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Bekijk profiel: Eric Verhulst
Eric Verhulst Eric Verhulst is offline
Eric Verhulst's schermafbeelding
Laatste activiteit: 16 oktober 2006 23:44 

... the end result is that you are left with an extremely homogenuous group that looks down on er even dispises outsiders. Cults exclude people, obey heroes, become dogmatic and develop a crocodile syndrome – no ears but really a big mouth. It happened to David Karresh and his followers in Waco, Texas. It happened to Chancellor Helmut kohl and the CDU in Germany, and it will probably happen again. Beware. (from Karaoke Capitalism – management for mankind.). www.WorkForAll.org

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Geregistreerd: 21 maart 2004
Totaal aantal berichten: 486 (0,06 berichten per dag)
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Eric Verhulst is geen lid van een openbare groep

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