied Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister and now a Facebook executive, about vaccine misinformation.

Facebook has been open about its efforts to tackle misinformation about Covid. During the pandemic, it removed posts and in April 2020 alone put warning labels on about 50 million pieces of content.

The CDU was established in 2019 and was focused on the European elections before turning to focus on the pandemic.

During Covid, the unit worked closely with the Cabinet Office’s now defunct RRU, whose responsibilities included tackling “purported ‘experts’ issuing dangerous misinformation”.

The RRU has admitted in an FoI obtained by Big Brother Watch and passed to The Telegraph that it made requests for social media posts to be taken down.

As part of its work, the Cabinet Office also passed the CDU “media monitoring” reports.

Documents revealed that the material flagged to the CDU included articles published by The Telegraph.

One of these was a piece by Ms Kingsley published in February 2022, arguing that it was “indefensible” that children’s lives were still not back to normal when the rest of society was. She urged ministers to make a clear statement that children’s extracurricular activities should not be subject to additional curbs.

One of Ms Kingsley’s tweets from December 2020, in which she said it would be “unforgivable to close schools”, was also passed to the CDU.

Sir Gavin Williamson, then the education secretary, closed schools days later. However, he has since admitted that the decision caused a major row with Mr Hancock and that he considered resigning.

When the dispute was exposed by The Telegraph’s Lockdown Files investigation, Sir Gavin said the closure “wasn’t done for the right reasons” and that he regretted agreeing to it.

The RRU also logged articles by Prof Heneghan published in The Telegraph and The Spectator.

One of these questioned the science behind the rule of six – later abandoned by Government – and discredited the data used by the Government to justify the second lockdown.

He had social media posts about face masks and the accuracy of coronavirus death data removed after the technology giants raised concerns about Covid disinformation.

The CDU has also commissioned reports from an external artificial intelligence firm, Logically, which uses AI to trawl the internet.

The company has been paid more than £1.2 million by the DCMS since January 2021 for work that included helping to “build a comprehensive picture of potentially harmful misinformation and disinformation”.

In one of the firm’s reports for the CDU, a post by Dr De Figueiredo, the LSHTM researcher who also works for the Vaccine Confidence Project, was flagged.

He wrote: “People who think we should be mass vaccinating children against Covid-19 poorly understand at least one of the following: (a) risk, especially absolute risk (b) ethics (c) natural immunity (d) vaccine confidence (e) long Covid.”

When Dr De Figueiredo made the comment, the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation had opted not to recommend mass vaccinations for children.

Nadhim Zahawi, the former minister for Covid vaccines deployment, said he believed the Government included Dr De Figuerido’s tweet because of “c--k-up rather than conspiracy”.

He added in an interview for The Telegraph’s forthcoming podcast, The Lockdown Files, that the CDU was there to combat “clearly completely wrong or false information”.

Miriam Cates, a Conservative MP, said: “Any attempt by governments to shut down legitimate debate is hugely concerning, but to discover that DCMS actively sought to censor the views of those who were speaking up for children’s welfare is truly chilling.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that many of the foundations of our democracy – such as free speech and parliamentary scrutiny – were completely disregarded during the pandemic.”

Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch, said: “The very concept of ‘wrong information’ dictated by a central authority is open to abuse and should be considered far more critically, lest we mirror Chinese-style censorship.

“Whilst everyone would expect the Government and tech giants to act against foreign hostile disinformation campaigns, we should be incredibly cautious about these powers being turned inwards to scan, suppress and censor the lawful speech of Brits for wrongthink, as is shockingly the case right now.”

A Whitehall source said the comparison with China was “just plain wrong”.

The source added: “On the contrary, the unit was set up to counter the threats disinformation poses to, among other things, UK national security, much of which is spread by hostile states.”
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:18   #13
Europees Commissaris
vanderzapig's schermafbeelding
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Dr Alexandre De Figueiredo

Dr Alex de Figueiredo is the statistics lead at the Vaccine Confidence Project – an organisation dedicated to “ensur[ing] sustained confidence in vaccines”.

His work focuses on tracking the confidence of the public in vaccination programmes in order to improve public health, and he holds a research fellowship at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

By February 2022, Dr de Figueiredo had some reservations about the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation’s decision to vaccinate all healthy children.

“People who think we should be mass vaccinating children against Covid-19 poorly understand at least one of the following,” he tweeted, followed by a list of factors including “risk, including absolute risk,” ethics, vaccine confidence and long Covid.

The tweet mirrored debates happening inside and outside the Government about the long-term strategy of Covid vaccination, especially with respect to non-vulnerable people and levels of immunity in the population at large.

The policy was limited to six months, and was not renewed in August, with the effect that a cohort of five to 12-year-olds were jabbed but some of their younger peers were not.

A subject access request to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, seen by The Telegraph, shows that post was flagged as possible disinformation.

The department was originally alerted to the comment by Logically, an AI-powered tech startup hired by ministers at a cost of £1.2 million to hunt for disinformation online.

In reality, the firm flagged comments like Dr de Figueiredo’s – expressing legitimate and mainstream concerns about the Government’s lockdown and vaccination strategy.

Like most of those who have asked DCMS for their personal data relating to the Counter Disinformation Unit, Dr de Figueiredo has no idea what happened to the flag.

