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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 2 juli 2011, 00:51   #1
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44
Standaard Globale agenda het vervolg,

Dit is een Quote van 'the drunk guy at the bar'

"There is no future for our generations to come and our children if we tolerate this sick and corupt system that has degraded humanity to unseen proportions in history."

Voor wie niet mee is,


Voor we verdergaan, een korte analyse,

Zoals vermeld is er geen regering en is de huidige politiek en media is een complete ilusie. We kunnen na Griekenland concluderen dat deze luchtbel van schulden in stand gehouden door de IMF en wereldbank een mooi instrument is om ons tot complete slaven om te toveren. Verdeeld door religieuze en andere denkbeelden zijn we uiteindelijk allemaal slachtoffer geworden van een overkoepelend systeem dat onvermijdelijk zijn hoogtepunt heeft bereikt. Helaas zijn we niet meer in staat om los te breken van dit systeem dat uiteindelijk onze ondergang betekent. Onze ondergang is de huidige depopulatie agenda, een mens moet onder een steen leven om zich daar niet bewust van te zijn,

We staan voor een cruciaal punt in de geschiedenis. Hier zitten veel mensen in een cognitieve staat van ontkening, we zijn dan ook zeer verwend. Helaas is dit niet het geval in het globale gebeuren en staat dit ook haaks op wat we zien in de media, u voelt het vast ... aankomen,

De depopulatie agenda is nu in full swing, zoals mariane van de soap familie kan bevestigen,


Dit in combinatie met de komende rampen in de USA, Missouri rivier en New Madrid fault line die al zolang in opspraak is mogen we in de toekomst veel veranderingen verwachten.

We staan nu voor een punt in de geschiedenis dat er geen compromis meer mogelijk is, ofwel gaan we mee met de 'politieke wil' van de EU en staan we voor WW3 en een globale genocide, de NWO en een compleet fashistich systeem in stand gehouden door technologie, ofwel stort de boel in elkaar en beginnen we opnieuw.

Korte analyse in engels, focus USA,

1. Use of False Flag Terrorism: It is a known fact that Hitler staged the Reichstag fire to increase his power, and create popular support for his wars and discrimination policies. This tactic is commonly used by all sorts of governments: democratic governments, totalitarian governments, and religious governments. The U.S. government has used false flag terrorism to start wars and make people fear for their lives for a century or so. The two most famous false flag attacks are the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the 9/11 attacks.

2. Use of Preemptive War: Hitler’s assault on Europe began as a vision in his mind. He was never on the defensive. The same is true for the neocons’ assault on the Middle East. America is not fighting defensive wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Libya. The U.S. government is the aggressor, invader, and occupier. Throughout history all criminal aggressors have been beaten and destroyed because aggression invokes the self-defense instincts of good men. The men who are resisting U.S. occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan are not “terrorists” but heroes of their land.

3. Indoctrination of Children: This is where it gets weird. The current U.S. government is following in the Nazi government’s footsteps by brainwashing government agents as young as fourteen into believing that America is threatened by “right-wing extremists” and fed-up military veterans. In May 2009 the New York Times published a story called “Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More.” I see the picture in that article and I don’t think “great defenders of the law” but “army of death.” Hitler, like all tyrants, knew that when you build your army to conquer the world it is better to take troops while they are still young and impressionable. It is sickening that the U.S. government is following the same procedure.

4. Creation of Goon Squads And Secret Police: The TSA is a goon squad. It can only justify its existence by hyping the non-existent terror threat. But they are mild lab rats compared to private security guards, and the military police who will be activated once society breaks down and martial law is declared in America. The police and military in America have been trained and taught to do one thing: Kill The Enemy. They have been told to forget search warrants, the Constitution, and the rule of law. And who is the Enemy? Domestic terrorists, i.e. people who question the false narrative of 9/11, people who want to restore the U.S. constitution, people who want to end the private and foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank. In other words, patriots and freedom fighters.

5. Use of Propaganda, And Terms Like “Homeland Security”:Before any tyrant or group of tyrants can conquer the world they must first conquer the word. The art of rhetoric is not taught in school today because people would then be able to defend themselves against corporate and government rhetoric. The use of rhetorical propaganda to collectively brainwash the people and make them believe a false reality has been developed to a highly technical stage. Hollywood and the mainstream media are utilized by the Pentagon and the CIA to indoctrinate the American people and contaminate the culture with fake government storylines like the one about the 9/11 attacks.

6. Spying and Surveillance: Criminal regimes spy on the citizenry to create an atmosphere of paranoia and fear, as well as to obtain sensitive information for blackmail purposes. Every Western nation today has a covert and illegal surveillance program. Tom Burghardt is probably the best writer who is keeping tabs on the development of the global stasi state that is happening behind our backs. Read his article‘Perfecting Citizens the Stasi Way.’

7. Use of The Big Lie: It is easy to understand the immorality of totalitarian regimes if you begin with the big lie. Evil leaders think of themselves as above the people so they justify lying to the public on a grand-historical scale. The big lie about 9/11 is created and protected by criminal traitors like Philip D. Zelikow who have a totalitarian mindset and believe history should be stated managed. In the worldview of totalitarians like Zelikow, Bush, and Obama there is a dumbed-down history for the masses, and a higher history for the elite. This conception of the world is based in their belief that the masses don’t have a destiny, that they are here on Earth to eat, sleep, and work, not to decide government policy. Hitler had the same worldview.

8. State Repression and Intimidation of Activists and Patriots: When propaganda fails, the state’s repressive apparatus kicks in. Government agents in America and the West have been mentally enslaved and brainwashed into believing that the threat of terrorism is more dangerous than white collar crimes or government criminality at the highest levels. Intelligence agents and cops have been brought under the will of a criminal ruling elite and will be unleashed against “domestic extremists” and activists. If you resist the wars in the Middle East you’re considered a bad person. If you believe in freedom you’re considered an extremist. But don’t get mad at the cops and secret intelligence agents. They are trained to be slaves, to follow orders like dogs, to have no will and no independence. They don’t have any understanding of what has been done to America and the Western world. Read Kevin Gosztola’s article ‘Obama DOJ’s War on Free Speech & Activism,’ to learn more about the U.S. government’s suppression of dissent.

