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Wetenschap & Technologie Van grondstoffen tot afgewerkt product, oude en nieuwe ontdekkingen, ... + de relatie tot de mens, macht, ...

Oud 20 december 2022, 23:37   #1
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.871
Exclamation Waterstofproduktie met geluid technische doorbraak

Waterstofproduktie met geluid technische doorbraak

ziehier ongelooflijk, er is al patent hierop aangevraagd en dit betekent misschien een waterstof revolutie binnen tien jaar.
14 maal hogere waterstof produktie met geluid van 10 MHz

het kan zijn dat men lang geleden al in oude beschavingen de geluidstechnology op een hoog niveau had ontwikkeld en hiermee kon men oa de piramiden bouwen
oude kunstwerken van graniet in oude india zijn met een onbekende technologie gemaakt

De huidige Technologie Revolutie begon in Nazi Duitsland met de straalmotor, polymeren, hoge waterstofproduktie en een 100 % kenniseconomie in heel Nazi europa. Toen was er al een Europese Unie olv adolf hitler. in theorie hadden Aliens dus Nazi Duitsland in hun macht denk ik nu. NIet normaal wat daar op technisch gebied is ontwikkeld binnen periode van 1933 tm 1945, 12 jaar tijd dus Nazi Duitsland.



Engineers use sound waves to boost green hydrogen production by 14 times
Sound waves make it much easier to extract hydrogen from water.
Deena Theresa
Deena Theresa
Created: Dec 14, 2022 04:41 AM EST

Researchers at the RMIT University in Australia have figured out an innovative, promising way to increase the production of green hydrogen by 14 times - by employing sound waves through electrolysis to split water.

According to the engineers, their invention could significantly reduce green hydrogen production costs.?*

"One of the main challenges of electrolysis is the high cost of electrode materials used, such as platinum or iridium," RMIT associate professor Amgad Rezk, who led the work, s

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"Electrode materials used in electrolysis suffer from hydrogen and oxygen gas build-up, forming a gas layer that minimizes the electrodes’ activity and significantly reduces its performance," said Ehrnst, a Ph.D. researcher at RMIT’s School of Engineering.

Professor Leslie Yeo, one of the lead senior researchers, said that the breakthrough was a huge step toward using the "new acoustic platform" for other applications.?*

"Our ability to suppress bubble build-up on the electrodes and rapidly remove them through high-frequency vibrations represents a major advance for electrode conductivity and stability. With our method, we can potentially improve the conversion efficiency leading to a net-positive energy saving of 27 percent," said Yeo from RMIT’s School of Engineering.

However, integrating the sound-wave innovation with current electrolyzers to scale up the work is a challenge the team needs to work on.

Study Abstract:

A novel strategy utilizing high-frequency (10 MHz) hybrid sound waves to dramatically enhance hydrogen evolution reactions (HER) in notoriously difficult neutral electrolytes by modifying their network coordination state is presented. Herein, the practical limitations associated with existing electrolyzer technology is addressed, including the need for highly corrosive electrolytes and expensive electrocatalysts, by redefining conceptually-poor hydrogen electrocatalysts in neutral electrolytes. The improvement in HER performance is attributed to the unique capability of the intense local electromechanical coupling arising from the acoustic-forcing to ‘frustrate’ the tetrahedrally-coordinated hydrogen bond network of water molecules at the electrode–electrolyte interface, resulting in the generation of a high concentration of “free” water molecules that are more readily able to access catalytic sites on the unmodified polycrystalline electrode. Together with the other synergistic effects that accompany the acoustic excitation (e.g., hydronium ion generation, convective relaxation of diffusion mass transfer limitations, and prevention of bubble build-up and their removal from the electrode), the resultant overpotential reduction of 1.4 V at ?100 mA cm?2?*and corresponding 14-fold increase in current density, together with a net-positive energy saving of 27.3%, showcases the potential of the technology as a scalable platform for effectively enhancing the efficiency of green hydrogen?*production.

Kritisch Podium Dewanand

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