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Claude Marinower (VLD) - 22 tot 28 januari °4/12/1954, Advocaat en Volksvertegenwoordiger voor de VLD sinds 2003, zetelt onder meer in de Commissie Justitie.

Oud 29 januari 2007, 03:16   #1
Geregistreerd: 4 januari 2007
Berichten: 1.605
Standaard Elke dag excuses aan Irak uit naam van de amerikaanse bevolking...

Dit soort posts staan dagelijks op www.aljazeera.com
en zijn geschreven door amerikaanse burgers

"We should have NEVER invaded Iraq. On behalf of American population, I would like to apologize and send my condolences to the entire Iraqi population. We Americans never wanted this war. We knew it was not to "FREE" the Iraqi people. This was for Israel and Oil. We Americans know that, and are truly sorry for our Governments action who is also controlled by Israel. Sending more troops will not make anything better. We know that. But Bush is an evil man and very confused. He doesn't know right from wrong and is only a robot to his Israelli friend. I would say that over 90% of Americans are agasinst this war. Sadly our media is controlled by the government and they will always rig the polls to make it look like we support Bush and War... This is FALSE.. Sorry for Iraq, Sorry for Afghanistan and sorry for the upcoming war with Iran. We know Iran is not a threat, we just want their oil and prevent them from switching to the Euro.."

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