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Geschiedenis Van de Romeinen tot 9/11...

Oud Vandaag, 07:58   #241
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.144

Een blik op Birmingham, UK :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud Vandaag, 09:38   #242
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.144

Nog even terug naar Boston :

An exploration of one of the oldest municipalities in the United States, Boston. An original colonial city that we are informed played a great role in the Revolutionary War. There are many examples of Old-World architecture within Boston. Perhaps one of the most enigmatic and amazing buildings of all exists in this city if we are to believe the official historical account behind it.
Zeer de moeite, met nog meer intregerende foto's van de grote brand.

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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