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Geschiedenis Van de Romeinen tot 9/11...

Oud 23 december 2024, 19:56   #421
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.398

Nog wat beelden van de "Great Chicago Fire" :

Men vertelt ons dat houten voetpaden en gebouwen de brand voedde, maar ik zie allen steen...
En een bevolking die in volle paniek wegrent...
Wat gebeurde hier echt?
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 23 december 2024, 21:15   #422
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Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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A live stream exploration on Resets, examining what they are, the different types and how they shaped the past

Een geweldige exploratie! Hoe kan een gefrabriceerd narratief ons allemaal onze geschiedenis doen vergeten?

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 25 december 2024, 10:11   #423
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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The Breakers is a Gilded Age mansion located at 44 Ochre Point Avenue, Newport, Rhode Island, US. It was built between 1893 and 1895 as a summer residence for Cornelius Vanderbilt II, a member of the wealthy Vanderbilt family.

Je moet echt de virtual tour eens doen... Dit alles op 2 jaar in die tijd...

Je kan het ganse huis verkennen, stelt niet teleur...


OWE deed de tour met commentaar :


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 25 december 2024, 14:40   #424
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Kijk hiernaar! Zie je het verschil?

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 25 december 2024, 17:12   #425
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The Milan International was a world's fair held in Milan in 1906[1] titled L'Esposizione Internazionale del Sempione, or sometimes The Great Expo of Work.[2] It received 4,012,776 visits and covered 250 acres.

The fair opened on 28 April 1906, ran until 31 October[3] and marked the opening of the Simplon Tunnel. The fair was held in Sempione Park and Piazza d'Armi,[2] with the first location hosting fine arts displays and the latter industrial and engineering exhibits, along with the foreign pavilions.[

The International Commission on Occupational Health was founded at the Milan International and is still active; and the Milan aquarium was built, and is still standing.

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 25 december 2024, 18:43   #426
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Today we revisit this insane narrative that we are told, that everything happens within the last 300 years. We go further than ever before, exposing so many lies. Showing that it is not mathematically possible for the mainstream narrative to be true!

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 26 december 2024, 20:10   #427
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Wat is dit?
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 27 december 2024, 18:05   #428
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Een blik op 1 van "Robber Barons", Andrew Carnegie

In this video I take you on a tour of a good handful of libraries across the American continent. Looking more like temples for reading and the storage of books, is this a major part of the reset narrative? It appears to have been of utmost importance to stock the libraries of the western world with 'robber baron approved' content.



"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 27 december 2024 om 18:08.
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Oud 28 december 2024, 09:17   #429
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Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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In this video we take a trip to Rochester, New York State. Taking its place along the Erie Canal, does the historical narrative match what we see with our eyes? You be the judge...

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 28 december 2024, 09:47   #430
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Galveston, Texas, Ursiline Academy, deels begraven?
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 28 december 2024, 18:45   #431
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Wat zie je?

El Sillar, Tupiza, Bolivia

Al-Kharfi, located to the south of Taif in Saudi Arabia

In de berg gebouwd, of werd het de berg?

Triclinium, Siq el-Barid, Jordan

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 28 december 2024, 19:32   #432
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Hoe doe je dat met plaaster en hout? En dan al dat water?
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 28 december 2024 om 19:39.
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Oud 28 december 2024, 20:14   #433
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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The World Cotton Centennial (also known as the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition) was a World's Fair held in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, in 1884. At a time when nearly one third of all cotton produced in the United States was handled in New Orleans and the city was home to the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, the idea for the fair was first advanced by the Cotton Planters Association. The name "World Cotton Centennial" referred to the earliest-surviving record of export of a shipment of cotton from the U.S. to England in 1784.
The New Orleans Cotton Exchange was dit gebouw (al ergens getoond dacht ik) :

Een expositie onder radar, en ook niet officieel erkend als "wereld expo".

The Centennial covered 249 acres (101 ha), stretching from St. Charles Avenue to the Mississippi River, and was notable in that it could be entered directly by railway, steamboat, or ocean-going ship. The main building enclosed 33 acres (13 ha) and was the largest roofed structure constructed up to that time. It was illuminated with 5,000 electric lights (still a novelty at the time, and said to be ten times the number then existing in New Orleans outside of the fairgrounds). There was also a Horticultural Hall, an observation tower with electric elevators, and working examples of multiple designs of experimental electric street-cars.

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 10:26   #434
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Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark.

In 1904, Mutual Benefit pulled down the 1858 structure and commissioned a replacement through competition. The winner was architect George B. Post, who planned a neo-classical structure for eight stories, giant order Corinthian columns, and a $1,000,000 budget.
Dit is het eerdere gebouw :

After outgrowing previous locations at Broad and Market (from the 1845 founding to 1848), then another ten years in the Insurance Buildings on Market Street, the company built a headquarters at the corner of Broad and Clinton Streets in 1858.[10] The architect is unknown.
Uiteindelijk kwam er dit :

The company's uptown headquarters building at 300 Broadway in Newark was designed by locally important architects John H. & Wilson C. Ely. Finished in 1925, it's listed in the National Register of Historic Places. In the mid 1950s the building was sold to the Archdiocese of Newark and served as home to Essex Catholic High School until 1979. The building was again sold, and as of 2018 serves as a nursing home.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 12:06   #435
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MyLunchBreak :

Under the Necropolis, deel 1&2

Beneath the Earth lies a truth hidden for centuries—massive underground cities, ancient tombs, and networks of tunnels that defy everything we've been told. And this is just Part 1. From the Ming Tombs of China to the Saqqara Necropolis in Egypt, this episode uncovers the secrets of a forgotten, advanced civilization buried under layers of mud and sand. Why were these sites sealed, their discoveries hidden, and those who found them silenced? Prepare to have your mind blown as we reveal the untold story of the Old World—a story that changes everything you thought you knew about our past.


Beneath the surface lies a hidden world, a network of tunnels and secrets that challenges everything we thought we knew about history. In Under the Necropolis - Part 2, we explore the newly uncovered Puebla Tunnels—spanning over six miles and long dismissed as myth. These passages, connected to ancient churches and cloaked in mystery, reveal a civilization far more advanced than we’re led to believe. From hidden pyramids larger than Giza to stories that defy explanation, this episode will leave you questioning the official narrative. Are you ready to uncover the truth buried beneath?

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 15:11   #436
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Reverberation Bekijk bericht

Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark.

Dit is het eerdere gebouw :

Uiteindelijk kwam er dit :

Dit moest de eerste foto zijn, het gebouw van 1905 :

In 1904, Mutual Benefit pulled down the 1858 structure and commissioned a replacement through competition. The winner was architect George B. Post, who planned a neo-classical structure for eight stories, giant order Corinthian columns, and a $1,000,000 budget.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 15:52   #437
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Ofcourse, met de hand... en s'avonds met de ezel en kar naar de hut.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 19:37   #438
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.398

Iets anders :


Exploring stadiums across the United States. These so-called Cathedrals of wonderous spectacles and sporting events often tend to be overlooked due to the intense focus on the event. Many have an interesting official account behind their inception. What possible connections do they have to the Old-World or clues may they provide to older construction processes?


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 december 2024, 22:28   #439
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Dit is Berlijn, 1850 :

Dit is San Francisco, 1870, 20 jaar later :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 30 december 2024, 19:05   #440
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Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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The first of several explorations examining the Silk Road. This trade route existed for over 1000 years according to the primary historical account. Along the route are some tremendous cities with history and stunning structures that are over 1000 years old. What is the truth behind these structures? How were they constructed in remote areas that we believe were arid?



"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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