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Wetenschap & Technologie Van grondstoffen tot afgewerkt product, oude en nieuwe ontdekkingen, ... + de relatie tot de mens, macht, ...

Oud 25 oktober 2021, 21:22   #1
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.871
Talking Geological Study Shows That The Great Sphinx Of Giza Is 800,000 Years Old!

Geological Study Shows That The Great Sphinx Of Giza Is 800,000 Years Old!

1) onduidelijk is of dit nou absoluut waar is, erosie door water is waargenomen aan de onderkant van het sphinx beeldje en nu is dit dus een heel mysterie, hoe kan dit beeldje nu dan 800.000 jaar oud zijn, sedert pleistoceen?? Onbegrjjpelijk?

2) Of is een groot blok steen uit het Pleistoceen dus later uitgesneden dat reeds deze erosie bevatte aan de onderkant??

3) Archeologie ontdekt nu duizenden mysterieen uit verleden. IK weet het ook niet meer ok. Wij als intelligente aapjes kunnen onze Eigen Vectoriele WAARHEIDS Ruimte zelf ontwerpen ok, en het op elk moment totaal veranderen, zo werkt het concept van een 100 MD Intel Wezen.

------------------------------------ 100 % citaat hele tekst, online de foto's


Geological Study Shows That The Great Sphinx Of Giza Is 800,000 Years Old!

The Giza Plateau is one of the most spectacular and mysterious places on Earth. There we can find the Great Sphinx and the ancient construction that attracted researchers since its discovery, and to these days, no one has been able to date its origin.

Geological Study Shows That The Great Sphinx Of Giza Is 800,000 Years Old!

The Giza Plateau is one of the most spectacular and mysterious places on Earth. There we can find the Great Sphinx and the ancient construction that attracted researchers since its discovery, and to these days, no one has been able to date its origin.

According to two Ukrainian scientists, the Sphinx is more than 800,000 years old. These two scientists, Manichev Vjacheslav and Alexander G. Parkhomenko tried to overcome the Orthodox interpretation of Egyptology. The problem and difficulty of dating the construction of the Great Sphinx still exist. However, new scientific methods and new geological approaches make the task less complicated.

These two scientists claim that water from the great lakes played an essential role in forming depressions. The similarity of the erosion forms and the geological structure of the sedimentary rock suggest that the destruction of the system was due to the energy of the waves.

Geological literature confirms the existence of scattered lakes in the areas bordering the Nile, which could explain the Sphinx erosion. However, the presence of these lakes dates back to the early Pleistocene. Does that mean that the Great Sphinx already existed before then?

“The absolute marking of the upper large erosion cave of the Sphinx corresponds to the water surface level reached in the early Pleistocene. The Great Egyptian Sphinx had thus already stood on the Giza plateau at this geological (historical) time.” Manichev Vjacheslav & Alexander G. Parkhomenko.

Kritisch Podium Dewanand

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