9. Demonization of Innocent People – Jews, Muslims, Christians (Right-Wing Extremists), Freedom Fighters: All tyrants and criminal governments dehumanize people before killing them and smear countries before invading, plundering, and occupying them. The Nazis dehumanized Jews to such an extent that it ended in genocide. Today, Arabs are demonized as “terrorists” to make their heroic resistance to occupation appear irrational and barbaric. The same tactic is being used against Americans who want to free America from the corrupt tyranny of the Federal Reserve, and anybody in the West who wants to get rid of the private banking occupation of Western governments.

10. Destruction of The Rule of Law And Civil Liberties: Breaking the law is the most barbaric act a government can do. A society goes to hell once it allows government officials to get away with breaking the law. What arises is Anarchy for the elite and Tyranny for the masses. This is the state in America and the Western world. But this two-tiered justice system won’t last forever. Anger and resentment will build up in the people over time until a tipping point in the crisis is reached when only a total revolution from below or a total war from above will resolve the conflict. Right now the evil traitors in the U.S. government are conducting a total war on the masses, which, according to Webster Tarpley, will culminate in mass murder and genocide. If a popular resistance movement within America does not rise to return the government into the hands of the people and restore the Constitution then the whole world will suffer a global tragedy.


combined with the banking system, focus un USA,

Step 1. Pass the 16th amendment creating a Federal Tax code that is paid directly to private banking families (the FED)!

Step 2. Create an IRS to go out and rough up anyone that doesn't want to pay up. aka the goon squad.

Step 3. Turn the courts upside down. Guilty until we prove that your guilty, then your guilty, and you go to banker family prison.

Step 4. Print money backed by the gold & Silver standard in order to destroy the gold and silver standard, leaving the banks the ability to print money into infinity, and purchase anything they want.

Step 5. Back the currency with the promise of the labor of your citizens. (aka slavery) Some call it taxation, but it is stealing of ones labor and freedom.

Step 6. Create a three pronged attack on money collection.
Tax the money out of them. Then since they don't have enough money left, lend them money that doesn't exist, and have them pay it back to you with interest. Then once they can't pay the loans on the money that was created out of thin air reposes their now real assets that were created with their signatures on loan papers and sell those for even more profits!

Step 7. Enslave the women too. Call it something else, like the womans liberation movement. Take all the mothers out of the house taking care of their families, and put them to work so we can tax them too. Then create day cares to take care of the brats which gives the banks even more money!

Step 8. Create huge unfundable and unsustainable social programs, this will make the banks look charitable, but what it does is create a group of people who love the new banking country where they get lots of free entitlements. Manta from heaven, (aka the labor of your fellow citizens).

Step 9. Create a system that is sure to collapse.

Step 10. Have a nation without boarders! Make sure our neighbor to the South is weak and corrupt, and our neighbor to the North depends on us for their defense. Destabilize the entire continent of South America.

Step 11. Make sure you take away their belief in God, and charity by taking away so much in taxes that no one can give to their churches. The churches lose strength, and funding. Replace all charitable things that the church historically provided with fiat money funded socialist programs courtesy of the Rothschilds & Morgans. (Banks becoming GODS)

Step 12. Gut the economic power of the United States, take away al their manufacturing power, limit their ability to be energy self-sufficient, feed them genetically modified foods, poison their gulf, export all their jobs, and leave them unable to take care of themselves. Make the USA WEAK!

Step 13. While your at it, throw a party and give them all drugs, lots of drugs, especially CIA grown Opium from Afghanistan! Get everyone strung out, and fried out of their ever loving minds. Better yet create a war and create the largest prison population per capita in the world. Filled with Drug war casualties. These people can be used to intimidate the rest. Pay up, or we'll let the evil drug users out prison!

Step 14. Create the laws themselves for the puppets you financed and placed in office to sign to see what is in them. You do understand they own both parties right? Write a health care bill that gives us 15,000 new IRS (Rothschilds) collection agents. Make not getting health insurance from a private individual a crime with penalties added to your federal income taxes and payed to the FED (Rothschilds Bank). And to make sure everyone is nice and healthy, track all gold and silver sales?

Step 15 Create the largest military power the world has ever seen. Send them out across the World in the largest show of force ever witnessed on earth, and make others pay for your protection. (Sounds like the protection they give us here at home, pay us or else).

Step 16. Create a boogie man. Someone you can chase into any nation on earth that will erase all boarders and give you global jurisdiction. Also a useful tool to keep your own slaves in line at home! Make them ghosts that can never be caught or defeated!

Step 17. Collapse the currency and the nation while stealing everything of real wealth. Take all their houses, buy their car companies, destroy all the little banks, buy up all the companies on Wall Street so that the largest investor on Wall Street is the Federal Reserve Bank (aka the rothschilds private family) all purchased with money backed by nothing, and the power you give them.

Step 18. Exempt all your rich banker friends from the tax code. Create a elite ruling class that is above all laws. Also exempt a few hand picked elite rich.

Step 19. Make sure all currencies around the entire world collapse at the same time. Make everyone believe that their phony debt is so large that they can't possibly make it without a global power, a global answer.

Step 20. Create an IMF world bank (the bunker) then once the system collapses, the IMF Bank will come in with their new global currency that will rescue us all. (Be warned if you ever let these criminals create a world currency and bank you will never again have a chance at freedom.)


