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Wetenschap & Technologie Van grondstoffen tot afgewerkt product, oude en nieuwe ontdekkingen, ... + de relatie tot de mens, macht, ...

Oud 4 mei 2024, 00:04   #1
dewanand's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 april 2005
Locatie: delft
Berichten: 4.861
Talking gigantische oceaan gevonden 700 km diep in de aarde

gigantische oceaan gevonden 700 km diep in de aarde

Gigantic ocean triple the volume of all of Earth's surface oceans has just been found


01) Eigenlijk is het simpel denk ik, er ontstaat continu waterstof door chemische en nucleaire processen in de aardkern en vloeibare mantel en dit reageert in de diepte continu met zuurstof en zo ontstaat dus continu H2O, water denk ik.

02) Precies zo ontstaat er continu goud uit lood na nucleaire reacties diep in de aardkern, en het kan zelfs zo zijn dat er daar kernfusie en kernsplijtings processen plaatsvinden, die continu hitte produceren.

03) Veel weet men nog niet 100 % zeker, zie onder dit is geen fictie. Er is een hele grote oceaan diep in de aardkern, 700 km diep, en daar zit driemaal zoveel water in als al het water aan het oppervlak. ONgelooflijk.

04) ongelooflijk maar waar. Er is teveel om te weten voor mij gedurende deze korte manifestatie cyclus van mijn Atma. Ik ben misschien eind dit jaar 2024 gewoon DOOD, vermoord door HOMOHATERS bendes, maar deze kans kan ik zelf bepalen elke dag in tijdsdifferentiele zin.


Gigantic ocean triple the volume of all of Earth's surface oceans has just been found
USEdited By: Apoorna SharmaUpdated: Apr 02, 2024, 05:32 PM IST

The scientists from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois have discovered a reservoir of water that is three times the size of all of Earth's oceans, deep beneath the planet's surface. This underground water supply rests some 700 km beneath our feet.

The quest to find the origins of Earth’s water led researchers to the massive find—a colossal ocean ensconced within the Earth’s mantle, over 700 kilometres below the surface.

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This hidden ocean, concealed within a blue rock known as ringwoodite, dares our understanding of where Earth’s water came from. The size of this subterranean sea is triple the volume of all the planet’s surface oceans combined.

This new discovery not only enthrals with its scale but also proposes a new theory about Earth’s water cycle. It recommends that instead of arriving via comet impacts, as some theories have posited, Earth’s oceans may have slowly seeped out from its very core.

Science Behind The Discovery

Steven Jacobsen, a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois and the lead author of the study, informs, “This is substantial evidence that water on Earth came from within.”

To uncover this underground ocean, researchers used an array of 2000 seismographs across the United States, analysing seismic waves from over 500 earthquakes. Waves which travel through Earth’s inner layers, including its core, slow down when passing through wet rock, allowing scientists to assume the presence of this vast water deposit.

Earth’s Water Cycle Reimagined

The possibility that water exists in the Earth's mantle and sweats between the rock grains may change our perception of the planet's water cycle. Jacobsen further emphasised the importance of this reservoir, pointing out that without it, water would be on the surface of the Earth and that the only visible land may be the peaks of mountains.

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Now, with this revolutionary discovery, researchers are keen on gathering more seismic data from around the world to determine if this mantle melting is a common occurrence. Their findings could revolutionise our understanding of the water cycle on Earth, offering new insights into one of our planet’s most fundamental processes.

(With inputs from agencies)

Kritisch Podium Dewanand

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