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Wetenschap & Technologie Van grondstoffen tot afgewerkt product, oude en nieuwe ontdekkingen, ... + de relatie tot de mens, macht, ...

Oud 23 september 2024, 11:44   #1
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.871
Thumbs up BRAIN IS A QUANTUM BIO-COMPUTER, FB, The Meta-Rational Think Tank




01) Ja, ik schrijf dit in het engels omdat het toch een internationale taal is en het nederlandstalig taalgebied is KKK Apartheid en Racisme dus ik zal binnenkort een hard offensief moeten lanceren tegen de KKK/ Nazi Blanken in Nederland en Belgie, inzake mijn Radicale project Expansie FB SS, doch het is wel 100 % Ahimsa en de NIET Blanke, NIET ARische Quantum Bio-computer in mijn hoofd zal overuren draaien komende jaren. Er zal sowieso nu een harde en pijnlijke rassenoorlog uitbarsten in Nederland en Belgie en het is helaas een natuurlijke ontwikkeling.

02) Zie onder, ongelooflijk, leuke facebook groep gevonden, The Meta-Rational Think Tank
Groep (Openbaar)
5,9 d. leden
Ja, helaas ik ben een lagere kaste surikoelie aapje met viesbruine apenkleur ok, en zaterda 21 september 2024 werd mij toegang geweigerd en ik ben keihard weggejaagd bij een Arya Samaj Hindoe tempel, Mandir van ASAN Den Haag, in Den haag aan de 1st vd kunstraat, dus later zal ik deze discriminatie zaak afhandelen, en het gaat om mijn zichtbaarheid als Gammafiel en Seksueel Verruimde, 100 % geboren heterofiele Surikoelie manspersoon, met heterofiele piemeltje. Ja ik wil dit heel exact pennehoeren, ook openbaar omdat een Quantum Bio-Computer dit inderdaad zo moet doen.

03) Dit is baanbrekend onderzoek inzake onze hersenen ok en ook de hersenen van Katten, Honden, ratten , muizen, mieren, bijen enz moeten precies zo werken denk ik nu, dus nu kan ik Wieroe (RIP 09.09.2022) beter begrijpen.

======================== mijn reactie
The Meta-Rational Think Tank
Groep (Openbaar)
5,9 d. leden

Waldo Wieroe Phagalwa
This gives a boost to my selfimage as a psychiatric patient, now I regenerated, am 58 and 'life is better than no life', according to Aliens and captain Koenig from Space 1999. // Amazing research, I always had the feeling that there must be a link with Entanglement and now I see the harder proof, great RESEARCH, thanks a lot.

1 min



Shaun Higgins - Public
· 16 u ·
I propose that quantum entanglement occurs naturally within the brain’s architecture.
If consciousness is a sequence of events, as the frequency of conscious moments change, increasing when stimulated or excited, perceived conscious experience may slow down.
As events are irreversible, ratchet-like steps in spacetime, there is both a conscious perception and reality of a unidirectional flow of time in the classical world.
It is indeed speculative, but could consciousness be due to quantum state reductions which create the flow of time?
The answer is yes, and contrary to what mainstream science has published, this concept has repeatedly proven itself through the process of reliable evidence in the results of completely separate studies and experimentation.
Calculations show that nerve fibres in the brain could emit pairs of entangled particles, and this quantum phenomenon might explain how different parts of the brain work together.
Only quantum interactions help brain cells stay in syncretic alignment?
Nerve fibres in the brain produce pairs of particles linked by quantum entanglement.
This is backed by my own experimental observations, it is a phenomenon that explains how millions of cells in the brain synchronise their activity to make it function.
Most scientists have resisted the concept that quantum physics plays any role in the brain, this is due to ignorance or misinformation.
There are known mechanisms by which quantum entanglement impacts neural synchronisation and cognition.
Myelin is an insulating layer, or sheath that forms around nerves, including those in the brain and spinal cord.
It is made up of protein and fatty substances.
This myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along the nerve cells.
These myelin sheaths, together with cytoskeletal microtubules interact with infrared photons that are produced within the brain.
These photons, though not directly observed, originate from chemical reactions in neurons’ mitochondria.
When a brain is active, millions of neurons fire simultaneously.
Mathematical models demonstrate how infrared photons collide with myelin sheaths and impart energy to the chemical bonds within these structures.
This interaction leads to the emission of two photons, with many pairs potentially being entangled.
This entanglement could facilitate rapid communication between different brain regions, enhancing synchronisation.
Cytoskeletal microtubules inside brain neurons “orchestrate” entangled quantum superpositions which terminate to produce discrete moments of full conscious experience.
Consciousness, as a concept, is still a great mystery, but we now understand how the brain is capable of such synchronicity, with millions of separately localised interactions joining in one coherent result.
This could explain the instant connection with a singularity.

Kritisch Podium Dewanand

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