Then a good depopulation plan and alot of bullshit on the internet and media,

UFO distractions, chemtrails, HAARP, astrologic alignment PSY OP alien doomsday, brainwash, psychotropy, artificial life and biological weapons, ecoli, geo engeneering, GMO's modified food, FEMA prep, New madrid, Psy ops Omerbashich fake elinin distraction, disarming of Europe, tension middle east, military build up china, more nuclear disasters, Total loss of freedom and total black out from all important events in mainstream media, cencoring the internet systematic, Anonymous set up, TSA Fashist cop departments, Enforcment of farma, IMF power swich, Predicted economic collapse, Attacking constitutialonists and the christians, NASA hidden agenda and disinformation, STUXNET, morgellons, DNA breakdown, mutation, radiation, volcano's erupting, CERN quantum russian roulette, economic collapse, poisenous metals, H1N1, AIDS variants, cloning, psychotropy mass controll, hypno an psy op slide's, fear control doomsday nuke events, implants, Sudden Unexplained death, DARPA, killer vacines and bad pharma, the blocking of natural herbs and cures, weather pentagram war toys, killer tornado's, project blue beam, serious increase in earthquakes and other manipulated weather conditions, Fukushima meltdown, racial and religious war provocation, erasing all culture and identity, NWO/Agenda 21, NEW age BS, Gulf of Mexico, DUMB's,


mailtje NVA over kernveiligheid, ik herhaal mezelf nog eens, in het huidig klimaat is het UTOPIE om kernenergie als veilig te beschouwen, dit is de reactie die ik gekregen heb, bekijk maar eens hoe ze direct verwijzen naar complot theorie, onheilsprofeten en andere, het is te gek voor woorden terwijl ik enkel de huidige ontwikkelingen onderlijn. Ik wil echter ook benadrukken dat we al geconditioneerd zijn voor komende kernrampen in de EU, ook een onderdeel van de depopulatie agenda, het komt eraan,

Geachte heer Dauw,

Bedankt voor uw bericht en uw opmerkingen.

Uw ongerustheid is begrijpelijk, maar er is zeker geen reden tot paniek. Bij elke grote gebeurtenis treden er altijd wel onheilsprofeten op de voorgrond en worden er complottheorieën uitgewerkt. Dat is waarschijnlijk een menselijke reactie op een grote schok waar men niet onmiddellijk een verklaring voor heeft. Maar deze problemen vragen om een degelijke, rationele analyse, geen emotionele voorspelling van het einde van de wereld.

De gebeurtenissen in Japan zijn zeer ernstig en zetten ons aan om onze eigen veiligheidsmaatregelen te evalueren en bij te stellen waar nodig. De economische crisis heeft hiermee niets te maken en heeft ook geen enkele invloed op de nucleaire veiligheid.

Japan en kernenergie

Naar aanleiding van de nucleaire problemen in Japan is het debat over kernenergie alom aanwezig. In België is er actie vooral uit groene en socialistische hoek. In het buitenland werden ondertussen eveneens drastische stappen genomen. Merkel sloot bijvoorbeeld de 7 oudste centrales in Duitsland.

Magnette verklaarde dat België alle centrales zal onderzoeken op vlak van veiligheid. Tot de uitslag van deze stresstests bekend is (verwacht binnen enkele maanden) wordt de discussie uitgesteld. Hij geeft hiermee uitvoering aan een aanbeveling van de Europese Commissie. Magnette had ook kritiek op Duitsland en stelde dat dergelijk unilaterale beslissingen problemen kunnen vormen voor de energiebevoorrading van de EU.

Reactie N-VA:

In 2003 werd beslist om een graduele kernuitstap door te voeren. Tegen 2025 moeten alle kerncentrales worden gesloten. De bouw van nieuwe centrales is verboden. Uitstel van kernuitstap kan wanneer de bevoorradingszekerheid in het gedrang komt.

De partij heeft nog geen definitief standpunt maar het lijkt er op dat de uitstap zal moeten herzien worden. Het is triest dat men de rampen in Japan vandaag aangrijpt om het debat te voeren. Dit debat moet integendeel op een objectieve en rationele manier worden gevoerd, wars van alle emoties.

Ik hoop dat u hiermee wat meer toelichting heeft over de visie van N-VA. Een werkgroep binnen N-VA heeft net een uitgebreide brochure over het thema ‘energie’ afgewerkt. U vindt deze hier terug: www.n-va.be/energie.


Huidige ontwikkelingen en nucleaire veiligheid,


Ik schrijf deze mail niet voor mij persoonlijk maar voor het welzijn van alle mensen, Ik zal proberen enkel de feiten te presenteren, Ik engageer mij uit bezorgdheid, bezorgdheid voor mezelf, mijn geliefden en alle mensen. Ik hoop dat U toch even 5 minuten mijn standpunten overweegt, Ik probeer enkel feiten te geven los van grotendeels speculaties,

Evolutie STUXNET, link naar Japan en Iran, en mogelijke onbekende factoren, mogelijk verspreiding van andere varianten,

Enorme verandering van klimaat, toename vulcaanactiviteit, toename aardbevingen en zoveel meer, Het noorden van de US is een mooi voorbeeld, daar is er nu blijkbaar ook al een probleem in Misouri met een kerncentrale en de enorme vloed daar,

Evolutie Fukushima is niet gunstig en we zitten in een melt-troug dacht ik, volgens veel bronnen erger dan Chernobil,

Het paper Van dhr Omerbashich,

Earthquakes due to astrologic alignment and M6 anomaly,

De data van de alignments komt overeen met de data van FEMA voorbereiding van de US en is ook gekoppeld aan de waarschuwing die NASA naar hun personeel heeft gestuurd, dit zou eventueel ook kunnen bevestiging geven van eventueel nog ergere weersomstandigheden of andere in de nabije toekomst. In de US is er veel ophef geweets over de 'new madrid fault line' de gevolgen beginnen nu te komen.

Los van deze standpunten zijn er nog andere ongunstige evoluties. Ik vraag daarom om deze trend goed in de gaten te houden. Deze dingen die ik heb opgesomd zijn recent en het is de accumulatie van al deze evenementen in een relatief korte periode doet mij zorgen maken voor de veiligheid voor mij en de mensen in mijn omgeving.

