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Oud 22 mei 2017, 19:25   #1
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.763
Standaard Mercedes bouwt "serieuze" batterijfabriek

Mit dem neuen Accumotive-Werk soll sich die bisherige Logistik- und Produktionsfläche für die Batterieproduktion in Kamenz laut Daimler auf insgesamt rund 80.000 Quadratmeter vervierfachen. Derzeit beschäftigt Accumotive dort etwa 350 Mitarbeiter. Läuft für Daimler und Accumotive alles nach Plan, könnte sich ihre Zahl bis 2020 mehr als verdoppeln.
en verhoogt zijn logistiek en productieruimte x 4 tot 80.000 m²...

Dus nog altijd véél kleiner dan Tesla Gigafactory die wslk > *1,25 miljoen m² gaat halen indien volledig af. In januari 2017 was al 455.000 m² klaar (30%), op meerdere etages, en de productie al bezig:

Aktuell ist die Gigafactory noch eine große Baustelle. Erst 30 Prozent des Fabrikgebäudes sind fertiggestellt, das entspricht 175.000 Quadratmeter und 455.000 Quadratmeter auf mehreren Ebenen, darunter ist auch eine Recycling-Fabrik für alte Batterien, deren Ersatzteil in neuen Akkus verwendet werden. Insgesamt wird die Gigafactory mit knapp 530.000 Quadratmetern Fläche das größte Produktions-Gebäude der Welt sein.
Tesla maakt natuurlijk niet alleen batterijen voor zijn E-wagens, opslagsystemen zoals powerwalls en powerpacks, ook E-motoren en aandrijflijn van de autos, ook de "recyclage" gebeurt daar.

Ook volgens deze *bron
While the footprint of the building is 5.8 million square feet, the total planned floor space will be *13.6 million square feet, according to a report from Bloomberg. This is because some parts of the building will be broken down into four stories.
13600000 Square Feet = 1263481.344 Square Meters

Maar eigenlijk is de eerste "grote" batterijfabriek in Europa het topic...
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 22 mei 2017 om 19:53.
Micele is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 25 mei 2017, 20:07   #2
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.763

Naja Mercedes interesseert niemand...

Dan maar Tesla of andere merken die batterijfabrieken bijbouwen

Tegen 2020 zou de productie tov 2016 met 521% stijgen...

In Thailand zou er ook een Gigafabriek komen, goed voor 50 GWh extra per jaar., zie link

Momenteel leiden "de Chinezen" zoals te verwachten met 108 GWh/jaar, euh dat zal dus tegen 2020 zijn? :

Men ziet dat het in Europa nog serieus hapert... Polen komt aan 5 GWh in 2020 gepland, een blokje = 1 GWh/jaar.
LG Chem investeert in Polen: https://www.automobil-produktion.de/...abrik-102.html


Li-ion battery production is the backbone of the electric vehicle revolution and supply will have to increase significantly over the next few years to support the growth.

Tesla has the most ambitious plan with Gigafactory 1 having the same capacity as the entire industry at a single location, but the world will need 100 of those to transition to electric transport and renewable energy.

A few other companies have now announced similar plans. The latest one is a 50 GWh battery factory in Asia.

Thailand-based Energy Absolute Pcl, a company developing solar projects, confirmed that it is preparing to spend up to 100 billion baht ($2.9 billion) on an important battery factory project that could produce up to 50 GWh of li-ion batteries per year.

CEO Amorn Sapthaweekul told Bloomberg this week that they have been in discussions for locations in 4 different countries, but they would prefer to stay local:

“We will choose just one location for the manufacturing plant. We would prefer to have the plant in Thailand, which will be beneficial for the country’s development. Still, we need to see clear government policy.”

The company already has a minority stake in battery cell manufacturer Amita Technologies Inc., but this new project will bring more battery capacity than the company has ever seen and complement their renewable energy projects.

They plan to announce the location by the end of the next quarter and have the first phase of the plant in operation by the end of 2018.