The Government has “Trusted Flagger” status with Twitter and other social media sites, which allows it to point out content it believes breaches the platform's terms of service.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:18   #14
Europees Commissaris
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Molly Kingsley

Molly Kingsley is a former lawyer and journalist who founded the children’s campaign group UsForThem after the beginning of the pandemic.

As the virus tore through Britain, Ms Kingsley lobbied ministers to keep schools open and prevent them from forcing children to wear face masks.

Her campaign took her into the national media and onto social media, where she tweeted and posted about lockdown measures and their impact on children.

After hearing of a government plan to monitor critics of its pandemic measures using “disinformation” teams to trawl the internet, she submitted a subject access request that would allow her to see what information was held on her by government departments.

One of her main campaigns was to keep schools open for as long as possible, and she warned in December 2020 that plans to close them for a second time would have a major impact on children’s education.

“It would be unforgivable to close schools,” she said on Twitter. “Whatever it takes, we need certainty that it will never happen again.”

Just days later, Sir Gavin Williamson, then the education secretary, took the decision for children not to return from the Christmas holidays.

He later admitted that the decision was the subject of a major row with Matt Hancock, then the Health Secretary, and he had considered resigning.

Ms Kingsley’s call for the schools to remain open was one of 24 comments flagged by the Government’s Counter Disinformation Unit in the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

“The suppression of dissent during the pandemic has probably been the single most damaging aspect of it,” she said.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:19   #15
Europees Commissaris
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Professor Carl Heneghan

An Oxford academic was censored by social media companies after expressing views which challenged the status quo during the pandemic.

Professor Carl Heneghan, who is a director of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, was censored by Facebook and Twitter after he shared work questioning the Government’s response to Covid.

In November 2020, Facebook took down a link to an article written by the epidemiologist and a colleague.

The article said “it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small” and appeared on the Spectator website.

It is understood that the social media giant also put a warning next to the article claiming it had been “checked by independent fact-checkers” who found it amounted to “false information”.

In March 2022, Prof Heneghan was banned by Twitter after he shared articles questioning the numbers of people who had died after catching Covid.

He said that when the article was shared, an “alert” flashed up saying: “Warning: this link may be unsafe. The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe.”

The professor received an email at the time saying his account had been “locked” because it was “violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to Covid-19”.

A spokesman for Facebook said that “there are a number of good health practices that public health authorities advise people to protect themselves from getting or spreading Covid. This includes wearing a face mask”.

They said that as “more information becomes available…we will continue to iterate on how we apply [our] policy”, including “claims about wearing a face mask”.

The company has previously said they use independent fact checkers.

Twitter did not respond to questions.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:20   #16
Europees Commissaris
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Keeping watch: Government teams tackling disinformation

Counter-Disinformation Unit

A cross-Whitehall team set up in 2019 to tackle “disinformation” around the European election. It has been reconvened several times over the last four years – again in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Its remit was expanded during the pandemic to include responding to “harmful misinformation” relating to Covid-19 alongside its routine work of analysing disinformation.

Counter-Disinformation Policy Forum

A group of social media companies, fact-checking organisations and academics, assembled ahead of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout with the aim of combatting mis and disinformation.

Members included Facebook, Google, the BBC Trusted News Initiative, YouTube, Twitter, Ofcom, the Global Disinformation Index, the Center for Countering Digital Hate and a number of university professors.

Rapid Response Unit

A team that was within the Cabinet Office that monitored news and online content that was considered to be misinformation. This was then flagged with the Counter-Disinformation Unit. It was wound up in July 2022. During its pilot in 2018 the service spotted “false narratives” relating to the chemical weapons attacks in Syria. The unit ensured those using search terms on air strikes were presented with fact.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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Oud 5 juni 2023, 18:50   #17
Provinciaal Gedeputeerde
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door vanderzapig Bekijk bericht

Keeping watch: Government teams tackling disinformation

Counter-Disinformation Unit

A cross-Whitehall team set up in 2019 to tackle “disinformation” around the European election. It has been reconvened several times over the last four years – again in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Its remit was expanded during the pandemic to include responding to “harmful misinformation” relating to Covid-19 alongside its routine work of analysing disinformation.

Counter-Disinformation Policy Forum

A group of social media companies, fact-checking organisations and academics, assembled ahead of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout with the aim of combatting mis and disinformation.

Members included Facebook, Google, the BBC Trusted News Initiative, YouTube, Twitter, Ofcom, the Global Disinformation Index, the Center for Countering Digital Hate and a number of university professors.

Rapid Response Unit

A team that was within the Cabinet Office that monitored news and online content that was considered to be misinformation. This was then flagged with the Counter-Disinformation Unit. It was wound up in July 2022. During its pilot in 2018 the service spotted “false narratives” relating to the chemical weapons attacks in Syria. The unit ensured those using search terms on air strikes were presented with fact.

Zo de goedgelovige idioten, die niet in staat zijn om nog zelfstandig te kunnen nadenken, te k@kken zetten.


Laatst gewijzigd door StV : 5 juni 2023 om 18:51.
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Oud 6 juni 2023, 21:11   #18
Europees Commissaris
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door StV Bekijk bericht
Zo de goedgelovige idioten, die niet in staat zijn om nog zelfstandig te kunnen nadenken, te k@kken zetten.
Dat is een werk dat nooit voltooid raakt hee
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
Het kan ook in scène gezet zijn hé.
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