Daarom vraag ik ook aan U om even stil te staan bij deze ontwikkelingen, want we zien nu al fenomenen in US en in Japan, Japan is erg, Hoelang zal het duren voor Europa volgt? Ik vraag U voor het welzijn van iedereen om dit te bekijken,


Recente ontwikkelingen van 2 kerncentrales in US langs de Misouri rivier,


Vriendelijke groeten,


Our world is at the edge of collapse,

Technology that we know of is nothing compared to what the new global event poses, it will even simulate many prophecies trough technology. Most modern technology was designed to distract us, RFID, body scanners are a mid level technology to hide the real agenda and keep us busy.

It will come to a point that psychotropy, psy op, hypno and imprint techniques will go up to where ppl will go nuts or destroy themselves or others.

The system will keep running smooth as human kind disintegrates, there is total control over power distribution ans artificial enviromental stimula, such deceptions even as small as streetlights shining at daylight or as big as holographic projections,


Aliens dont bleed,

Bankers and politician do,

Let it burn,
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Oud 2 juli 2011, 01:31   #2
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

Class 6 - preindustrial (up to 1880 for Earth)

Class 5 - Pre-technological - no that game boy and those computers and the internet are not really 'technological' they are mere toys. On a galactic civilization stage, we are not even invited to the party.

Class 4 - Technological level 1: This includes the ability to modify weather, generate geothermal power, and harvest wind and solar with such efficiency that the need for fossil fuels, hydro and nuclear on the planet is non existent. Such a civilization would have mastered weather to the point where the whole planet's surface would be arable, without icy parts and burning parts (glaciers and wastelands).

Class 3 - Able to modify whole planets. For humans, once we get to Mars and terraform it (give it an atmosphere, not remold the surface).

Class 2 - Able to modify the physical features of a planet to where one glance from outer space you can see the hand of the civilization. Such a civilization would drain whole oceans, level mounts, build large islands (the size of Iceland), they would master plate technonics to the point where not only could they predict earthquakes well in advanced (years in advanced) they would also be able to prevent them from happening.

Class 1 - Able to move whole planets around like a child moves blocks in their nursery.

For us to be that advanced we would be able to move Venus out a bit further and then move Mars to orbit it, creating a binary planet system that we would terraform and mold and shape, giving them oceans.

Beyond that the mind boggles and we leave the realm of 'merely civilized' and enter into 'Gods' where the species is able to create and destroy whole solar systems, able to move suns, able to build Dyson spheres around suns.

At Class 4- That civilization would have mastered space travel. For earth this means by the time we have reached the ability to manipulate the energies needed to modify weather, we would have the energy needed to easily have the moon and Mars colonized, with a serious foot hold in the asteroid belt.

It all boils down to the amount of energy a species can manipulate. We barely generate any energy at all, definitely no where what is needed to modify weather.

2010 - It was chemical (Corexit and Oil)
2011 - It was nuclear
2012 - It will be man-made biological.
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Oud 2 juli 2011, 01:37   #3
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

We live in dark, but also hopeful times. The future of mankind is up in the air. Either the oligarchical traitors and zionist bankers will survive and rule the planet through a dictatorial world government, or the people will recognize their crimes against humanity and peacefully overthrow them.
radmerdauw is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 2 juli 2011, 01:41   #4
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

Nuke plants Missouri,

Disregarding many theories, there has been alot of controverse about these area's. It seems now the real problems are manifesting, one could expect more trouble ahead eighter geo or weather,

I think this is now one of the most acute threats to the majority of the American people,

I urge the people to take some time and try to post news facts on more mainstream channels, make a mailing list, collect links, put attention on these subjects, Try to organise to have a accurate view on these events. Urge for better protective measures and a close evaluation of all the nuke plants, near misouri river and the New Madrid Fault line

Combined with the radiation of Fukushima this could end up in a situation that wil affect you and generations to come. Stick with the facts, there is enough going on to make people think,
radmerdauw is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 2 juli 2011, 01:46   #5
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

Overzichtje gebeurtenisen in Juni,

For the first time in three years, seven tornadoes touch down in Massachusetts. Four people are killed and 200 more are injured. Three twisters hit Springfield, Mass., and destroy several buildings.

BATANGAS, Philippines – Another 200 tons of fish have died in Talisay, Batangas Tuesday night after a sharp decrease in oxygen levels in Taal Lake, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said.

SAUDI ARABIA – A Saudi farmer who went into his barn to take his 300 sheep on their daily pasturing was shocked when he found them all dead,

PARIS – France is now on heat-wave alert after the hottest spring since 1900 has left water tables down and farmers struggling to feed their livestock.

Chile — U.S. monitors say a magnitude-6.4 (6.1) earthquake has struck just off the shore of central Chile

AUSTRALIA – An earthquake has hit the Grampians National Park, near Ararat, in western Victoria. Geoscience Australia says the earthquake measured approximately 3.8 on the Richter scale.

On Bittersweet Farm in Stratham, New Hampshire, Mitt Romney announces his presidential run. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, does not mention any potential Republican rivals, focusing instead on casting himself as the right candidate to face Obama and fix the country's still troubled economy. This is Romney's second run at the presidency. He has emerged as an early front runner in a weak field.

KAMCHATKA – An active volcano on Kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East of Russia is currently spewing plumes of ash at a height of up to 9 km, local media reported on Wednesday.

BOSTON, Ma – Several tornadoes touched down in Massachusetts Wednesday afternoon, killing at least four people and damaging property across more than a dozen communities.

Saleh agrees to leave Yemen only after his condition gets worse. Saleh arrives in Saudi Arabia to receive urgent medical treatment for injuries sustained in the attack. Saleh's quick departure surprises Yemenis and concerns the United States. Al Qaeda and other jihadists appear to already be exploiting the unrest to solidify their base in Yemen.

