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Geschiedenis Van de Romeinen tot 9/11...

Oud 8 oktober 2024, 18:23   #261
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Enkel voor wie interesse heeft, een 2u durend gesprek :


Join JT and I as we explore the idea of the Millennial Reign & Satan's Little Season.

En LOL!!

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 8 oktober 2024, 19:05   #262
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

1905-1906, New Cotton Exchange, Liverpool, want ja...

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 8 oktober 2024 om 19:06.
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Oud 9 oktober 2024, 17:01   #263
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Notre Dame, 1855, Parijs, hij kan er niet bij... :

Pretoria, ZA, 1874, ze zitten er maar verloren bij :

Oost zijde US Capitol Building, 1864, kijk naar die bouwvakkers :

Chicago, 1883, The Fisheries Colonnade, een tijdelijke constructie :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 9 oktober 2024 om 17:20.
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Oud 9 oktober 2024, 17:51   #264
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

The Great Palace Company :


Heerlijk sarcastisch!

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 10 oktober 2024, 16:49   #265
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Woolworth Building NYC

Hibbing High School

Pabst Building Milwaukee

Een gesprek met Old World en Lucius :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud Gisteren, 15:55   #266
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

San Francisco :

Chinese Mission House, Washington Street :

Rare contructiekeuze...

Ingekleurde foto French Bank, Sutter&Montgomery Street :

Die straatlampen...

Looking up Market St. from near Ferry." San Francisco in the aftermath of the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906 :

Wat een gebouw moest dat geweest zijn...

Palace of Horticulture at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915 :

Tijdelijk en afgebroken...

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud Gisteren, 16:05   #267
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Enkele HD beelden uit NYC 1901 - 1920, zeker op klikken en inzoomen!

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud Gisteren, 17:21   #268
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Iemand nog ergens nen nieuwbouw van een station zien starten onlangs?

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud Gisteren, 18:24   #269
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.172

Nog een goed gesprek dat alles wat bij elkaar brengt :


Ze behandelen het stadhuis van Leuven en het Brusselse stadhuis oa, en veel meer ongelooflijke gebouwen.

Bijna 2u, dus enkel voor wie interesse heeft.

You're office is right around the corner my judge!


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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