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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 23 april 2020, 10:02   #1
Karel Martel B
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Karel Martel B's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 15 mei 2010
Berichten: 11.673
Standaard Goed nieuws: Theresa Halsa gestorven aan kanker


The Palestinian Authority, the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Palestinian factions, and official and popular bodies mourned the Jordanian Fatah member, Theresa Halsa, who died at age of 65 of cancer.

The Executive Committee issued a statement saying Halsa was the head of the Association for the Affairs of the Wounded of the Palestinian Revolution and continued her dedicated struggle since the early 1970’s while carrying Palestine in her heart.


Theresa became famous [sic] for her participation in hijacking an Israeli plane in 1972, Sabena 571, which was headed from Brussels via Vienna to Lod Airport.


Years before her death, Halsa told the Israeli newspaper Maariv that she doesn’t regret the operation.
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Oud 23 april 2020, 10:05   #2
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Jay-P.'s schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 april 2014
Berichten: 21.861

Is heel jouw Herstal nu in rouw?
...que quand les soirs d'orage des chinois cultivés me demandent d'où je suis,
je réponds fatigué et les larmes aux dents: "Ik ben van Luxembourg".
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Oud 23 april 2020, 17:29   #3
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 9 augustus 2005
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Jay-P. Bekijk bericht
Is heel jouw Herstal nu in rouw?
Dat ventje negeren...
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Oud 23 april 2020, 18:01   #4
Another Jack
Geregistreerd: 8 augustus 2007
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Jay-P. Bekijk bericht
Is heel jouw Herstal nu in rouw?
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