SANTIAGO (Reuters) – A volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles into the sky and prompting the government to evacuate several thousand residents, authorities said.

ARGENTINA – An earthquake swarm has erupted around Neuquen, Argentina. 8 moderate magnitude earthquakes have struck the region in rapid succession: three 4.7 earthquakes, two 4.6 quakes, and two 4.8 earthquakes, and the strongest a 4.9 quake

WASHINGTON – Honeybee colonies in the United States reduced in number by 30 percent over the 2010-2011 winter

Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh barely survives an attack when a mortar shell or rocket hits the mosque at the presidential compound where he and other government officials are praying. Saleh and a half dozen other officials are wounded. Saleh claims he's fine in a two-minute audio message, but his words are slurred as if he is under sedation. The Ahmar family, opposition leaders whose militia has been fighting Saleh's troops for nearly two weeks, is blamed for the attack.

Syrians pour into streets, creating some of the largest antigovernment protests despite a brutal government crackdown that has killed more than 1,000 people. The protests are fueled by anger over the torture and killing of Hamza al-Khateeb, a 13-year-old boy. Marches are dedicated to him and other children who have been killed during the uprising. The protests continue even though Syria's internet has been shut down. As with other uprisings in the region, the internet has been a critical tool in organizing protests.

MEXICO CITY — The Popocatepetl volcano that towers over Mexico City is rumbling again. The 17,886-foot (5,450-meter) mountain shot a blast of ash about 2 miles (3 kilometers) above its crater at dawn Friday.

TOKYO – A 6.3 earthquake has struck just off the coast of Sendai, north of Tokyo.

MAD WORLD- Suddenly, the world is a very scary place and is becoming more like the broken, decaying, dystopian world in science-fiction films none of us ever imagined would become a reality.

MEXICO -The offshore 5.4 quake struck at a depth of 97.1 km.
Over the past few days, amateur astronomers have recorded some of the most photogenic solar activity in years.

SULLIVAN Mo – A minor earthquake shook southeast Missouri early today (Tuesday), according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake, which occurred at 3:10 a.m., measured at a magnitude of 4.2.

CHILE – Flames reach up to the heavens as lightning flashes criss-cross the sky. These extraordinary images show the full force of Mother Nature as a Chilean volcano erupts for the first time in 50 years.

LIMA, Peru— An earthquake that Peruvian authorities initially put at a magnitude of 5.0 has shaken the southern Peruvian city of Tacna.

What is happening to our Sun? NASA scientist explains unprecedented eruptive solar event on the Sun

WASHINGTON – In the event of nuclear war, a powerful meteor strike or even a zombie apocalypse, the thoroughly protected doomsday plane is ready to keep the president, secretary of defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and other key personnel in the air and out of danger.

Uruguay — As many as 600 Magallan penguins have been found dead on Uruguayan coasts; scientists are investigating why so many penguins have died on their way to Brazilian waters.

WICHITA, Kansas — Last night Wichita experienced a very rare weather phenomenon known as a “Heat Burst.” At 12:22 a.m. the temperature at Wichita’s Mid-Continent Airport was 85 degrees. At 12:44 the temperature spiked to 102

WASHINGTON – The U.S. is approaching a financial crisis worse than 2008, Jim Rogers, chief executive, Rogers Holdings, warned CNBC Wednesday.

CHILE – Chileans can’t seem to catch a break these days. Less than a week after Chile’s Puyehue volcano erupted, forcing thousands to evacuate, a freak storm hit another part of the Andean nation

NAMIBIA – Reports and photographs of the snowfall circulated rapidly and widely across the Internet and inboxes bulged with rare images depicting snow in areas usually associated with heat and dust, not biting cold

Due to record snow and rainfall earlier this year, flooding continues to be a problem in the Midwest. The Missouri River breaches a levee on the Missouri state border causing flooding. Six hundred people who live on the south side of Hamburg, Iowa are ordered to evacuate their homes within 24 hours.

CHRISTCHURCH, Nz – A 5.0 (5.5) earthquake has struck outside the city of Christchurch on the south island of New Zealand once again.

A deadly E. coli outbreak in Germany has been linked to domestic sprouts. The farm, in northern Germany, where the sprouts are grown has been shut down. This rare strain of toxic E. coli causes bloody diarrhea and in extreme cases acute kidney failure and death. Twenty-two people so far have died from the outbreak, with 2,153 people ill and more than 600 of them in intensive care.

ANTARCTICA – A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has been recorded near MacQuarie Island just north of Antarctica.

Somali Soldiers kill Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the leader of Al Qaeda in East Africa and the mastermind behind the American Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Mohammed and another militant are killed in a shootout after mistakenly driving up to a security checkpoint in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital.

Two fires in Arizona merge into one runaway 600-square-mile blaze that continues to elude over 3,000 firefighters. Investigators believe that the fires may have been started by two unattended campfires. Thousands of residents leave their homes for evacuation centers. The Wallow Fire, named after the Bear Wallow Wilderness in the Apache and Sitgreaves National Forests, continues to burn despite the number of firefighters and an estimated $15 million spent so far.

HELENA, Montana (Reuters) – A harsh winter has stranded more than 2,500 pronghorn antelope at Montana’s Fort Peck Reservoir and nearly all are expected to die this summer,

GUANGZHOU, China (UPI) — At least 23 people are dead from flooding and landslides as Sarika, the year’s third tropical storm, lashed China, officials said.

KUWAIT CITY – Contrary to the claims of the Environment Public Authority (EPA), the Kuwait Society for Protection of Environment says fish are continuing to die in large numbers in the Arabian Gulf waters,

Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic eruption heats Nilahue River-leads to death of 4.3 million fish

PACIFIC - A powerful earthquake has shaken the seafloor under the Molucca Sea. The USGS registered the earthquake as a 6.4 magnitude with a corresponding depth of 13.7 km

CHRISTCHURCH, NZ – A 6.0, a 5.5 and a 4.6 magnitude quake has been reported right outside Christchurch.