Not unlike Tesla with Gigafactory 1, they plan to build the factory in phases. The first phase will have a capacity of 1 GWh. They plan to first supply electric utilities for energy storage in order to stabilize electric grids in Asia, but they are also considering supplying electric vehicle manufacturers.
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 25 mei 2017 om 20:35.
Micele is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 13 juni 2017, 12:32   #3
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.763

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Hoofdstraat Bekijk bericht
Die Gigafactory vangt wel een deel op maar gaan we ooit wel helemaal elektrisch kunnen gaan vanwege een tekort aan batterijen?
Minstens 100 "Gigafactorys" zullen dan wel nodig zijn:

The Tesla Gigafactory produces lithium ion batteries, supporting the Tesla vehicles and providing low-cost batteries using alternative energy sources. And, in a recent video, CEO and founder Elon Musk was actually quoted as saying:

“We actually did the calculations to figure out what it would take to transition the whole world to sustainable energy. You’d need 100 Gigafactories.”
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38
Micele is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 5 juli 2017, 17:48   #4
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.763

Daimler gaat Tesla achterna en investeert nu ook in batterijfabriek in China:
( ze mo€ten wel)
Ik verwacht dat nog andere Europese automerken gaan volgen, China legt namelijk EV-quota's op, zodoende dat ze daarnaast verder ook benzinehybrides en normale benzines mogen verkopen.
Automakers need zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020.

Daimler announces new $740 million battery factory in China for Mercedes-Benz’s EVs
Fred Lambert - Jul. 5th 2017

It’s the first major project as part of Daimler’s new investments in electric vehicles through its joint-venture with BAIC in China.

Markus Schäfer, Member of the Divisional Board of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain, commented on the announcement:

“Building another premium eBattery factory is the next step in the implementation of our electric strategy. Thus, we have the first foreign location in our global battery production network. The local production of batteries is crucial in order to meet the demand for electric vehicles flexibly and efficiently,”

While Daimler is making significant investments in battery production, they are still not producing battery cells. Like the one in Germany, the new factory will produce battery modules and packs, but they will be sourcing the cells from elsewhere.

The German automaker wouldn’t confirm from which supplier, but they did say that the cells will be sourced from China.

Berenberg Bank analyst Alexander Haissl recently expressed doubts about the sourcing strategy of traditional automakers:

“Clear visibility about high-volume cell-sourcing strategies continue to elude traditional manufacturers, although we expect announcements for large facilities to eventually emerge to resolve the key issue of battery supply constraints,”

Daimler will be able to choose from several different battery cell manufacturers to supply its new factory. Several companies, like Panasonic andCATL, have been building battery cells factories in China.

Hubertus Troska, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Greater China, also commented on the announcement:

“We are investing in the world’s largest market for Battery Electric Vehicles, By 2025, the Chinese market will have a substantial share in sales of Mercedes-Benz electric vehicles. Therefore, local production will be key to the success of our EV portfolio, and crucial to flexibly serving local demand for electric vehicles.”

They expect production at the new facility to start in 2020.

The news comes just as Tesla confirmed working with the Shanghai Government to establish its own manufacturing facility in the region.

A clear rush to invest in electric vehicles is happening in China. Tesla wants to tap into what is now the world’s biggest auto market and legacy automakers are speeding up their plans to match the country’s ZEV mandate. Automakers need zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020.
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 5 juli 2017 om 17:49.
Micele is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 12 juli 2017, 22:16   #5
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.763
Standaard Steeds meer werkvolk...

Gigafactory 1 lijkt voor de helft afgewerkt aan de buitenkant...



Met elke afgewerkte module kan de productie opgedreven worden.

De bedrijfsoppervlakte over 3-4 verdiepingen gaat +1.260.000 m² bedragen, en er zouden tegen 2020 ca. 6500 werknemers zijn:

While the footprint of the building is 5.8 million square feet, the total planned floor space will be 13.6 million square feet, according to a report from Bloomberg. This is because some parts of the building will be broken down into four stories.

Once the factory is finished in 2020, it will house some 6,500 employees.

Tesla aims to only use renewable energy to power the factory.
The factory will create all of the energy it needs.
Solar panels will line the roof of the factory and additional panels will be placed on surrounding hilltops to capture more energy.
The company will also utilize geothermal and wind power to meet energy demands.

Rail cars full of raw material will come into the factory from the mines and come out as batteries.
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38
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