Eritrea – The Anabro (Nabro) volcano in the Northern Red Sea Region of Eritrea in Africa has erupted sending an ash plume more than 15 kilometers into the sky.

MOSCOW (UPI) — Locust swarms are devouring crops in the Astrakhan region in Russia, causing officials to declare a state of emergency for the area. The locusts have already affected about 19,768 acres or cropland,

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake was reported in the New Britain region of Papua New Guinea.

VANCOUVER — Roving bands of anarchists and troublemakers bent on havoc set fires, broke windows and whipped up booze-fuelled mobs to create the worst riot in Vancouver’s history,

A 5.5 magitude earthquake has occurred in the Eritrea region of Ethiopia where the Nabro volcano is presently erupting.

“Lately, the Sun has been behaving a bit strangely,” declare Lika Guhathakurtha (NASA) and Dan Baker (U. Colorado) on the opinions page of yesterday’s New York Times.

A 12 km deep, 4.9 magnitude earthquake (the third in a week) has been reported just south of the Lake Toba caldera

CHILE – Normally, this region would raise many eyebrows particularly if Chile wasn’t already experiencing a volcanic eruption with the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex. However, our gaze turns to northern Chile with today’s 5.1 magnitude earthquake

MOSCOW (UPI) — The Kizimen and Karymsky volcanoes on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula spewed ash and gas, accompanied by earth tremors, a Russian science agency said Friday.

The Wallow Fire still burns through east Arizona and neighboring New Mexico, becoming the largest fire in Arizona's history.

Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords is released from the hospital after being shot point-blank in the head outside a local grocery store in Tucson on Jan. 8. Since the shooting Giffords has been relearning how to walk and talk in a Houston rehabilitation hospital. The rehab will continue on a daily outpatient basis. Her discharge from the hospital is a major milestone in her recovery.

ASTANA — Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday joined the Chinese and Russian leaders in a rare encounter at a summit in Kazakhstan, where he launched a new attack on the “slavers and colonizers”

Syrian forces regained control over Jisr al-Shoughour, crushing a mutinous alliance of armed civilians and soliders there. The seize on the norther Syrian town caused thousands of residents to leave, most of htem fleeing to Turkey.

SOLOMON ISLANDS - People of central Marovo lagoon in the Western have baffled over the sightings of dead fish floating in the lagoon since the weekend.

Eritrea - Two5.7, a 5.4, 5.1 and a 5.0 magnitude earthquake by a swarm of nine other quakes has struck the Eritrea region near Ethiopia along the Great Rift Valley at a depth of 10 km.

MOSCOW – Russia is voicing concern about a U.S. warship now just off its shores in the Black Sea. The guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey, which is taking part in annual joint military exercises conducted by NATO

ARIZONA – The devastating wildfire sweeping through Arizona has become the worst ever in the state’s history.

Severe hailstorm leaves many Kansas wheat fields in ruins: Spring storms are wreaking havoc on farmers’ fields in Sedgwick county.

KANSAS CITY, MO – The swollen Missouri River washed over and punched through levees in northwestern Missouri early Sunday, spurring authorities to urge about 250 nearby residents to leave their homes.

ARIZONA – Firefighters across the southwestern United States on Sunday could face some of the worst weather conditions of the season for battling blazes currently raging across the region.

BEIJING – More than 5 million people have been displaced or otherwise affected by flooding in eastern China that is also pushing up food prices, state media reported Sunday.

Jerusalem's municipal council has approved the expansion of 2,000 homes in the settlement district of Ramat Shlomo, allowing each home to add a room, the interior ministry says.
The Ramat Shlomo neighbourhood lies in an area of Arab east Jerusalem, which Israel captured during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed in a move not recognised by the international community.
Israel considers Jerusalem to be its undivided capital, but the Palestinians, with the support of much of the international community, want to make east Jerusalem the capital of their future state.
The Palestinians have refused to hold talks while Israel builds on land they want for their future state, and negotiations have remained on hold since late September 2010 because of the issue.
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Oud 2 juli 2011, 02:33   #6
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

Aangerien onze artsen slechts een tool zijn van de Farma industrie raad ik ook iedereen aan om zich te informeren over voeding, straling en detox,

En ja hoor, er is een oplossing voor radioactiviteit, er zijn er zelf meerdere,


After the horrible earthquake in Japan, that has caused all this damage to many of the nuclear reactors that are operating in that country, radiation is now spreading worldwide. With high levels of radiation being released into the atmosphere on a continuous basis, it will have a devastating effect on the lives of most living creatures. But once again if used properly high quality hemp oil can provide a solution that will be of great help to mankind in alleviating this situation. For years I have been telling the public, that every man woman and child on this earth, should be taking small doses of this oil everyday to maintain good health. With all the radiation that is now entering our atmosphere, it is basically urgent, that we now all start ingesting this oil as soon as possible to undo the damage this radiation will cause. Through my experience with the use of this oil, I have found that there is nothing more effective or more harmless that can reduce the damage caused by radiation. I have seen patients that were suffering from cancer who were badly damaged by the effects of radiation treatments, that were able to completely eliminate the damage in a short time. Some who have come to me that had radiation treatments, were burned so badly by its effects that their shin looked like red leather. After ingesting the oil treatment their skin went back to its normal healthy state and the radiation burns disappeared completely. If the oil can do this for someone that was badly damaged by such so called medical treatments, would its use not be effective to combat the effects of the radiation, now emanating from Japan.

There are thousands of reasons why the medicinal use of the cannabis plant, should never have been restricted in the first place. But now with the menace that all this escaping radiation presents, we would have to be insane to turn our backs on the use of hemp extracts to help us all deal with this situation. I truly feel sorry for the misery the people of Japan are now going through and if nothing can be done to stop the radiation from escaping, they may loose their homeland entirely. Don’t be fooled by government double talk, radiation is an invisible but dangerous threat to the well being of us all and only a complete fool would try to say otherwise. The wondrous medicinal effects of properly produced oil from the cannabis hemp plant are finally being recognized once more worldwide. This is just one more reason, we must begin to start growing this plant on a grand scale and it is time that we all told our governments that we have had enough of their nonsense. Our very lives and the lives of coming generations, plus the well being of many other species are at stake and its now up to us, to determine what future mankind is to have.
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Oud 2 juli 2011, 03:24   #7
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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radmerdauw is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 2 juli 2011, 03:55   #8
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

Morgellons is also a real phenomenon, and has been going on also for some time now. Although it is spreading, it is not wildfire and it is not mass killing - but it is bloody awful and is being deliberately and studiously ignored by the powers that be, in terms of public recognition and the questions it would raise

LABELING the victims as "crazy" is a tell-tale sign that there is something more here. This has been their pattern from day one regarding reports of anything "other-worldly".

Whether chemtrails is linked to morgellons is anyone's guess. that is something that time and more research will reveal,


Will Storr
The Guardian, Saturday 7 May 2011

.. Sufferers are adamant morgellons fibres in skin samples, or are *everyday materials the more likely explanation?

It all started in August 2007, on a family holiday in New England. Paul had been watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix with his wife and two sons, and he had started to itch. His legs, his arms, his torso – it was everywhere. It must be fleas in the seat, he decided.

But the 55-year-old IT executive from Birmingham has been itching ever since, and the mystery of what is wrong with him has only deepened. When Paul rubbed his fingertips over the pimples that dotted his skin, he felt spines. Weird, alien things, like splinters. Then, in 2008, his wife was soothing his back with surgical spirit when the cotton swab she was using gathered a curious blue-black haze from his skin. Paul went out, bought a £40 microscope and examined the cotton. What were those curling, coloured fibres? He Googled the words: "Fibres. Itch. Sting. Skin." And there was his answer. It must be: all the symptoms fitted. He had a new disease called morgellons. The fibres were the product of mysterious creatures that burrow and breed in the body. As he read on, he had no idea that morgellons would turn out to be the worst kind of answer imaginable.

Morgellons was named in 2001 by an American called Mary Leitao, whose son complained of sores around his mouth and the sensation of "bugs". Examining him with a toy microscope, Leitao found him to be covered in unexplained red, blue, black and white fibres. Since then, workers at her Morgellons Research Foundation say they have been contacted by more than 12,000 affected families. Campaign group the Charles E Holman Foundation states there are sufferers in "every continent except Antarctica".

Sufferers include folk singer Joni Mitchell, who has complained of "this weird incurable disease that seems like it's from outer space... Fibres in a variety of colours protrude out of my skin: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral. Morgellons is a slow, unpredictable killer – a terrorist disease.

More: On his laptop, a grim parade of images flicks past. There are sores, scabs and nasal hairs, each magnified by a factor of 200. In each photo there is a tiny coloured fibre on or in his skin.

"Is it an excrement?" he asks. "A byproduct? A structure they live in?" A waitress passes with a tray of salad as he points to an oozing wound. "Is it a breathing pipe?"

...Wymore arranged for fibre analysis at the Tulsa police department's forensic laboratory. Moments into his tests, a detective with 28 years' experience of this sort of work murmured, "I don't think I've ever seen anything like this." The morgellons particles didn't match any of the 800 fibres on their database, nor the 85,000 known organic compounds. He heated one fibre to 600C and was astonished to find it didn't burn. By the day's end, Wymore concluded, "There's something real going on here. Something we don't understand at all."


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Oud 2 juli 2011, 13:03   #9
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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a bump for Obama, "Yes we can."

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Oud 2 juli 2011, 21:10   #10
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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Fukushima is an ELE in progress. The scale of that disaster is still yet to be determined only because it is still in progress.



next up,


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Oud 3 juli 2011, 00:41   #11
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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A swarm of jellyfish has caused the closure of two reactors at a nuclear power plant in Scotland. The plant, at Torness, uses seawater as a coolant; but the jellyfish clogged filters in the intake pipes, prompting operators to shut down the reactors until the filters could be cleared. The notion of jellyfish as nuclear reactor incapacitators isn't without precedent. For example, in 2006, jellyfish blocked the filters at a reactor in Japan, which shut down automatically. Two years later, a similar event caused the manual shutdown of the Diablo Canyon plant in California. In 1999, the temporary jellyfish-enforced closure of a nuclear plant in the Philippines plunged 40 million people into darkness and sparked rumors of a coup d'etat. Although jellyfish in the water are a natural hazard, they are a hazard that may be becoming more common. A 2008 National Science Foundation report was titled "Jellyfish Gone Wild" and concluded that environmental circumstances are tilting into jellyfish's favor. It noted, for example, that jellyfish are among the only creatures that can adapt to ultra-polluted, oxygen starved waters known as Dead Zones, which are increasing in number and area; that the over-harvesting of fish removes jellyfish predators and fish that eat the same food as jellyfish; and that increasing water temperatures may expand the species' geographic and seasonal ranges. This last point was underlined in a recent report that highlighted increasing blooms of some jellyfish in the northeast Atlantic. Operators of the Torness plant say there is no danger to the public and that they expect the reactors to be operational again next week. Meanwhile, they, and plant operators elsewhere, will be keeping an eye out for further jellyfish swarms and for anything else that might cause an obstruction: such as the seal that, two weeks ago, found itself trapped after chasing fish into the water intake chamber of a plant in England

Une explosion sur le site près de la centrale de Tricastin a provoqué une épaisse fumée noire. 2 juli,

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Oud 3 juli 2011, 18:20   #12
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
atmosphere's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 januari 2009
Berichten: 19.735

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door radmerdauw Bekijk bericht
Aangerien onze artsen slechts een tool zijn van de Farma industrie raad ik ook iedereen aan om zich te informeren over voeding, straling en detox,

En ja hoor, er is een oplossing voor radioactiviteit, er zijn er zelf meerdere,


After the horrible earthquake in Japan, that has caused all this damage to many of the nuclear reactors that are operating in that country, radiation is now spreading worldwide. With high levels of radiation being released into the atmosphere on a continuous basis, it will have a devastating effect on the lives of most living creatures. But once again if used properly high quality hemp oil can provide a solution that will be of great help to mankind in alleviating this situation. For years I have been telling the public, that every man woman and child on this earth, should be taking small doses of this oil everyday to maintain good health. With all the radiation that is now entering our atmosphere, it is basically urgent, that we now all start ingesting this oil as soon as possible to undo the damage this radiation will cause. Through my experience with the use of this oil, I have found that there is nothing more effective or more harmless that can reduce the damage caused by radiation. I have seen patients that were suffering from cancer who were badly damaged by the effects of radiation treatments, that were able to completely eliminate the damage in a short time. Some who have come to me that had radiation treatments, were burned so badly by its effects that their shin looked like red leather. After ingesting the oil treatment their skin went back to its normal healthy state and the radiation burns disappeared completely. If the oil can do this for someone that was badly damaged by such so called medical treatments, would its use not be effective to combat the effects of the radiation, now emanating from Japan.

There are thousands of reasons why the medicinal use of the cannabis plant, should never have been restricted in the first place. But now with the menace that all this escaping radiation presents, we would have to be insane to turn our backs on the use of hemp extracts to help us all deal with this situation. I truly feel sorry for the misery the people of Japan are now going through and if nothing can be done to stop the radiation from escaping, they may loose their homeland entirely. Don’t be fooled by government double talk, radiation is an invisible but dangerous threat to the well being of us all and only a complete fool would try to say otherwise. The wondrous medicinal effects of properly produced oil from the cannabis hemp plant are finally being recognized once more worldwide. This is just one more reason, we must begin to start growing this plant on a grand scale and it is time that we all told our governments that we have had enough of their nonsense. Our very lives and the lives of coming generations, plus the well being of many other species are at stake and its now up to us, to determine what future mankind is to have.
Een dergelijke grote claim zal toch echt goed aangetoont moeten worden !
“It's only terrorism if they do it to us. When we do much worse to them, it's not terrorism.”
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Oud 3 juli 2011, 18:24   #13
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
atmosphere's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 januari 2009
Berichten: 19.735

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door radmerdauw Bekijk bericht
De depopulatie agenda is nu in full swing, zoals mariane van de soap familie kan bevestigen,
Waarom neemt de wereldbevolking dan nog steeds toe ?
“It's only terrorism if they do it to us. When we do much worse to them, it's not terrorism.”
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Oud 3 juli 2011, 22:29   #14
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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The British newspaper The Guardian has obtained emails showing that government officials conspired with the nuclear industry to downplay and coverup the Fukushima nuclear disaster to prevent damage to the nuclear power industry.

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Oud 4 juli 2011, 00:20   #15
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door atmosphere Bekijk bericht
Waarom neemt de wereldbevolking dan nog steeds toe ?
Geduld ... het komt,

This is information about our freedom, health and survival. Exposing the lies that the mainsteam media and elite try to shove down our throats. I'm showing alternative views to the generally accepted unquestioned crap they shove at us. What you do with the information and how you percieve it is YOUR choice, something which if the elite have their way you wont have (choice). Remember this, those that have questioned the world and all around them have usually been punished for it, once to say the world was round was a crime punished by the catholic church but those who have questioned and looked for answers and the truth have always proven that things are not always as they seem!

No compromise for the future of our children.
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Oud 4 juli 2011, 18:36   #16
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
atmosphere's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 januari 2009
Berichten: 19.735

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door radmerdauw Bekijk bericht
The British newspaper The Guardian has obtained emails showing that government officials conspired with the nuclear industry to downplay and coverup the Fukushima nuclear disaster to prevent damage to the nuclear power industry.

Natuurlijk wil men het negatieve nieuws over die ramp zo veel mogelijk beperken en geen slapende honden wakker maken.

Dit zegt verder niets
“It's only terrorism if they do it to us. When we do much worse to them, it's not terrorism.”
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Oud 5 juli 2011, 01:20   #17
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door atmosphere Bekijk bericht
Natuurlijk wil men het negatieve nieuws over die ramp zo veel mogelijk beperken en geen slapende honden wakker maken.

Dit zegt verder niets
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door atmosphere Bekijk bericht
Natuurlijk wil men het negatieve nieuws over die ramp zo veel mogelijk beperken en geen slapende honden wakker maken.

Dit zegt verder niets
Word dan maar eens wakker 'slapende hond' en leg jij misschien uit aan onze kinderen wat er zo 'Natuurlijk' is aan radioactiviteit, hoe veilig het is en dat het zeker niet in onze voedselketen terechtkomt.


Konijnen hebben een kortere levenscyclus, volgende slachtoffers zijn pasgeborenen,


"The world is a evil place, not because of evil men but because of the ignorant monarch programmed zionist tools"
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Oud 5 juli 2011, 18:24   #18
Geregistreerd: 21 mei 2011
Berichten: 44

The dominos are set to fall,


But they need to fall in the right order,



And i mean the right order,


e.t.a. of the extinction level event US,

-- 28 oct. --

"They cant finalize agenda 21 until they take America."
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Oud 5 juli 2011, 18:40   #19
Geregistreerd: 5 juli 2011
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Klaag en zaag, het is al te laat.
Simple_Mind is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 5 juli 2011, 18:53   #20
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2011
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Simple_Mind Bekijk bericht
Klaag en zaag, het is al te laat.
nee nog niet! m e n s e n w o r d w a k k e r .

Velen zijn al uit de coma aan het komen!
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